How long has it been since I opened my account? Forever? I also want to thank those who reviewed my fanfic and gave me advice on how I should handle this fic. And also for those clubs and club songs.

This fic is not Beta-ed. Excuse the grammatical errors.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys that I'm not going into that kind of club!" Mikan Sakura yelled at the top of her lungs, hands shaking, eyes flaring and extremely pissed at her friends. They've been doing nothing but force her into that gig they called "club-hopping".

Apparently, it's weekends, which means free of bundles of papers to type and terror bosses to face.

And of course, the club.

But going into that ear-shattering, eyes-blinding, and sanity-breaking place they call club is the least place she wants to be in.

It's not that she doesn't like hanging out with her co-workers who she already consider as friends, it's just that they just don't share the same "preferences" when it comes to hanging out.

Let's just say that she's a moderate kind of woman, not a wild type who likes to party all night and get hooked up with strangers without even knowing if they have STD in their system.

"Gah, stop being such a bore, Mikan. All you have to do is come with us and have a little drink. You can't act like an "old maiden" forever, ya know?"

The brunette rose her framed glasses up to the bridge her nose, rolling her eyes at the process, "Stop, wasting your time convincing me, Sumire. I won't go and it's final."

"Sumire is right you know," Anna, another one of her colleague, spoke up as she squatted over her to side to massage her shoulders.

But Mikan wouldn't be moved, she's been working with her in the company for 4 years to know where this is going to end. This was Anna's way of coaxing her, yeah, she fell for it before, but it isn't going to happen again now.

"Thank you for the massage, Anna. But doing so won't change a thing. Even if you beg on your knees for me to come, I still won't. You guys already knew me for so long, so you know this attempt is futile," she stood up, ironed her creased pencil skirt with her hand and rose her glasses up to her nose once again, "so if you'll excuse me, I have to go. It's already midnight and I still have a train to catch on."

And with a final sway of the hips, she entered the elevator and gave them a curt smile as the door closed.

Hot and Bothered

"So you're telling me that I should come with you because it might cool of my temper off, is that it?" Natsume Hyuuga calmly drawled as he stared at his set of friends. They were chilling out at Koko's condo, watching baseball while sipping some beers when the stupid owner of their dwelling place suddenly suggested on going on the club instead of staying here and doing some "bro stuff".

"It's a bother," the red eyed lad said, taking another sip of his cold beer, feeling the cold substance flowing down to his throat and letting out a silent "ahh".

A calloused hand hit his broad back, causing him to choke a breath.

It was Andou.

"You're such a kill joy! Come on, man. We never get to hang out as pals outside; we're always stuck in here doing nothing but watch baseball and drink bear, do you want to be like those men with long beards and huge tummies? Since as far as I observe that's what they do."

Soon after that the whole gang threw their heads back and laughed at the remark, except for Natsume though.

"I don't give a shit about that. Don't compare me in those big 'ol Santas in the streets, Andou."

Another laugh came out.

"I'm not comparing ya, dude. I'm just saying that you should come with us, cool your head for once, you're always busy with work that you're already throwing your temper off your workers already." Tsubasa explained, rolling of the cuffs in his shirt before drinking his beer.

Kitsune nodded, emphasizing his approval on Tsubasa, "I agree with Tsubasa this time, dude. He has a point. One time when I was visiting the company I heard some of the girls said that you're becoming too snappy. Well, it's not much of a problem since they took it as "appealing", but you gotta mind the men workers, dude."

Natsume became silent after that, considering what the fox eyed male said.

He shrugged, "Whatever. You guys can do what you want. I'll just go home and rest. I still have some work to finish tomorrow."

He stood up, grabbed his keys and left the place.

Hot and Bothered

"For Pete's sake," Mikan grumbled at her lips as she stared at the mini billboard placed on the train station. What a luck, she just have to be left by the freaking train! And to make it worse, the next train will take for about 3 more hours to come!

Calm down, Mikan… Calm down, she whispered to herself, gently massaging her temple to shoo away the throbbing at that particular spot. She shouldn't have argued with the girls about that "club" thing and just head straight home without uttering a word. But noo… she just has to talk back and waste such precious time and look what happened.

Now she's being crazy blaming everything.

"Damn it all," she muttered out.

20 minutes passed and her patience finally dries out. She picked up her handbag from the bench and walked on the way to the ticket booth, her heels creating a clacking sound as it hit the cemented floor.

"Excuse me," she called out, and came face to face with a woman who looks like she's about on her mid-40's. The woman's eye-bags were clearly visible even with the dim light, her cheeks were a bit boney and and her eyes looks like it'll give up any minute by now.

"Yes, ma'am, is there anything I can help you?" The woman asked, with her tone so neutral as if she was talking to a robot.

The brunette kept silent as she stared at the woman, somehow she can't help but feel sorry for her. Earlier just now she was complaining about the train leaving her, blaming all the things surrounding her without even thinking that this woman here already looks so tired, yet she never complains.

She sighed, looked up on her, and said, "Would you like a cup of coffee? It's my treat."

Then all of the sudden all the frustration building up inside her vanished like the wind when she saw the woman smile.

The two of them talked as they waited for the train to arrive, jumping off from on subject to another, some ways she was glad that they talked, because she didn't have to be bored by waiting here alone.

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Mikan, but I think you really have to wait for long." The woman, whose name was actually Sasaki, announced the news disappointedly, Mikan was quite glad that Sasaki's not talking like an android anymore. And it seems that she already looks a bit cheerful while they talked. Maybe the coffee helped.

She sighed, "Well, it can't be help. Even if I cry a river here, nothing is going to change."

Sasaki giggled, "Haha, you're right. Well, you're not planning on staying here for long, do you?"

She shrugged, "I can't really do anything though. So, yeah, I'll stay here. I'll just keep on talking with ya," she sent here a wink beneath her spectacles, and made the woman laugh again.

"Hahaha! You're such a charmer, Ms. Mikan, but as much as I want to stay here as well, my shift will end soon, therefore you'll be left alone again."

Mikan pouted, "Such a shame."

Sasaki smiled gently, the wrinkles on her face gradually forming.

"Don't you have any friends living here nearby?"

She pondered for a minute, listing all of her friends who're a resident in this area. "Hmm… let me think. Well, I do have some, my co-workers, but they're currently at the club right now, probably drinking some booze and humping some nearby guys."

Urgh. It made her sick.

Sasaki laughed again, "You're so funny, Ms. Mikan. I'm glad I'm able to meet you."

"Me too, Sasaki. I never knew you were such a nice lady. I always see you whenever I take the midnight train. I wonder why I just talked to you now."

Afterwards they bid their goodbyes and Sasaki finally left, the one who replaced her was a snobby younger woman who just keeps on chewing a gum while marveling at her nails, so she decided that it was much better if she spends the night at her colleague's house.

She fished out her blackberry from her bag and dialed Anna.

After 10 rings she finally answered.


Immediately she knew that they were still in the club, well, judging from the ear splattering sounds as the background it was definitely impossible not to notice. She can even hear Sumire yelling the lyrics of "Sexy Bitch" like an old drunkard. She's probably dancing with someone. And she'll bet a thousand bucks that she's going to have her way of him after this.

"Anna, its Mikan. Can you hear me?"


"Of course she can't, dimwit." She loudly said, rolling her eyes, her lips were still near the mouthpiece but she didn't really care if she heard her or not.

"Hello? Is this a scam? Can you please stop calling me? I'm kinda busy here; you just interrupted my make out session."

Mikan choked a breath. What the- is she serious? Does this woman really have no shame? Just what the hell would other people say when they heard this? She's lucky it was her talking.

"You're disgusting, Anna, I'm hanging up."

She was about to press the red button when Anna finally regained her sanity.

"Wait a minute! Mikan? Is that you?" She heard her call the other girls, "Guys! It's Mikan!"

Then as fast as snapping your fingers she already heard some of her friends yelling her name.


"Oh, Mikan, you're so stupid! You should have come with us! It's so fun here!"

"Sumire's right, Mikan! There's a bunch of hot guys swarming around! I'm getting wet just looking at them!"

The brunette made a face. Oh, dear god, why? How can these women really be so stupid and so carefree? Did she really just say those things out loud?! And she just heard a guy laughing at the background too; does that mean that he heard what she said?

"I am so disgusted with you guys," she bit out, massaging her temples once more.

Another set of laughter from the next line.

"Yeah, whatever, I don't give a fuck. But seriously, Mikan. There really are a lot of guys here, right, Yuu?"

Yuu? Is that the guy who was laughing earlier?

"You're such a flatterer, Anna." The guy, Yuu, laugh. And even though Mikan wasn't there, she was damn sure that that idiot was grinning pathetically.

"Eh? I'm not flattering anyone," a sudden rustle and sound of someone smooching, "you guys ARE hot. It makes me want to eat you up."

Ok, now she definitely in the verge puking. That was just so disgusting! Do people really just make out with a guy they just met there? It's just so dirty! Urg, she shivered, cold and disgusted. She really has to go home now.

She sighed, not aware of the shadow that was making its way towards her direction.

Hot and Bothered

"The fuck are you guys doing? Let me go!" Natsume yelled through his covered mouth. He could not believe those guys actually knocked him out unconscious when he was about to leave. His shoulder hurts, so he assumed it was probably Yuu who hit him, that guy was a martial artist after all.

That stupid idiot, and here he thought that guy was the sane one in the group besides Ruka. He was actually as devious as Koko and Andou, or probably worse.

"We can do what we want?" the bespectacled man drawled, "then we want you to come with us then," and after that everything went black.

He looked around; the only one left in the car was only him, Andou and Ruka. Even though it was dark in the park, he was sure that those retards were grinning.

"Aw, man. If you should've just came with us earlier you wouldn't look so pathetic right now." Andou snickered, and his urge of punching that pretty face was enough for him to snap his hands away from his grip.

"You fuckers!"

Out of the sudden a pair of familiar arms grabbed his shoulder to move him away from Andou, who was obviously laughing out loud now.

He swiveled his head to his side and saw Ruka relaxed face.

"You son of a bitches, I'll kill you guys after this." He spat out, eyes burning with anger.

He saw Andou on the corner of his eyes wavering. Finally they saw how serious as fuck he is. That might be enough for them to let him go.

But his best friend knew him better than anyone. So of course he knows that he's really not mad, just infuriated.

"Stop acting like spoiled brat, Natsume," he disregarded his tantrum quite easily while laughing, "I know you're a hard working person and I know you can finish your work easily, so stop bitching around and just come with us."

Natsume gritted his teeth, clenched his fist and then heaved out a big sigh.

"I can believe you guys." He finally gave up, throwing his hands in the air as a sign of defeat.

If he said his friends are stupid whenever they're together, their stupidity multiplies when they're around girls.

Soon after he entered the club he immediately gulped down a bucketful of beer, feeling the need to dump his frustration away by drinking, but it doesn't really help him anyway, considering his high alcohol toleration and stuff.

His friends were charmers, he was sure of that. They can easily get girls in everything they do and don't do. They were handsome, influential, and rich no less.

Which is why women came chasing them in every chance they get.

Not that he's being obnoxious, but among them all, he was the richest and most handsome.

His family background shouts it all.

The Hyuuga family were known to be "The Richest Family" in town and also known for their achievements. First for his father, Ioran Hyuuga, who owns the Country's renowned hotel, and also owns some of the resorts that were famous in other countries as well. His mother, Kaoru Hyuuga, is a socialite widely known for being a fashion designer. His younger sister, Aoi Hyuuga, is also an influential person who owns the country's largest hospital.

And finally, him, Natsume Hyuuga, is the country's notable bachelor who owns one of the largest company in the whole country, N.H.

So that was one of the reasons why he doesn't likes hanging out at clubs. Since girls were getting too clingy and people were annoying trying to get close to him and his ties.

Like this woman over here for example.

"Come on, hotshot… Stop sulking here and dance with me already,"

Get the point?

This woman, he thinks her name was Lunar or something; he didn't really give much attention to it, has been bothering him ever since he sat down on this chair and drinking his booze with Ruka, that Andou promptly headed straight to the dance floor saying that he'll meet up with the others.

There were a lot of women earlier, but they left after he shrugged them off with indifference and neglect.

Soon after that Ruka excused himself, probably to hit some girls or something, he doesn't really care, as long as he can relax himself here and be alone.

And this woman never left, much to his dismay.

"Hey," Lunar taunted, grabbing his arm and putting it between her ample breasts, trying to get his attention but unfortunately failing to do so.

He swats his arm away, shooting her a glare.

"You're being annoying."

He placed his bottle in the table and left, making his way to where his friends are.

Hot and Bothered

"Hey, miss, you really shouldn't be here this late. It's dangerous."

The brunette tilted her head to the direction of the speaker, she didn't really see well in the dark, but she caught a glimpse of a police uniform.

"Oh, Officer," she said, surprised, "The last train left."

"Oh, really? What a bad luck then, but that doesn't mean you should be lurking around in these parts. Dark alleys are prone to rapists, ya know? Don't you have a friend to sleep in to?"

Scratching her head, she replied, "I have some co-workers nearby, but they're unavailable right now, apparently they went club-hopping."

The man nodded in understanding, "Is that so? Well, if you don't mind, I can hitch you a ride. Do you know what club your co-workers went to?"

Mikan gave the offer a thought. Somehow not helping but feel a tint of doubt. Is it a good idea?

With a final swat in the hair, she answered with a smile.

"I believe the place is called "Blaze". Thanks so much, Officer."

Nah, she'd rather hitch a ride with Officer than stay in that dark and dump alley. And if anything goes wrong, she can always use that small pocket knife just hidden in the strap of her pantyhose.


And that's a wrap. It's not much for a prologue so please give me a break. And also I want to take things slow. Plus, these months of absences is making me a bit rusty in writing. Let's just hope the next chapter will be a blast (even though I have no idea how since I haven't wrote it yet).