I thought I posted this back in December, but I guess I missed it. This is the last oneshot for this series, I may start another one later. Thanks for all the love and support 3

Princess Ursa still wasn't used to that title, princess, but it was hers and she was learning to live with it.

She missed her mother and father, she missed Hira'a and Ikem, but she was becoming accustom to this new life of hers.

At the wedding, when Ozai told her to say goodbye to her parents because it would be her last time seeing them, that she belonged to him, she cursed his very existence. That night she's locked herself away in a room as he beat furiously at the door and demanded that she let him in. He reminded her, quite loudly, that she was his wife now and it was time that she behaved as such.

It was his older brother's voice, Crown Prince Iroh, that calmed him. Ursa listened through the door as the older man told his brother to be patient.

"You can't expect so much of her." he chastised gently "She is a stranger in a strange place and you expect her to hand herself over to you on demand. Think brother, a spoonful of sugar goes a long way."

Ozai had spoken a low "I apologize." after that.

Iroh was quite a few years older than Ozai. He had a wife and a young son and he was very kind. He loved his younger brother very much, and Ozai loved him, but Ursa noticed a bit of underlying resentment in the younger brother.

The days passed and Ozai began to show a different side of himself. He could be very sweet when he wanted to. He had a small garden prepared for her, hoping to make her feel more at home. He sat with her at meals and spoke politely, smiled easily. She started to see a kinder, gentler side to the prince.

After a couple of weeks she allowed him into her room.

More time passed and Ozai didn't quite seem to be the monster Ursa had originally thought he was. He did have moments when he would snap at a servant in front of her, but she would touch his arm gently and he would calm down. The only thing that truly seemed to upset him was his father.

It was a month or so before she realized that Fire Lord Azulon favored the elder prince and it affected the younger one deeply. Seeing Ozai's more vulnerable side endeared him to her, and before she knew it she cared deeply for the man.

It was at night when they shared the most. Lying in bed together. Her propped on a pile of pillows, him with his arms wrapped around her and his head resting on her breast as she drew her hand through his long dark hair.

"You do have the most beautiful hair." she commented as the thick black tresses slid through her fingers.

She felt him smile against her skin and draw his arms a bit tighter "I prefer yours."

"No," she said absentmindedly "Yours is better. It's softer. I hope our children will have hair like yours."

Her own comment caught her off guard. It had just slipped from her lips and now it hang there in the air.

Ozai lifted his head and looked at her "Children?"

She blushed "Well, I mean we are married, and isn't that the ultimate goal of marriage."

"It is, but I didn't think that you were thinking about that."

"I wasn't," she shrugged her shoulder "but things happen. I mean look at us."

He laughed a bit, something that was extremely rare "Yes. I suppose you are right. I would like to have a son."

"Like Lu Ten." she chimed happily.

He scowled "No, not like Lu Ten. The boy is too soft, too much like my brother. My son will be like my grandfather Sozin. Strong and fierce. Willing to stop at nothing to achieve his goals."

Ursa grew quiet for a moment. She knew the truth behind the story of Sozin and her grandfather, Avatar Roku. She know that what they were taught in school was a fallacy, nothing more than propaganda designed to poison their young minds.

Sozin had left her grandfather, the man he had once called brother, to die so that he could have the world. Her mother had told her of the heartache she felt seeing the Fire Lord and his dragon fly away from the island and not Roku and Fang. Rina had told her daughter of the anger and bitterness she felt as Sozin lied and said there was nothing he could have done. Ursa said a prayer right then and there that her son would never be anything like Fire Lord Sozin.

Not so many months after that conversation she looked for Ozai. She found him sitting beside the pond in the garden. "Ozai." she called quietly.

"Yes?" he asked, not even bothering to look up from the scroll he was reading.

"I need to speak to you. I have something to tell you."

His eyes continued to follow the characters on the scroll "Speak. I'm listening."

She sighed "I'd much rather have your full attention."

Ozai grumbled and held the paper down "What is it?"

Ursa raised an eyebrow at his attitude "Oh, it's nothing as enthralling as what you're reading."

"I thought so." he said in an exacerbated voice as he raised the paper back to his face.

"I only wanted to inform you that you are going to be a father." she pretended to turn and walk away.

"Wait!" he called out, scrambling to his feet and running in front of her "Did you just say I'm going to be a father."

She nodded calmly "I did."

He held his hands at her sides, his thumbs hovering over her belly "You're carrying my son?"

"Or daughter, yes." she remained stoic.

"Oh, it's a boy." he finally landed his hand on her hips "And I shall name him Sozin."

Ursa fought not to scowl "I don't know. I'd like for him to have his own name. Something likeā€¦like Zuko."

He thought for a second "Zuko." Ozai puffed his chest out and said it again, stronger "Zuko. That does sound like a good name. When will he come?"

"Early summer."

"Excellent." he grabbed his wife's hand "Come. We must tell father."

She finally smiled as they went off to tell the Fire Lord of the royal family's newest addition.