"Are you ready to go Heidi?" Matt asked from the bottom of the stairs of their small West London flat.

"Ten minutes Matty," she sung from her bathroom.

"We are going to be late!" Matt grumbled.

25 minutes later

"Do we even have to go?" Heidi asked sadly as she walked down the stairs.

"Yes. John is a good friend and I gave him my word," he stated. "Well if you're ready let's go."


Matt let out a sigh. "What now?"

"How do I look? I'm wearing the new black dress you gave me for my birthday and the red lipstick I wore on out first date!"

"You look beautiful but now we must g-" Throwing her arms around him, Heidi pulled him into a tight hug.

"I love you Matt, you have made me the happiest girl alive. I can't wait to see what our children look like!"

"W-what?" he managed to choke out.

"Oh," she laughed. "Don't worry Matty we will get married first!" She looked at her watch. "We had better get going." With one quick kiss to his lips she skipped off towards the front door then down the front path to the car.

Once getting over the shock he yelled after her, "Don't call me Matty!" Muttering under his breath as he stepped over the threshold, "and we are not getting married or having children." Matt locked the door and started for the car.

Once they were on the road driving he thought about Heidi. She is a nice girl but she was moving too fast for him and he didn't even know if he liked her that much. She can be very clingy at times. Maybe I should end things? But he shook those thoughts out of his head as he guided the car towards their destination. The car ride was only ten minutes long which went past in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Soon they were both getting out of the car and walking towards Matt's friends' house. Now, he thought, let the party begin. Grinning to himself at the thought of other parties they used to have in high school he surged towards John's front door. But those images soon faded as he thought of a certain someone that was going to be by his side the whole time.

There had been no escape, no chance of even a brief reprieve in the whole two hours he had spent at John's party thus far. His old friend had tried to rescue him from Heidi but it was no use because she seemed to have become selectively deaf when the hint was dropped. All Matt wanted to do was have a proper catch up with his chums. It wasn't like there weren't other women Heidi could spend time talking to either. Desperate to get away and clear his head of the swirling thoughts that were engulfing him, he excused himself to the gents.

Oh the relief to be able to lock himself in a room where no-one could pester him for five minutes. With each passing day he was wondering more and more why he had agreed to go out with Heidi in the first place. She was so incredibly overbearing and he had already caught a glimpse of her nature when she had worked with him at Shapiero's publishing firm. Oh what a mess he had gotten himself into because now the only place he could find peace was sadly, in this very location. Sighing, he stood up and pushed the flusher, exiting the cubicle and stepping into the adjourning bathroom. Squinting into the mirror he felt his stomach do an uncomfortable somersault. He was a fit man in his prime. Tall, handsome and widely known to be able to set half the female staff's hearts' aflutter at work with his muscular upper body, an affect that had hooked Heidi among the rest. Now however, the strain of trying to cope with his new life as Heidi's boyfriend was clearing showing. He had lost some weight and was more gaunt in his facial features. He felt tired and the bags under his eyes confirmed it. Not wanting to see the image before him any longer, Matt turned and walked to the door, unlocked it and stepped out dejectedly.

"Oh thank God!" a female voice hit him like a ton of bricks. Tensing, he turned to the source, expecting to see Heidi. Instead, he found himself face to face with a tall, brunette beauty.

"Pardon?" Matt asked her.

"I've been crossing my legs waiting for you to vacate the bathroom," the woman explained scathingly.

"Oh," he said as understanding clicked. "I'm sorry I caused you discomfort miss," Matt said politely.

"Miss? What decade are you from? My name is Elizabeth," she said indignantly and Matt noted her American accent.

"Sorry," Matt muttered. She raised an eyebrow and looked him up and down, liking what she saw. Giving him one last beady glance she retreated into the bathroom, shutting the door and leaving a very self-conscious Matt in her wake.