ML54: Okay! I know it's been a while and I know it's short, but I'm building it to the plot...Which is new since I don't actually remember the original plot so I'm sorta going in blind here! So...I hope you enjoy it, and I don't own Pokemon!

The Eeveelution Enclave

Oshawott's ear twitched as he heard two voices in the burrow that he had brought Pikachu into to help her injured arm. Shuffling slightly, he tried to find a more comfortable position and one that might drown out the voices.

Finally, after figuring out that he wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep, he sat up to see the Pokemon that owned the burrow there, Sylveon, with another Pokemon. This one, he recognised with the black fur and golden rings around their paws and ears as an Umbreon.

They noticed him awaken and turned to acknowledge him. "Good morning Oshawott." Sylveon greeted, smiling.

"Good. She's not a predator..." His more judgemental mind assured him. Sure he fell asleep with her in the same room, but he was tired and desperate. "Good morning Sylveon. And good morning to you too..."

"Luna!" The Umbreon replied, distinctly female by voice, and fairly young at that. "A pleasure!"

"So Luna, do you think you can heal her?" The Umbreon smiled widely and nodded, excitedly.

"Of course! It'll be great to try my skills out on a real injury for once!" She answered, strangely happy despite the fact that Pikachu may be seriously hurt and could need to go to a proper Doctor.

"Alright...Help me get her outside then..." Sylveon replied, as Oshawott made his way over and picked the mouse Pokemon up.

"I got her, don't worry." He said, but couldn't help noticing how toned her body felt under his arms. "Wow...Those are some really firm muscles right there...But her fur is so soft, if a little tingly..."

He squinted as they got outside, the sun having risen into the air. Luna pouted at that. "Oh phooey! Sorry, but I need the moon to help her out, see I'm the moon Pokemon that knows how to use the move Moonlight, it's a move that heals a Pokemon right up, usually only the user, but I trained myself to treat other Pokemon with it, but I can only do it in the presence of the moon, but since it's morning, the moon isn't up anymore, so I can only heal myself unless you know how to make it night time, but I don't think there is a Legendary that makes it night time! Is there? Huh? Huh?!" She rambled, pressing her face up against Oshawott's, who had stumbled back uncomfortably.

"Um...I don't think so..." He doesn't know what was more amazing, the fact that she had said so much or the fact she had got it all out in a single breath.

"Luna...We've talked about this! Personal space?" Luna glanced back at Sylveon and giggled.

"Hehe...Whoopsie!" She then jumped up and down on the spot. "Don't worry! I'll get Harem! He'll know what to do!" With that and a Quick Attack, she zipped out of there. Sylveon sighed and helped Oshawott lay Pikachu down on the ground.

"Sorry about Luna. She gets...excitable..." Oshawott smiled.

"Oh it's fine, she seems like a lot of fun!"

"Yeah...When she's not being so...random!" Just as she said this, they saw the Black kitsune retuning with a feline like lavender Pokemon with a two pronged tail and a red gem embedded onto it's forehead.

"Okay Luna where's the...'patient'?" Luna reached behind her and pulled out a nurse's cap, placing it on her head, as well as a stethoscope to wrap around his neck as well as a white, lab coat which was made for him...somehow.

"Right here Doctor!" She exclaimed, pointing out Pikachu who shuffled a bit in her sleep. He rose an eyebrow at his new attire while Oshawott stood to the side, mouth agape.

"Where did she get all of that?" He whispered to Sylveon, who shrugged in response.

"It's a Luna thing. We just grin and bear it."

"Um...This is minimal damage? It shouldn't take too long." Luna nuzzled him affectionately.

"Aw...But you look sexy in the Doctor coat..." He sighed again, turning to his 'patient' and just decided to humour his strange girlfriend.

"Alright, remove the wrapping's Nurse..." Luna giggled, saluted and produced a pair of surgical scissors out of nowhere and began cutting through the leaves and vines before the wound was exposed.

Oshawott flinched at the look of it. He wasn't able to stitch it up and it now looked as if something may have infected it, proved by the puss that had started to build up. Harem just smiled lightly and closed his eyes, starting to clear his mind.

"Morning Sun!" He declared, opening his eyes, revealing that the pair had started to glow and Pikachu was being outlined with a bright white.

Slowly, the wound started to seal up, the white puss sizzling and evaporating before them as well as some of the black and green areas that also didn't look too good.

Soon, Pikachu's arm was as good as new and she started to stir from her rest. "Urg..."

Oshawott was immediately by her side. "Are you okay?" He asked her softly. She opened her eyes to stare right back into the concerned irises of her crush who was leaning over and helping her to sit up.

Blood started to rush to her face, her already red power pouches helping to keep them hidden. "I-I'm fine..." She stated, much to the otter's relief.

"That's good to hear." She was startled by the other voice and turned to look at the sun and moon Pokemon, the sun one looking on in relief as well, while Luna was barely containing herself with excitement.

"Oh yeah! Pikachu, these are Sylveon, Luna and...Harem I presume."

"Correct-a-mundo!" Luna exclaimed, before she hugged the two smaller Pokemon, much to their surprise. "And we're going to be the bestest of best friends because I make friends with everyone since you can never have too many friends unless you start to forget their names in which case you probably have too many then but..."

"Luna..." Harem sighed, laying a paw on her shoulder. "Remember, take a few deep breaths. You know you can be a little...overbearing at times..." Luna grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry!" Sylveon rolled her eyes.

"Well, now that the excitement's over, how about some breakfast? I'm sure the two of you are hungry." She was answered by two loud growls that emanated from the two's stomachs.

"That sounds good...Thank you..." Pikachu answered, politely, Oshawott just nodding in agreement.

"Snivy! Riptide!" Pikachu exclaimed when they saw their friends. Snivy turned and nodded in acknowledgement while Riptide waved, happily. "It's good to see you!"

"Oh goody you're friends already!" Luna exclaimed, popping out of a bowl on the table with several berries balancing on her head. The four were startled at her appearance, but Harem and Sylveon merely rolled their eyes.

"Um yeah..." Riptide replied, awkwardly, before turning back to Pikachu and Oshawott. "So how are you guys doing?"

"We're fine, how did you guys end up here?" Snivy shrugged.

"This Flareon, he calls himself Flash, found us and took us into his den. He figured we'd be safer here. Away from the 'war'."

"War?" Pikachu asked, turning to Sylveon. She rubbed the back of her neck, nervously.

"W-well...I wouldn't call it a war per say..."

"What are you talking about?! Two sides fighting with all their might over land! Sounds like a war to me!" Luna exclaimed, hopping out of the bowl and into Sylveon's face, the berries landing back into the bowl in the same positions as before.

"It's not a war Luna..." Harem said, calmly. Luna tilted her head to the side.

"So what is it? A fight? Conflict? Scrap? Tussle? Battle? Struggle?" They heard laughing from the back and turned to see a Flareon, who Oshawott and Pikachu assumed was Flash, who was holding his gut in hysterics.

"Ah Luna, you make me laugh!" He said, sauntering towards them. "Sup Egghead!" He continued, nudging Harem. The Espeon rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"I told you not to call me that, Flash!" Flash rolled his eyes, glancing at his paw.

"Yeah, yeah I know! It's disrespectful..." He then turned to Sylveon. "But yeah, Silver, it's a war. No way around it."

"Silver?" Oshawott asked, looking at the Sylveon. "I thought you were just Sylveon?"

"Oh she is, but that's such a long name that I decided she should have a super, duper nickname so I thought of a few like Eon, Veon, Bow, Fairytale, Little Miss Sparkle Pants! But we settled on Silver!" Luna declared happily while Flash grinned.

"I still think Little Miss Sparkle Pants was the best one." Silver glared at him, shoving him away in a huff.

"Well as I was saying before I was interrupted..." She gave the Umbreon a look which was ignored. "It's more of a...disagreement of sorts. See the Water types around here control the waters and some of the land based Pokemon were apparently throwing their waste into the rivers that lead to the Harmonious Lake."

"Waste?" Riptide asked, confused. "What do you mean, waste?"

"Old berries, branches and their shit." Harem replied, glaring at Flash.

"One time! It was ONE time! It was harmless!"

"It hit Vapour in face!" Harem countered, mentioning their Vapoureon friend who left them to join the 'Water Army'.

"...In my defence, she's kind of a bitch."

"How is that supposed to defend you? She had every right to be a bitch to you!" Silver argued, rolling her eyes. Vapour was probably one of the most honest and friendly Pokemon you could meet.

"Let me get this straight guys..." Oshawott whispered to Riptide, Snivy and Pikachu. "...Flash pooped on his friend's face..."

"I think that's the gist of it." Snivy replied. "This Flash guy seems like a bit of a douche, why are they friend's with him?"

"Oh...He's not that bad..." The four jumped at the fifth voice and turned to see a Glaceon, who gasped and hid beneath her paws, scared. "Oh...I'm sorry...Was this a private conversation?"

"Uh...Kinda?" Pikachu answered, moving to stand on four paws and looked the blue Pokemon in the eyes. "What's your name?"

"Um...I'm..." She continued to mumble incoherently to the yellow Pokemon who tilted her head to the side.

"Sorry, what was that?"

"Oh hey there Ice!" Flash greeted, happily. If only to end the conversation. "...Where's Blade?!"

"Here..." Came the short answer of a Leafeon who walked up to the group, standing by the Glaceon and nuzzling her, affectionately.

"So...How've you been, Dude?" Flash asked. Blade shrugged.


The group stood awkwardly for a few seconds, before Silver leaned over to the four. "Yeah, Blade doesn't talk much...If at all. He replies with one word answers, mostly just yeah and no."

"...Not even to his mate?" Pikachu asked, concerned.

"She doesn't talk a lot either. I like to think they communicate via their own little language, but I think they both just like the quiet."

"Well let's get eating! I'm starved!" Flash declared, grabbing a couple of Cheri berries.

"We'll help you out after breakfast..." Harem whispered to the non-eeveelutions, before settling down next to Luna, who immediately nuzzled into him.

ML54: Basic comedy relief and build-up stuff but here you go! I'm so sorry it took so long and this is all that I can show for it...I will try to continue it and find my passion again and with Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby coming out soon I may find that spark!

Pikachu: Hallelua! Review him and please don't flame!