AN : :] I don't even know what I'm typing. I'm sorry if this is very very boring- I know it is xD because when I re-read it. God, what have I typed? But if I delete this, I won't make any progress X'D Please bear with me darlings 3 I love you all. I cannot believe I have projects piling up. The school is so cruel OTL I'll try my best :D

Disclaimer : D: KnB doesn't belong to me. Only the plot 3

Warning : There might be a little gore scene ? :D Just a little. (Actually, I don't understand how people could vomit through words and I'm sorry if I don't x'D)


The curtains that concealed the view were swayed away in a swift velocity. The transparent windows held a frozen sight; the clouds were solidified in the air, the color of the atmosphere was the contrast of daylight. It confined the sun to rise back up; the sky stayed constant. When did the two arrows stop ticking at 12? Had that shadow casted another spell in stealth? Or… were they already in the game? Did he fall into believing in his pure statement of lie? Whatever that would be endlessly irked the young male. How dare he play a trick on him when he placed his Faith close to his pawn! He swore to avenge himself. He would do it before he saw the last of him. One very severe revenge that despair him. Would this plan of his prevail? It was a rhetorical question. He chuckled. Never in his life had he questioned his competence. Surreal it may be, but it was the truth. He attempted to rise from his bed but was pushed down by an atrocious infliction. Was that that painful? During their encounter, his scissor greedily gashed almost every inch of his skin. He was on the verge of death; he could have died of blood loss if he tasted another slash of that. His scissor was rusted after seeping much blood from him. He had used since he was a child, its significance was not something pleasant— but why was he still sustaining its existence in his pocket? He closed his eyes for a moment, holding the scissor in his hand firmer than before.

Ah, that…

He remembered his vow he made after he had woken up at the hospital: to kill the person with this scissor who shattered his life? He could not deny how unforgiving her— his mother's— actions were. He felt the need to obliterate her. It was his conviction that she was alive and she could die only by his hands. He was not a mother, never a mother. Laughter shaped his mouth. How ironic. Had he gone sane? He had to escape from this silly world of his. What was to be anticipated after being tricked? But then again, there was that irritating fact about that shadow; how did he know his name? He had hidden his name hidden. No one but his parents knew his name. Obviously that shadow was not his parent; he had nothing to do with the story of his past life. Why had he reminded himself of those? None of these mattered. It was trivial.

Clearing those thoughts, Akashi glanced at the sleeping Kuroko who then started shivering. It shook him slightly knowing that he had another nightmare. Since the day he met him, he had been scared by his dream consecutively. He had never asked about those mares nor had he ever spoken to him of those. Because of his inability to stand alone, he stretched his hand to touch the young male's hair, patting benevolently to soothe his fears. "It's just a dream, Tetsuya." Though he appeared petrified, he forced a smile and nodded. His previous expression remained unmarred. Seeing that on his face, Akashi felt an element of disappointment in him himself. When did he begin to act arrogantly superior? He should have thought from the beginning: was solely telling him with baseless words effective to cure the fear?

As castigation, he coerced himself to stand from his bed. Each step he took was an excruciating sting that ran down his body. He could simply write a book of how similar it was when compared to hell. On the behalf of Kuroko, Akashi gently nudged Kuroko with his fingers to his chest and entrapped him within his circling arms. "I'm sorry for being irrational. What is it that has been haunting you in your sleep?" To his fortune, Kuroko's shivering ceased yet he buried his face in the redhead's shirt.

"It's a different dream. This time— it's the red eyes.. again." A further explanation was not required. Akashi had been through the same dream during his rest yesterday. Frankly, he was lucky; he was saved by someone.


Akashi was wide awake after realizing that no lights reflected back at his eyes— except for the extraordinary red beastly eyes which had just appeared after his consciousness. He could not tell whose eyes it was, but one action justified and distinguished that matter; its claws sunk slowly into his skin. Akashi could not hold his scream; it felt like multitude of knives thrust deeper into his old wounds. This occurrence was considered to be a mere dream but who knew it was actually his old body that he was carrying and how could he feel the pain? What was worse was he could not move— not even a muscle.

Had his limbs been devoured?

That creature towered over him, gnawing on him persistently. The pain was indescribable; it was more than agony as the two groups of blades slit his throat. He prevented himself from screaming by clutching onto his delicate lips. Bit by bit blood trickled simultaneously as another pain seized him. The word 'mercy' was dying to come out of his lips but he was a prideful male. He could not be precise where he was. Each question contradicted the answer 'it was only a dream' and 'it was reality.'

Why was he still alive?

Would he be alive of blood loss?

But why did he have a concrete sensation?

What mare was this? He thought vainly.

But this could continue forever…

How could he escape?

"Seijuuro. You're not dead yet. Come, let me pull you out this time— my own hands. It's no longer the surgeon's."

End of flashback

That statement his savior said… Was it his mother? Impossible; her demeanor differed very much from the mother he met. Was it repentance for committing his father's crime? But his determination did not wane. He showed no clemency after something bad was done. And he clasped onto his belief like a charm that the shadow did not have any relation to him. But then again, the statement reflected back at him.

"Only the shadows can enter that world— that is if they have the knowledge of saving one from becoming a shadow"

His mother was a shadow?

He shuddered.

"Seijuuro. You're not dead yet…"

If he pieced those two information

He would obtain a solution.

In order to be a shadow, you must first die?

No. It's not accurate.

He would not mindlessly presume something that was unpleasant without precise evidences. In addition, he had little knowledge of the shadow. He aspired for something more than the shadow was scavenger, but there was no definite proof.

"Was he devouring you?"

"It seems so. But it was not me. I was standing far away from him but the thing was as my previous dream which he said to be a part of my memory. I was frozen; I couldn't move nor see nor feel. I didn't feel being attacked but I was trapped there."

Akashi could not speak more of that. At that moment, Kuroko turned his role against him.

"Akashi-kun, do you mind if I ask you something?"

"No, what is it?"

"Why do you condemn your name very much?"

"I did tell you about that woman, did I not?" Akashi's knifelike eyes locked onto the other male's innocent eyes, scanning for hesitation. Sated with the result, he simply replied. "I never intended to be named by someone so filthy? A fine name that has been long soiled was given to me during birth… I'm disgusted."

Karma struck Kuroko.


How was he born? Was it like the shadow saying; he was born to be a shadow?

Kuroko Tetsuya.

Where did that name belong to?

There may be countless of memories lurking in the shadow's head. But he was afraid that his past would disrupt him— he preferred not knowing the cruel truth. But Akashi, the truth is obliged to unveil to him. Was that fine by him? Absolutely not.

"Let us not speak more of this. There is something we must rebel against. On the behalf of the prosperity of the shadow's calumniation, he whispered nonsensical words which are now to be a lie. He froze every clock and this is neither a dream nor our world. I doubt that he would wander outside the graveyard. For now, shall we confront him for lying to us about giving us time?"

"..Yes, Akashi-kun."