It was one thing Draco had truly craved. To live without the fear of being tortured or murdered.
Perhaps he mightn't have been free of the possibility of the last two with the Death Eaters, but he was relatively safe. He accepted it, even if he had to torture people or occasionally watch them be killed. Besides, to be a Malfoy and not support Voldemort? Unthinkable, unheard of.
But, in those years after the war, those years when the British wizarding world had reshaped itself so, Draco had managed to find happiness and security.
He'd been kept out of Azkaban by Harry Potter. Harry Potter's part in that was something Draco preferred not to think about, lest his pride be overly hurt. Strange, considering he'd married Hermione Granger. To think, if someone had told that to Draco's sixteen year old self!
He'd met Hermione while holidaying in the Kimberleys. The more rural parts of Australia had become somewhat of a safe haven for him after the war. She'd finally finished the long and painful process of wizarding divorce.
Early on in their relationship, Draco had often pondered whether an unhappy arranged marriage or divorcing someone you'd once thought you'd loved was worse. He'd since come to the conclusion that the second was worse, since you more or less only had yourself to blame.
But as they say, time heals all wounds, and Draco and Hermione now lived in Sydney, Australia. They had two daughters - Kelsey and Tatiana. Ron and Hermione practiced 'amicable divorce' and Rose and Hugo came to stay during the British summer, with the joke that Australian winter was practically British summer anyway.
Tatiana would be thirteen in just five months and had just started at the Australian Academy for Witches, after attending a Muggle primary school for seven years. It was somewhere in Central Australia, the perfect location, despite the heat.
The heat was something people on the street often asked Draco or Hermione about, since the underlying British accent remained. Hermione generally just shrugged it off, but had once said to Harry and Ginny, when they had once visited over Christmas, "Humans have a remarkable ability to adapt. Wishing for something which is no longer can hold you back miles."
Draco had finally found a safe haven, and just where he fit into the enormous jigsaw puzzle that is humanity. He had a little slice of heaven on earth.
A/N: I didn't use the quote, but it is a prompt. After a few days of thinking about it, this popped into my head and wouldn't let me rest, despite me trying desperately to pass semester one first.
Written for the One Thousand and One Prompts Unseen Challenge.
Prompt number seven, "You have learnt heaven from impure lips, so different from what you have been told, so different from what you have seen." From the song Magdalene by Moonspell.