Boogeyman by Yinx1

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, but I will try my best to treat them with more respect than the ones that do ;)

Chapter One: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Rebekah Milkaelson mulled over her latest celebrity fashion magazine, soaking in the gem tones that were in style, again. They're acting like this didn't happen three years ago she rolled royal sapphire eyes. She tucked a few strands of her golden locks behind her ear; flipping a few more pages in a beyond bored fashion.

Casting her eyes upward, her shoulders slumped as she went back to flipping through the magazine. "Why am I always the early riser," she muttered to herself.

She hated living in a house that was so quiet, sort of quiet; she could hear him whisper things.

Things, he was going to do to his sleeping bedmate. Rebekah, blinking her eyes and shaking her head rapidly, trying to get the images out of her head.

Nope, they were still there.

He was in luck that his mate couldn't hear what was being said to her. Rebekah doubted highly that she would approve of the positions he wanted her to tryout.

Well the household was due a good row, might as well get one in before breakfast. She smiled to herself then it faded as she glanced at the time on the microwave. There wasn't going to be a fight, the way it was looking. Her bestie was running late.

The house became boring again. Rebekah was used to her home filled with noise. Being the baby of four brothers, she grew up tough. But she enjoyed girly things as well. Parties were her thing whether hosting or attending and as was collecting and wearing vintage wear. Items she had be collecting for centuries became the hit of the fashion world, once Rebekah told them what was in style.

Today she was feeling awesome so the 80s it was. Dressed in a strapless midnight blue dress that had a layered bottom with a heart shaped bodice, fish net stockings, clunky black army boots made her feel cute. A fedora and an assortment of chunky jewelry completed the look.

Rebekah thought she looked very fetch. With her power of persuasion fetch was going to happen.

Her ears picked up a squeal, one that wouldn't have been heard by normal ears. She listened in on the conversation that took place two floors above her head. There was a loud CRASH that could be heard by any ear.

She moved from her spot at the bar; grabbing a wine glass from ivory colored oak cabinets, then a bottle from the chiller under the black and white swirled granite island. Returning to her seat with a delighted smile spreading across her face, maybe the house won't be as quiet after all.

The small 5'2 frame brown skinned woman grabbed her Sanrio Chocolate Cat alarm clock; her emerald eyes bulged at the time. A flick of her wrist and the ruby sheets and multicolored patchwork quilt flew neatly in to place on her queen size high post bed. It was the only thing she kept nice; the rest of her bedroom looked as if the Tazmanian Devil lived there. Mostly books, old ancient looking ones, littered the floor along with last night's clothes.

Bonnie Bennett rushed around her attic bedroom; her bare feet slapped the dark mahogany hardwood floor in annoyance. "I can't believe you!" She seethed at the pale naked man that was pulling himself up from crashing into her wall.

She shoved on her underwear and had grabbed a bra from her dresser. "You know what, I can!" She glanced at the door to her private bathroom then again at the time on the digital clock. A shower would have to wait until her first break on her shift.

Damon Salvatore clenched his strong square jaw, narrowing his icy grey eyes. "Look you were tired last night; I thought you could use the rest!" He hissed. He snatched his boxers from the floor watching her put on what he called her Limp Dick outfit.

Covering himself by pulling on his underwear, Damon set straight the small wood table that he had knocked over when she threw him across the room. It had been laden with herbal dictionaries, grimoires, tomes, and pharmaceutical books.

Bonnie glared at him through her reflection in the bedroom vanity mirror. "You shouldn't even be here now, Damon. We agreed on no sleepovers." She straighten out her multi-color scrub top and tied the drawstring to the black bottoms.

Damon eyes bulged as he turned back to her tossing the last book on the pile. "Fine! I try to do something nice for you, never again, Bonnie-neee," he said grabbing the rest of his clothes from the floor.

Scoffing at his reflection, her jade eyes darken dangerously, "How!? How is turning off my alarm knowing I have an early shift, something nice?! Your absurd logic is escaping me at the moment." She swept her hands over her pixie cut smoothing out the disheveled chestnut curls. Then shoveling her small feet into a pair grotesque tangerine colored Crocs; she marched out the door without another word, leaving the disgruntled Salvatore in her wake.

Rebekah held back her smirk as her best friend hurricane herself through the kitchen leaving with a half carton of apple juice, her tote, and log book. She heard the front door slam as the 5'9 raven haired gent entered the kitchen from the back stairs.

Dressed simply in a crisp white circle neck tee, that tightly hugged biceps and pecs, dark blue fitted jeans, and black biker boots. Damon Salvatore had a way of making the simplest outfits look drop dead sexy.

There was no shower for him either, not because if time, but because he liked smelling like her and sex, mostly her. Her natural scent smelt of nature itself like fresh dewed grass, rosemary, and lavender and spring rain. Damon couldn't get enough of the smell wearing it like a fine cologne.

He enjoyed the scent immensely and wallowed in it every chance he got, though they were few. Damon usually had to result in standing very close to her discreetly take in her scent; wishing they would share his bed just once so his sheets would hold her to him when she was far from them.

This morning proved how far away he was from being able to share his bed with her. Bonnie's flick of the wrist had tossed his toned behind into her wall just because he decided to stay the night instead of just leaving right afterwards like usual and not to mention the shutting off her alarm thing.

Was it selfish to just want a few more moments in her embrace?

It didn't matter now what he did had put her in a foul mood which in turned put him in one. Now he had to endure the peanut gallery.

"Rough morning," Rebekah smiled her strong Australian accent a little hoarse because it was her the first time talking. She fiddled with antique gold ring with a small onyx stone in the middle, a ring that did not match her outfit at all.

Damon said nothing as he started the coffee maker. He only spoke five minutes later after the first sip. "What makes you say that," he groaned, scrunching up his nose at the taste.

"Just a hunch," she shrugged her shoulders. She offered him her glass of wine, "Need something stronger?"

Shaking his head he poured out the cup and the pot of coffee. He could never make a proper batch; Bonnie usually did it for him before leaving for work placing a few drops of her blood in the pot to sweeten it.

"Nah," he reached into his back pocket showing her his silver plated flask that was always filled to the brim with his favorite vintage bourbon.

Damon ran a hand through his bedhead black locks. "See ya, I got a witch to talk to." He started out of kitchen toward the front door.

He picked up his motorcycle keys from the chaise right off the front door feeling a cool breeze and Rebekah stood before him.

"Sorry, but Tyler wants us down at the station. Your rendezvous with your lovely girlfriend will have to wait."

"She's not my girlfriend," Damon said defensively, in a low growl.

"Yes, I know she's not," Rebekah cooed, "because Bonnie made that decision that you two weren't going to be in the relationship, and you fell in line just like a good boyfriend should," she smiled brightly at his frown.

"I'm not her boy... whatever we both agreed on it," Damon spoke sucking on side of his cheek. "It's what we both want."

"Hmmm yes, I'm sure it is what you both want," she looked down her nose at him. "But as much as I want to get involve-"

"That's all you do," Damon snarked. "What you're doing now."

Rebekah waved her hand dismissively. "I do it because she is my friend."

"And she's mine-," Damon stopped himself. "She's my friend too."

Smiling knowingly, "Friends, yes, as in the ones that come with benefits and boyfriend and girlfriend, same difference from where I'm standing."

"Maybe you should take a seat then." Damon narrowed his silver eyes.

"I enjoy the view." Rebekah retorted coolly. "Besides she's my best friend I have to protect her from the likes of those that just want to do is get in her pants."

"I don't just want that!" Damon flashed standing noses to nose with the tall blonde. His steel blue eyes darken to black orbs at her blatant amusement.

"Good to know maybe I'll put in a good word," Rebekah smirked stepping away watching his eyes turn back to normal.

Damon stared, sizing her up. Could she...could she get him back on Bonnie's good side. From this morning it would seem like she was going to be pissed at him for at least a week maybe more.

He couldn't have that. Even though they didn't sleep together often, they did talk every night since childhood, well, Bonnie's childhood. Damon could count on one hand the times they didn't whether it was because she was angry at him or she simple just didn't feel like talking. Bonnie not speaking to him, really was his greatest fear.

"Would would know," he asked nonchalantly fiddling with his keys.

The tall blonde gapped at him then snorted, rolling her big blues, "Nope." She answered simply.

"Some friend," Damon scoffed moving around her, grabbing a heavy black leather jacket from the foyer hook.

"Her friend not yours, no favors," she reminded him. "Besides if you want to get in her good graces, I suggest you stop throwing tantrums over in Fell's Church when she goes out on a date that's not you."

Damon's eyes widened and his eyebrows rose into his hairline. He hoped Bonnie didn't know about his insecure secret. It was true he was escalating usually he would just feed then compel the victims to forget. This last time he had almost decapitated the girl he was drinking from, all because he witnessed Bonnie smiling and talking to Rebekah eldest brother, Finn.

He needed to calm down if she got wind of what he had done he could kiss her goodbye and probably, most definitely, himself because she would set his behind alight.

"Okay, since you know so much about us, you're sure she didn't set you up to say this. Does Bonnie know about Fell's?"

"No. But she will if you don't straighten up and stop acting like jealous teen with daddy issues." She watched his jaw clinch tightly, which thinned his lips. "Right now you don't deserve her."

Damon scoffed, "You wanna talk issues, Bexie, how about your own family and brothers who can give a rat's ass if you lived or died. They kept you dagger going on how many years? Sucks that not even mommy and daddy cared enough-"

He wasn't able to finish when he was lifted off his feet and slammed into ground so hard he felt two of his ribs break, one piercing his lung. Now his airway was blocked. Damon began to wheeze.

Her sea blue eyes darken, the whites had turned blood red, black veins rained under them as her incisors and canines elongated to a sharpened tip.

"Don't you dare speak of my family." Her voice was deep and unnerving, everything sweet and sassy void.

Damon coughed; his lung and mouth filling with blood, "I'm getting the feeling that family is a touchy subject." He managed a tiny smirk, then gurgled the blood that had gathered in the back of his throat as her grip on his neck tighten.

"Mmmm, yes, it is for both of us. It's off limits; I mean, how would you like it if I brought up your daddy mutilating your mother after finding out what you are?" She crushed his larynx with just small firm twitch of her hand. "You see, Damon, no one really cares for you…they just tolerate you."

Damon eyes darken as well with the mention of his mother. Black veins appeared under his eyes. He grabbed the blonde by the throat doing to her what she was doing to him. But she was stronger and loosened his grip easily as if he were a doll. She pinned his attacking hand to his side of his head.

Rebekah eyes turned back to their normal indigo blue. Her hand pressing down hard on Damon's throat almost decapitating him without breaking the skin, "Now," she said in a sweet a pleasant voice. "That we reestablished the rules, of our relationship, I don't like you. You don't like me, Ya-da Ya-da Ya-da, family drama, Ya-da; are you ready to go to the station?" She quickly let go and stood up.

Damon turned to his side in pain; he spat up the blood that was in his mouth. His ribs and lung had healed but he still couldn't talk because of what she had done to his neck. He nodded compliantly.

"Great," Rebekah chimed, prancing off to her room. She was back within seconds with a short sleeve black cardigan in hand. "Isn't nice to have these chats now and again, Damon, in a way, we are like family." She said, putting on the sweater.

The raven haired man ignored her as he got to his feet rubbing his healing throat. "Is there really a real problem down at the station or is this Bonnie telling you to keep me from going to talk to her." He rasped almost inaudibly.

"Of course not, she didn't even talk to me this morning, because of you, switch out your keys and let's go." Rebekah turned opening the front door Damon tossed the bike keys back, grabbing the ones that started his blue 60s Camero. Putting on his jacket, Damon followed.

Rebekah studied him as he drove away from the infamous boarding house in old town Mystic Falls, Virginia. Damon's jaw was stretched tight as he worked it over chewing on the inside cheek. His pale eyes focused ahead fixated on the road though she knew his mind was far from driving.

"Aren't you going to ask me what the case is about," Rebekah inquired.

"Don't really feel like talking to you at the moment. The formation of words is still kinda hard, crushed voice box and all." Damon lied. His throat had fully healed by the time he reached the car.

"You can just listen like the good boyfriend you are. Just pretend I'm Bonnie."

Damon lurched forward as if he was about to throw up at the thought. "I'd rather meet the sun, thanks. And no thanks again, Forbes will tell us about the case when we get there."

Rebekah glanced down at her onyx ring on her finger then over at Damon's ring less ones. It was the only thing she envied about him. Being him, he really couldn't meet the sun and die even if he wanted to.

"But you should know someone else might be in charge once we get there."

Curious, he glanced in her direction, "Why, where's Forbes?"

"He struck again last night." She spoke in a quiet voice.

Damon stopped the car at a red light looking over at her.

She meet his gaze, "He took Caroline, her daughter."

His eyes widen with shock, "You sure it's him?"

"Not positive," she pointed at the road as the light had changed to green. "It's different the nab sight. When I checked it out last night the smell was different from the previous ones. The MO is all wrong…"

Shaking her head hoping to put together words, "The previous ones their kidnapper was human. This is supernatural and if Bonnie is right at what it is then..." her voice gave out.

"Caroline doesn't have long to live." Damon grimaced; his knuckles whiten as his car picked up speed.

"Just five minutes." She whispered closing her emerald green eyes, propping her feet up on the coffee table, resting her head on the back of the couch.

She was comfortable for a few minutes drifting off into dreamland when she felt the couch sag next to her. Bonnie opened the eye nearest the intruder.

"I was taking a nap," she moaned impatiently.

A lowly chuckle escaped from the sun kissed skin, hazel-eyed man, "Didn't you get any sleep last night? Or did your boyfriend keep you up?" His eyes crinkled in amusement.

Bonnie's eyes popped open as she sat up straight. "He's not my boyfriend." She said in annoyance. Why did everything have to come with a title?

"So you're just sleeping together?" He raised a questioning eyebrow.

Her emerald eyes bulged before narrowing, "What's it to you, Finn?!"

"You smell like sex, Bennett, I never thought I'd have the chance to smell you this way, and I didn't have anything to do with it," his thin lips turned upward in a smile, watching her squirm like a worm on a line. "I must say I'm jealous of Damon."

Bonnie felt her face heat up. "Yeah, well, I didn't have time to shower Damon turned off my alarm." She cleared her throat. "Knowing I had an early shift today."

"He wanted you to sleep in?"

She nodded looking down at her hands, "Yeah, I can't stand when he does things like that." She confessed to her fingers, "Damon has just been irking me a lot lately..." she glanced up at him.

Reaching out he twirled a resistant curl, placing it back in line, "Maybe you should take a break from your non-boyfriend," Finn suggested. "Clear your head for a spell."

Bonnie couldn't help but shiver at the touch. She bit her bottom lip to keep from moaning her disapproval when he let go settling back against the couch.

Deciding on a shoulder sag, she told him, "Damon is...Damon, Finn, and at the end of the day he means well." She sighed disgruntle at the fact but a faint smile graced her full lips. "His choices of how he gets there are questionable that's all."

He chortled accompanied by a blatant eye roll. "You talk as if you are a couple."

"We aren't, he's my oldest friend," Bonnie sighed. "He's always been there for me. He even protects me when people try to hurt me, like your brother for instant."

Finn looked away for a minute. He didn't fare well with the brother comment. Yes he wished to be adjacent his brothers doings but he did agree with his politics. Witches had two places in Klaus' eyes and Finn agreed with both but with a more humane way.

But with Bonnie he'd gladly give that up. Deciding to ignore the brother comment he continued as if she said nothing about Elijah.

"Be it as it may, Bennett, if Salvatore isn't yours then I see no reason why we can't see each other outside of work?"

"Go out with me, if he's not your boyfriend." He saw her hesitate. "What's the problem, Bennett, it's just a date."

"Rebekah," Bonnie told him simply.

Finn wasn't taken aback; he knew if it wasn't the boyfriend, it was the best friend. "Mmmm, yes, Rebekah, she has always been a delightful little problem. My sister shouldn't dictate your happiness, Bennett."

Bonnie crossed her arms, "And here you are thinking I would find it in you?"

The corners of his mouth went down as he shrugged, "What's one date going to do?"

Relaxing her arms, she eyed him. It wasn't like she and Damon were official or even dating. And he was right just because Rebekah had the falling out with her family doesn't mean she did. Bonnie had known them most of her adult life. Finn had been her high school crush ever since they met. It was like a dream come true when she started working at the hospital as a nurse and he took interest in her.

"Where would we go?"

Finn chuckled rubbing a hand over his five o'clock shadow. "Is that a yes?" The right corner of his mouth lifted deepening a dimple. Bonnie was a sucker for dimples.

She blinked rapidly, shaking her head, not wanting to be taken in by the kryptonite, "Take it as, I don't want to be disappointed."

"I can guarantee that you won't," he stood, "I'll leave you to your nap, see you tonight at eight." He took a gentleman's low bow and left the room.

Bonnie couldn't wipe the giddy smile off her face as she settled back on the couch her teenage dream finally coming true.

He was stocky and built like a bear, hooded dark brown eyes and hair completed his almost animalistic features. Deputy Tyler Lockwood hated the two creatures behind him. One they were nothing more than police posers. They worked outside of the law making up their own rules to solve the case. Of course, when they broke the rules they weren't chastised for it, because the end result meant more to the sheriff than a misdemeanor here or there.

Two, they were natural enemies, raised to hate the other since birth.

Tyler opened the door to the sheriff office, allowing Damon and Rebekah to pass him on the way in.

"Where's Sheriff Forbes," the blonde inquired seeing the empty room.

The deputy walked around to behind the desk, sitting down in the absent sheriff's seat. "At home, she's no good here in this situation." He gestured to them to sit in two leather bound chairs opposite the desk. "She would compromise the investigation."

"Liz wants both of you on the case." He eyed them.

"K, where is the case file," Rebekah asked.

Tyler shook his head, "There isn't one."

Both Damon and Rebekah's eyes widen in surprise.

Leaning forward, he spoke in a low tone, "As far as anyone's concerned, Caroline is with her father in Georgia. We can't cause a panic. People will talk and get paranoid...copycats will start popping up if this leaks."

Damon raised an incredulous eyebrow, "Won't the town notice the Sheriff's absence, she's-" he stopped cold then let out a scoff.

Tyler face had changed into a woman's in her late forties. Short blonde hair, blue-green eyes, and thin rose pink colored lips.

"You're a cross dresser now," Damon chortled loudly. "Knew there was something off about you-" he coughed rubbing his throat after Rebekah's hand chopped him there.

"So you're masquerading around as Liz, where's the real one?" She asked.

"Hold up at my home," Tyler answered. "My mother is looking after her. But as of right now she's sedated. There...there was blood at the scene...Caroline's blood the lab test said; Liz took it bad. I put her down."

"Like a dog?" Damon sneered.

"Either that or she would have gone mad. Anyways the mayor told me to get you lot to bring Care home." He grimaced.

Rebekah read his face, "You don't think she'll come home alive, do you?"

Tyler shook his head. "It was supernatural this abduction. I could smell it. It happened before...that girl's remains..." His voice trailed off shuddering at the memory. The three sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Bonnie knew her the best. When you tell her, make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." Tyler's eyes locked on Damon's who nodded. He stood, gesturing for them to do the same, "Let me show you the nab sight."

The disaster zone that was Bonnie Bennett's room that morning was nothing compared to when she returned home that afternoon. Clothes took up what was left of a floor. The nurse rummaged through her dresser and closet. Nothing was right.

Bonnie could feel the frustration start to wash over her. She plopped down on the floor from the weight. Does it really have to be perfect?

"Yes," she answered out loud reaching over and pulling a short gold number to her. She held up party dress examining it. Wish I knew where I was going Bonnie thought tossing the dress on the bed. Bonnie pulled a black pair of skinny leg slacks to her. These did make her butt look good she cocked her head to the side as she held them up.

Deciding on them she stood. "Okay, so all I need now is a top and shoes." Bonnie drummed her fingers across her pouty lips walking over to her shoe collection her laurel green eyes flicking from one pair to the other. Shoes go with the top, top first.

Dropping the pants, Bonnie left her room thundering down the steps to the second floor landing. She whispered a silencing spell quieting her being as she crept towards a door at the end of the corridor. Twisting the knob, she opened the door and stepped over the threshold. Bonnie listened hard.

She heard no breathing or deep snores. Bonnie turned the light switch on. The room was empty. Bonnie let out a sigh of relief though it was odd of the owner to spend the night over another's. Pushing the thoughts out of her mind she scurried over to the closet spotting immediately the perfect top. A misty green tank with beaded embellishments it brought out the green in her hazel eyes.

Glancing at the time she hurried back to her room where she showered and sat on the floor dressed in her underwear as she did her hair in the mirror behind her bathroom door.

A knock and her bedroom door opened she didn't need to look to know it was Damon.

"Is there anything left in the drawers," he asked bending over and starting to pick up her discarded garments.

"Probably underwear," she replied taking a smoothing balm and finger combing it through her hair, trying to tame her frizzy curls. "Can't wear underwear on a date, can I," she giggled girlishly.

Damon straighten up, his jaw set as his eyes swept over her tiny frame. He willed himself to stay neutral after all, We aren't dating. "So…err Finn asked you out huh." He watched as she started on her on makeup. "Rebekah know?"

Bonnie shook her head. "I'm going to tell her after I finish here." She applied eyeliner and then mascara. Her eyes went to Damon's reflection as he sat on the bed behind her placing her discarded clothes besides him. Bonnie turned to face his downtrodden appearance.

"What's wrong?"

Damon glanced away chewing on the inside of his cheek. He started picking at his nails looking down at them as he spoke in a low tone. "He has Caroline".

Bonnie's eyes widened. "What…how…what happened, how do you know?"

"Tyler called Rebekah and she told me," he started on the on re-hatching the story as she got dressed.

Instead of skinny leg slacks, the green jeweled top, and nude pumps, Bonnie opted for fitted dark wash jeans a red tank and a multicolored stripe cardigan. She came over sitting close to Damon on the bed.

Damon watched her put on the black biker boots that matched his own. He had given them to her last year as a birthday present. He was reminiscing on the second present he gave her when they were alone that night. What's wrong with the next step, dating not really dating because we've known each other a life time? Why can't we be together? The answer came to him. Finn. Damon barely heard her speaking to him in the present.

"Sorry I...I was thinking what did you say?"

Bonnie finished zipping her boots, then leaned into his side. "She's not alive, Caroline."

Damon pushed her off him gripping her shoulders firmly his silver eyes catching hers. "She's fine, Bonnie. Tyler said that she just disappeared two nights ago. It not in MO to-"

She cut him off. "It's not him I have a feeling it's not," she gazed at him sadly. "I need to prepare myself just in case."

Damon stood them up wrapping her in a tight embrace he placed his lips to her temple. "I can only promise we will find her, Bonnie. Finish getting ready," he stepped back he gave her his famous sly smirk, grateful that she smiled back whispering a thank you.

Bonnie watched him leave closing the door after himself. Taking her phone from bedside table, she texted her third roommate telling her what they were doing and where her green top was.

Walking over to her dresser she pulled out a hair brush she and Caroline used to use when they were children during sleepovers. Dropping the brush on the ground, she went over to the table Damon had knocked over that morning. Gather three things: a bag of salt, a candle, and an engraved antique ring with a royal blue stone in the middle.

Pocketing the ring she came back to the brush sitting lotus style, Bonnie pooled a small amount of salt on the floor. She took the brush making sure she'd only grabbed a few strains of blonde hair; she placed them on top of the pile taking the candle in her right hand. Concentrating, she blinked and the pile of salt and candle lit up in flames.

Bonnie began to chant as she watched both flames dance before her. Distorted images and faint murmurs were heard only by her. Before long she had gotten what she needed. Blinking once again the flames went out. Standing, Bonnie left the room with no trace of the spell she just cast.

Rebekah sat sideways in a longue chair in library of the boarding house. Her legs swung back and forth on the arm as she sucked a blood bag like a Capri Sun pouch.

"How long does it take to do a locator spell," she asked the raven hair man that was sitting on the couch engrossed in his latest novel read.

"Depends," he answered, "whether Caroline is dead or not," he turned the page nonchalantly.

"Barely she fading fast," Bonnie's voice told them as she entered the room.

The two flashed to her side.

"She's a town over in Fell's Church. I will need to drive 'cause I can feel her." Bonnie grabbed Damon's left hand as she spoke slipping the antique band on his ring finger. She did not see the exchanging of looks between the two.

Looking up she offered up her wrist to Damon.

Rebekah smirked, "Damon such a good boy, only drinking blood from his girlfriend."

"Give it a rest, Bex," Bonnie rolled her eyes at her.

"One day I will," she replied saucing past continuing to drink from the blood pouch.

Damon wasted not a drop as he licked the bite clean. He pricked his finger his blood prepared to heal her wound when Bonnie jerked her wrist away.

"No sharing, Damon, you know the rules," she hissed; placing an overly large band-aid on the lesion. She was busy doing so she didn't see Damon eyes darken but she felt him bump her shoulder in annoyance as he walked past.

Bonnie pulled silver Prius of the country road onto the shoulder. Fear washed over her face. "I can't feel her anymore," she gasped.

Damon looked through the windshield at their surroundings. It was wooded sparse with old dilapidated warehouses. "Is she gone gone or just feel feels gone?"

"I just can't feel her presence," Bonnie shook her head.

"Let's just get out and have a look around, shall we," Rebekah suggested from the backseat. She opened her door to get out, the rest followed suit.

"Can you feel any better now, Bonnie," she asked.

Bonnie ran a trembling hand over her cropped hair shaking her head again. "No."

Damon came around the compact car, "Here," he said in soothing voice, "when was the last time you felt her, Bonnie?" He rubbed her shoulders, and upper arms gently.

Still shake her head Bonnie walked around him her connection to Caroline was fading fast. "Stay with me, Carebear, I'm going the find you," she said mentally.

So cold, Bonnie

A jolt made Bonnie jump in the direction of the abandoned warehouses in the distance.

"There," she pointed turning only to be grabbed a swung on Damon back as he and Rebekah speed towards the destination.

The trio searched the grounds individually communicating through a three-way call on their phones. Searching high and low, they came up empty handed as they decided to look through the last building together.

"This…this is not looking so well, Damon," Rebekah said to him as the two searched the rafters for clues.

"Yeah, I know but for the sake of Bonnie's sanity don't say that to her face." Damon replied. "Talking her down either this goes is going to be difficult. I will need your help if it happens again."

Rebekah nodded in agreement.

Bonnie opened the steel door, she took a step back not sure what to expect, anything, but a door to just open to the woods. Something was amiss.

Damon's eyes darken as did Rebekah's the smell of blood in the air was strong. The two were at her sides in less than a second.

He placed a firm hand on Bonnie's shoulder, "Stay here," he ordered.

Bonnie brushed his hand away looking in the direction they were smelling at. "I have to know, Damon, she's my friend, maybe I can save her."

The raven haired growled darkly, knowing she would fight him every step and end up winning in the end. Damon grabbed her wrist hoisting the tiny witch onto his back then he and Rebekah took off in a blur toward the smell.

They ended up in a small clearing the over grown grass and wildflowers made it look picturesque. It was beautiful as if Bambi and his mother should be nestled in a small hallow. The splendor was void because of two oddly places wooden spikes.

Bonnie let out a sharp gasp as she slid down Damon's back. The trio walked slowly forward in a state of transfixed horror at the scene before them.

Caroline Forbes' corpse was a mangled; limbs swayed awkwardly in the light breeze, obviously broken, only skin holding them together. Dark rust colored blood caked all over her, fresh blood seeped slowly from the long deep cuts running up her arms; a large section of her neck gone. Ripped from her all the way down to the bone. Her face was streaked with more blood as if someone had run a blood hand over it.

The body hanging next to her on their own spike was of her boyfriend, Stefan Salvatore, Damon's younger half-brother. Being a vampire himself, a simple stab wound wouldn't have harmed him much; instead the large spike impaled him in his gut. Smaller stakes were plugged deep into his legs and chest; the ones in his chest brushed close to his heart. With every breath Stefan took, they left splinters. They had cut off his hands all the way up to his elbow. Why? No one knew? His body was limp as well the only thing was that his eyes frantically searched the scene below.

Tears streaming down her heart shaped face, Bonnie rasped, "Damon, please."

Flashes of dark clothing as the two supernaturals hurriedly and gingerly brought the two down. Damon removed the spike from Caroline's torso. Bonnie knelt down as Damon place her friend's head in her lap.

"We'll find the one that did this, Bonnie," Damon assured the grieving woman as he swatted next to her, placing a caring hand on her shoulder. He grimaced, watching helplessly as she mourned her friend.

Bonnie glanced over at Rebekah who was removing the stakes from Stefan's chest and legs. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER," she screamed at him. A sorrowful sob followed as spark licked then engulfed his boot slow spreading. "What good are you, having all this power and you can't protect the ones you love!"

"Bonnie stop," Rebekah cried to her. "I'm sure Stefan tried to..."

The witch allowed the flames to spread, though she wondered why the vampire didn't cry out. A terrified look had spread across his face as he tried to roll over and Rebekah tried to pat the flames out.

"He didn't do enough Care's dead," she turned back to her friend, "while he gets to live on for another hundred years. That's just not right. None of this is right."

Bonnie brushed stiff bloody lock of blonde hair away from Caroline's face. She heard Damon ask her softly to put out the fire. A second later the flames was gone as if it never happened, though blisters and burns were visible. Rebekah's hands healed quickly as Stefan's did not.

"That looks like it hurt, Stefan," a cooing female voice said from behind them.

Bonnie turned around to see her other friend and roommate. "Can you show a little respect just once, please."

Katerina Petrova rolled her puppy dog brown eyes in agitation, "This coming from Mistress Pyro." Her expression softened slightly when Bonnie started to sob over Caroline's body again.

"Sorry, about your toy, Stefan. I told you about she wasn't able to handle this life. How many times do I have to say it humans are toys not keep sakes." It was as close to an apology they would get from Katerina.

Stefan leap awkwardly up to rush her but being staked for so long and having first degree burns on top of that, he collapsed. Damon and Rebekah rushed his sides helping him back to the soft earth. Katerina took a few steps forward.

"I think you've said enough," Rebekah warned her from Stefan side.

The brunette waved her hand passively, "I said I was sorry. I was just curious as why he hasn't quip me yet. Cat got his tongue," she smirked.

Alarmed at the classic pun, Bonnie gently placing her friends head on the ground and crawled quickly over to examine the vampire. She looked up in fear nodding. Katerina's face fell, turning the teasing situation into a serious one. She hurried over pushing Rebekah aside to investigate with Bonnie.

Bonnie swallowed hard as a cold chill made the tiny hair on back of neck. "Dark magic. I've seen this done but only on corpses. Either his MO has changed…" she looked back at Damon.

"Or this is a work of another," Damon finished. He met Bonnie's eyes with the same fear.

The four look back at the dead man who was on his way to passing out from the pain. He mouth slightly ajar. Stefan's tongue had been cut out. He couldn't tell them who attacked him and Caroline if he tried.

"We need to get Care to Melissa," Bonnie hurried back to her friend. Damon was at her side lifting the corpse into his arms. "Her soul has gone on. But let's hope her spirit can tell us what happened. Right now it's our only insight to whom could have done this."

Damon swatted slightly allowing Bonnie to cling to his back. "Take Steffy back to the house. Bonnie can probably help him with the pain," he glanced back seeing her nodded.

"I'll do all I can, Stefan," Bonnie forced a smile down at him, her jade eyes still swimming in tears. They were gone in a blink of an eye.

Rebekah and Katerina glanced over at each other then back at Stefan. They were about to hoist him up when he shook his head franticly. He motioned with his stub at a wood spike then to his chest.

"Stefan, no," Rebekah mumbled shaking her head. "Bonnie can…"

Stefan shook his head then looked over at Katerina with pleading eyes. Nodding, she placed her lips to his. Stefan's body twisted and contorted then went ridged and still. Katerina sat straight back on her legs, her eyes glazed over in a peaceful white shown bright in the light dusk. Katerina Petrova spoke Stefan's last words.

"Dark as night, light as day, beware of the green fog, for I'm here to stay."

Chapter End

A/N: So whatcha think? Not everyone is what they are on the show. I took creative licensing in that and there are more magicals to come. Never liked that we are just stuck with three sups going on five seasons when there is a whole magical world out there. Yeah, I know it's based off a book series but still so much potential.

Hope I did everyone justice though they will be OOC because this is an AU story, but I want their essence to still be there. I've have this story in mind since the beginning of this year. This is a Bamon story and most important I wanted them to be somewhat together at the beginning. Why wait for the good stuff. :-1 I also love Katerina and Rebekah characters on the show pissed that we don't see them interact but they would make better friends at least acquaintances to Bonnie IMO so here they are. Well thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it