I do not own this story or characters, the characters in this story belong to Rick Riodan, and the story was created by Anaklusmos14. He has many great stories he has made I recommend reading them, for example "the Queens Champion".

Percy POV

It's been three months since the titan war, and it's been boring at camp so far, with the exception of Zoe of course, she liven things up for me since she has constantly wanted to be beat me in a spar with a sword, sometimes she'll try to cheat launching a few arrows from a distance. That doesn't matter to me though; I seem to be able to dodge them well enough without getting hurt. Actually we were just about to go to the arena where we fought when she decided to surprise me by tackling me to the ground from behind, and putting the sword very close to my throat.

"Yield…" Zoe says trying to be scary with the glare she sends my way, but after her sending me an angry glare after every match, so I have gotten used to it and decided to do a move that switches our positions, only with me holding a knife this time while her sword skidded across the ground, making her much angrier than what she was originally, and to say the least it, her glare intensified making me squirm a little, but enough for her to do what I just did to her, but now she has my knife at my throat.

What we didn't notice was the campers watching this little fight, so when I mentioned that the campers were watching and what they may be thinking because of the position we were in. Zoe decided to send her glare to the campers around her only to find none giving me the chance to reverse the positions again with me in control of the knife. They probably got scared knowing she would a glare their way.

"You Cheated" Zoe said to me, and to the least I was surprised, but I didn't show it on my face to give away my position again.

"You're the one that jumped me from behind when we weren't even in the arena, I just defended myself against a hostile situation that may or may not have got me killed" I replied feeling a bit smug knowing I beat her in this argument and she knows it.

"Oh so you think of me as someone as hostile?" she replied and I knew this was a test, somehow I thought I has to pass this or I would be the one in pain in a second and I did not what that to happen. Unfortunately while I was thinking this I somehow blacked out, but before I did, I managed to move the knife from Zoe's throat so she wouldn't get hurt. I know I know, she'll hurt me for giving up like that, there wasn't much I could do to stop it, it felt like I was controlled by an unknowing force.

Next thing I know I'm a hard floor with thrones in a U formation, hmm it kind of looks like the Olympus throne room only there are a few variations to it. But just as I was looking around trying to work out what the differences are, I got yelled at so loud I nearly broke an eardrum.

"Who are you and how did you get on Olympus?" Zeus yelled in his drama queen way, I wonder why he isn't also god of theatre. What I didn't realise was Zoe beside I must've been too busy looking round to see what had changed since I had last been here.

"What do you mean Lord Zeus? Surely you know us, and as to how we got here well, Perseus here blacked out from what I was able to work out before I blacked out myself and appeared here on Olympus" Zoe replied with a bit too grace she must not really want to be blasted by my uncle for her to be saying what she said to him in that tone, because Zeus is one of the biggest man-whores, and underneath it all she is still a man-hater. I'm just lucky to be an exception, but that's also why I love her.

"Well then, that explains you two, but what about the other two children you have with you?" Zeus said with some disappointed being that he didn't get to blast something. I can see where Ares gets his bloodlust from.

"What others?" I said looking round only just seeing my brother Nico and Sister Bianca on the floor sleeping "Oh they are my brother and sister, I think they have come the same way as Zoe and I, only I don't think they blacked out, I think they would've been sleeping."

"Well, while they are… Resting on my floor… I shall call a meeting to see what to do with you" BANG BANG BANG "Like I haven't already had enough surprises for the day" Zeus grumbled as he went to unlock the door, but Zoe and I both heard him. We were trying to hold in our laughter, but a few snickers got out, I'm not sure if Zeus heard, I think he did though as he seemed to get angrier just as he reached for the door.

"My Lord, I was told to deliver this" Said the mysterious man behind the big doors.

"Where is Hermes, why didn't you get him to deliver it to me instead of coming me personally?" Zeus replied with the anger in his voice sipping through his clenched teeth.

"There was a note saying I and a few others had to come give it to you personally, here is the note if you wish to read it my Lord"

"I will later, just give me the package, you can leave now" Just as Zeus was about to turn around Hermes appeared asking

"You asked for me father?" how Hermes knew Zeus needed I don't know probably some telepathic thing that gods can do why he telepathically tell all the gods a meeting is needed I don't know.

"Ah yes Hermes, I need you to gather everyone for a meeting, I have come across something that needs the councils attention, it is quite odd, that is it dismissed." Zeus then turned to us and said "shouldn't be long now, you should get your siblings and hide before everyone comes here"

We did what he said and hid behind a throne what we didn't know was we had hid behind Lady Artemis' throne, hopefully we'll be safe after all she is a friend, but with Zeus not knowing who we were, I'm not so sure anymore, and he's nicer to me than he usually is. Another sign something is wrong, now is just working out what is happening.

"Right" Zeus said starting the meeting with some thunder being heard in the back ground; yeah I know he really should be crowned god theatre and dramatics. "Now that we are all here, we can begin this meeting. I had asked Hermes to bring you all here because we had some people in this very throne room on the floor without knowing how they got here. What I want to know is how they got in here without my knowing of it. Now only one of you could've been able to get in here with others without me knowing so who was it?"

"I don't think any of us would do it father, but can we please see who it is that was able to get in without notice to see how they got in without notice?" Athena requested and of course I doubt Zeus would be able to say no to her since she is one of his favourite daughters. "Also what is that box and note?" Of course Athena would ask she hates not knowing something.

"You can come out now from behind whatever throne you decided to hind behind, and I don't know what is in the box, I got it just before the meeting, I didn't think it would be of importance" He said the last bit as we were coming from behind the throne of Artemis, it was also a nuisance since my siblings were still asleep how they were I don't know, and we had to carry them.

"Don't you think it would be wise to open it since it came the same time just before you were summon this meeting, as you know father there is no such thing as a coincidence in our world" Athena said all while trying to decipher us to see how we would work with whatever plan she thinking of.

"Zoe is that you? I just left you with the hunt how did you get here before me?" Artemis said surprising everyone with this new found knowledge

"My Lady what do you mean 'just at the hunt' last thing I remember was sparring against Perseus here and after that I blacked out" I of course snorted at the sparring bit, this of course received a glare from Zoe

"What, you tried to cheat by trying to beat me by jumping on me while I was walking to the arena; I don't see that as a fair fight." I said with this with a surrender motion with my hands in the air and a little lopsided smile to show her I'm just teasing her. This got interrupted of course by the drama queen with what sounded like a cat choking on something, but it was just Zeus clearing his throat to get attention. Well he certainly got mine from that.

The note from this message says

"Bring the heroes of age to this meeting to read a book of the future that shall let everyone understand what it is like to go through the eyes of the greatest hero's eyes of his life. Also bring Lord Hades and his wife Lady Persephone, Lady Artemis you may bring some of your hunters to this meeting too.

Sincerely the fates"

When people heard the fates everyone demi-god and god paled apart from Percy he just wanted to rip their ugly heads for making him go through something again which he didn't want to.

"Hermes, go gather the heroes" Zeus commanded

"Yes father" Hermes replied before leaving a puff of smoke behind him leaving everyone coughing and cursing at Hermes, apart from Apollo who was trying to laugh but failing because of the smoke.

"So it appears you have come from the future to read about one of you, do you know which of you it is?" Athena asked all of us with curiosity burning through her eyes.

"That much was obvious owl face, anyone could've worked that out, and they told my drama queen of a brother that they blacked out without knowing what was going to happen, how could they possibly know who the book is about?" Poseidon said with obvious distaste towards Athena.

Athena was about to reply but was interrupted by the sound of the door swinging open and four heroes coming in, and I was trying to control myself for Zoe, and it was hard because I saw Orion, Theseus, my namesake Perseus, and the worst hero of them all Hercules.

Hey guys I know this was a long intro, hopefully you enjoy it, I was wanting to try something different other than the whole a bright light sucks me in ahhh and also the introductions to the heroes of old, I do hope you enjoy the story hopefully I have made the characters seem the same as the story Anaklusmos14 made it is a wonderful story to read and he has so many more you should read of his, any review are welcome weather they are bad or good I don't mind, Any feed feedback is good

