Warnings: Clichés, that super popular idea of Shinichi being KID-napped (because those are always fun), possible grammar errors, PURE FLUFF, yaoi/shounen-ai, etc.

Pairings: Shinichi x Kid/Kaito, some Satou x Takagi… and that's about it. No one-sided Ran x Shinichi this time, darlings! :D

Notes: This is so cliché and fluffy. And quite frankly, AWFUL. I'm sorry ^_^;;. But I was sort of inspired while listening to "All or Nothing" by Theory of a Deadman on the plane back from Quebec (I was there for the past week without internet connection, which might explain the lack of Club Aphrodite updates. French is a really pretty language, by the way) and I really wanted to write this.

In response to my requests: Thanks everyone for the awesome songs! Detailed personal responses located at the end of the fic.

I'm going to add in an excerpt from the song to help clarify how this fic is related to the song (b/c it's, like, not obvious how it is OTL).

Anyway. *clears throat* I present you with "All or Nothing." Hope you won't throw rotten tomatoes (or anything worse) at me after reading. – Luna

All or Nothing

"Send some flowers to your work, in hopes that I'd have you in my arms again."

Kudou Shinichi was having a bad day.

He was realizing this as he strode through the front lobby Tokyo Metropolitan Police headquarters, his drenched jacket flaring out behind him as he patted down his headful of damp brown cowlicks. Behind him, the front doors swung shut just as a jagged stripe of lightning reached for earth and pellets of rain pelted the concrete.

He paused in front of the polished elevator doors, tapping the up button and slouching over a leg as the elevator descended. As a sigh escaped past his tightly shut lips, Shinichi glanced down at the folder trapped underneath his arm, fingers tightening against its smooth surface. His job as a special consultant to Division One, while reminiscent of his beloved Sherlock Holmes' job, sometimes got irritating.

Shinichi hadn't slept for the past forty-eight hours, working on a homicide case that had been assigned to him by Inspector Megure with a request for it to be completed that day. He had finally fallen on his sheets at five-forty-five, only to be woken up at six by a very harried Takagi Wataru, who demanded that Shinichi bring in the solved case report immediately in a highly blustering tone before hanging up abruptly.

So Shinichi had thrown on some clothes and set out for the headquarters with the report, only to find that he had just missed the train, and the next one wouldn't be arriving for another thirty minutes. Recalling how Takagi had sounded close to killing something, he elected to take the twenty-five minute walk to the headquarters.

However, Mother Nature had other plans. When he was barely out of the train station doors, a flash of lightning had sliced the sky in two, and a thick pad of previously unnoticed storm clouds had begun depositing razor-like rain on him. Shinichi had endured it all the way to the headquarters, due to not have having the foresight to bring an umbrella.

Sometimes I wonder why I volunteered to be a consultant, he thought wearily as the elevator let out a ding and the doors slide open to reveal Takagi and his girlfriend, the beautiful and formidable Satou Miwako.

"Oh hey, I was just about to go find you," remarked Shinichi, relocating his dripping bangs from in front of his eyes to his forehead with shaking fingers.

"Kudou-kun!" Takagi gasped, hurrying forward to clamp down on Shinichi's shoulders with frenzied hands. "Do you have the report? Do you?"

Rapidly lifting and dropping sleepy eyelids, Shinichi nodded wordlessly and held it up. Exclaiming in delight, Takagi snatched it out of the consultant's hands and darted off, muttering something sounding vaguely like "Now Inspector Megure won't make me the next murder victim!"

Eyebrows raised as he watched the officer scurry down the hall, Shinichi turned back to Satou. She was eyeing him concernedly, head tilted to one side. "Kudou-kun, you don't look that good."

"I don't, do I," replied Shinichi drolly, fingertips climbing into the creases of skin around his eyes. "I slept a grand total of fifteen minutes in the past two days. How's that for healthy?"

Wincing, Satou leaned up to rearrange his bangs out of his face. "You should go back home, Kudou-kun. That doesn't sound good."

"Hey, my deduction skills fine though, even without sleep," Shinichi protested, amused.

"Your deduction skills aren't worth a damn if you pass out from sleep deprivation," Satou shot back, rolling her eyes in a distinctly motherly manner as she removed her hands from Shinichi's face.

"True enough," Shinichi agreed, laughing quietly.

He had just begun to turn away from Satou when a loud male voice, suddenly arriving at the front doors behind him, shouted, "And what if it means – that's impossible! Of course not! He would never do something like that! Wait, hey – that's – it is! Perfect! Oi! Kudou-kun!"

Letting out a sigh, Shinichi pivoted back around to see Nakamori Ginzo, head of Ekoda's notorious Kid task force), storming towards him, wearing a black expression and a rumpled suit.

Feeling a bit like he was facing a raging bull, Shinichi tentatively asked, "Yes, Inspector Nakamori?"

"We just received a heist note from Kid. It was taped to my coffee mug," fumed the inspector, crossing his arms across his chest. Shinichi tensed as the man continued restlessly. "But it's completely maddening. We – well, actually, some of my men wanted your opinion on it, so we came over from Ekoda. Care to take a try?"

At his side, Satou opened her mouth to reject the proposition, but Shinichi quickly sent her a stop look. She scowled. "So you care that much about that damn thief?"

"Well, he is… interesting," answered Shinichi neutrally, shrugging nonchalantly. "More interesting than sleeping, at least."

Sputtering, Satou threw her hands up irately and stalked off.

Shinichi smirked inwardly. In reality, he found the thief much more than just "interesting." Kid was a perfect enigma, an unsolvable mystery, an endless puzzle. Kid drove Shinichi insane in a way he loved, and if Shinichi would be honest with himself, he had to admit that wasn't the only thing he loved about the thief…

Chasing off the thought, Shinichi extended a hand towards Inspector Nakamori. At the man's perplexed raise of the eyebrow, he clarified, "Can I see the note?"

"Oh. Of course. Here." Extracting a slightly wrinkled card from his breast pocket, the inspector handed it to Shinichi, watching the detective's reaction carefully.

As he read, Shinichi felt his eyebrows drawing upwards.

"At midnight of the pirate's prized day (June 21st),

I will claim both the Ocean's Treasure and the azure highness.

Wait for me, Your Highness.

I wish you luck, Inspector.

(Kid doodle)"

Lifting his gaze from the paper, Shinichi stared at the inspector. "Um, is it just me, or does this sound completely… un-Kid-like?" He peered back down at it. "He actually gave us the date, time, and jewel without any encryption. Are you sure this is genuine?"

"We figured that too, but then I realized it might be a ruse to keep us away from the Ocean's Treasure. Although, for the life of me, I can't figure out what he might mean by the 'azure highness,'" explained Inspector Nakamori, adding the second sentence as an afterthought.

"That's a good question, and I don't have an answer," agreed Shinichi. Azure highness? What – or who, really – could he mean by that? What girl around here could be described as "azure"? Inspector Nakamori's daughter has blue eyes, right? It could be he's going to kidnap her just to spite the inspector…

Returning to reality, Shinichi glanced at the inspector. "Sir, I think we might need to safeguard your daughter. Kid might be planning to kidnap her – she's got blue eyes, right?"

"That's true," Inspector Nakamori confirmed. "I'll bring her with me to the heist so I can keep an eye on her. Well, since you can't find any special meaning to the note, we're going to head to the Ekoda Museum, where the Ocean's Treasure's being kept, to start setting the traps and setting up. I don't know what that damn thief's thinking, but the heist's set for tonight. Want to come, Kudou-kun?"

Hesitating, Shinichi replied, "Well, I've…" Capitulating at Inspector Nakamori's intimidating eyebrow-raised-mouth-shut expression, he hurriedly answered, "Of course I'll come with you."

"Great. We're parked out front."

Fighting to keep his eyes open, Shinichi followed the inspector back out into the pouring rain.

Groaning, Shinichi collapsed on one of the cushioned viewing benches in one of the Ekoda Museum's galleries. In the domed room to his right, Inspector Nakamori was still barking out last minute orders, despite that if the heist note hadn't lied, Kid would be making an appearance in ten minutes.

Shinichi pressed his head hard against the wall behind him, using the consequent pain to stay awake. He had helped construct half of the traps he secretly knew wouldn't work, pleasing the inspector, and had continued on to help position members of the task force in places he knew Kid would predict.

Basically, he had been a waste of space, and he was regretting not going home to catch some sleep before the heist.

He was startled when someone sat down next to him. Looking over, he saw it was the inspector's daughter, Nakamori Aoko. She was a pretty brunette girl, though she bore a slightly eerie resemblance to Shinichi's own childhood friend.

"Hello, Nakamori-san," Shinichi greeted, tugging at his eyes.

"Hi, Shinichi-kun." She smiled, though it didn't quite reach her eyes.

A small minute of quiet passed before Aoko tentatively asked, fingers twisting in her lap, "Do you really think that bastard Kid will kidnap me?"

Observing the girl's nervous body language and fidgeting hands, Shinichi smiled gently. Bringing his face closer and startling Aoko to the point that she jerked and blushed, he assured, "Aoko-chan, don't worry. I won't let Kid lay a finger on you."

It was that precise moment that the lights died. Blinking in the sudden darkness, Shinichi looked around, realizing that the heist had probably just begun. From the Ocean's Treasure's gallery, he heard the inspector shouting, "Get the lights back on! Now! That damn thief!"

Sighing, Shinichi moved to get up, but suddenly a hand grasped his wrist, pulling him back down. "Shinichi-kun, I'm scared," quavered Aoko's voice from somewhere to his left. "Don't leave me, okay?"

"Uh, Nakamori-san, you don't need to…" The words shriveled on his lips as Shinichi felt Aoko shifting closer, arms crawling around his shoulders.

"Don't move… tantei-kun," the person Shinichi had previously believed to be Aoko said directly into his ear, breath reaching for the ridges of his ear as lips bumped his cheek.

"Kid?!" Shinichi shouted in a strangled whisper, frozen in place as the magician's arms tightened across his upper arms. Am I dreaming? Have I finally passed out?

He was suddenly aware of his legs shaking underneath him and his chin beginning to gravitate towards his chest. No, I can't fall asleep now of all times…

"Not too loud, Your Highness," Kid reprimanded. Shinichi's eyes widened, and that was the last thing Shinichi was aware of before his knees buckled and he finally gave in to sleep.

Shinichi woke on a hard surface. Eyelids crumpling, he managed to open his eyes only to receive an eyeful of morning sunlight. Groaning, he realized he was lying on the neighboring rooftop to the Ekoda Museum.

What the hell happened? he wondered hazily, using a limp hand to force himself into a sitting position. He was still feeling desperately sleepy, but at least he could function a slightly better. He brought a hand to his head, resting it against his forehead as he took deep breaths.

Suddenly, Shinichi froze. He had been so preoccupied with discovering his surroundings that he'd missed the sight of a certain phantom thief standing a few feet away, cape fluttering in the morning breeze.

Sputtering something incomprehensible, Shinichi got to his feet, backing away from the thief.

"Come on, tantei-kun. I'm not going to kill you," came Kid's half amused, half annoyed voice from where he stood.

"Isn't kidnapping me bad enough?" countered Shinichi, feeling unsure of what he should be doing.

"Is that what you think, Your Highness?" Kid laughed.

"Cut it out. I am not your goddamn azure highness, and now I realize why you put a gender-neutral noun. You knew we were going to think you were talking about Nakamori-chan. And anyway, why the hell would you take me?" Shinichi growled. "I'm a person. A male person at that," he tacked on as the implications of Kid's actions entered his mind.

"Don't worry, tantei-kun, they don't know I kidnapped you, so you don't have to worry about the insinuations. If you remember, I was disguised as Aoko, so I pretended I was worried about you and would take you home once the lights came back on. Good God, tantei-kun, you shouldn't have come if you were really that sleep deprived. You sleep for six hours without me doing a thing."

I see he didn't answer my question, Shinichi noted exasperatedly. A question of the heist's success suddenly crossed his mind, and Shinichi hesitantly asked, "In the end, did you get the Ocean's Treasure?"

Turning to send Shinichi a glare, Kid half shouted, "Of course! Kid never fails!"

A sigh drifted off Shinichi's lips as he relaxed. "Okay. Good."

It took him a second to realize what he had just said, and by then, Kid was already staring owlishly at him. "What?" he stammered.

"Uh…" Seeing Kid's shockingly unmasked expression, Shinichi had to smirk a little. "I think you should know, Kid, but I don't hate you. I don't want you to go to jail or anything, and I guess I really don't want you to fail." He laughed a little, rubbing the back of his head as his eyes met his shoes. "I guess it doesn't make sense that I pursue you if I don't want you to fail, huh? Chalk it up to the fickleness of human desires, I guess."

When Shinichi next looked up to meet the phantom thief's eyes, Kid was watching him with an emotionless expression.

Opening his mouth, Shinichi hurried to apologize, feeling his cheeks flushing slightly. "Oh God. Sorry, I've probably freaked you out –"

His sentence was cut off as the magician lunged at him and Shinichi suddenly found himself kissing the infamous Kaitou Kid straight on the lips.

His mind went blank. All Shinichi could think was how perfect Kid tasted and how he much he wanted more of that taste.

Kid's gloved hands were all over Shinichi, and it was a full minute before Shinichi realized his own hands had crawled up around Kid's back, gripping at the back of Kid's neck. He quickly pulled his lips away from Kid and removed his hands, panting.

A bright red blush was painted across Kid's cheeks as he stared down at Shinichi, breaths racking his chest.

There was an awkward silence, drowning the two of them. Kid had turned his face slightly apart and had backed off onto his knees, face still red. Shinichi was staring at him, breathing hard, with his quivering arms being the only things holding him up.

The still was suddenly broken when Shinichi's long-forgotten cell phone gave an impatient buzz in his pocket. Starting, he pulled it out and read the short, worried text from Satou that was displayed across the screen.

And when he looked back up, Kid had disappeared from the rooftop, leaving Shinichi to wonder if the whole kiss had been a dream.

"Kudou-kun, you awake?"

"Huh?" Shinichi yanked his head up off his desk to blink at an eyebrow-raising Inspector Megure.

It had been two days since Kid's last heist, and Shinichi was sitting at his specified spot in the Division One headquarters. While he had finally gotten enough sleep, he was still in a daze over how Kid had kidnapped him and kissed him.

"Uh, yes, I'm fine," Shinichi told the inspector, who continued looking dubious as he continued over to his own desk.

He slumped back down and plunked his head back down onto the case files on his desk, feeling drained and slightly irritable. He couldn't concentrate on work. All Shinichi could do was wonder about Kid and whether Shinichi wanted to see him again or not, and it was quite wearing to have the same thoughts recycling through his mind endlessly.

"Uh, Kudou Shinichi?"

Snapping, Shinichi jerked his head up off the desk to glare at the intruder. "Wha –"

The curt word expired midway out of his mouth as Shinichi gaped at the huge bouquet of roses that appeared to be standing by his desk. It took him a second to realize that there was a delivery man holding the roses, but they were so bulky that he was invisible from the thighs up.

"Kudou Shinichi?" the man repeated, shifting uncomfortably.

"Er – yeah, that's me," stuttered Shinichi, glancing around and noticing that he and the delivery man had most of Division One's attention.

"Great. These are for you," the delivery man informed, putting them down and nearly bolting for the door. All Shinichi could distinguish of the man apart from his uniform was a blur of indigo irises and a hint of messy brown hair peeking out from underneath the cap smashed down on his head.

Shinichi returned his attention back to the roses, noticing they had all been carefully removed of thorns. Catching a glimpse of white, he dug through the stems and retrieved a crisp white card. His eyes, widening, ran over the familiar typed font.

Thank you for last heist.

I hope to have you in my arms again, Your Highness.

Though the card was void of a Kid doodle, it was obvious who it was from. Standing so fast he knocked over his chair, Shinichi sprinted for the door, still holding the card.

The delivery man was just barely out the front door when Shinichi caught up to him, grabbing his arm and pulling him to face him. "Kid?!"

The young man jumped visibly, eyes widening. "Sh… Shinichi…"

Shinichi could only stare at the man as three new thoughts ran through his mind.

One, he loved the way Kid said his name.

Two, Kid's eyes were the most beautiful shade of indigo he could imagine.

Three, he was in love with Kid.

"You know…" Shinichi said, lightly pulling the blushing magician closer to him, "I wouldn't mind being in your arms."

"Um…" Kid stumbled forward, falling onto Shinichi. His cheeks flared pink. "How did you know I was the one who was delivering it…?"

"C'mon, you wouldn't trust any delivery man to deliver a huge bouquet of roses to me," Shinichi laughed. "And honestly, I'm sure you wanted me to find you, otherwise you wouldn't have sent me the bouquet in the first place. If you didn't want me to find you, you wouldn't do something illogical like that."

"Well…" Kid appeared to be at a loss as Shinichi wrapped his arms around him and pressed him to his chest.

"You know, I think I'm in love with you," the detective remarked offhandedly into Kid's ear.


"Is that okay with you?" asked Shinichi gently.

Blush obvious in his voice, Kid answered softly, "Of course."

"Good," Shinichi whispered, and somehow he didn't care that he was standing in the front lobby of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police headquarters as he held his magician.

So... yay for fluff?

ALSO! To any Semantics readers: I need a consultant for it ^_^;; I need help with planning the Black Organization confrontational parts, since I want Shinichi to return by the end, but the Black Org has to be defeated for him to do that. I'll be posting this request in the actual story next update, but if anyone's interested right now, PM me :)

Anyway, I only just realized how stupid "the azure highness"/Kaito calling Shinichi "Your Highness" sounds/is. I'm sorry OTL It's like one in the morning right now.

Okay guys, I'm feeling like a sleep-deprived Shinichi, so I'm going to head out. Hope you enjoyed this fluffy oneshot & don't forget requests are still open!

- Luna

Special replies:

CsillaDream: Hello~ Thanks for the request! The next update will be using "Little Wonders." ILY~!

Mai-chan63: Hey there darling :3 Thanks for the request! I'm a huge Breaking Benjamin fan, but alas, their songs tend to be a bit on the angsty side, so I'm not sure I, a fluffy romance author, will be able to use them as inspiration. But thanks! & by the way, I love your stories. They're so cute XD

a-kun: Hi~! Just wanted to thank you for your review :D Not sure yet if I'll be able to take your request, but even so, thanks for reading my amateurish writing and still thinking it's okay ^_^;;.