Warnings: quite fluffy & cliché, a truckload of honorifics, a lot of timeskips, contains Shinichi x Kaito (which equals shounen ai)…
Pairings: Shinichi x Kaito, Shinichi x Ran, Kaito x Aoko, and some Ayumi x Mitsuhiko x Genta (that's a love triangle, not a threesome)
Notes: So… yeah, I was listening to a song by the Script, and this is the result. Um… yeah, not much to say, really, though this is more a fic inspired by a song rather than a songfic.
Also, this is the first time I've ever written the Detective Boys (I think), so if they're terribly OOC, that might explain it. Oh, and there are a good number of plot holes due to my lack of knowledge on squatting in Japan. T_T
Without further ado, here's "The Man Who Can't Be Moved." Hope you like it! – Luna
The Man Who Can't Be Moved
Kudou Shinichi surveyed the park, squinting against the late afternoon glare of the sun. His right arm was hooked through the loop of an overstuffed backpack, and he was dressed in a simple white t-shirt and jeans.
The park proved to be satisfactory, having a rather large playground with a well-sheltered jungle gym. Shinichi gave it a small nod, handsome features contracting in a serious expression as he climbed over the small dividing wall, trudging through the sand as he made his way to the deserted jungle gym.
Only a few minutes had passed before heavy footsteps thundered down the concrete path and crossed into the sand area, crunching through the sand with desperation. "Shinichi?" called a familiar voice, one arrayed in concern and disbelief.
From his spot underneath the apparatus, Shinichi stirred and looked up. Running toward him, throwing sand with each footsteps and wearing an expression of utter horror, was his best friend, Kuroba Kaito.
"Oh, hi, Kaito," Shinichi greeted, smiling.
"Don't give me that, Shinichi!" Kaito panted as he stopped directly in front of Shinichi. He dropped to his knees in the sand and cupped Shinichi's face with cool palms, searching his eyes for any sign of misplaced rationality. "Are you okay? Are you still… sane?"
Shinichi, grasping his friend's wrists lightly, pried his hands off his face. "Yes, Kaito, I'm perfectly fine."
Exhaling hard, Kaito leaned back on his heels, rocking onto his toes and then back again. "So… you're not actually planning on living here until she takes you back?"
Stiffening, Shinichi asked cautiously, "Who told you?"
"The professor. He said Ran broke up with you, so you're planning on living here, at the place where you used to play together as kids, until she takes you back." The rhythm of Kaito's rocking sped up. "He… You're just playing a joke, right?"
There was no response from Shinichi. He simply watched Kaito, looking the slightest bit curious.
Kaito ceased his rocking, freezing instantaneously. "No. You're not joking. You're actually going to…" He caught Shinichi's eye. "You realize how ridiculous this is, don't you?"
Shinichi lifted his shoulders, dropping them back down almost immediately. "Ran said that I don't appreciate her enough and I don't care about 'us' enough..." He swallowed, tasting something like depression, and tried to arrange his lips in something resembling a less than heartbroken smile. "I figure this will prove my devotion better than anything else."
The magician stared at Shinichi, appearing to be at a loss for words. "Well then." A small smile grazed his mouth as he sat down hard on the mounds of sand, raking back his unruly bangs. "I almost wish I was that devoted to Aoko, huh?"
"Don't give her up, Kaito. You'll miss her when she's gone." Shinichi's gaze drifted down to his hands, which were sifting through the sand. "I sure as hell wish I hadn't given Ran up."
Kaito nodded. "Okay, Shinichi. I got it." He rose, sweeping sand off his jeans. "But I still think you're being ridiculous."
"Kaito," Shinichi began, his voice now edged with severity, "I'm not going to leave here."
"Yeah, yeah," Kaito agreed, waving a hand down at his best friend. "You're not going to leave." He brushed a palm over his pants once more, pasting on a wry smile. "I'll be back tomorrow."
Shinichi lifted his eyes to watch as Kaito hurried away. "See you later, then," he called, and Kaito raised a hand to acknowledge it.
"Hey, who's that guy?"
"Is he homeless?"
"Could he be… dead?!" (The words sounded oddly hopeful.)
Shinichi woke to the oddly familiar sound of children's high-pitched voices. Eyelids crumpling in dismay, he slowly opened sleepy blue eyes, lifting his cheek from where it was positioned atop a pillow he'd brought.
"Ah! He's alive!"
His eyes, halfway uncovered, snapped wide open, and he jerked into a sitting position, successfully banging his head against the bottom of the jungle gym's platform. Three familiar children jumped backward at the horrifying clunk it made.
"He's going to die now, for sure!" screeched one of the kids, a large, slightly triangular boy.
"Genta-kun, he's not going to die just from getting hit on the head!" objected another, a skinny, freckled boy. He sounded unsure.
"Is… is he going to kill us?" stuttered the last kid, a short-haired girl wearing a headband. She hid behind the skinny boy.
Shinichi blinked. "Genta? Mitsuhiko? Ayumi?"
"Eh? He knows our names?" Kojima Genta shouted. "I – I knew it! He's a ghost!"
"How did you even get to that conclusion?" Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko reprimanded, rolling his eyes. "Although it is quite strange that he knows our names."
Yoshida Ayumi simply continued to cower behind Mitsuhiko.
Staring in wonder, Shinichi observed each slightly matured face. He was currently twenty, which mean it had been four years since he had been shrunken and three since he had returned to being Kudou Shinichi and stopped seeing the Detective Boys.
"Do you remember me? I'm Kudou Shinichi, a relative of Edogawa Conan," Shinichi finally informed.
Ayumi's face lit up. "Oh! Are you Shinichi-oniisan?"
Genta seemed to think for a second before making the connection. "Shinichi-oniichan?"
"Kudou Shinichi-san, right?" Mitsuhiko smiled widely.
Rolling onto his stomach, Shinichi grinned. "Yeah. It's been a while, huh?" A nostalgic tint stained his smile. "You guys are around ten right now, huh?"
Nodding enthusiastically, Ayumi beamed. "Yep!"
"We haven't seen you since Conan-kun and Haibara-san left for Los Angeles!" Mitsuhiko interjected. "But we've been following your cases! You're a really awesome detective, Shinichi-san!"
"Why thank you," Shinichi thanked modestly, laughing. "But I'm sure you three solve many more cases as the Detective Boys, right?"
The Detective Boys puffed out their chests, chorusing a smattering of thank you's.
Suddenly, Mitsuhiko said, "Wait, Shinichi-san, why are you sleeping underneath the playground?"
The weight of memories suddenly collapsed on him like a ton of bricks, and Shinichi's wistful smirk morphed into a jaded, weary smile. "Do you remember Mouri Ran?"
"Ah… that girl Conan lived with, right?" Genta wondered.
"Yes, her," Shinichi smiled. "Well… we got into a fight and so…" Seeing the bewildered expressions on the three children's faces, he trailed off, rubbing a hand back through his hair. "In the end, I decided to wait for her here, no matter how long it takes."
There was a pause before Mitsuhiko remarked wonderingly, "Wow… Shinichi-san, you're really devoted, huh?"
"I guess you could say that," Shinichi laughed, thinking back to what Kaito had said the day earlier.
The Detective Boys stared at him for a second, unmoving, before exchanging knowing looks. Shinichi lifted an eyebrow. "Is there something wrong?"
Ayumi turned back to him, wearing a determined expression. "Well… Shinichi-oniisan, even if you're waiting for Ran-neesan, you can still play with us, right?"
"Huh?" Shinichi blinked, surprise momentarily overtaking his mind.
"If you're still in the playground, isn't that okay?" Genta piped up, placing fleshy hands on an equally fleshy waist. "You'll still be here when she comes, right?"
Shinichi nodded. "That makes sense…" The three words were barely shivering in the open air before Mitsuhiko, Ayumi, and Genta simultaneously grabbed hold of his arms and yanked him out from underneath the playground.
"C'mon, then!"
"You look as if you're having fun."
The familiar voice stood at the top of the concrete path that led down to the play area. Shinichi looked up, hands still suspended in the air as he pretended to be Ayumi's prince (much to Mitsuhiko and Genta's displeasure).
Kaito grinned as he made his way down the slope. "I see you've been reunited with your little friends."
"Eh? 'Reunited'? Why do you say that?" Mitsuhiko asked, his eyes, gleaming with childlike inquisitiveness, locked on the newcomer.
Shinichi sent Kaito a warning glare that meant Shut up, they don't know I was Conan. Kaito flinched, his hand moving to ruffle the back of his head in a gesture of embarrassment. "Ah, I mean… you've… er… met."
Rising to his feet, Shinichi clambered down the jungle gym steps until the soles of his feet met sand. "So you did come back," he murmured in a low voice as Kaito advanced.
"Of course. I don't break promises," Kaito said, offering a huge, distinctly Kid grin.
"Sure, sure," Shinichi agreed, rolling his eyes. He turned back to the questioning faces. "This is my best friend, Kuroba Kaito."
"Nice to meet you," Kaito announced, sweeping into a grand bow as roses popped out of nowhere, floating in front of each of the Detective Boys. Ayumi laughed in delight, swiping her pink rose out of the air, as Mitsuhiko and Genta grabbed their yellow ones with awed expressions.
"He's a magician," Shinichi added, a bit belatedly.
"Wow! You're just like the Kaitou Kid, Kaito-oniisan!" Ayumi shouted, and Shinichi couldn't help the grin that spread across his face as Kaito cringed. Not many people made the connection between him and Kid that quickly.
"You can call me Kaito, ojou-chan," Kaito quickly covered. Ayumi blushed, and Mitsuhiko and Genta ground their teeth. Shinichi concealed a smirk. Both of them were still chasing after Ayumi, even after all that time.
"Care to join us, Kai-chan?" Shinichi invited, nudging Kaito's shoulder.
Kaito blinked for a moment, momentarily at a loss for words before grinning. "Thought you'd never ask, Shin-nii."
Eight days passed before the first police officers came.
Shinichi was sitting alone underneath the apparatus. It was the middle of the day, which meant that the Detective Boys, Shinichi's usual occupiers, were at school, and Kaito was currently seeing a movie with Aoko. Ran had not shown her face, though Shinichi was fairly sure she knew he was there.
Glancing up, he caught a glimpse of a familiar red FD drawing into the parking lot. His eyebrows tipping downward, he stepped out from underneath the jungle gym just as the familiar figures of Satou Miwako and Takagi Wataru exited the car.
After a pattering of car doors slamming shut, the officers made their way down the pathway. Shinichi waved, leaning against the side of the jungle gym.
Takagi and Satou were standing before him in moments. Sizing him up, Satou exhaled in relief. "You don't look as bad as I was expecting."
With a tired lift of his shoulders, Shinichi explained, "Kaito's been bringing me new clothes and whatnot every day. He brought some this morning, even. And I've been washing up in the park bathroom." He motioned at the blockish concrete building off the side of the sandpit.
Takagi, glancing underneath the apparatus, let out a whistle of agreement. "He's a great friend, huh? That bento looks homemade. And he even brought you dry shampoo and a toothbrush." Squinting, he added, "And new blankets, I'm guessing."
"Yep. I don't know where I'd be without him," Shinichi agreed.
"Even so, Kudou-kun, I think you know what's wrong with this whole thing," Satou interrupted. "You know it's against the law for you do stay here."
Shinichi nodded. "Indeed."
When the detective didn't move, Satou said, "So are you going to leave?"
"No," answered Shinichi, smiling brightly.
Takagi groaned. "Kudou-kun…"
"You know why I'm doing this, right?" snapped Shinichi.
"Yes, Kudou-kun, it's a damn awful shame that you and Ran-chan broke up, but it's no excuse for what you're doing," Satou retorted.
"I'm not leaving," Shinichi shot back.
Mature purple eyes met determined blue ones. Satou softened. "Kudou-kun, we just want the best for you," she told him in a gentle voice cloaked with worry. "Doing this is helping nobody."
"Officer Satou, while I appreciate your concern, I don't find it necessary. I am going to stay here," replied Shinichi.
Satou regarded him for a long moment. "Well… we'll be back every now and again to check up on you, Kudou-kun," she finally said before starting back up the path to where her car was parked.
Watching her go, Takagi leaned over and reached into his suit jacket, pulling out a four-inch-tall stack of manila folders. Seeing the expression of bewilderment on Shinichi's face, he explained, "Kudou-kun, these are some old cold case files. Most of them are nearing their statutes of limitations. You should solve them to keep from getting bored, okay?" He placed the papers down on the sand and hurried after Satou.
Shinichi blinked, surprised at Takagi's strangely thoughtful action. It was true he was starting to go a bit crazy from the lack of cases, but he hadn't expected anything like that from Takagi…
Humming tunelessly under his breath, Shinichi opened the first folder and was instantly lost in a serial murder case revolving around street musicians and radio hosts.
July was not the best time to be living underneath a playground apparatus. Shinichi was deciding this as he sprawled, sweating, over the sweltering sand. He closed his eyes, breaths tearing off his lips like discarded paper.
He was trying to concentrate on his latest batch of murder cases, courtesy of Takagi and Satou's last visit. However, the fact that he felt like he was being baked was not helping much.
Finally giving in to the heat, Shinichi sat up, carefully avoiding hitting his head, and pulled off his shirt. He debated whether or not to remove his pants as well, but the sight of Kaito coming down the hill towards him informed him it might not be the best of ideas.
Kaito, whose gaze was unusually downcast, looked up once he reached the foot of the hill. He flinched and covered his suddenly pink face at the sight of the shirtless Shinichi staring owlishly at him. "Oh. Sorry," he said dully.
"No, it's all right," Shinichi quickly reassured, begrudging donning his shirt again. It instantly clung to his skin, glued in place by sweat. He let out an annoyed breath. "Anyway, why do you look so down?"
A mirthless laugh dragged off Kaito's lips. "Aoko broke up with me."
"Oh." Shinichi was at a loss for words. "That's too bad."
Kaito dropped down onto the sand, lips twisted in a wry grin. "I kind of know how you feel now. I'm almost willing to go back to the clock tower and stay there."
Feeling a rising panic, Shinichi quickly disagreed, "That's a very bad idea."
Frowning, Kaito scoffed, "And staying at a playground isn't?"
"Our situations are different." Shinichi buried his face in his bent knees before he said his next words – they were, after all, somewhat out of character for the unruffled, composed detective. "And I don't think I could survive without you around."
A beat of silence succeeded his admission, and Shinichi glanced up after a second to see Kaito watching him, blinking as he reddened. Shinichi tried for a hesitant smile, and Kaito seemed to only blink faster.
"Kaito? You okay?" wondered Shinichi, feeling slightly worried about how red the magician's face was becoming. While his confession had been admittedly a little embarrassing and uncharacteristic, it wasn't so embarrassing and uncharacteristic that it would cause such a reaction.
"That's… I'm fine," Kaito finally got out, rising. Shinichi tracked him with eyes roofed with slanted eyebrows.
"Kaito, seriously, are you all right?" Shinichi asked again, standing as well. He reached out and gripped his best friend's shoulders, ignoring the unexpected skyrocketing of his pulse.
Looking down at the hands clasping his shoulders, Kaito opened his mouth to reply, but a childish voice suddenly interrupted the moment.
"Shinichi-oniisan! Kai-niichan!" Shinichi dropped his hands from Kaito's tensed shoulders as Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta bounded down the hill.
"Ah, hi," Shinichi stuttered before turning back to Kaito. "Kaito –"
But Kaito had already disengaged his gaze. "Hey, guys," he called as he started past the Detective Boys.
"Eh? Kai-niichan?" Ayumi watched, wearing an expression of extreme confusion as he climbed past her. "Aren't you going to play with Shinichi-oniisan and us…?"
"N-Not today," was the answer, and Shinichi, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta all stared on as Kaito reached the top of the hill and hurried off.
"Kaito-san's acting weird, isn't he?" Mitsuhiko commented. "Shinichi-san, do you know why?"
Still captivated by Kaito's retreating back, Shinichi absently replied, "I honestly have no idea."
/line breaker\
It was exactly half a week later when Kaito returned once more. The Detective Boys were on an end-of-the-semester field trip, so Shinichi wasn't expecting any visitors. However, his expectations were proven untrue when Kaito's familiar silhouette appeared at the top of the hill and began making its way down towards the sand.
"Hey. Haven't seen you in a bit, huh?" Shinichi said when Kaito plopped down beside him.
"Yeah. I'd like to apologize for last time," Kaito replied. "I was kind of a wreck, making some weird realizations and stuff."
"Don't worry about it. I get it. You were depressed over Aoko. God knows I understand the pain of a breakup." Shinichi grinned, and Kaito let out a small laugh before he reached into the backpack he'd brought with him.
"I brought you some stuff – a bento and some new blankets. Give me your old ones so I can wash them."
As Shinichi folded up his blankets, the magician reclined. He seemed to be thinking hard about something, and Shinichi eyed him as he tucked his blankets into Kaito's backpack.
"You okay?" Shinichi queried, echoing his words from their previous meeting.
Starting, Kaito nodded. "I was just thinking… Shinichi, maybe you should…" He stopped.
"Don't leave me hanging," Shinichi grinned, though he couldn't detect a single trace of humor in Kaito's expression or tone. "Go on. I promise I won't be offended."
Kaito let out a heavy breath before turning to meet Shinichi's gaze with his own. "Shinichi, I was thinking maybe you should consider giving up on Ran."
Of all the things Shinichi had expected Kaito to say, that was not one of them. "I… That wouldn't work out."
"Why not?" Kaito's hands tightened almost unnoticeably. "I'm sure she's heard about you being here, and it's been over two months."
"What? The whole point of this was to show my devotion to her and get her to take me back, right? If I leave after two months, it would mean that my devotion only went that far."
"Haven't you considered that maybe there's someone who's just as devoted to you as you are to her?" muttered Kaito.
"What was that?" Shinichi craned his neck, having not caught the last bit of Kaito's statement.
"It's nothing," Kaito quickly insisted, going pink. "I'm just saying… can't you just give up on her and try someone else?"
Shinichi blinked, uncomprehending. "What are you trying to say? I don't get it at all." He sent his best friend a questioning tilt of his head. "Who are you suggesting I date, if not Ran?"
The magician stared at him for a long moment before saying, "You know what? Forget it." Kaito quickly gathered up his backpack and made to leave.
"Where are you going? It's only been a couple minutes since you got here!" Shinichi exclaimed.
"I've got things to do," came the wavering reply, and Shinichi unconsciously swept his eyebrows downward as his chest gave a pang.
Staring down at his shirt, Shinichi groaned and scrubbed his face with a dusty hand. I don't know what's happening. I don't understand anything anymore.
Shinichi raised his gaze from his nearly-solved case file to see Takagi and Satou coming down the hill towards him. "Ah, hello," he called, slightly questioning at the large bundle clamped underneath Takagi's arm.
Interpreting his expression correctly, Takagi dropped the package in front of Shinichi once he had arrived at the jungle gym.
Shinichi leaned forward to discover they were a large stack of Kaitou Kid-printed blankets and sheets. An eyebrow cocked, he looked questioningly up at Takagi, who explained, "Kuroba-kun swung by the station and told us to bring this for you. He didn't say why. Are you in a fight?"
"Maybe." Shinichi scowled as he rubbed at his collarbone. For some reason, the bursts of pain in his chest had been increasing lately, whenever Ayumi asked, "Where's Kai-niichan?" or Genta irately remarked, "Kaito-niichan keeps avoiding us, that idiot," or Mitsuhiko commented, "Is Kaito-san busy with his girlfriend?"
Satou gave him a long look. "Well, anyway, have you got any more completed case files for us?" She had eventually found out about Takagi's supplying of case files and had been surprisingly willing to keep it under wraps. After all, seeing criminals caught just before their statutes of limitations ran out was refreshing for any police officer.
"Almost done with this one," Shinichi responded, circling the last clue and adding one last sentence to the report. "Here you go." He offered a stack of multicolored files to the officers.
Accepting them with a smile, Takagi flipped through a couple, in awe. "You know, I'm really glad I listened to Kuroba-kun."
"Huh?" Shinichi's eyebrows shot up at the mention of Kaito. "What?"
"To be honest, it was originally his idea to give you cases to do while you were here. He thought you might be bored later on, you know?" Takagi grinned as he set down a fresh tower of files. "Good work."
"See you next week, Kudou-kun," Satou beamed, reaching over to ruffle Shinichi's hair before the officers headed back to their car.
Pulling his gaze down from the parking lot, Shinichi could only stare at the smooth surface of the top folder. It was his idea, huh…
Squinting up at the figure silhouetted against the fading sunset, Shinichi frowned. He didn't recognize the figure as Kaito's, any of the Detective Boy's, Takagi's, or Satou's – it was too shapely to be Kaito's or Takagi's, clearly not a ten-year-old's, and too short to be Satou's. He mulled over this as the figure approached.
His eyes widened as he finally recognized that person – it was none other than Mouri Ran.
She continued advancing, silky strands of hair trailing regally after her. The determination and irritation plainly in her gaze was quite visible, even from that distance, and it was not the most welcoming sight to behold. Shinichi flinched, though he noticed his lack of nervousness. You'd think I'd be really excited at this moment, seeing as it's the reason I've been staying here for this long, he thought wryly to himself, staring down at his hands with a mystified pull to his eyebrows.
A pair of high-heeled sandals snagged through the sand and finally stopped in front of Shinichi, causing him to look up. Ran's face, fully visible, stared down at him.
"God, Shinichi," she said after a beat. "When I said you didn't care about us enough, I didn't mean for you to camp out on a playground for two months, you know?" She exhaled, kneeling carefully down on the sand. "Look, when I first heard about your plan, I honestly hoped that you'd realize how stupid it was after a few days. Unfortunately, you didn't."
"Well, you know me better than anyone. I'm just a stupid idiot," Shinichi answered, feeling nothing but plain annoyance. Um… shouldn't I be really happy right now? His eyes returned to his hands, which were knit together in his lap.
"Yes. Yes, you are," Ran agreed, rubbing back her fringe in a habit Shinichi recognized as being born from weariness. "Look, Shinichi, I know we used to have something when we were younger, but that was then, and this is now." She swallowed. "I've got someone else now – someone I'm actually serious about."
"It's Eisuke, isn't it?" Shinichi glanced over to admire Ran's suddenly flaming face, a grin breaking out over his face. "I knew it. He was the one you went to after we broke up."
"While that may be true, that is not the point!" Ran half-shouted, flustered. Seeing Shinichi's grin only grow wider, she took a long breath, regaining her composure. "And if you can smile at learning that I'm – um – involved with Eisuke and still claim to be devoted to me, you can think again, Shinichi."
The smirk melted right off his lips at the fact that Ran was right. The fact that Shinichi was smiling and not feeling the slightest bit sad while learning about Ran's new lover was ridiculously impossible – if he was still in love with her. Which could only mean that…
His head snapped to the side, surprised azure eyes catching an off-guard Ran straight in the face. "Ran. I'm not in love with you."
Exhaling hard and smiling, Ran nodded. "Thank you for seeing that, you idiotic mystery freak." She paused. Tentatively, she asked, "Do you… know who you are in love with?"
Staring uncomprehendingly at her, Shinichi hesitantly responded, "No…?"
"And they call you a genius." Ran rolled her eyes. "Look down, Shinichi." Gathering herself up, she turned on her heel and started back up the hill.
An eyebrow raised, Shinichi looked down. The only thing underneath him was one of the Kid blankets Takagi had brought (in lieu of Kaito), and the only other thing around him was the stack of case files Takagi had brought (on Kaito's suggestion).
Looking back up, Shinichi called, "What are you trying to…" but Ran had already disappeared.
If she's trying to suggest that I'm in love with Takagi… Shinichi thought menacingly, but suddenly his eyes suddenly grew wider as another possibility hit. He trailed suddenly shaking fingers over the Kid icon emblazoned on the blanket.
Wait a sec, does she mean…?
Kaito opened his front door wearing a dismissive expression, but the second he saw Shinichi his face went completely white.
Sticking his head out, he glanced about with a confused expression. "Shinichi, what the hell are you doing here? What if Ran goes to the playground now, while you're here and not there? That's…" His eyes dropped down to the wad of blankets squished underneath Shinichi's arm, and his eyebrows flew up. "Those are the blankets I…"
"Yeah. Can I come in?" Shinichi asked, shifting the blankets underneath his arm uncomfortably. "These are heavier than I expected."
Gaping as his cheeks turned a shade of cherry blossom pink, Kaito nodded and let Shinichi in.
Observing his best friend out of the corner of his eye, Shinichi deposited the blankets to the side of the entry. Kaito was closing the front door, appearing to still be completely bemused.
With a swift, clearly unexpected movement, Shinichi had Kaito up against the front door. A tiny squeak dropped off Kaito's lips as he appeared to realize that Shinichi was approximately three millimeters away from him and the detective's knee was placed directly between his legs, pinning him to the door. Shinichi had to bite back a grin at the bright red that flared across the magician's cheeks.
Leaning in even closer so that their lips brushed tantalizingly, Shinichi breathed, "Stop me now if I'm wrong."
Waiting half a heartbeat and hearing no attempt at dissuasion as Kaito only managed to turn redder, Shinichi leaned in and pressed his lips to Kaito's. The kiss was silky smooth and tasted so, so perfectly of Kaito, and Shinichi didn't realize he was out of breath until he had finally pulled away.
"You… I… but…"
Shinichi couldn't hold back a breathless laugh at how hard Kaito was blushing as he stammered. Kaito glared fiercely, the embarrassment in his eyes instantly sobering Shinichi.
The two stood in silence, Shinichi relaxing his grip on Kaito's shoulders. Kaito dropped his arms, which had been pressed against Shinichi's chest, over the insides of Shinichi's elbows.
"Sorry for not realizing it earlier, Kaito," Shinichi finally apologized, suddenly finding it hard to look at the magician.
Kaito stared at him for a moment, seeming to be at a loss for words. "I forgive you."
Pause. Swallow. "I love you, you know."
The longest moment in Shinichi's life.
"I love you too, Shinichi."
Shinichi couldn't help the relieved smile that spread across his lips. "That's… that's interesting."
Kaito's arms lifted off Shinichi's, resituating around his neck. "It is, isn't it?" he whispered against the detective's lips.
Shinichi grinned, his arms abandoning Kaito's shoulders in favor of wrapping around Kaito's waist. "Well, you'll know where to find me if we ever get into a fight."
"I wonder if it's illegal to live on a clock tower," Kaito smiled, and he pulled Shinichi in for another kiss.
AH. I finally wrote something after a long, long time. I'm really out of shape o_O. Apologies, my darlings!
Anyway, hopefully you liked that, and this will be the first of a oneshot series based on songs (but not songfics). If you don't think my writing is THAT terrible, drop a review with a song request, okay? If I like it, I'll write a oneshot off of it.
What else... oh! I'm currently writing more for both Semantics and Gem of a Person, so if you follow either of those series, look forward to the possibility of updates.
Well, I think that does it. Thanks for reading & please drop a request!
- Luna