Mirari: Hello everyone. LX is away right now so he asked me to post this. Well actually I just saw this in his Docs and decided to post it. Anyway I'm sure he would say something like "thank you all for reading this. I never thought I would actually be able to do something like this and seeing all of your support really means a lot to me."

Ok so now I think I have to say that Seth, nor I because that would be weird, doesn't own Digimon. Seth only owns his story and his characters. So Seth also owns me, which is also weird. Well anyway like always please enjoy, fav, and review. Thanks from the both of us.


Ch 6

"derp" spoken word

""derp"" thoughts

"derp" telepathy

A lone voice broke through the darkness of my dreams. "Wake up Seth."

"Ugh. I don't want to." I groaned. At this point I'm already awake, I'm a light sleeper, but I'm ignoring the vixen laying on top of me.

"Seth I want you to get up," she said. Then she put her mouth next to my right ear. "And I always get what I want," she whispered.

"Uh hu sure you do," I mocked.

"You don't believe me?" she laughed. Without any warning she leaned her head down and bit me in the base of my neck by my shoulder. ""Did she just.. she marked me!?""

"Told you," she purred. Mirari slowly started to move her hand under my shirt. I quickly realized what she had in mind and I knew I need to stop her before she went any further.

"Mirari stop," I said sternly. "I understand that things between us are going to change, or go back to the way they where more or less. I'm perfectly fine with that, but not know, okay. I still need a little time to get used to this, to us."

"Meany," she said while giving her most pathetic pouty face ever.

"Oh come on will you stop that." She didn't. "Fine what do you want.?"

"Say it," she said lustily. She leaned in closer, her face only a few inches from mine. I knew what she wanted, and I came forward the rest of the way. She has kissed me a few times before, even though she denies it right afterwards, but this one felt.. real. As our lips meet we I felt a whole in my heart, that I didn't even know was there, become full. I can only explain it as it felt like this was always meant to be, Mirari and I that is. We kissed for what felt like hours. There was no frenching, or any attempts to move things forward. There was only the slow meaningful expression of our selves to one another.

We finally stopped and just laid there staring into each others eyes. We where 100% percent vulnerable to each other with everything about us, our true selves, laid out for each of us to see. What I saw behind all of her walls and fears is someone who is truly beautiful. ""I wonder what she see's when she looks at me,"" I thought.

"The man I want to spend the rest of time with," she said telepahically.

"I love you Mirari," I whispered.

She laid her head in the crook of my shoulder and whispered, "And I love you Seth Matherson. Forever and always."

... One Day Later ...

"God damn'it that is so cheap!" Mirari yelled.

"Seriously Mirari you are getting made at a game, and Pokémon none the less," I said mockingly.

"This fucking Ekans has had me in a wrap attack for eevvvveerrr," she said through gritted teeth. "Fuck, and now it just killed my Bulbasaur!" Mirari stood up from the couch we where sitting on and pulled her arm back to throw the GameBoy across the room. I saw my life flash before my eyes as she went to throw it, my dream of being a Pokémon master gone. So I lunged from the couch and caught it just as it left her hand.

"Did the evil Fox hurt you? It's okay I won't let her near you anymore," I coed. I turned to look at Mirari and held the GameBoy up to her face. "Apologize."

"Really Seth, it's just a..."

"Apologize," I said sternly.

"Are you kidding me I'm not apologizing to a game."

"Do it or we won't sleep together for a week."

"What. That's ridiculous," she stammered.

"Two," I said.

"Two weeks!?"

"Maybe three."

"OK fine!" She swallowed all the pride she had. "I'm sorry I threw you." She looked back to me. "You happy now?"

I put on my best thinking face then replied, "Yup." Then I jumped onto her making her fall back onto the couch.

After a few seconds of laying on top of her she looked back at me. "I hate you sometimes."

"I hate you too," I said while leaning into a kiss. We kissed for a few minutes only stopping because we heard a knock on the window. I turned to look only to see Impmon.

"Impmon! What the fuck are you doing?" I rolled off Mirari and onto the floor, hopelessly trying to hide what we where doing.

"I just came by to check up on you guys that's all," he replied.

"How muck did you see Impmon?" Mirari asked.

"Oh nothing much just you and Seth getting a little foxy. Hahaha get it foxy."

"Yah we are dying of laughter," Mirari said while grabbing him by the throat.

"O *cough* okay... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Impmon said while trying to break free.

Mirari let him go then turned to look at me. "It's refreshing to have someone say that to me," she joked. We both started laughing at our own little inside joke, much to Impmon's annoyance.

"Laugh at the mon who was almost choked to death. Very funny," Impmon groaned.

"Sorry dude but next time don't watch us like that," I replied. "Anyway you said you where here to check up on us. Why?"

"News of your little digital adventure has spread. Figured I would come and see how you two are."

"Really it spread that fast. Its only been two days," I said.

"You guys did kill Leomon. News like that is sure to spread fast. So anyway you never did answer. How are you guys?" he asked

I was about to respond when Mirari put a paw on my shoulder to stop me. "Why don't you go get some drinks and food Seth. I'll fill Impmon in while you're away."

"Okay." I turned to Impmon, "What do you want?"

He thought for a second then replied, "Just surprise me."

"alright. Be back in a minute guys," I said and left the room.

I made my way down the hall to the kitchen where the sound of their chatting was replaced be the playlist I have set to constantly play in there. If You Can't Hang by Sleeping With Sirens was playing. I started getting caught up in the music and totally forgot why I was even in the kitchen in the first place. After the song finished, about four minutes long, I went to the fridge and got three teas.

"Sorry everyone but we really don't have anything to snack on," I said while walking into the living room. "A certain vixen grows twenty stomachs while recuperating."

Impmon gave Mirari a quick glance, "Yay I can tell,' he joked. Mirari shoot him one of her 'I will slaughter everything you hold dear' looks, shutting him up rather quickly.

The next thirty minutes consisted of Mirari and I finishing up the story of the events a few days ago along with some small talk. "So Seth," Impmon said, "Have any more of your memories came back since then?"

"Actually none really came back in the first place. I mean I remembered how to do certain things and some digital world knowledge but I never got back any solid memories," I said.

"Really?" Impmon said almost a little happily, "Well I'm sure you will get them back eventually."

"Sounds like you're a little happy Impmon," I stated. I leaned in close to his face, "You wouldn't be trying to hide something would you?"

"What! Are you kidding me, I didn't even know you till a few days ago!"

I continued to stare him down until I finally lost my cool and started laughing. "I was only kidding Impmon, hahaha. You can calm down okay."

"Sorry man," he said. "I just don't like being accused of stuff."

I turned to Mirari and asked still laughing, "Did you see his face, it was priceless." She was staring intently at Impmon, so intently that she didn't even look back when she replied, "Trust me I saw it, but I wouldn't call it priceless."

"Apparently it was only funny to me," I mumbled.

"Well guys," Impmon said while standing up to leave, "I think I should be headi.. God Damn'it." Impmon suddenly fell to one knee while clutching his head in his hands.

Mirari jumped up followed quickly by me, "Impmon are you alright?!", we both shouted. I picked him up while Mirai put a pillow on the chair he was in then I sat him down.

"I'm fine. I'm fine," he said waving us way at the same time. "I must have just stood up too fast."

"That's bullshit and you know it Impmon," I said.

"There might be something seriously wrong," Mirari followed.

"Seriously I'm fine. I need to get out of here anyway. There is a Gatomon back in the Digiworld I'm supposed to be meeting soon anyway." Impmon walked to window, opened it, and turned to say goodbye.

"Ugh fine but be careful okay," I said.

"And come back when you have your head on straight," Mirari added. Impmon nodded then hoped out into the cool dark night.

"We shouldn't have left him leave," I said turning to Mirari for an answer.

"Maybe not, but he knows what he is doing. Plus he is almost as stubborn as you," she replied. Then she hooked her arm to mine and started to pull me down the hall, "Come on Seth.'

"Mirari what are we doing?"

We stopped at our bedroom door. She turned to look a meet seductively, then leaned in and whispered into my ear. "I'm feeling cold Seth, and only you can warm me up."

"Stop it. Remember what I said yesterday."

She looked back at me and saw that I wasn't going to budge. "*Sigh* I know, but I do want to spend some quality time with you. Just you and me laying in bed."

"And no sex," I said making sure she understood.

"No sex," she said with a fallen head, and for the next hour maybe two we laid in bed just enjoying each others company. There was some small talk, some kissing, and some attempts on Mirari's part to take things a little further. Eventually though we finally let the night take us and slowly drifted off to sleep.

... ...

My eyes shoot open, my heart still beating a mile a minute, and i quickly latched on to the one thing that could bring me back to reality. Mirai instantly awoke and slowly stared to calm me down as is our current routine. "M..M.. Mirari," I stuttered while crying into her shoulder.

Mirari quickly let go of me for just a second to turn on the lamp. Once I could see where I was she pulled me back into her comforting embrace. "Shhh. Seth I'm here. You are home, in bed, with me. It's okay. Shhhhh," she said soothingly.

"I'm home. Mirari. Home," I repeated latching on to every word to keep my sanity. We laid there for what seemed like hours until I finally calmed down enough to actually speak.

"Was it the nightmare again?" Mirari already knew the answer though. It was the nightmare, the same one that's been haunting me for the past week. I feel myself slowly fading from existence, forgetting everything about myself and anyone I ever knew, watching as pieces of me turn to bits of light and drift away into nothing. When I wake up I can't remember where or who I am, only Mirari.

"Yes," I answered quietly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I instantly shook my head no as always, and Mirari gave her usual sigh of disappointment. "Okay. I can wait till you're ready. Do you want to try to go back to sleep now?"

"Yah," I replied. Mirari turned off the lamp, pulled the covers back over us, and wrapped her arms around me in a way that said 'I will never let anything hurt you'. I berried my face into the crook over her shoulder and whispered, "I love you Mirari."

"I love you too Seth. Forever and Always."