
By Laura Schiller

Based on: Lunar Chronicles

Copyright: Marissa Meyer

"Imagine there was a cure, but finding it would cost you everything. It would completely ruin your life. What would you do?"

"Ruin my life to save a million others? It's not much of a choice."

Cinder's answer, spoken in a low voice as she looked back at Kai with compassionate hazel eyes, was just what he had hoped – and feared – to hear. Feared,because of what it implied for his future and the future of their country. Hoped, because it showed him that they did, in fact, think alike.

Like him, she knew how it felt to see a loved one suffer. Like him, she understood the need to put the welfare of others above one's own. Even though he was a prince and she was 'only' a mechanic, she could see into his heart and understand.

It was for this reason, among many others, that he leaned down to kiss her.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I'm sure this is horribly inappropriate, but … it seems that my life is about to be ruined."

He would marry Levana if he had to, but she should never have his first kiss.

Cinder was close enough that he could feel her warm breath. She smelled of soap, sweat, and the slightest bit of engine grease, reminding him that this girl worked for her living and was too practical to bother with perfume and makeup. Her eyes were wide, the pupils large and dark. If he had seen an trace of fear or reluctance, he would have backed away, but all he saw was wonder … and desire.

He leaned closer …

… and hesitated.

For a moment, her face seemed to shine – not just pale from the long days in a shadowy workshop, but luminescent as a pearl. Her light brown hair in its messy ponytail blazed a brilliant gold, and her hazel eyes became dark as chocolate. Less than a second later, she looked no different. He narrowed his eyes, confused. Was this possible?

Then she suddenly gasped and doubled over in pain, holding her stomach, as if fighting back a sudden attack of nausea. Kai caught her before she hit the floor, steadying her, his head whirling with what he had just seen, even as a frantic stream of questions came out of his mouth: "What happened? Are you all right? What did I do? Should I get you to a doctor?"

"I'm … fine," was the first thing she said. "You can, uh, let go now. Your Highness."

Her ragged breathing, the racing heart he could feel against his chest, and the startlingly un-Cinder-like way she clung to his shirt were anything but convincing.

She was in no shape for being interrogated about any changes in her appearance. And especially not to be kissed. Praying she wouldn't notice his burning-hot cheeks, he put one arm around her and began to escort her out of the elevator.

Was this what Torin talked about when he said falling in love would affect his judgment? Or was the stress of the past few days making him start to hallucinate?

First things first: he needed to take her to Dr. Erland.

And while he was at it, maybe a few therapy sessions for himself.