"Please Grimmjow?"

"No!" His friend and lover snarled, refusing to even look at him. Ichigo pouted, sticking his lower lip out and rounding his eyes. He knew it was manipulative but his puppy dog look hardly ever failed and Grimmjow wouldn't be able to resist glancing at him. "Damnit Ichigo! Stop looking at me like that!" He said but Ichigo could tell his resolve was weakening.

"Pleeeease?" He inched closer, still giving Grimmjow puppy dog eyes, and finally rested a hand on the other man's thigh. The fact that they were both unclothed put Grimmjow at a severe disadvantage and he felt the arrancar twitch.

"Fuck… how can I promise not to kill her? Even if I don't go after her on my own like last time, Aizen might order me to!" Grimmjow argued but Ichigo was pleased. They had gone from flat rejection to reasoning. It was a huge step forward. "And if he doesn't order me to, he'll probably order someone else!"

"…" Ichigo chewed his lip, thinking, oblivious to the smoldering look in bright blue eyes. He knew how cute he was when he did puppy eyes but he didn't know how adorable he looked when he was thinking hard about something. "Grimmjow, is there any way to remove a shinigami's powers without killing them?" He ventured and the other man frowned.

"…I dunno. But if they're similar to arrancar, I think so." He said slowly and Ichigo looked at him hopefully. He wanted his sister to be safe, and the only way he could think to do that was to remove her from battle somehow. "We have two spots, if you slash them it lets all the pressure out and leaves us helpless. I'd have to check with Szayel to see if shinigami are the same." He said sourly and Ichigo shuddered. He could remember those cold, slightly damp hands on his bone armor. The Octava hadn't really done much to him other than examine him but it had been creepy as hell. "And then I'll have to learn how to do it. I've never bothered to leave people alive before." He said with a grin and Ichigo smiled back. That was so very Grimmjow.

"I'd be so grateful." He said in the sexiest tone he could muster and smiled again as warm, well muscled arms went around him. Soft, sweet lips found his throat and began sucking on his skin and Ichigo's eyes went cloudy with lust.

"I have one condition."

"Mmm, what?" He murmured as he stroked Grimmjow's inner thigh, slowly getting closer and closer to his prize.

"I want to go all the way with you." Grimmjow's husky voice made Ichigo shudder with desire. "I want to feel your insides." That made Ichigo swallow with a combination of fear and titillation.

"Okay." He said, his voice breathy with desire. He trusted Grimmjow to make this good for him. Then the arrancar suddenly moved, pressing their lips together. Ichigo moaned into his mouth, letting himself melt into the kiss. Ichigo found himself pulled into Grimmjow's lap and rested a hand on his chest to steady himself. He blushed lightly and shifted, deliberately rubbing his arousal against Grimmjow's. That light friction was wonderful, tantalizing, and made him want more.

"Shit Ichi, you are so sexy." Grimmjow murmured his blue eyes full of heat. Ichigo gasped as one big hand cupped his ass, squeezing him gently. "Need some of that oil…" Grimmjow diverted his attention for a moment, creating the little jar again. Ichigo shivered slightly as oil slick fingers touched him and buried his face in Grimmjow's shoulder as they began to penetrate him. "You okay?"

"Yeah… I'm fine…" Ichigo managed. It just felt weird, having something there, but it wasn't bad really. "Keep going." Grimmjow nodded and kissed him again. "Mmm…" Ichigo blinked as he felt something strange, something different and pleasant. Then it happened again and he moaned, clinging to Grimmjow tightly. "Found it. You like that, hmm?"

"Yes… unh…" Ichigo bit his lip as Grimmjow added another finger, scissoring him open. "Ow." He murmured at the faint pain, then smiled as Grimmjow kissed his cheek.

"I have to make sure you're stretched out enough. I'm kinda big." He said and Ichigo nodded. A third finger joined the second and he whimpered then gasped as Grimmjow found that spot inside him again, the spot that sent a completely different feeling through his body. "Think that'll do… you'll have to help me here, only having one arm sucks." He muttered and Ichigo smiled, giving him a deep and passionate kiss.

"It doesn't bother me." He lifted himself as Grimmjow lined up his cock with his entrance. Ichigo knew what he had to do and slowly lowered himself, wincing slightly at the pain as he was stretched much further than fingers could manage.

"Fuck, Ichi, you're so damned tight in there." The lustful tone of his lover's voice made Ichigo smile, and then Grimmjow started to move. Ichigo gasped as the arrancar's remaining hand closed on his erection, stroking him in time with the rise and fall of their bodies.

"Grimm, ah!" Ichigo moaned as he rode the arrancar's cock, finding just the right angle to hit that spot inside himself. He had to do it, Grimmjow couldn't change his position and stroke him at the same time. "Feels so good…" He panted out, looking down through lust hazed eyes to see Grimmjow grinning at him.

"Good." He purred before bucking his hips. Ichigo cried out at the bolt of pleasure and slammed his hips down, shoving the arrancar even more firmly inside him. "Sh-shit!" Grimmjow groaned, his head falling back and exposing his throat. Ichigo watched as his adam's apple bobbed, beads of sweat sliding down that pale skin.

"Oh my god Grimmjow." Ichigo groaned. After what he'd seen through Grimmjow's eyes he'd never imagined this could feel so good. And it felt amazing. He was so full it almost hurt and every little buck and twist rubbed that hot, hard length against him more. "Oh!" Grimmjow did something absolutely sinful with his hand and Ichigo quivered in pleasure, riding his lover faster and faster.

The soft, slapping sounds of their bodies moving together filled the cool mountain air. Bright blue eyes watched from between the trees as the boy riding his master stiffened and arched, his pale skin lightly dappled with sweat. Creamy cum sprayed through the air and Pantera snickered to himself as Grimmjow stiffened and made a harsh, guttural moan.

They would need a visit to the lake now, but that didn't matter. Pantera was very pleased that his master was overcoming the trauma that had been forced on him.

Grimmjow shoved his remaining hand in his pocket and watched, completely bored, as the garganta opened.

"Okay. Starrk, you can fight as lazy as you want, just keep the bastards busy." He ordered the Primera. Technically Starrk should have been in charge as the highest ranked, but expecting the lazy wolf to take any kind of responsibility was like expecting Hueco Mundo to suddenly grow palm trees. Starrk just waved an acknowledgment, then yawned. Lilynette, however, had a different opinion.

"Hey, you can't order Starrk around! He's the Primera, you're just the Sexta!" She shouted and Grimmjow had to grin. After having a little kid in his inner world he was more tolerant of children.

"Okay. Starrk, what would you like me to do?" He asked, just to mess with her. Starrk blinked at him, surprised.

"Whatever you like." He said vaguely then winced as Lilynette kicked him.

"Starrk!" Lilynette started to berate the Primera, kicking him ever so often to ensure she had his attention. Grimmjow switched his attention to Yammy and Wonderweiss. It seemed like he'd gotten every Espada who rode the short bus, but he'd just have to work with it.

"You guys help Starrk. Yammy, make sure he stays awake." He said shortly and the tenth Espada grinned. "I'm gonna go find the Kurosaki chick." If he was going to take her out of the battle this was a great opportunity. The rest of these dumbasses would be distracting the other shinigami so hopefully he could get her alone. He'd practiced his technique a bit on some captive shinigami, but it still had to be done right. Doing it wrong tended to just kill his victim.

Definitely do it right. Ichigo agreed and Grimmjow grinned as he flew off, searching for the bright spark that was Kurosaki Karin. It didn't take him long to find the little bitch. She was looking for him, it seemed. They both came to a halt in midair, staring at each other, and Grimmjow felt Ichigo coming to the fore. His other half wanted to see her. They trash talked a bit back and forth, but what really pissed Grimmjow off was when the bitch asked about his arm.

"Had an accident with a weed wacker." He said just to mess with her. "Are we going to fight, shinigami, or are you just going to talk me to death?"

"Oh, we'll fight arrancar. Bankai!" She grinned fiendishly before summoning her black sword. Grimmjow wasn't terribly impressed. He'd seen that before. The second burst of energy, though, made his eyes narrow. Then blue eyes went wide as he saw the mask over her face.

"What the fuck?" He muttered, just staring for a moment. The mask vaguely reminded him of Ichigo's, although it was a smaller version without the horns.

"Sorry, no time to explain." Her voice was wrong too, echoing and unpleasant. Then she attacked.

Grimmjow was stunned by the degree of power unleashed against him. Despite his words on the matter – Ichigo had said he couldn't fight his sister – the other's power rose up and reinforced his Hierro. Grimmjow was still left reeling from the impact. And her speed was simply ridiculous. How had she suddenly improved so much? What in hell was that mask?

All he could think about for the next few seconds was survival. But then the bitch went in for a final attack and the mask suddenly shattered into a thousand fragments. Grimmjow stared, taken completely by surprise. But then he grinned wickedly.

Remember our deal! Ichigo's voice echoed in his head and Grimmjow's grin faded. Right, he couldn't kill her. But he'd still need to beat her up a bit to get her to hold still, and he went about that with verve and élan. He could feel Ichigo wincing a bit in the back of his head but his other half understood the necessity.

Finally he had the bitch on the ground, suitably roughed up and coughing. She was almost trembling as she tried to force herself up and he shoved her down before using a short knife to pin her to the ground, shoving it through her arm. She didn't scream, just looking at the knife wide eyed. Ichigo made a soft, protesting sound but Grimmjow ignored it. He needed her to be still.

"Don't move, shinigami. If I fuck this up it's usually fatal." He warned and she looked at him blankly, not understanding what he was up to. Probably confused about why he would care about her survival, too. Grimmjow stared at her hard then took careful aim –

And blinked as his hand was encased in ice. Looking down he saw that his legs and feet were stuck in it, too. Then he glanced behind him and saw the shinigami woman, the one he'd put a hole in last time. What did she think…?

"Tsugi no mai. Hakuren." The ice rolled over him in a wave. But it barely had time to settle before the power within him responded.

Ichigo didn't need his help anymore to separate from his body. He tore out on his own and his reiatsu just screamed that he was pissed. The two girls had a moment to gape at the bone covered monster before he grabbed the midget's head and tossed her into a building. She went right through the wall and Ichigo began charging a cero, clearly intending to put an end to her. Grimmjow approved of that plan. The little bitch had thought she could kill him with a little ice? Fuck that!

"Rukia, no!" Karin screamed and that distracted Ichigo. He glanced at her and the cero in his hand lost power, to Grimmjow's disgust but not surprise. He started charging his own cero – he wasn't a marshmallow for the Kurosaki bitch, not like her brother – but then they were interrupted by something more dangerous.

Grimmjow didn't recognize the dick in the suit who fired a kido off on Ichigo and he didn't really give a fuck. Another shinigami, he assumed. He gripped his sword and was about to attack when Ichigo's thoughts suddenly came to him.

Let me fight him! You're exhausted and hurt. Ichigo said which pissed him off. Grimmjow snarled and was about to tell him where to stick it when his other half continued. And I really want to kill something now. There was a dark edge to that thought which was all hollow and it made Grimmjow grin. Ichigo could be so sweet, it was nice to see the monster beneath.

"Oh yeah? In that case…" He tossed his sword over to his lover, letting the bone plated beast take on the shinigami. At least, Grimmjow thought he was a shinigami. Ichigo couldn't talk so while the bastard nattered for a while, they couldn't get any real answers. Grimmjow watched them go at it for a moment, his eyes narrowing as the guy summoned a mask. "I see. Is that where you learned to do that, girl?" He asked Karin who was trying to get the knife out of her arm. She just glared at him. "Don't answer then, see if I care." The midget was crawling out of the rubble, coughing and looking badly beaten. Grimmjow briefly considered finishing her off, then snorted. She wasn't even worth the trouble of ending her life. She was holding her sword like she was thinking of attacking him again. "Do it again and I will end you, bitch." He said coldly and saw her swallow hard before carefully skirting past him. Grimmjow kept his eye on her and wasn't surprised when she started helping Karin get the knife out of her arm. After a few moments of tinkering it started to annoy him, though. Didn't these bitches know anything? "For fuck's sake, you're making it worse." He growled at them both. They both looked up, wide eyed and surprised. "You don't have the strength to get it out right. Just hold her arm in place." He told her and gripped the hilt. When Kurosaki's arm was held, he yanked it out in one smooth jerk. That hurt, but not as much as the midget's stupid attempts. There was no point leaving it in her. Without his zanpakuto, Grimmjow couldn't finish what he'd started.

"What were you trying to do to me, asshole?" Karin asked, her tone hard as she gazed at him. Grimmjow lifted his lip in a snarl, annoyed. Even now, she was looking down on him! But he stuffed his irritation as he felt Ichigo's concern. The last thing he could afford to do was distract his lover in his fight.

"I was trying to slash your spiritual centres, bitch. And next time I will." He threatened and Karin gaped as the midget looked confused.

"Hell no! I went through enough the last time someone did that!" She said and Grimmjow blinked. From what Szayel had said, that kind of damage was permanent. If someone had slashed her spiritual centres before, how could she still be this powerful? He asked and she scowled at him. "I managed to get them back by having my Chain of Fate broken. Oh, and fuck you." She said gruffly and he tossed back his head in a laugh.

"Pass, you're not my type." He glanced up and saw Ichigo was charging a cero between his horns. Karin saw it too and just about freaked out.

"The houses! The people in them!" She shouted and Grimmjow grimaced. As if either of them could hear her from here. But he knew that would bother Ichigo when he remembered so he concentrated for a moment. Watch the ceros, you might hit the houses. He warned and could feel the power go out of the cero as Ichigo adjusted it. The dick in a suit dodged but the cero safely dissipated before it could hit anything.

"I just warned him, it'll be fine." The two girls both looked at him like he was insane and Grimmjow scowled. "What? He ain't a monster, he just looks that way." The Kurosaki chick snickered and he wondered why. Had he said something funny? Then there was a tremendous bang and they all looked up to see Ichigo coming in for a landing. "Nice one. Is he alive?" Ichigo shrugged then lifted a hand and made a see-sawing gesture of uncertainty. "Good work. Pass me Pantera." His other half tossed the sword back and he looked at Kurosaki. She was swearing and pulling herself to her feet with help from her friend. Maybe he shouldn't have been so quick about pulling out that knife. "You only have one chain of fate, so I'm guessing you can't do that a second time. Now hold – fuck!" Light engulfed both him and Ichigo and Grimmjow looked up with a scowl. Aizen had the worst timing in the universe. "Nevermind. But I'll get you next time, shinigami." He threatened then blinked as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He glanced over and couldn't help but smile as Ichigo lifted a hand and waved goodbye to his sister.

Then they were pulled away through the tunnel of light and Grimmjow let Ichigo return to his inner world.

He'd visit the kid there later.