Disclaimer: I don't own Viewfinder or its characters *cries T_T*
SPOILER ALERT: This fanfic takes place after Chapter 44, so please beware of spoilers. And I do plan a happy ending for it, but it is not a light-hearted fic, so don't say I didn't warn you! lol Hope you enjoy reading it nonetheless :)
(Apologies for any grammar mistakes)
Asami stared in silence at the photograph in his hand for so long that Kuroda started to feel somewhat uncomfortable with the situation.
In truth, when he'd made up his mind to stop by Asami's office to show him the evidence of betrayal that had fallen into his hands he hadn't given much thought to the type of reaction the other man would have when faced with it, though he had to admit, he hadn't expected Asami to act as cool and composed as he appeared to be.
Sure, the boy was probably nothing more than a toy for Asami to fool around with, and most likely would have been discarded without a second thought once he'd had enough of him, but still... Asami was not one to take betrayals lightly, and that photo was more than incriminating for the kid...
"How did you come by this?" Asami finally asked, putting an end to his silence; his voice however stripped of any emotion.
"Sakazaki's office was raided by the police two days ago on a drug felony charge. One of the cops involved in the raid is my associate. He thought I might be interest in what they were able to retrieve. To be honest I wasn't expecting to find anything interesting..."
"Are there any more like this?" Asami asked again, not taking his eyes away from the photo.
Kuroda studied the other man's expression in silence for a few seconds before answering. "...There are a couple more, yes. They seem to have been taken on the same occasion."
"Destroy them."
Kuroda frowned, surprised by the demand. "I can't do that, Ryuichi. They're police property now. I was lucky enough to be able to get my hands on that one."
"Destroy them!" Asami said, cutting him off sternly.
Kuroda narrowed his eyes at him. Had he misjudged Asami's initial indifferent reaction? He seemed to be getting increasingly agitated now. "Ok, ok. I'll see what I can do." He said, before they both fell back into silence.
"...I'm sorry Ryuichi." Kuroda said after a few moments, his voice guarded. "I know it's not my place to meddle in your personal life, but I couldn't just keep this from you."
"No, you did well." Asami replied, his tone a lot calmer, though he still couldn't bring himself to look at the other man.
"I'll be off then..." Kuroda said, getting up from his seat in front of Asami's desk. "I'll let you know when the other photos are destroyed."
Asami only half heard the door click shut as the other man left the room, finally leaving him alone. He was far too engrossed in the object he held in his hands to be fully aware of his surroundings after all.
Strangely enough though, he still hadn't decided how the whole situation made him feel.
At first he'd been too shocked to even grasp the meaning behind the photograph, thinking instead it had to be some kind of sick Photoshop joke on Sakazaki's part to infuriate him, but as the minutes went by he got more and more convinced that the photo was real.
A mix of anger and nausea quickly started to build up inside him then, though he was careful to conceal his reaction from Kuroda.
There was something else though, something eating up at his heart, which was renewed with every new glance at Akihito in the photo. He just couldn't seem to figure out what it was.
Immersed as he was in his thoughts, Asami only noticed his phone ringing when the call got transferred to the answering machine.
He let the voice mail message run its course intent on picking the call up after the beep, but the caller's voice at the end made him freeze.
"Hey Asami. It's me... You know, one of these days you'll have to explain to me why is it that you want me to call you everyday at nine when you never pick up the damn phone! It's stupid. *pause* Well, I'm going out now to follow up on a case for work. It will probably take me all night so don't fret if I'm not home when you get back, okay?... Oh, by the way, I left yakisoba for you in the fridge. See ya tomorrow!" Akihito's voice said, in a joyful mood. "...And try not to make a mess of the kitchen, will you? It's a pain in the ass to clean up." He managed to add before the call ended.
Asami stared at the now silent answering machine feeling his hands slowly clench into fists.
Trying to control his anger as much as possible, he flipped open his cell phone, running through his contacts' list until one of his bodyguards' names showed up.
He didn't even bother with small talk when the other man picked up the call on the other side.
"I have a job for you." He said cryptically, making his bodyguard readily alert.
"Bring me Sakazaki... Alive."
(to be continued)
Run Sakazaki-san, run... or better yet, don't run. You deserve to get your ass kicked by Asami lol
Next chapter: Asami confronts Akihito...o_O