Chapter 6: The Feast

ArtNemoun is here. I think that the last chapter disappointed most of you. I was. That was filler. I think this chapter will have more action. We shall find out. I do NOT own the works of Rick Riordan or J. K. Rowling. I hope you enjoy the chapter!

(Harry's P.O.V.)

I watched Professor McGonagall and Percy walk off to see Professor Dumbledore. I wondered why he was avoiding me. He didn't even say hello or goodbye to me at the hearing. I wondered why he could be ignoring me.

We then all got called into the Great Hall. Just as Ron, Hermione and I walked in Percy joined us.

"What happened?" I asked.

Percy shrugged. "Nothing really. He just welcomed me." Percy said.

"He didn't get on to you for pushing Malfoy?" Ron asked.

"Nope." Percy said happily.

"Lucky." Ron muttered.

"Shush." Hermione said annoyed. "The sorting is about to start."

(Percy's P. O. V.)

A bunch of kids were filing in. They were as awestruck as I was when I first saw the place. They went up to the front where there was a stool with a hat on it.

Professor McGonagall stood next to the stool with a long piece of paper in her hands. Then she started calling out names to be sorted.

"Diane Andrews." Professor McGonagall called. Diane walked up nervously. She sat on the stool and the sorting hat was placed on her head. After a few seconds the hat called out "Ravenclaw!" A bunch of kids cheered. Diane smiled and joined the Ravenclaw table.

Other names including Fredric Davidson, Janet Gilberts, Katrina Gilberts, and Ian Floyd were called. I wasn't paying much attention. I started spacing out.

(Harry's P. O. V.)

"Lastly, Perseus Jackson." Professor McGonagall called.

I looked over at Percy. He looked like he was in another world. I nudged him.

"Percy, McGonagall called your name." I said.

He snapped out of it.

"Sorry." He said, then walked up to the stool and sat down.

McGonagall put the hat on his head.

(Percy's P. O. V.)

I went up and sat on the stool. I felt self-conscious sitting there with everyone staring at me. I then heard a voice in my head.

"Took you long enough." It said.

"Who are you?" I thought to the voice.

"I'm the sorting hat." The Sorting Hat replied.

"Okay. So what house am I going to be in?" I thought to the sorting hat.

"I'm not quite sure yet. You're the first demigod I've sorted in years. You demigod types are a lot harder to sort." The hat replied.

"How do you know I'm a demigod?" I asked cautiously.

"I can see it inside your head." The hat replied.

"Oh. Are you sure you want to look inside my head? I've seen really horrible stuff." I told the hat.

"I'll be fine. You can't be the worst." The hat said.

I waited, as the hat looked though my head.

"You are absolutely in the top ten in the most horrifying heads I've had to go though." The hat said. "I think I know what house you belong in."

(Harry's P. O. V.)

The sorting hat has been on Percy's head for at least fifteen minutes now. People were starting to whisper.

"Is the sorting hat usually on someone's head for this long?" Ron asked Hermione.

"No." Hermione replied. "This may be the longest the sorting hat's ever taken."

"I hope it hurries up." Ron said. "I'm starving."

"You're always hungry Ron." Hermione replied, intently watching Percy, still sitting up on the stool.

"Gryffindor!" The hat shouted. We cheered as Percy walked over.

I'm sorry for not updating sooner. Hope you liked the chapter! ArtNemoun