Authors Note; alright everyone, here is the official first chapter rewrite of Hockey Changes Everything. I'm going to try and be finished with the rewritten chapters tonight so they will all be posted either tonight or tomorrow, and hopefully the story will be completely finished with in the next couple days. Please review and tell me what you think, because you guys are all the reason this is being rewritten.

Chapter One

January 2006


I closed my eyes once more, I didn't know what to think anymore. When he first broke up with me I honestly thought it was a joke. Then the words 'I don't love you anymore' came out of him mouth, and I knew it was true. The look on his face said that his words were tearing him apart inside, but he still said them, he wanted to be done with me; this wasn't some cruel joke. A month after the last time I saw Edward things on my end started to change, and after another two weeks I was sitting in a hospital room, listening to a nurse tell me that I was pregnant. There was no doubt in my mind that the baby was Edward's, he was and is the only guy I have ever been with.

So here I am, sitting in a living room next to a fire in the middle of January, knees pulled to my chest holding myself together for this little baby inside of me. Esme, Carlisle, Alice, and Rose said around me, some on the floor and others on the various couches, all trying to help me figure out what the hell I was going to do. Heaven forbid if they didn't support me, these people, well they were the only family I had now, and if they hadn't supported me I would be out on the streets, pregnant and alone. Today was a day like many others where we all gathered to try and find a way for me to tell Edward, I still hadn't because I was afraid of his reaction.

"Maybe you should just tell him Bella, you don't know that he won't want something to do with you and the baby." Rose said acting like it was really no big deal.

But it wasn't that easy, I couldn't just go to Pittsburgh and show up at his apartment saying 'I'm pregnant it's your baby' he would roll his eyes and slam the door in my face. I looked to the window, watching the thick flurries of snow outside, just wishing that I could be like the snow, free, with no one telling me what to do.

Winter in New Jersey was cold, and pretty, it was my favorite time of the year. It was the time of year when I just wanted to spend all day, and every day in Manhattan, Central Park to exact. I wanted to skate in Central Park and at Rockefeller Center; just like I had done with my parents when they were still alive. "It's not that easy Rose, he told me he didn't love me. I don't want him to come back into my life just because I'm pregnant, because he thinks he's obligated."

"Bella, the boy is obligated" Esme said, resting a hand on my shoulder. "What about a letter? So you don't tell him face to face, at least this letter will give the boy the opportunity to make a decision without having to tell you face to face." She said causing me to just shrug.

"Bella, honey, right now there isn't much that you can do. If you don't tell him, both he and this baby could be missing out on something good. Just try something, anything, if he doesn't respond then you know that he doesn't want to be part of your lives, if he does, then this baby is getting a father, which I know is something you want." Carlisle said, always the wise one.

I groaned, and as I leaned farther in to the couch I knew everything they were saying was right. I rested my hand on my stomach and smiled, though it was still to early to find out what I was having I was still excited, and kind of happy to have a piece of Edward with me. I knew I was young, and that my reasons sounded immature and naïve, but I knew I would be able to do this. I had always been mature for my age, and I had help. Carlisle and Esme already told me that they would be here to help me if I decided to keep the baby, and honestly, I didn't think I would ever be able to get rid of my baby.

"Just think about it honey, no matter what you decided we're here for you." Esme said as she patted my shoulder, and moved in to the kitchen.

Just a few minutes later after a snack, I went up to my room hoping that being alone would allow me to make a decision. There were a lot of things that I needed to think about, and my room was always a good place to do so. Another reason was because tonight was the night the Devils were playing the Penguins, and I wanted to watch not only because the Devils are my favorite team, but because Edward plays for the Penguins. Yeah, maybe it was a little pathetic of me, stalking my ex-boyfriend as he played professional hockey, but it was the only way I could see him.

Over the last couple months I had watched as many games that included Edward as I possibly could. He had become easily irritable, almost as if he had been taking lessons from Emmett; he had gotten in to more fights and had started to really rack up some penalty minutes. In the time I had known Edward, I had never seen him this angry in any hockey game.

Trying my best to avoid following Edward's every move on the screen, I grabbed my notebook off the table and started to write. I paid little attention, scribbling down random things, and it wasn't until after that I realized I had written a letter to Edward. Everyone was right, Edward deserved to know about our baby, and this letter would tell him everything because despite the phone calls I had made, I would never be able to tell him. To put it simply, I was, no am, a coward.

The next morning I woke up bright and early, I wanted to make it to Pittsburgh before lunch, and I wanted to give him this letter. Giving him the letter in person was my sad attempt at seeing him once more before everything went to hell, and I just hoped that he was there when I arrived. In half hours time, I had showered, thrown my hair in a ponytail, put on a little make up, and dressed in a pair of jeans, with two long sleeve shirts, and a pair of green high top sneakers before running out the door to my Audi. The letter was tucked safely inside my bag, and I took my vitamins before pulling out of the drive, maybe this meant something good was going to happen?

I arrived at the arena shortly after lunch, and as I look around the parking lot I could see that Edward's car was still here. Before I could go inside Emmett McCarty came out of the locker room door, and I knew that he would have to let me in to see Edward. "Emmett!" I called climbing out of my car and jogging over to him. "Hey Emmett!" I called again, this time he turned toward me.

"Uh, hey Bella, what are you doing here?" he asked me nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Is Edward still here?"

"Yeah, he's on the ice, but he asked to not be bothered. What's up?" he looked down, his eyes wide, "are you" but before he finished I held out the letter to him.

"Can you make sure that he gets this? It's important."

"Not a problem" he said taking the letter from me. "See you around."

As I walked to my car I could see Emmett watching me, making sure that I climbed in my car and drove away. I wasn't sure why that was, Emmett always seemed pretty cool when I had talked to him, now he just seemed nervous. I just hoped that in a couple days time I would hear back from Edward.

December 16, 2012

Hoboken, New Jersey

"Logan, if you don't hurry your little butt up, you're going to be late for hockey practice, and if you're late for practice then we don't get home in time for the game!" I called up the stairs to my five-year-old hockey-obsessed son.

A minute later my messy haired son appeared at the bottom of the stairs with a crooked smile on his face. My goodness how much he reminded me of his father sometimes. Grabbing his helmet out of the hall closet and stuffing it on his head his stick came next. "Where is your hockey bag?"

"Car 'member? You didn't wanna bring it in last night." He said as he ran out the door without a jacket.

I groaned and grabbed his jacket off the hook, following him out the car. This was the time where I was relieved that we only lived five minutes from the arena where Logan played hockey. No matter how much I yelled up stairs, or tried to coax the kid out the door we always arrived five minutes before practice started.

After parking the car and helping Logan with his bag I walked to the small concession area they had to watch over the practice and get some coffee with Alice and Rose who were already there waiting for me. "Who dressed you?" Alice giggled as I walked to their table.

I rolled my eyes, when you have a five year old at home, sometimes the only thing you have time to slip on is a pair of jeans, a sweater, and Ugg boots. "You're hilarious" I said rolling my eyes and sitting down.

Both her and Rose smiled before Alice made her average complaint about winters in New Jersey. "I seriously hate winters in New Jersey" now this sent Rose and I in to fits of giggles, she had been saying this since we were children, and I didn't think that it would ever change.

"How are you Bella? It's been forever since we've seen you." Rose said sipping at her coffee.

"I'm good, tired, but good. Logan is all over the place and I've been busy with the shop. Lately we've just had so many new customers I've been thinking that it's time for us to expand. We're still a new shop, but we've had so many repeat customers it might be a good idea. But what about you guys, I know I've been few and far between lately."

"I'm good, excited to finally be graduating, I'm getting so sick of taking exams." Rose laughed. For the last five years Rose had been pursing an engineering degree, and she was ready to come back home and open a shop in Newark.

Alice sat across from us quietly (for once) but I could tell she was holding something inside, something that was going to make everyone happy. "So I was in the shop last week talking to a customer, she wanted to customer order a few items from me, when an older women came in. Turns out, this woman had seen my designs and heard about me through a couple people, and she wants to help me get my line started. My own personal line, I wouldn't just be selling a few things here and there, my own line that would start off in high end boutiques." Alice said finally blurting out what she had to say.

For the next half hour we talked about this opportunity Alice was presented with before the girl ganged up on me about Christmas. "So Christmas is right around the corner, what does the little man either want or need?" Alice asked causing me to groan.

Over the years Alice and her family had done so much for me, they supported me while I was pregnant with Logan, and helped me get on my feet and get my college degree while taking care of a child. They made sure Logan had everything he wanted, and though I was thankful that they were so generous I hated that I couldn't do all of this on my own. But as Alice had started to make her own money, and Rosalie's trust came in, the girls had started to try and help me as well, mostly around the holidays.

"He's been talking about this Volchenkov jersey, and how he wants it signed, but I know he really wants tickets to a Devils vs. Penguins game. I'm working on the Jersey, but it's difficult because Logan is always with me." I said as they rolled their eyes.

"We'll take care of it" Alice said as Rose piped in.

"Are you sure about that game Bella? I mean there are hundreds of other games that we can get you tickets to, but that game? I know it's been five years, but there is a chance that Edward is going to see you and Logan. He's never shown any interest in the two of you these past five years, I don't want him to get any ideas now."

I shrugged. "I'm sure Logan wouldn't be disappointed if it was any other game, but this is the one he really wants to go to. If we do go, I highly doubt that Edward is going to pick me out in the crowd, he won't know that we're there, and I'll make sure of it. Hockey is hockey to Logan, either way, I know he'll be happy."

Pushing the button on my cell phone I stood up. "Alright ladies, I have to go pick up a hopefully tired five year old and get some food in him. I'll give you a call sometime later in the week."

Edward Masen

December 16, 2012

Penguins Locker Room

"Edward, grab my hockey tape out of my bag will you?" Emmett called as I headed from the gym to the locker room. I nodded and walked over to Emmett's locker, digging around in the hockey bag before everything toppled on to the ground.

"Son of a" I said as I bent down, picking everything that had scattered and throwing it back into the bag. Getting down on my knees to pick up his tape, which had rolled under the bench I saw an envelope down there as well. Picking it up I saw the edges had yellowed, but that my name was written on it in cursive. "What the?"

Tearing the envelope open I took the contents out and started reading.

January 12, 2006


It feels so strange to be writing you name now, it actually feels more strange to say it out loud, but that's a different story. It's weird to think about you as I write this out, or even to read it, because you know I re-read everything. It's been just over two months since we've last seen each other, two months since you broke my heart, and sixteen days since I've found out some of the most amazing, most life changing news. I know you, you're already thinking of the hundreds of things that I might possibly tell you, and if you stop thinking and just continue to read you may eventually find out. I was sitting downstairs earlier today, sitting by the fire in the big armchair, the one where I always sit and think, wrapped in a big blanket, watching Pride and Prejudice, sipping a big mug of hot cocoa, and I couldn't stop thinking about the day we met. I remember that day, Esme and Carlisle had agreed to let Alice and I go to Pittsburgh with Rose, and since we didn't want to order out or go to a restaurant, we decided to get food and cook in out little kitchen in the hotel room. I accidently ran my shopping cart into yours and as I looked up in to your eyes I saw that they were the brightest, most vibrant green that I had ever seen. They had this twinkle about them, this twinkle that was so special, and every time I looked in to your eyes that twinkle continued to be there. I had no idea that you were and NHL hockey player, and I think that had to be one of the reason we connected so well, I didn't care who you were, you were just Edward Masen; the green eyed boy with crazy bronze/copper colored hair, from Chicago who loved hockey. It was these things that made me fall in love with you. It also made me think of the time you took me to the arena in Pittsburgh, I think it was a month after we started dating. You put me in a pair of hockey skates, and chased me around the ice. It was the same day you picked me up and threw me over your shoulder, skating around the ice like it was no big deal. It was the day I met Emmett and Sidney. They were the first two hockey players, other than you, that I had ever met, and I think they accepted me the most. But by far, my favorite memory is the day you surprised me in the middle of school. You dazzled the secretary to let me out of class because she kept telling you that you weren't authorized to sign me out, but you wouldn't take no for an answer. When she finally let me out, you took me to lunch, and we just talked and talked for hours. It wasn't about anything important, just the little things we didn't know about each other. Who we were, what we wanted in life, what we wanted from each other, and everything in between, I still want the same things, do you? It was the same week that you took me to my first live NHL game. I had watched so many on TV with my father, but we had never been to one; it helped that it was against my favorite team too, the Devils, and you were so angry that I loved them. I had grown up watching them after all, first with my dad, and then with Carlisle. You hated that I refused to wear a Cullen jersey, and you knew that it would never happen until your name was on back of a Devils jersey. After that night, it seemed to me that things had gotten better, and then that night came, the night that changed everything. That night really did change everything, and I'm not sure if it was a good or bad thing yet, but I'm leaning toward good. After that night I was so much more emotionally attached to you than I should have been, and it was around that time that you seemed to be drifting further and further away. The day you broke up with me, you quite honestly broke my heart, tore it into a million pieces, and it took me weeks before I was able to even try to start piecing it back together. As time continued to move on things in my life started to change, and then I finally got the news. I know you're still wondering what in the hell I'm talking about, and I want you to know that what I'm about to tell you doesn't have to change anything between us. We broke up, and we broke up because you didn't love me anymore, I understand that. I'm not writing this letter in some desperate attempt to get you back, but I'm writing because I had to tell you about this somehow, and I'm too much of a coward to do it face to face. I'm pregnant, just a little over two and a half months. I can't tell you if we're having a boy or a girl yet, it's still too early to tell, but I'm going to take care of it; I mean not it 'it' but through all nine months, until it's born. I think I might keep the baby as well, Carlisle and Esme have offered to help me take care of everything, and I think I might take them up on that. This letter doesn't have to change anything for you; this letter is my way of letting you know about everything that is going on, and from here you can make your decision. If you want to be involved, which I hope you will, you know where to find me. If not, well you don't have to reply.

Yours Bella.

I wasn't sure why this was in Emmett's bag, and I really wasn't sure why this letter wasn't given to me six years ago. I had a kid out there, a kid I knew nothing about, with Bella. Bella, the person I lied to because someone made me believe that I should be focusing on my career, not some silly little girl. I was wrong, so wrong to lie to her, and I never should have left, but my mistakes were mistakes. Now I find out I have a child out there, a little boy or little girl, a baby who was five now.

I wiped the tears that had started to form in my eyes, and sat down. The thing that pissed me off and surprised me most was that Emmett had hid it. Emmett my best friend since child hood knew all along, he knew and he never told me. Pushing my self from the bench I clutched Emmett's stupid fucking tape in my right hand and the letter in my left.

He was sitting down on the bench out on the ice talking with Jasper Hale, the newbie, Sidney, Ben, and Kris. "Dude, I was starting to think that you got lost in there." He joked as I chucked his tape at him as hard as I possibly could. "What the fuck!" Emmett said shielding his face. I held the letter up and his eyes widened, "where did you get that?"

"I should be asking you the same fucking thing! I was getting your tape like you asked me, and your bag fell. As I was putting everything back inside I noticed this on the ground. The funny thing was, my name was on it, not yours. So I opened it. How the hell could you keep this from me! For nearly six years! You knew that she showed up, and this letter, what were you going to do with it? Did you ever plan on giving it to me?" I yelled, and I knew I had to be crying right now. Emmett said nothing, just looking at the ground, avoiding the situation, like he had when we were children. "Own up to your mistakes Emmett! Tell everyone how the only girl I've loved showed up here, tell them how you kept this letter from me! Did you know what was in this letter?" I asked as I looked around. Every member of the team, every member of coaching staff, had stopped what they were doing to listen to us.

"Of course I knew!" he yelled "I knew the minute I saw her that she was pregnant! And I knew that she was seventeen years old and was just going to get an abortion because she had no one! She was alone Edward, and the moment the people who took care of her found out, they were going to kick her out. Having a baby would have ruined your career, just like staying with her would have. I told you to leave her for a reason, and you were naïve enough to listen. If I would have given you the letter there was no way you would have stayed, you would have done the honorable thing and went to her. You would have married her and stayed there, you would have played house, and you would have had nothing! I did you a favor by keeping this letter from you! Look at you now, a big time NHL player who is making millions of dollars a year, you should be thanking me right now." He spat out.

Before I knew what was happening I dropped the letter to the ground and threw a right hook at Emmett. My fist collided with his jaw and he fell back, quickly getting up, and we started to fight. It took Jasper, Ben, Sidney, Marc, Kris, and two coaches to pull us off each other. Sidney, Kris, and Jasper held me back as I spat blood on to the ice.

"You're right, I would have asked her to marry me. But I wouldn't have quit my job, she wouldn't have let me, she knew how much hockey meant to me, she knew how much I loved playing, it was my life. You're right about another thing though, I was naïve enough to listen to you and breaking up with her. I shouldn't have, we saw a future with each other, and by making that decision I screwed my life up. But don't think I will ever thank you for what you did, your ruined my life. Not only that, but you've ruined our friendship, we've been friends since childhood. I don't appreciate you keeping this from me, because in turn you've kept me from my family. MY FUCKING FAMILY!" I yelled wiping away tears.

Rather than looking ashamed of his actions, he just laughed. "The stupid bitch probably got an abortion. Seventeen year old girl, pregnant in high school; people are going to make fun of her. She probably couldn't handle it, got an abortion, do you really think she kept it?" he yelled as I lunged at him, Sidney and Jasper grabbing me again, as I struggled to get away.

"She kept the baby you ass hole! She kept it! She lost her parents at fifteen, do you really think she would miss out on the chance to have a family? Another thing, she would never be so heartless to kill an innocent sole, you're an asshole. God Emmett, you were supposed to be my best friend, we've been friends since we were kids. We were drafted together, we went to the same college, and you do this? I can't believe you" I said turning around and walking back in to the main locker rooms.

I didn't know what I was going to do, tonight was an important game. We were playing the Devils, and I couldn't exactly leave hours before a game to go track down an old girlfriend, and a child, I didn't even know where they were. I knew tonight Bella would be watching from home, she had always been a Devils fan, which in turned pissed me right off, and I doubted that anything had changed. "Edward" I heard from behind me to see Sidney trying to catch up with me.

"What's up?"

"Emmett had no right to do that, but I promise I'm going to help you track Bella and that kid of yours down, no matter what it takes. If she really did keep the kid like you said, then he or she, well they deserve to have a father. I know you, you'll do anything to try and take care of them. Just, don't make me regret it."