A/N: I have wanted to write this story for ages, and I didn't really find the time. But now, here it is, reminding me why PruCan is one of my OTPs!

There will be mentions of other minor pairings, but it will mostly be PruCan.

Chapter written while listening to the acoustic version of Loli Jackson (Dover). If anyone wants to listen to it while reading, it really makes you get in the mood.

Sad prologue is sad... enjoy!

Before the real story begins, a few things must be made clear.

First off, Gilbert Beilschmidt was not one to fall in love. Nuh-uh. He didn't look for it, nor did he want it. Because he had seen how love worked. Love made people do stupid things. Love made people stupid. And he wasn't going to fall for that, thank you very much.

Next, he didn't feel jealous. Not at all. Everybody around him was in a committed relationship and he was still alone? So what? He didn't need a lover. Heck, he didn't want one. He didn't want to be in love. I thought that point was already cleared.

And finally, he was perfectly fine with having to share his best friends with their respective boyfriends. It was okay that their table in their favorite bar had now five chairs instead of their usual three, that every time they went out suddenly became a double date… plus one, that he had settled a new World Record, managing to be the FIFTH wheel instead of the standard third one. He didn't mind their trio slowly starting to fall apart, really. Because everybody had to settle down, move forward and all that jazz… right? Right?

So, after this has been explained, one would understand why he did not feel, by any means, hurt, disappointed or betrayed, and fully supported his friend when he made the BIGGEST, MOST STUPID mistake he could have ever made.

"I'm going to ask Arthur to move in with me"

Just like that. He dropped the bomb on a random Saturday evening, when they were watching a match on the sports channel. Usually Antonio would be seeing it too, but he was visiting Lovino's parents so it was just the two of them. They were both sitting on the sofa, sharing some popcorn and yelling at the referee. It looked so casual, almost like it wasn't planned at all. But they both knew it was. Maybe months in advance. Maybe before planning how to tell Arthur himself.

"What? Why?"

"You see… now that Tonio is getting married, I realized that… well, I really think Arthur's the one… and even if I'm not ready to marry him…"

Although the 'Not yet' wasn't mouthed, the idea still flung in the air.

It was like a déjà vu. He had already experienced this a month ago, when his friend told them he was leaving. But he had Francis back then. Now it was him who was leaving, and Gilbert found himself alone one more time.

"Remember when we came here? We just finished college, and then here we were… New York City. We rented this together… remember what we said?" Gilbert faced him, voice trembling ever so slightly.

"That we would be roommates forever, just like in college… I know, but things have changed, we have grown up, we have to…"

Gilbert cut him short. He couldn't stand another lecture. If he heard the words 'settle down' just one more time...

"Now Antonio is getting married, you are moving in with your boyfriend… by the way, when would it be?"

He heard his friend sigh, and instantly knew he wouldn't like the answer.

"I'm going to ask him today, so it will probably be around next week. You see, his rent ends soon, so I guess it's a good time to…"

He definitely didn't like the answer. And even less what it was implying.

"He's moving here? So, not only are you breaking our promise, but you are also kicking me out?"

He spit the last words with as much venom as he could muster, and let them fade into the now tense atmosphere.

The French seemed genuinely hurt at that. Objective accomplished.

"No! You know is not like that! Antonio is leaving, so we have an extra room! It could be the three of us!"

At that, Gilbert felt the urge to laugh. But it came more as a sarcastic snarl.

No, it will never be 'the three of us'. And you know it.

"Yeah, sure, like I don't have enough feeling like the third wheel when we go out, now I will also feel it when I'm at home. No thanks."

He felt the other man sigh, and a hand on his shoulder.

"Gilbert, really… I don't want you to feel replaced, or betrayed, or…"

Well, you couldn't have done it better.

Silence fell into the room, and suddenly it felt colder.

Gilbert looked around, at what once was their apartment. Now it was filled with boxes, with half-packed memories that once belonged to the three of them but now were going to fill the shelves in Lovino's apartment in Brooklyn.

In a week, the emptiness those memories left would be replaced with Arthur's books.

They were other kind of memories. Foreign ones.

And he could not stand seeing that happen.

"I'm leaving" he suddenly said, voice low and bitter.

"No, wait, I… I"

"Don't even try to follow me. I'll get my things…someday. We'll see each other when we see each other. After all, this city is not so big, is it?"

He got his keys, more by routine than by real need, and went out of the house without looking back.

Not until he heard the door slam behind him did the situation fully sink in.

Somehow, his feet dragged him to the rooftop. And, when he felt the cold, winter air on his face, slamming mercilessly against his body, it hit him.

Guess we passed the point of no return.

So he just sat there, taking a cigarette and a lighter out of his pocket.

And the flame brought back memories from the same place, but at a different time and a whole different situation.

"So… here we are… what do you think?"

They fell silent for a moment, admiring the sight around them.

"We… are gonna… rock this city"

"Like hell we will"

"Hey, has anybody brought beers? This deserves a celebration"

"No, but I've got cigarettes. They'd have to do"

"Cigarette cheers!"

"Cigarette cheers to a new life!"

Cigarette cheers to a new life then, he thought bitterly.

He lit the cigarette, and brought it to his slightly trembling lips.

Around him, the city skyline. Above him, the sky.

He exhaled slowly.

And, as he saw the smoke fade into the New York City air, he thought about moving forward, growing up, and all those shitty euphemisms people used when everything they had ever leant on was starting to fall apart, and there was nothing they could do about it.

A/N: This chapter may or may not be biased by the song I'm hearing while writing (hint: it is). But I promise it will be better... I'm not that good at writing sad scenes...

Cookies to the one who guesses where the title came from! Double cookies for the one who guesses which show is the quote "we'll see each other when we see each other" came from! (Update! Quote's from the show Community) Cookies for me, too,'cause I'm hungry!

I'm halfway with the next chapter (Canada appears! Yay!) so I think I will update soon.

Reviews make lonely Prussia less lonely!