My lord, I have urgent news." Severus Snape said kneeling on the floor with his head bowed.
"What is it Severus?" The sixteen-year-older version of Tom Riddle asked.
"Harry Potter is to be married."
"What! He is only seventeen!" Tom screamed making his inner circle flinch.
"He is getting married at Hogwarts and Remus Lupin is his best man."
"What?" Greyback screamed.
"Greyback, is there a problem?" Tom asked.
"Remus Lupin is my pup that Dumbledore took from me. Please, My Lord, let me get him back. I need him back."
"Alright, Greyback. We will get him at the wedding along with Harry. I will not let that boy get married that young." Tom said slamming his fist onto the arm of his armchair.
Harry looked at the woman that he was soon to be married to, her red hair cascading down her back into soft curls, red lashes flashing in front of her green eyes. What could possibly ruin this day? There was a cloud of smoke and Remus turned into the forty three-year-old Tom Riddle. The real Remus was in the hall restrained by Greyback. Many of the Order tried to fight back, but an army of Death Eaters fought with them. Tom walked over to Harry and grabbed him. Whispering a small stunning charm, Harry fell into Tom, where he, lifted Harry up into his arms, one under his shoulders and the other under his legs, and left the school with his army.
Remus had seen Greyback and went after him into the halls. Chasing him to the Great Hall's doors, he lost him. Looking around, he didn't see the shadow lurking behind him until an arm wrapped around his torso and a hand coming up to his mouth. He could feel the man' monster's teeth on his shoulder and he froze. Greyback took in his sent of his pup and then bit down onto the old bite mark. Remus screamed into the hand and let the tears fall from his eyes. Greyback felt so bad and so sorry for his pup, but he had to do this to restrain him. Soon Remus fainted from the pain, he lifted his pup into his arms and apparated away with everyone else.
The group apparated back to Riddle Manor and safely around the wards where only Tom and his inner circle Death Eaters could apparate into. Tom went to his room while Greyback when to his. Tom laid Harry onto his bed and summoned a chair close to the bed so he could sit next to his side. Greyback walked over to the fireplace and laid down with Remus in his arms on the firs that were laid down as his bedding. It would take them time but both Harry and Remus would learn to grow and trust them.