1. Pain

After ten more years, Sam was docile and accepting of whatever Lucifer deigned to do to him. He didn't scream, he didn't speak unless spoken to, and he didn't even glare anymore. But whenever Lucifer paused in his ministrations, Sam would look at him like a kicked puppy until he resumed.

"Sam, is there something you want?" Lucifer asked when the curiosity became too much.

"Yes," Sam croaked.

"What do you want, Sam?" His voice had taken on a fatherly tone.

"Pain," came the immediate answer. "Punishment."

"And why do you want this?'

"It's what I d-deserve."


"B-because I hurt people. Because I'm a m-monster," Sam's whole body was trembling now.

Lucifer beamed down at him, a smile so beautiful and radiant it brought tears to Sam's eyes. "Well, if that's what you want," he said tenderly, "it's the least I can do."

The pain was all-consuming and everywhere, and tears streamed from Sam's eyes but he didn't scream, instead he smiled brighter than he could ever remember. The pain was the greatest kindness Sam had ever known; it was what he expected and what he deserved. Lucifer understood what he needed, and he wouldn't deny him. Lucifer was always so good to him.

AN: Okay, I started this around the same time I started "Shuffle", so this has been sitting forEVER! This is the piece I put on hold to write "Them Crooked Vultures" when I realized I was adopting some of the more graphic fanon, which makes it my original reaction to the idea of the Samifer ship. My main goal here was to give my version (as inspired by others) of the reasons why 1) Lucifer said, "I thought you loved my singing" in season 7, 2) Sam still has his normal voice after coming back from the Cage even though when Dean went to Hell his voice was like 8 octaves deeper, 3) Sam only hallucinates Lucifer but not Michael, 4) Cas says that Sam has been Lucifer's only target in the cage during S6. The fifth part was finally inspired by me reading Game of Thrones (THEEEEOOOOOONNNNNN!) and turned out WAY darker and WAY longer than I'd originally planned but I love it all the same, especially because that one inspired me to write the epilogue and attempt to thread the monster theme through the rest of it.

Another thing: My computer is kind of broken so new fics and updates (and I promise BOJ is going to be updated soon even though practically no one is waiting on that!) are going to be slower than before (and I was already slow, sorry!) until I can get it fixed.

Once again, a thousand thank yous to everyone who gave me inspiration, keep writing wonderful fics!