Disclaimer: Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima, not me.

This story begins after the Grand Magic Games, when everything returns to normal. This story is mainly about NatsuXErza, but I thought it won't be interesting if I didn't throw in some twist and turns along the way. Reviews are gladly appreciated even the critical one. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1: Pain.

"Natsu! When are we ever going to go on a mission? My rent!" Lucy cried., and she slouched on the table.

"Ehhhhh... ok, fine, fine. Its been a long time since Team Natsu went out a mission!" Natsu casually replied.

"What did ya say, torch? Team Natsu! Hahahaha..." Gray retort.

"Ehhh... popsicle, picking a fight?" Natsu said, annoyed.

Obvious tick mark on both Natsu and Gray's head. Both head's slamming on each other's. But before they could start a riot, the door slammed opened. Noticing the figure standing at the doorway, the 'Torch' and 'Popsicle' immediately started buddying each other up.

"Aye, aye, Erza!" Natsu yelped.

"The return of Happy number 2." Lucy sighed.

"Master, what did you want to tell me." Erza questioned, ignoring the duo.

"About a dark guild, rumors had it that a certain dark guide is trying to destroy Fiore. I need you to investigate, with Natsu... and put a stop to their plans." He replied loud enough for the duo and Erza to hear.

" How about me Master and Lucy?" Gray asked.

"No, you two won't be going anywhere... In case Erza's mission fails, an assault may happen, we need the guild members to stay and protect Fiore and the guild."

"I see, Master." Erza whispered, look down in all matter of seriousness.

"Whaaa?" Natsu cluelessly said.

"Apparently Flame Brain here doesn't understand..." Gray sighed.

"What did you say?!" A tick mark reappeared on Natsu's head, clearly annoyed. Erza shot a glare at the duo.

"Aye Aye!" Natsu imitated Happy. And both started to buddy each other up again, fearing for their lives.

"Today night, both of you shall take the 7pm train to Onibus Town, where we recieved news that the certain guild's headquaters is there. Be safe, Erza, Natsu." Master said, nodding.

"Aye, Sir! Natsu mimicked. Erza just nodded coolly.


Natsu headed towards, Magnolia Train Station, mind filled with thoughts. 'A mission... with her.' He was overridden with emotions, mostly happiness and nervousness, with a tinge of feeling sick, just be thinking of trains. 'Dammit. Should I tell her during the mission... I mean... ' He sighed. That memory was still clear in his mind...


The pain in order to open his second origin was extremely excruciating but he got over it and was able to stand and walk. Following his nose, he smelled the scent of Jellal and Erza and unknowingly followed their scent. Which soon he arrived at the beach. He hid behind the palm trees, listening to their exchange over at the hills and spying on them.

"You said you got your memories back, right, Jellal." Erza stood barely a metre away from Jellal who was sitting on a rock.

"Yeah." Was all Jellal could say.

"Then about Simon, too?"

"I killed him." Jellal said with a pang of guilt.

"Do you remember about Nirvana?"

"I remember. I remember I had amnesia then. It feels strange."

"Can I think of you as the 'old' Jellal and treat you that way?"

"That would make me happy... but there's still what happened with Simon. I won't blame you if you kept your distance. And if you wish to take revenge for Simon's death, I'm prepared to lay down my life."

As this conversation continued, Natsu started to get jealous. But he kept his cool and remained silent.

"Do you think that's what Simon would want? You formed a guild in order to destroy dark guilds. That's how you're atoning for your sins. That's what you're prepared to do!"

"I don't know..."


"Certainly, I created Crime Sorciere in the beginning to make amends for my sins. But there's no way I can make up for what I did at the Tower Of Heaven. What am I doing this for? I can't get this labyrinth off my mind. Maybe I should die." Jellal finished talking, just as Erza stepped in front of him and gave him a tight slap.

"How can you talk so cowardly?!"

"I'm not as strong as you are." Jellal said, not daring to look Erza in the eye.

"So you can't live if you're not strong?! Wrong! Living shows that you are strong! You are not the old Jellal! You are not the Jellal who struggled desperately to survive!"

"You may be right..." Was all he could say.

"Why, you..." Erza said, infuriated, picked up Jellal by his collar.

"Erza..." Just then, Jellal tripped backwards, falling down bringing Erza with him as the duo tumbled down the side of the cliff. With Jellal landing on top of Erza, Erza's legs in between his. Both shocked at what had just happened, making Erza blush a little.

Upon seeing them tumbled down the cliff, Natsu felt very jealous and at the same time betrayed. He hid his protruding head behind the bark, hoping that they would not see him. But just when he poked his head out again, what he saw made him die inside, as he felt his heart start shattering, Jellal was on top of Erza.

"You're always right." Jellal said, not moving from that spot.

"That's not true. In my own clumsy way, I live my life to the fullest. Thats all..." Erza replied.


"I thought that I'd never see you again." Erza using her hands, covered her eyes, avoiding eye contact with Jellal. Using her hands she cupped Jellal's face.

"Jellal..." Was all she could say before tears started flowing from her eyes. Jellal used a hand to cup her cheeks and as well, wipe off her tears. They started getting closer to each other, obviously going to kiss.

Jealousy. Natsu wanted to stop them but decided against to, he didn't want to let her know about his feelings, especially since Jellal was there. Even a fool like him could tell that both liked each other, if he stopped them, he would become the third wheel. He felt his heart shattered into a million pieces, hurt like hell. He couldn't help it as tears started forming in his eyes. Torn.

But just as their lips could touch, Jellal pulled away.

"I can't. I have a fiancee." Jellal lied.

"Oh, no... I,uh,I wasn't thinking..." Erza panicked.

"No, it's my fault. I, uh... I'm sorry"

Upon hearing that, it made Natsu feel better, just a little, but still he was quite hurt. After Jellal went, he didn't move, he couldn't even sleep. He was hurt beyond repair.

Flashback end


Aimlessly, he managed to reach the station only to see Erza waiting for him with her usual, a huge cargo.

"Natsu... What's wrong?" Erza questioned, noticing Natsu's mood.

"Its,uh, nothing. Uh... you know, the thought of riding the train." Natsu lied and managed to pull off a fake grin, to make it more convincing. He could already feel dinner rising up from his stomach already.

Erza nodded. Believing his lie, as so Natsu thinks. 'That boy, he knows how to lie already huh. I'll make sure he tells me after the mission.' They headed to their train compartment as soon as they boarded, not speak much to each other, mostly due to Natsu's sickness that kept his mouth shut. Erza pitying Natsu's state, punched him in the stomach, making Natsu unconscious, which was what Erza thought he was. Before lying him down onto her lap. 'Ahh... I feel better already...' Natsu thought as he dozed off.

Ok that's all for chapter 1. Hope you liked it. As usual, reviews are greatly appreciated, even if it was critical. You can also suggest what pairing you want in my future fanfictions. Chapter 2 would be released soon, hopefully during this week. Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: Fairy Tail belong to Hiro Mashima, and not me!