Rex's POV

I signed as the newly installed security camera focused in on Noah and I pretending to play basketball. We hadn't had a moment alone since last week and it was driving me crazy. I wanted to pin him against the nearest wall and kiss him just to give the people watching us something to see.

This added security was totally unnecessary and I hated how I couldn't get within 3 feet of my boyfriend without having a group of guards coming and pushing us apart. Noah shot me an understanding glance and smiled at me comfortingly. He hated it as much as I did, but he was handling it better then I was. Probably because it was my fault that such measures had been taken.

The chance to proclaim my love was denied to me as Providence kept a watchful eye on us the whole time we were together again. I could only hug Noah long enough to be considered appropriate for friends and it caused me actual pain to let him go so quickly. After a week without seeing him because of White I was eager to be alone with him again, just to kiss his cheek or make him blush. It hurt to be denied such a simple pleasure.

We half heartedly pretended to play basketball and Noah was so distracted I was even able to score two shots.

I was moments from grabbing him and jetting out of there with him in my arms when I caught sight of Bobo out of the corner of my eye. He was strategically placed out of view of the cameras and guards, shooting me a grin that told me he had a plan. Noah followed my gaze and smirked lightly to show he knew what was about to happen.

Before any of the guards could react a small canister the size of a pop can fell from Bobo's hiding place. Gas burst out of both ends and clouded the air around the guards, obscuring their view of us. Before they could make a move towards us I had given Bobo a salute of thanks and wrapped my arms around Noah's waist. We were air born before they ever had a chance of getting us.

Noah had never quite gotten used to being up in the air despite all the time we'd flown together like this. He was still shaken by the height and wind as easily as the first time in Abysus the day we met. But I still loved watching the wind blow back his hair on his flushed face as we laughed at the adrenaline rush of it all. I paused when we were far enough away that they were mere blimps of light in the distance.

I landed in the middle of the city park and we both smiled brightly at each other in excitement. The moment Noah had caught his breath I made it my goal to steal it away again as I kissed him with all the desire I'd been holding back since we'd last parted.

That kiss led to several others as I rememorized his taste and touch. Noah didn't hesitate in the slightest to allow me this indulgence, no doubt missing me as much as I had missed him. I loved him all the more for it, if that was even possible. He threaded his fingers into my hair and my hands went to his waist without hesitation. We were pressed flush against each other in the middle of the park and neither of us cared who saw as long as they weren't Providence.

I wished we could be like this always. That the rest of the world would just go away.

"Hey Blondie, hey Chief."

I really wished the rest of the world would go away.

We pulled apart reluctantly and turned to glare at my intruding sidekick, no doubt having followed us in a jump jet as soon as we'd taken off.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you and grateful for what you did, but I thought you did it to give us a little privacy." I griped.

Bobo grinned smugly at us both and I knew he wanted something in return for his help. Probably a backrub.

"Well excuse me for going out of my way to try and help you and your little love bird. Show a little appreciation why don't yeah."

I signed and pulled back as much as I absolutely had to glare at Bobo.

"What do you want?" I asked in exasperation.

"Why ya got to be like that Chief? Can't a chimp just do something out the goodness of his heart?"

Both Noah and I shot him a glare that said no he couldn't

Bobo rolled his one good eye and held up his hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay, the Doc and the Green man might have paid me a little bit to give the two of you a bit of alone time. Course if White asks, the two of you were off fighting some low level Evo that turned just as you two started playing basketball. You got about 2 hours before the Chief's got to be back. So have fun."

Bobo turned his back to us and walked into the distance with a smug expression no doubt covering his face.

Noah turned to look at me at the same time I turned to look at him and we shared a look of exasperated surprised.

We'd never gotten the okay to just act like a real couple before. It added an extra rush to the already heady feeling of being with my boyfriend. Noah smirked as the same thoughts ran through his own head and before I could even call him on it he claimed my lips in another passionate kiss.

"I guess this counts as our first real date huh?"

Noah blushed the tiniest hint of pink and looked shyly at our feet.

"I guess it is isn't it?"

I lifted his head to make him meet my gaze and nuzzled his nose lightly with my own in an Eskimo kiss.

"Anywhere in particular you want to go?" I asked softly.

He nuzzled back and thought for a moment.

"My house is beautifully empty at the moment and should remain so for the whole night." He told me casually.

I love how my boyfriend thinks.

Noah's smirk widened and his gaze held something I loved to see.


"My neck's been barren of hickies since last time." He hinted seductively, tilting his head to give me a better view of his unmarked neck. The mark I had placed there before at the courts was healed and gone, making me long to replace it with every fiber of my being.

I really love how my boyfriend thinks.

"Pretty foreword for a first date don't you think? Already inviting me back to your place…." I joked lightly.

Noah's self-assurance deflated before my eyes and the blush returned to his face full force.

"I wasn't…..I didn't mean…" He stuttered adorably.

I silence him with a kiss that stole his breath away.

"Rex…" He gasped lightly as we parted.

"You taunt me so my darling, Mi corazón. It's almost criminal how tempting you are. To see you bearing yourself to me like this…..."

I licked my lips slowly and noted the shiver that went down Noah's spine as his eyes followed the path of my tongue with delight.

"It's taking all of my will power not to ravish you right where you stand. To push you against the nearest tree and make you beg me to stop. To claim you as mine….God, you have no idea how much I love you."

I felt Noah stiffen in my arms at the words and I pulled him closer so as not to see the sheer panic and shock I knew would be on his face. Multiple cuss words flickered through my mind in multiple languages as I buried my face in his neck.

"Don't freak out. Please don't freak out. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I muttered franticly, trying to reassure him and myself at the same time.

God I'd screwed up, he wasn't ready to hear that. He wasn't ready and I said it anyway. I should have waited. I should have made sure he wouldn't freak. God, I'm such an-.


Noah somehow made the word sound like an endearment instead of an insult and I was grateful for that. Maybe I hadn't ruined everything.

"You tell me you love me and then apologies? Did you really think I'd react that badly? I love you too….Idiot."

My heart skipped a beat as he returned my embrace and the ice water in my veins was replaced with surging warmth and love.

"You're right. I'm an idiot. A total and utter idiot."

Noah kissed my neck lightly for a moment before pulling back and smiling at me.

"You're an idiot, but you're my idiot." He whispered affectionately.

"Always?" I questioned half playfully and half seriously.

"Always." He affirmed, placing his forehead against mine.

"Even if I forget you? Even if I wake up tomorrow and not recognize your face or know your name?" I asked tentatively, needing to know his answer.

Noah didn't even pause to think about my question.

"I'll just have to make you fall in love with me all over again. You'd still be my boyfriend, my Rex. Even if you forget everything, I wouldn't stop loving you, not for a moment."

The smile didn't leave my face for a long time as I basked in his commitment to our relationship.

Even if my mind does forget him, I know my body won't forget his warmth or my heart his love.

I also knew he wouldn't let me forget and I took comfort in that. If I woke up tomorrow with no memory I knew I wouldn't be lost like last time. I would have him and my family at Providence….…..That was enough.

I'm happy with this. It's my first first person POV story in a while and I kind of like it. It was interesting to get inside the head of one of my favorite characters. I might do more like it in the future if I get the urge to. Read and review please. I hope you all liked it!

Yours truly,
