I don't own Generator Rex. I merely write about the characters.

Rex's P.O.V

The basketball court in Noah's neighborhood had been our last refuge from Providence's direct observation until last week. We'd been reckless in our desperation to see each other since I'd been on an away mission the past three weeks. The whole time I was away all I could think about was how much I wished Noah was there to keep me company.

As soon as I got back to the Keep I called Noah on his cell and I could hear it in his voice that he had missed me too. I told him if he could manage to sneak out I could find a way to make it to the basketball court within the hour. I could hear the blush in his voice as he told me he'd find a way.

I'd gotten better at sneaking out unnoticed since we'd started dating, but I'd been careless that night. I usually used a stolen ID card from one of the many faceless guards, but that night I used a card I hadn't used before, not realizing that that guard had been fired two weeks prier. I was able to get out with it, but it set off a whole bench of silent alarms in the Keep.

I probably would have noticed if I hadn't been so consumed with the thought of getting to Noah. I was in the air before anyone could get to me and at the courts within minutes.

Noah was there, standing under the nearest lamppost and looking more like an angel then any human had a right to. I touched ground so close to him that the force of my landing nearly knocked him over, but I ended up being the one blown away when Noah ran into my arms and hugged me in a way only he ever could.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and twirled him around like I always saw boys do to girls in movies. He often chastised me for treating him like such a girl, but I knew he secretly loved it. He wrapped his own arms around my neck and threaded his fingers in my hair before he pulled me into a heated loving kiss.

I held him even tighter as he kissed me and pried his lips open enough to taste him. I had missed the sweet taffy-like flavor that Noah possessed more than anything while I was away. The second I pulled away from his lips I was at his neck and nipping at his untouched skin. He threw his head back and allowed me to mark him as much as I liked. As soon as I'd given him a sizable hickey I moved to just giving him gentle kisses. He gasped quietly at the change and looked down on me with cloudy blissful eyes.

He trailed one of his hands from the back of my hair to my face and cupped my cheek gently.

"I missed you." He breathed quietly, smiling at me so sweetly it made my heart melt.

I lowered him to the ground slowly, but kept my arms around his waist and his body pressed close to mine. With tenderness I only ever showed him I placed a soft kiss to his temple.

"I missed you too. I was counting the hours till I got back."

Noah beamed up at me and grasped my hand in his as we began walking towards the nearest bench in the darkest corner of the courts. I couldn't keep my hands off of him and pulled him into my lap with a sharp tug before he could sit down. He gave a startled gasp in surprise, but snuggled closer to me instead of trying to get up.

I kissed his neck softly as he told me about all that had happened while I'd been away and I only stopped to offer a reply or comment when the moment arose. I loved listening to him talk about his life and his soft voice only made it sweeter to hear.

Noah took his own turn nipping at my neck, though gentle enough to never leave marks, as I told him about the search for some Bigfoot like Evo near the North Pole that had been terrorizing the towns there. It had taken weeks to find the creature and cure him, but I was glad in the end to return the Evo turned child back to his parents. Noah nuzzled into my shoulder as I told him about the happy ending and I relished the contact.

Despite what Bobo thought about our relationship, Noah and I weren't only together because we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves. We loved each other. Even though we had never said it out loud.

I could feel the elusive words I'd been avoiding bubbling up inside me as Noah smiled at me.

" Noah I-" I was cut off by a spotlight from above shining down on us from the sky. A Providence ship hovered over the court and shone the light on us like we were escaped convicts.

I cursed under my breath as Noah jumped away from me in shock and fell onto the concrete.

I reached out to help him back up, but a Providence agent grabbed him and pulled him away from me by the back of his collar. I was so pissed it took everything I had not to activate my nanites and rip the guy's arms off.

"WTF dude! Let him go!"

Before I could start wailing on the guy Captain Callan jumped down from a rope latter that was hanging down from the ship and pushed me back.

"Rex, you need to get back to the base right now." He ordered calmly.

As he pushed me towards the ship he subtly whispered into my ear.

"Don't make a fuss, deny any affection between you two to White and I promise Noah won't get hurt. If things go well White Knight won't make you stop seeing him. My men will lie and say the two of you were just chatting here, but you have to keep your cool Rex."

I nodded subtly and made my way to the ship without fuss. The whole ride back I had to listen to White Knight go on and on about leaving the base without telling anyone and using the stolen cards that I'd gotten a hold of. To satisfy him I nodded my head from time to time and pretended to be listening, but my thoughts were a million miles away and with my boyfriend. Finally White's tone took a turn for the worse as he asked if I had in anyway been involved with Noah physically.

I gave my best scowl of distaste and tried to look disgusted.

"God White! Me and Noah!? That's sick! What kind of stuff have you been imagining in your little isolation room?!"

White took my response with a soft nod and dismissed me. As soon as his face flicked off the screen I banged my head against the nearest wall and cussed under my breath.

He was never going to let me near Noah again.

Bobo sat beside me for minute and smirked at my grief. We were in the hanger alone and I was about two seconds from forcing it to open and going back to Noah. I missed him already.

Bobo seemed to know how close I was to fleeing because he subtly stood in front of the entrance and made it impossible for me to leave without him being blown away or taken with me. I hated him for doing it as much as was grateful he did. Leaving then would have only had White on my back more and we didn't need that.

I leaned against the wall and slid down it slowly. Only the next message through my earpiece kept me from reconsidering fleeing.

Six's voice made shivers run threw my spine.

"Rex, we need to talk about Noah."

I was a dead man walking.

I was going to make this a song fic, but I decided it just didn't fit. I hope it's good without it.

Yours truly,
