First, I want to thank and apologize to everyone who is following and encouraging me to write. I know I'm a sucky person for not updating sooner. I do have some excuses, and however crappy I know they may be, they still are true. I have been overwhelmed by my shift to high school, and in the beginning of the year, that along with Marching Band season made it hard to make time to write. After marching band season, my mother had ankle surgery and my brother broke his leg, and my two hobble-ons, needed help when I wasn't doing homework. After that, my grades started to drop when my stress became overwhelming, and I decided to focus on studying, and whatever time I had to write vanished. I have finally gotten things to calm down, and decided to write an extra long chapter in order to properly apologize. I am truly sorry, it has taken longer than I thought to update, but I will have more time now, just keep in mind I am a slow writer who likes to plan things out and add things as I look back and go along. I thank you all again for being so patient, and I know most people have probably skipped this part, but thank you anyways.

Hiro Mashima owns the story and characters of Fairy Tail. This story is merely me writing because I want to see more nalu and Lucy having a sibling rivalry moment with an older brother figure. None of these characters are actually mine.

Three years later...


The youngest take over mage sighed as she gazed into her cup in a daze as she sat at the bar, with Mira casting her worried glances every once and a while. For a while, the two stayed silent as they both got lost in thought, thinking about a certain blonde that they missed dearly. As Lisanna took a long swing from her drink, completely finishing it, Mira finally spoke, "I wish I could apologize, I'm ashamed of myself. I don't know how I- we could do something like that. And by the fact that they still haven't realized after all these years. " Lisanna didn't need to ask any clarification, she knew what her sister was talking about. "I miss her, but I really don't blame her for leaving for a while. I would too if I was in her position." Lisanna sighed, "I don't think she's coming home anytime soon, not with that 'conversation' with Natsu and Grey. I'm gonna miss her." Not noticing one of the topics of her conversation walking up behind her, Lisanna shrieked when Natsu threw his arm around her shoulders, "Hey Lisanna, who are you going to miss? Who left?"

Grey watched as both Lisanna and Mira stiffened at the question, and noticed the dark aura that was rising off the two of them. He quickly backed away and walked off to find Elfman, who was arguing with Evergreen. Mira gave a sweet smile to an oblivious Fire Dragon Slayer, "It's nothing Natsu, why don't you go on a mission with someone." The pink haired boy jumped up grabbing at Lisanna's arm. "Lisanna! Let's go on a mission!" For a second, the two take over mages could do nothing but stare at him, then they glanced at each other, giving a nod as if silently having a secret conversation between the two.

"I can't go Natsu, I have to help my sister with the bar," Lisanna gave the pouting boy an apologetic smile and wiggled her arm out of his hand. He thought for a moment. Erza was too scary to go on a mission with alone, and there was no way he would ever ask the ice-stripper to go with him. He brightened, "Oi, Happy!" He called, earning private scowls from the sisters behind him. His furry blue partner lifted a paw, "Aye!" he called, flitting over to his father like figure. "Do you want to go on a mission with me?" Happy sheepishly rubbed the back of his head with his blue paw, "I'm going on a mission with Wendy and Charle, sorry Natsu." Natsu smiled, "No worries, I'll go on a mission with Lucy then." Happy froze for a second, and his face contorted into a heartbroken expression. "Natsu-" Happy cut off when he saw a wild movement from the corner of his eye. He took a quick glance toward the bar where Lisanna and Mira were nodding no furiously at him. Understanding, Happy smiled at Natsu's confused expression, "Aye! Wish me luck!" and without waiting for a reply, happy flew off as fast as he could without using max speed. With a shrug, Natsu called out a good luck to his best friend's retreating back and started to look around the guild.

"Oi! Has anyone seen Luce?" Natsu shouted after not seeing her in her normal spot at the bar. He frowned as he noticed how her scent had faded, which meant that she hadn't been to the guild for a while. Erza stood next to him and glanced around as well. "I do not see her, I will go with you to check her apartment." Grey sighed and stood, stretching as he absentmindedly started stripping, much to the enjoyment of Juvia who was hiding behind him. "Oi Flamebrain, I'll go too. I haven't talked to her since our last talk." The two boys paused for a moment, then shuddered in fear as Erza stared at them in confusion, as she had missed Lucy's visit and breakdown while on a mission that had lasted nearly a month. While she pestered the two boys with questions, they started off towards Lucy's place.

Back at the bar, Mira and Lisanna gave each other sad and superior looks, happy that their plan had worked. "How long until they run back, do you think." Master inquired as he plopped himself onto the bar and grabbed a giant mug, gesturing for Mira to fill it. The barmaid giggled, and glanced toward the door. "Not long," her sister sighed and glared at the rest of the guild, "It's about time that they realize their mistake though, so they deserve every bit of guilt that we all know that they will feel." Lisanna glanced around, "I'm going to tell the others who remembered what's coming." The other two watched her scurry up to Gajeel and Juvia, whispering in their ears. They nodded and help Lisanna drag the others to the bar and stayed in their little clump and started whispering. As they gathered, the guild noticed them quietly conversing and wondered why, that is, until Natsu and the rest of his Team burst through the door, grabbing the attention of everyone. Master glanced at Natsu with a neutral expression, "What's wrong Natsu?"

Natsu was pale and trembling, a small letter of paper clutched in his hand, and he was gasping from the exertion of running. "Sh-She's," he managed out before breaking off, tears pooling in his onyx colored eyes. The guild stilled with shock, as Levy hesitantly stepped forward, reaching out a hand to the dragon slayer, while Gajeel watched with a tinge of jealousy in his gaze that Mira noticed with a smirk, "Who, Nastu? What's wrong?" she asked in a soothing voice. "I-It's Lucy," Grey managed to choke out, before burying his face in his hands, shaking his head back and forth disbelievingly. A paranoid look flashed across Levy's face, "What's wrong with Lu-chan?!" she glanced between Erza, Grey, and Natsu worriedly, her tone starting to take on panicked tinge. Erza took a step forward, placing a shaking hand on the bluenett's shoulder. She took a deep breath, before turning to the entire guild, "Lucy has left Fairy Tail," she announced loudly, her voice shaking tremendously. Silence ensued for a minute, before the guild erupted into complete pandemonium.

Minutes earlier...


As Natsu ran down the sidewalk to Lucy's apartment, he had a sense of impending grief that he couldn't explain. Shrugging it off, he reached the blonde mage's apartment and jumped through the window, scenting Erza and Grey dashing up the stairs right behind him. "Oi, Luce! Let's go on a mission together!" He hollered as he pushed through her unlocked window that was still slightly open. Silence answered. Natsu sniffed the apartment, the soothing fragrance of vanilla assaulting his nose, but he could tell something was off. Shrugging it off, he glanced around her room, seeing that she wasn't there. He didn't bother to look around the room as he ran into the bathroom, steeling himself for a 'Lucy-Kick' to the face. She wasn't there. He ran into the kitchen in a panic, starting to feel a growing sense of fear as he found yet another empty room. With no place to look anymore, Natsu sat on the bed and stared numbly at the door. It was only at that moment that finally gave him the chance to finally realize what the problem was, what was missing. Lucy's scent. It had faded, which meant only one thing. She was gone. His best friend was gone.

He looked around the bare apartment in a numb confusion just as Erza and Grey crashed through the door, the fragile hinge shattering without any extra encouragement. "Oi Lucy!" Grey shouted as he and his scarlet haired companion scanned the apartment, taking in the empty wardrobe, scanning the empty desk, noting the stripped bed. They turned to look for Natsu, the fear starting to eat at them from the inside. "L-Lucy? Natsu?" Erza called out hesitantly, stepping further into the room. She spotted Natsu kneeling on the floor and immediately rushed over, grabbing him firmly by the shoulder and shook him back and forth quickly. Grey rushed past them and glanced into the kitchen, "Oi! Lucy, are you there?!" Natsu shook his head slowly. "She's not here stripper, her scent's faded. Lucy left a while ago." Grey spun around, the shock written plainly on every inch of his face. "What?!"

Erza slid down onto the floor, landing on her knees, "I-Impossible," she whispered. She numbly shook her head, unknown tears pooling in her eyes, "T-That's i-impossible. H-How could we have never noticed-" She cut off, horror filling her brown eyes. She slowly stood, and focused her gaze on her two companions. "Grey, when's the last time you've talked to Lucy?" He contemplated for a minute, opening and closing his mouth like a fish. "The last time I talked to her was when she argued with me and Flamebrain, because I invited her to go on a mission with us and she refused." The two focused on the dazed pink haired companion, "Natsu?" His head snapped up as he gazed at them with a slightly dumb look on his face. "That was the last time I talked to her too," Erza swallowed and almost dreaded asking the next question. "When was that, Grey." He frowned even more, his forehead wrinkling in concentration. Then his face contorted into shock, "I think that was three years ago." He whispered. The three stared at each other in growing horror. Erza legs went numb and she fell down to her knees again, burying her face into her hands. "What have we done? What kind of nakama are we, what kind of family are we?!" she whispered. No one was even sure who she was talking to, but either way, no one had an answer.

As Grey stood there in shock, he noticed a fluttering piece of paper on the desk. He motioned to Natsu, and without a word, he stood up. When he walked over to grab it, he saw that it was an envelope. He grabbed it, and noticed Lucy's familiar neat handwriting on top. He looked closer at it and saw the words, To Fairy Tail. He made a strangled noise from the back of his throat. "Guys," He croaked out. The other two went to stand next to him, and breathed in sharply at the address. Erza took the envelope out of Natsu's trembling hand and softly popped open the flap, slowly drawing out the letter, with words written in a neat pink handwriting.

None of them remember returning to the guild.


Dear Fairy Tail,

If you're reading this letter then you've finally noticed my absence. I don't know how long exactly it'll be until you've noticed that I'm gone, but I have to say that I'm disappointed. I remember that time when Wendy and the others were telling you off for talking behind my back, and I would've thought that you guys would've shaped up by then. But I guess that I was wrong, you all are just heartless hypocrites. When I first joined Fairy Tail, I honestly thought it was a dream come true. Natsu had grabbed me by the hand to join the guild of my dreams, the guild who was all about family, no matter who it was.

When you accepted me as one of your own despite the guild have been destroyed, when you told me that everyone shared everyones pain, joy, sadness, anger, and happiness, I had thought I had made a strong bond with everyone that would never be broken. Apparently, I was wrong. When Laxus tried to destroy the guild, and we were all fighting, I wanted to stay in Fairy Tail, and we proved our bonds. Even at Tenrou Island, everyone's bonds made us strong, our bonds keep us alive and unbeatable together.

All it took was a lost friend to reappear to realize that I was more a replacement than anything. Of course, I'd never blame Lisanna. She was someone who never forgot me, who became my friend when I had lost so many. Kinda sad and ironic, don't you think? Almost everyone had forgotten me, and it was the person who I was merely a replacement for that helped me stay strong through it all. She was the one who shared my pain. Lisanna, Juvia, Wendy, Gajeel, Charle, Happy, Lily, Master, and lastly Mira, I thank you all for never forgetting me.

None of you have to worry, I'm coming back. I'm training with a close companion from when I was little. I'm coming back in a couple of years, so there's no need to look for me. Because I never want to be someone who would abandon or forget my friends. By the time I come back, I'll probably have forgiven all of you already. But I honestly don't think that things will ever go back to the way they were, to where you guys had my trust. I'm sorry, but the past is not something we can ever change, no matter how much we want to. I know this more than anyone. There is nothing anyone can do to change the fact that you betrayed me, forgot me, and so I decided to move on, to get stronger, and never stay stuck in the past again. I suggest the same to all of you also. Don't stay so stuck up in sadness that you forget what Fairy Tail is all about. Fairy Tail is number one, and you should all make it so that no one will ever doubt you again. That I would never doubt you again.


Fairy Tail's Lucy


By the time Erza had finished reading the letter to the guild, the guild was silent, most crying. Levy had completely broken down sobbing, falling to the floor in a before she could hit the floor, Gajeel, who had known what was coming, had swung her up into his arms and was now kneeling on the floor with him still holding her as she sobbed into his shirt. For once, Grey wasn't stripping, and no one bothered to notice. And even the almighty Erza had silent tears pooling down her cheeks. Natsu was just standing there, holding the letter Erza had dropped. For once, Natsu was at a loss for words and couldn't say anything. Lisanna and the others merely watched them all, waiting for someone to break the silence. For a while, no one said anything.

"What kind of friends are we?" Levy asked, shattering the stifling quiet. Gajeel grunted, "Freakin' bad ones if you ask me. Bunny-Girl deserved better." Most people started to object, but they stopped, as no one could think of anything to say. Juvia stood up, flicking her hair over her shoulder, "Juvia believes that Lucy was extremely strong for enduring the treatment she was given for as long as she did. The rest of us wanted to tell you so badly. To wake you up and get your acts together, but love rival told us not to say anything, because she was that good of a friend." Everyone stayed silent. Nothing they could say would make their actions right. No one could deny it, no matter how much they wanted to say differently. The fact was, they had been horrible friends, a horrible family. They had let a family member down, had forgotten her existence. They did what her own father had previously done to her, and they broke the poor girl's heart. There was no way to change what happened, and they knew that. However, everyone wished that things could've been different. They wanted to fix their mistake, but there was no way to.

Lucy was gone. Sure, she said that she would be back, and everyone knew that she would. But they still wanted to find her, find her and apologize. They wanted to tell her how sorry they were, how they knew nothing would fix this mess but they would try their hardest anyway. That was the only thing that they could do. After all, what else could be done to fix this sorry mess?

Master slammed his fist down on the bar next to him, causing everyone to jump. "What do you brats think sitting here and sulking will accomplish?" he sighed and shook his head. In a few months, the Grand Magic Games will occur, and I want you to train. Train your hardest, instead of moping over a past that cannot be changed." he glared at the guild. "Do you brats think that Lucy will come back if you sulk long enough? While my daughter is training her butt off, you brats should be doing the same."

Natsu jumped up, igniting his fist as he thrusted it into the air, clambering onto a table. "Yosh! I'm all fired up!" He gave his companions a toothy grin. "We'll all be super strong when Luce comes back, and when I find her again, I'll make sure that I apologize until everything is right again." Erza nodded in agreement as the rest of the guild seemed to liven up. Grey snorted, shoving him off the table, laughing as he tumbled to the ground, all the while unconsciously stripping his shirt off. "Do you really think that you'll be the only one to apologize flame brain?" Natsu quickly scrambled to his feet, glaring at his rival. "Huh? Whatcha saying you perverted stripper." The pink haired slayer thrusted his head against the ice mages forehead. "I'm saying, that We are going to find Lucy." Erza stepped forward, breaking between the two boys. "And We will all apologize to her on our knees until she forgives us and allows us to make up for our behavior." She announced in a clear voice.

The guild gave a resounding cheer and Cana took a giant swing of the mug in her hand, raising it up in a silent cheer. People started to crowd the guild request board while others started dashing out of the guild doors, Mira was completely overwhelmed by the requests that were thrown her way and struggling to do everything at once while Lisanna did her best to help her sister but the two were still overwhelmed.

Elfman started to shout about being a 'man' to all who he thought were listening while Evergreen shouted at him with an annoyed expression etched onto her face. Laxus was pretending to look bored, but Mira could tell even he was eager to help the guild. Master Makarov nodded in approval, and walked into his office to finish his paperwork before he had to finish even more. With Nastu as pumped up as he was, it was only a matter of time until someone started to complain about destruction of their property.

As Makarov sat down into his desk chair, it took him a minute to notice that his communications lacrima was shining brightly, meaning that someone was trying to contact him. But then again, only the Council could contact this Lacrima. He sighed in exhaustion, "They couldn't have destroyed anything yet, didn't they just leave?!" He cautiously clicked on it with his forefinger, watching as a face appeared on the screen. He blinked at who he saw. Lucy smiled at him, "Hey Master, it's been a while." It took a couple of seconds for the information to process. "Lucy?!" He shouted, jumping out of his chair and tumbling to the ground as he lost his balance. Lucy gave out a small cry of fear as he disappeared from her line of sight "Master! Good Mavis, are you okay?!"

Makarov chuckled as he pulled himself up. "I'm fine dear, I just fell." As he sat down he noticed another face behind Lucy. It was a blonde brat and he sat there with a bored and uninterested look on his face as he studied the sorter man. Makarov cleared his throat, "Who's the young man behind you?" the old man smirked evilly, "Is he your boyfriend?" The two on the screen gagged, much to the Master's surprise. "No way master, don't be a pervert. I'd like you to meet my older brother Ren." Ren stuck his face closer to the Lacrima. "Have those idiots over there realized that my sisters gone by now?' Makarov nodded gravely, "They finally realized it today." The blonde boy slammed his fist against something out of sight, causing his sister and Makarov to jump. "Today! Are you telling me that they've been oblivious since today old man?!" Lucy sighed and shook her head, a frustrated look on her face. "Oh Reeennnn," she trailed off as her brother froze and started to shiver in fear. He glanced cautiously over his shoulder, "Y-yeah, little lucifer?" He noted the rapidly rising angry aura on his sister and started to back away slowly. "What exactly have I told you about controlling your temper? You even disrespected master."

Ren stiffened up as his sister seemed to transform into a demon in front of him. But his pride didn't allow him to cower as he snorted in contempt at his sister's comment, "I don't need to apologize for anything, if that's what you're after. My temper's fine you little devil sister. And it's not like I said anything untrue, it's not like your master is getting any younger." Lucy finally snapped. "Why you-you, idiot brother!" She grabbed her whip from her belt and snapped it in a threatening manner. The small man on the other side of the Lacrima nearly cowered as he witnessed a scarier sight than an angry titania. Ren eyed the weapon nervously and held his hands up in a placating manner, "Now Lucif-Lucy, let's not be hasty now. How about I leave the room while you talk about everything and cool off with your guild Master." Lucy nodded in agreement and her brother gave a sigh of relief. But as he started to walk away, Lucy grabbed him roughly by the ear and dragged him back, ignoring his protests and cries of pain. She smirked, "After you apologize to Master Makarov first, of course." Ren started to struggle, but quickly stopped at the look on his sister's face that was saying, 'do it or die'. With a sigh he muttered out a quick sorry before storming off to sulk. Lucy gave him a cheery wave, "Don't destroy any thing brother dear." She called out to his retreating figure.

Makarov chuckled, "He'd fit in well at Fairy Tail, if he wanted to." Lucy turned back to face the Lacrima, a soft smile on her face. "Yeah, I think so too." She smiled happily at the man in front of her, "Do you want to hear good news Master?" Makarov chuckled and leaned forward, "Are you wearing even shorter skirts my child?" Lucy blushed and jerked backwards away from the screen. "Master! You haven't changed at all. I'm going to tell Mira and Erza that you said that." Makarov shivered, "Please no, I still hurt from their last beating." quickly changing the subject, Makarov smiled warmly at Lucy, "So what's the good news?" Lucy beamed, "I finished my training and I'll get back in time for the GMG, and I'll have my brother join the guild! Isn't that good news!" The old man smiled gleefully, rubbing his hands together evilly, "That's perfect. If that's the case, I want you and your brother to be on a second Fairy Tail team with some others."

Lucy seemed unsure for a second, "Master, who else will be on our team?" she asked hesitantly. Makarov rubbed his chin in thought, "I'm thinking Gajeel, Juvia, Mira, and Wendy as a reserve." Lucy beamed happily, "I would love to master, I think that it'll be fun." Suddenly a crash resounded behind her, and smoke bellowed out of the double doors behind her. "I wasn't doing anything," they heard Ren wail out behind them. Lucy sighed tiredly and started to walk off, "I'll see you soon master," Makarov nodded in farewell and was just about to click off of the glowing orb when Lucy jumped and spun back around with a cry, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Oh! By the way, don't tell anyone that I'm coming back. I want it to be a surprise." She contemplated for a second, "Well, you could tell Mira or Lisanna, but no one else." there was another huge explosion behind her, and more shouting. She spun around angrily, "Ren! I told you not to destroy anything!" And with one final twist and wink, she was gone.

Makarov chuckled and leaned back in his chair after setting the Lacrima down, thinking about his blonde child. Lucy had obviously changed, he could tell by just the flickering image of her he was given. Her hair had obviously grown longer, and she hadn't worn it up in a ponytail. She was wearing a dark brown shoulder less shirt that made her eyes pop out even more. And from what Makarov could tell, her figure had not changed in the slightest. But, he could tell she hadn't just changed physically. She had a more confident feel to her attitude, and anyone could've been able to tell that she was strong. Not just her power, but her will as well. And Makarov couldn't have been prouder of his grown up brat.

The start of the GMG...


"Ren! You really got to get over that motion sickness of yours." Lucy sighed as she dragged her brother off the train, ignoring the looks of the fellow passengers getting off the train along with her. She was wearing a dark brown shoulder less short sleeved mid-hip dress with a small leather jacket cover up. She wore knee length black boots over a pair of black leggings. Her brother was wearing a simple pair of pants and a shirt."S-ugh-Shut up Lucifer." the blonde boy mumbled as he tried to get a hold of his stomachs. Lucy smacked her brother on the head hard. "I told you to stop calling me that!" She growled at him, ignoring the spirit that was rising out of his mouth right now. If he replied, Lucy wouldn't know, as she wasn't listening to him. She started at the sound of a familiar voice that was stuttering next to the blonde siblings "U-Um, Gajeel, are you sure that you're alright? Do you need any help?" Lucy turned to see Mira, Gajeel, Juva, Lisanna, Pantherlily, Charle, and Wendy walking from the train platform in to the city. Lucy giggled at the sight of a green Gajeel and dropped her brother on the ground. "O-Oi, Lucifer, what d'ya think you're-" Lucy kicked him in the stomach, watching him double over before running behind her friends and grabbing Gajeel by the ears and hopping onto his back. "Nah, I think you should leave him Wendy. I think green is really his color.

The others spun in shock, with the exception of Gajeel of course who just grunted, finally getting over his motion sickness. All at once Lucy was bombarded by a numerous greetings and questions. "It's bunny girl, so you're back." "Lucy! I missed you so much! Why didn't you contact me sooner?!" "Lucy! It's so good to see you!" "Lucy! Where in the world have you been?!" "Juvia missed love rival very much. Wait, is love rival still planing to take Grey-sama away from Juvia?! Juvia will not allow it!" "Lucy." "Welcome back, Lucy." Lucy giggled, "It's good to see you guys too. So, Gajeel." Lucy hopped off his back and ran around to face him, studying his face carefully. "Have you confessed to Levy yet." His face instantly flushed redder than Erza's hair as he choked on air. As Wendy desperately tried to get him to breathe, Lucy glanced down at the Iron Dragon's Exceed. "No good yet?" she sighed. The black cat gave a swift nod, staring at his friend with an amused expression on his face. "He still calls her shrimp." He commented as Gajeel finally caught his breath again, his cheeks still tinged red. Lucy shrugged, "I've always thought it was a term of endearment, personally."

Lisanna hit the blonde's arm playfully, giving her a chiding look."Lucy, stop teasing him, we need him for the games." Lucy sighed, not wanting to stop her fun. "Oh, alright." She glanced over her shoulder to find her brother standing behind them, all the while pouting at the rough treatment he was given. She glared at him, "Ren! Stop sulking and get over here! We got to go get your guild mark on before it's too late." Her brother sighed, and finally started to jog up next to her. Lucy glanced around once again, before giving her brother a hard stare. "Where's Sparrow?" Ren froze, the blood draining from his face. "A-Ah," he stuttered, looking around nervously. After a few frantic seconds, he caught sight of a small red headed boy wandering around aimlessly, searching the crowd for someone. Ren gave a sigh of relief. "Oi! Little bird! Over here!" The boy spun towards the sound of Ren's voice relief lighting his bright green eyes. He trotted over to the group, grabbing on tightly to Lucy's hand when he reached them, grabbing her leg and hiding behind it shyly.

Lucy smiled brightly at the adorable five year old at her side before glancing up at the astonished faces of her friends. Gajeel wolf whistled, glancing between Ren, Lucy, and the kid at their side. "That ain't your kid, is it bunny girl?" Lucy blushed furiously, glaring at the black haired man. "No way! Gajeel, what are you even thinking?!" She bent over, picking him up after he started to pull at her green ankle length skirt. "He's an orphan that I adopted after I found him in the ruins of a village that was destroyed by a dark guild. It was about two years ago, and I definitely couldn't just leave him there, so I decided to adopt him." Mira stepped forward, smiling sweetly at the boy, "Hi there sweetie, I'm your Aunty Mira. What's your name?" the boy glanced at the oldest takeover mage through his lashed shyly, "I'm Sparrow." he muttered quietly before ducking his face in Lucy's knee length curtain of hair. Lucy laughed at the boy's silly antics, and hugged him close.

She winced slightly as the movement aggravated a wound on the side of her stomach, reopening it. She got it on a mission the council had requested just before, to take on a dark guild along with a couple of mages from Sabertooth. She glanced around, and seeing that no one noticed her slip up, she quickly brushed it off. Hearing his sister wince, Ren gave her a look over, not paying attention to the obstacles in front of him. Without warning, he tripped over a walk and fell headfirst into a fountain that was just in front of the group. Gajeel snorted, clutching his sides as he doubled over in silent laughter. Mira, Wendy, Juvia, and Lisanna were giggling silently as the boy struggled up out of the water. He winced, and glanced down at his leg. Following his gaze, Lisanna saw a dark red stain grow on his blue pant leg and spread into the water. She gasped and hurriedly rushed forward, grabbing him by the arm, "Oh my god, you're bleeding! We got to hurry and get to the guild to bandage that!" Ren shook her hand off his arm and started to walk forward in an uncaring manner. Lucy stepped behind him, Sparrow still clutching her leg, "Ren Heartphillia, if you don't get your wound re-bandaged, I'll kick your sorry butt into the next month and have someone else replace you in the fighting tournament." He froze in mid-step and turned, smiling with a maliciously evil smile. "Well then, shouldn't you get your stomach checked out also?" Lisanna and Mira spun in unison and grabbed Lucy by each of her arms while glaring at her to the point she was shivering in fear, pushing Sparrow in Gajeel's direction. "Lucy why in the world didn't you tell us that you were hurt?!" The blonde shrugged sheepishly, sending a withering glare in the direction of her brother who merely shrugged while smirking. As they watched Juvia grabbed him by the arms and started to drag them along with the others, "Juvia thinks that Love in Rival's brother should hurry up so that he can get treated also." Ren was too stunned to say anything as he was dragged along the street. Gajeel was chuckling silently at Ren as he dragged a very nervous and shy Sparrow down the street, but the blonde Heartphillia didn't notice. He was mainly still trying to process the water woman's strange way of addressing her self, and also one other thing, "Love Rival?"

Gajeel chuckled again, trying to ignore the nagging feeling in the back of his mind that they forgot something. He shrugged it off and continued walking, ignoring the others as Juvia explained to a very hassled Ren about her and Lucy's 'relationship' As he chuckled it suddenly hit him as to what he forgot, he abruptly spun, forgetting the child at his side. "Oh God! The Shrimp!"


"Ugh. I am never going on a train again." Natsu muttered as he stumbled off the platform along with the other passengers. Erza sighed as she held him up by the arms, giving him support. Happy flitted around them with his wings, "You say that all the time you know." Natsu groaned again, "I mean it this time." Grey rolled his eyes as he slouched behind the trio as they walked in only in his boxers. "Flame-brain is just to stupid to realize what he says most of the time, so it's pointless to even listen to him." "What was that ice-stripper?!" Natsu snapped, finally breaking out of his dizzy stupor and spinning around to face his rival. Grey caught up with the others as he glared at Natsu, "What did you call me?!" Natsu laughed triumphantly as he pointed towards the discarded pants a couple of meters back. "What else should I call you Popsicle?" Grey glanced down and froze, muttering out a curse and sprinting back to find his clothes. Erza gave an exasperated sigh and glanced around, looking for someone they knew. She spotted a blue head walking around with a lost look on her face and waved, "Levy, look over here!"

The bluenett turned and waved back in relief. "Erza! Thank god I found someone I know," she rubbed the back of her head sheepishly as she glanced around again. "Gajeel and the others were suppose to pick me up but it seems that they're late." She casted an annoyed glance around her again before smiling sweetly at Erza, but the redhead could sense that she was seriously ticked off. "Would you like me to punish them Levy?" The bluenett shuddered and nervously waved her hands in front of her face. "N-No no! It's fine," She then smiled maliciously enough to make the mighty Titania shudder, "I'll take care of it on my own." The two girls grinned at each other evilly as the two boys and the exceed behind them shivered in fright. They started walking in the direction of the town, chatting happily. As they reached their hotel, all stopped short at the sight of a certain Iron Dragon slayer having his ear roughly pulled by an angry Demon Mira as Lisanna stood by them with her arms crossed over her chest. Both were ranting angrily at him while a young child watched uninterested next to the tortured man as if he had seen this type of scene before.

"How could you forget to tell us that we were suppose to pick up Levy at the train station?!" Mira shouted as she glared at the man. He glanced around pleadingly for someone, anyone to help. His face shone in relief as he caught sight of Levy and the other three people with her. Natsu and Grey were doubled over in laughter and shaking as they howled. Gajeel however ignored it for the time being and jabbed a finger towards the stunned group watching the scene.

"Look, the Shrimp's right there!" Mira and Lisanna spun around and immediately lunged at the poor girl, shoving everyone who was in the way behind them. "Levy!" They cried out in unison as they squished her. The girl sighed enviously before wiggling out of their embrace. "I'm fine," she giggled as she helped Gajeel lift himself off of the floor. "Erza-san and the others picked me up after my train ran a bit late so it's fine anyway." The two white haired girls nodded in approval, before watching Erza walk up to the group. "Mira, who is that kid over there." The takeover mage smirked mischievously and knowingly at the red head before shrugging, "Sorry Erza, I was told not to tell you until after the beginning of the Games. I'm just watching him until his adoptive momma gets back from her medical treatment." Mira sighed as she crossed her arms while shaking her head. "I just can't believe that she didn't tell us that she had a deep gaping wound on her side that was nearly a foot long across her stomach. She is such a idiot sometimes." Erza seemed to want to ask who exactly Mira was talking about, but had a feeling that she wasn't going to get an answer. So shrugging, she walked inside the hotel and bar that Fairy Tail had rented. Natsu and Grey followed her all the while fighting again about who knows what and happy rooting his friend on. Lisanna and Gajeel followed close behind with secretive and knowing smirks on their faces and Levy trailed behind them while casting them cautious glances. Natsu thought to ask about it, but shrugged it off as he shoved open the doors, "Oi, We're back!"


Wendy turned from her seat to face the new comers with a bright smile, while Charle sat with a scowl as she pretended to ignore the blue "male cat" vying for her attention yet again. "Hello, Natsu, Erza, Grey, Lisanna, Gajeel. How was your trip here?" Natsu shuddered, "It was terrible Wendy, terrible. I'll never go on another train again." Wendy giggled as she watched Natsu pull up a seat next to her. "Don't you always say that Natsu?" Happy giggled, "Aye Sir!" He cheered, raising his paw up into the air while Charle huffed in annoyance. Grey made a sarcastic comment and Natsu pounced on him like a hound, knocking into Cana who then in turn knocked into Elfman who was unfortunately leaning over Evergreen as they argued about 'being a man' and knocked them both to the ground. Hence, another brawl was started in the guild. A blushing Evergreen and Elfman fighting the hardest so that an evilly grinning Mira wouldn't say anything to them. Wendy giggled and hopped off the chair, unnoticed by the rest of the guild. She walked across the street over to the infirmary, where she had been told Lucy was resting. As the young girl reached Lucy's room, she stopped short at the most bizarre sight she had ever seen.

Lucy's brother was pushing her down onto the bed as the blonde struggled to get up from her position of laying down. Automatically assuming that she wasn't suppose to see something like this, Wendy blushed a deep red and covered her eyes with her hands peeking out of her fingers. Lucy started to growl, "Ren, get your hands off of me or I'll shove them up in a place the sun doesn't shine." The boy shivered in fear, and held onto her flailing hands even harder. "That will make him hold you down even more, Lucy-san." Wendy giggled after recovering from her shock at her spot at the door way and removing her hands, realizing her mistake. The two siblings froze for a minute in surprise, then Lucy slugged her unprepared brother in the face, slinging him to the side as she leaped at Wendy and wrapped her arms around the young girl in a giant hug. "Thanks Wendy!" Ren was being stingy and wouldn't let me even sit up properly!" she rolled her eyes, "He should've known by now that something small like that small scratch would slow me down." Ren grunted as he pulled himself up off of the place on the floor he had happened to land on when Lucy slugged him and sent him flying off of her.

"That guy's sword nearly pierced your vital organs, excuse me for being concerned for my little Satan sister." Lucy shot a lethal glare at him before giving Wendy a bright smile. "Hey Wendy, Let's go explore the city!" The smaller girl shifted her shoulders nervously. "Are you sure that we are allowed to Lucy? You are injured after all." Lucy giggled and threw her head back laughing, "I feel great Wendy! You don't have to worry about me at all!" Ren gave an exasperated sigh as he started strolling through the door, "It's pointless to try and persuade her otherwise little dragon girl. Once Lucy has made up her mind nothing you ever say is going to change it. Let's just get this walk over with so I can go to my hotel room and grab the brat so that I can feed him." Lucy chuckled quietly, "He may act all gruff, but you can tell that he actually really cares," she shrugged as Wendy giggled, causing Ren to give the girls a sharp glance backwards as they walked out of the doors and toward the Hotel. Lucy merely gave him an innocent look, to which he snorted, and started looking around, admiring the city lights and the people strolling down the streets.

She gave a happy sigh, "Finally, I'm out of that stuffy room!" Ren snorted, "You were in there for an hour and a half." Lucy shuddered, "I hate being cooped up for a long amount of time Ren, You should know that." Her brother shrugged and continued walking. Lucy glared at her brother's retreating back for a minute before smiling brightly again. Wendy giggled at the sibling love that she rarely saw Lucy participate with anyone else but with Grey before. Lucy gave her a curious glance, but the blonde merely shrugged and kept on walking. When they reached the loud hotel, it sounded as if the brawl inside still hadn't ended. Wendy froze as the other two kept on walking, "U-Um Lucy, are you really going to go into there with everyone else?" Lucy glanced back over shoulder as she slowed slightly, giving the blue-haired girl a confused glance. "Of course, why wouldn't I?" Wendy stared down at her feet, nervously shuffling them. "I was just thinking that if I were you, I'd still be upset with everyone." Lucy smiled softly and walked back to Wendy, giving her a soft hug. "That's the thing Wendy," she whispered into the girl's ear, "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. I understand that having a friend that has been missing come back is a big thing," she pulled Wendy along with her and shook her head, "But I still don't think what they did was right, and now they'll be facing the consequences." The young dragon slayer frowned, "I think that you're being too forgiving. I think that you should punish them more."

Lucy stood there stunned for a minute before tossing her head back and laughing out loud. "Alright Wendy," she chuckled as she wiped the tears from her eyes, "Then how about I give them all the cold shoulder until the games are over?" Wendy nodded in agreement and grabbed Lucy by the hand and started to drag her by the hand towards the back door. "Let's make it so that they don't know that you're here until tonight when the games start. When the teams are introduced." Lucy smiled evilly and chuckled, "I never knew that you had this in you Wendy." The two girls smiled at each other and pushed the door open quietly, nearly knocking into Mira, who was polishing one of the glasses as she watched the guild brawl in amusement. She turned in surprise, and felt slightly awkward at the sight of the two girls crouching behind the bar, silently trying to edge around her as if they hadn't been spotted. Choosing not to point them out, Mira turned back to the glass she was doing. Then she realized just who had walked past her and turned in an angry rush.

"You! What exactly do you think that you're doing out of the infirmary so soon?! And after I told you to behave too!" The guild froze and slowly turned towards the bar one by one. Silence rang out for a minute as Mira froze in guilt for pointing Lucy out. It was at that moment that Ren decided to walk in, slamming the door open loudly as he did so. He froze as the entire guild spun around to face him. He stepped back and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as he glanced around the room.

"Did I come in at a bad time?" He asked nonchalantly as the others stared at him. Natsu lunged at him, his fist aflame as Erza and Grey took up defensive positions from their seats at the bar. "You're the one who attacked us that one time at the train station!" Natsu snarled at him. Mira ran forward and stood in front of Ren protectively, causing the pink headed pyro to skid to a halt. "Mira, move!" he growled at her as Ren stared at them both with a bored expression and manner. Mira stared at the pink haired boy stubbornly, "No Natsu. You are not allowed to fight with Ren. He's close to an important friend of ours." She gave him a demon glare that had him trembling in fear, "Whatever happened in the past is something you'll have to let go. Understood?" He nodded vigorously "A-aye," he stuttered as he stumbled out of the door in an angry huff, and after casting Ren a final look, Happy quickly following him.


Everyone watched in shock as Mira turned to the boy with a bright smile on her face, "Why don't you introduce yourself Ren?" He gave a tired sigh and walked towards the bar, seemingly ignoring Mira. As he reached it, he unbuttoned his cloak and threw it over the bar counter much to the confusion of the others. Seconds later, two figures popped up, startling Erza who had been sitting right there. "Oi, Little Dragon girl, You two left me all alone at the front! What gives?!" Wendy gave a nervous giggle as she felt all eyes burning unseen holes into her. "Sorry," The cloaked figure shook her head and Erza had the sudden urge to see the girl's face, which was covered by the hood on the cloak. The figure placed a hand onto the smaller girls shoulder and chuckled. "Don't bother to apologize Wendy, it's his own fault for not paying attention again." Erza and a few others started at the voice, swearing that they had heard it before, but not recalling where.

"Hey," He protested as the two girls giggled, Mira joining in on the laughter as she reached the small circle. As they joked and teased Ren more, the guild watched awkwardly in an uncharacteristic silence. Finally, Erza cleared her throat and gained the attention of the entire guild. "Mira, Wendy, would you mind introducing your friends to us?" Mira giggled, and the blonde guy stepped forward, dragging the cloaked figure with him. "I'm Ren, and this is my little sister Lucifer." The figure shook her head and stomped onto his foot, "I told you not to call me that Ren." She sighed before scanning the room, stopping her gaze on Levy. She glanced over her shoulder as she started to walk over, "Go get your guild stamp Ren," She ordered before she turned and reached Levy's table. Erza noted that she hadn't seemed to need to get a Guild mark, what did that mean? She nodded and snickered toward someone behind the bookworm who looked extremely nervous,"Hey Gajeel, How badly did you get beaten?" He grunted in pain and annoyance, "Ah- shut it." The figure chuckled and reached into her bag. She pulled out a rectangular object covered in cloth and set it down in front of Levy. "A promise is a promise." she sighed at Levy's confused look and took off one of the black gloves covering her hands. She quickly flashed Levy the back of her hand before giving the bluenett a quick hug and walking out of the pub.

Levy sat there in shock for a minute, before spinning towards Gajeel and grabbing him by the collar and yanking him towards her. "Did you know about this?" She demanded. He shrugged, "Sorry shrimp, I was ordered not to tell. And there's no way I could say no." She slowly let go of his shirt and sat back in her chair in a stunned disbelief. Then, with a fiery passion that surprised everyone around her, she lunged toward the book in front of her and started reading as a menacing aura that deterred anyone to interrupt her rose up around her. Erza couldn't help but wonder at what got Levy so worked up and when she glanced at Grey, she could tell that he was wondering the same thing. Everyone in the guild had relentless questions about the new members. But one question seemed to sum everything up in three words. Who were they?


The fairy tail salamander was having a bad day. Anyone could tell that due to the menacing aura surrounding him in dark waves. His flying blue friend was silent as he flitted around his friend. The people in front of him sprang out of the way of his uncontrolled anger. He spotted a giant crowd, and his childish curiosity got the better of him despite his bad mood. He pushed his way into the center only to stop short. In front of him were two dragon slayers with exceeds in front of him. One was blonde, and the other had black hair. The exceeds stood on the side, one smiling innocently while wearing a frog suit and the other having red fur and grinning a egotistic cocky smirk like the blonde. Around them were the strewn bodies of beaten men around them. The blonde glanced up, "Wanna go?" He asked the crowd. The people whispered to themselves quietly, but Natsu's sensitive hearing meant that he could hear the whispers, "Sabertooth?" He asked as he stepped out of the circle, drawing the attention of the two strangers to him.

"Natsu Dragneel?" The blonde questioned, staring at Natsu with a curious excitement. The pink headed pyro tilted his head in confusion just as Lucy walked up in her cloak, freezing as she saw just what the commotion was all about. She stood shock still as Natsu got up from where he had fallen at some point. Happy stared at shock at the other exceeds, "They're cats!" he exclaimed in shock. The red furred exceed snorted, "He's really dumb, don't you think so Frosh?" the little cat in a pink frog suit smiled naïvely, "Frosh agrees!" he cheered. Happy's opened mouth grew even wider, "And they talk!". The Red furred cat cockily smirked and crossed his arms in front of Happy, "I'm Lector, and this here is Frosh." Happy seemed too stunned to respond. "Do I know you?" Natsu asked the two people in front of him, as he dusted himself off. The blonde smirked cockily, "I'm Sting and this is Rouge." He cocked a thumb towards the black haired boy watching with a blank expression. He leaned closer to Natsu. "And your the dragon slayer that couldn't slay a dragon." Lucy stepped forward, ignoring Natsu as he growled at her. "You've never saw Acnolgia Blondie, you can't say that unless you've seen him." Sting glared at her, trying to shake off the feeling that she was familiar as he smirked. "If it was Rouge and I, we would've killed him." Lucy snorted in contempt, amused by the foolishness of the boys and the blonde's overpowering ego. "If you say so," she smirked, her pink full lips peeking out from underneath the shadows of her hood. Natsu glared at the three people around him glancing curiously between them as they glared at each other. Sting huffed arrogantly as he finally broke the stare off. Lucy smirked even wider as she decided that she won. Sting crossed his arms, smirking at Natsu. "We used to look up to you, as fellow dragon slayers, but," he shrugged nonchalantly, "That was before you disappeared for seven years along with your other little friends." Natsu stayed silent for a second, before glaring at Sting with an annoyed confusion. "You're dragon slayers too?" The red furred exceed snorted in contempt, "Don't compare Sting with the likes of you!" Rouge stepped forward and finally spoke his voice low and gravelly. "Don't compare us with you, Laxus, and Gajeel. But now you are just the dragon slayers that couldn't kill a dragon. We don't need to even bother with you anymore. You're only part of that weak guild and now, you'll only ever be a weak fairy. We're the true dragon slayers." Sting smirked and leaned in closer, now face to face with Natsu. "Wanna know a secret? We killed our dragons to become true dragon slayers." Natsu growled in fury, seemingly too angry to speak, and even Lucy seemed peeved. But before Lucy could actually say something again, a new voice called out from behind the crowd, "You fools don't have anything to be proud of. You only killed the beings who raised you." Sting spun as the crowd scurried out of the way, revealing Ren. Lucy gave a tiny sigh, and Natsu saw a flash of fear overcome Sting's expression, before he quickly rearranged himself. "Ren," he sneered, what are you doing here? This doesn't look like your usual hangout." Ren shrugged, "Lucifer forced me to join a guild," Ren pointed at the gold Fairy Tail Guild Mark on his neck. Rouge slowly turned his head and stared at Lucy who wiggled her fingers in a teasing gesture of hello. Sting spun in a giant rush, facing Lucy with a look of terror in his eyes. "Y-you a-are-" He lunged towards her, reaching towards her hood. "The Demon! I only didn't recognize you because of that hood." he growled angrily, his hand inches away of ripping Lucy's hood off. But suddenly, he froze in midair as Lucy giggled mischievously, still twirlling her fingers in the ai. She leaned down to look him in the eye and he stilled in terror. "Now, my little light bug, you know that you kneed to behave don't you?" she smirked as he tried to get free, cursing her as he wiggled around. "Lucifer," Ren called, placing a hand on her shoulder, "I believe that the little bug has had enough." His sister sighed heavily and glanced up at him, and Natsu caught a glimpse of blonde hair. "But I'm having so much fun brother dear," she sang in a playful manner, she waved her hand at the blonde dragon slayer and he collapsed to the ground. He growled as Rouge helped him up, but he made no more attempts to remove Lucy's hood. He gave a small cough and roughly turned away, "We'll finish this in the games, Salamander." He spun around and stormed off in a huff, Rouge following suite silently, the exceeds tagging behind as Lector continued bragging about his owner. Lucy and Ren started walking off also, and Natsu spun towards them, reaching out a hand. "Wait Natsu!" The blue exceed grabbed the pinky's leg, causing him to trip. And as he stumbled, he reached out a hand towards Lucy to prevent himself from falling, grabbing her cloak in the process. With a whoosh Natsu fell down, taking Lucy's cloak with him. Lucy's long blonde hair tumbled down to her knees and she stopped, not turning around. "Ren," she whispered. Her brother nodded and bent down and snatched her cloak away from the pyro's hands. "Watch your step, Natsu Dragneel." Ren warned as the two walked away. Natsu stared at the pair with a small feeling of recognition, "W-wait! Who are you?" He called out to their turned backs. Lucy paused once again, and turned her once again covered face towards Natsu. If you do not recognize me Natsu, then it is a sad thing. However, you will find out my identity later, so don't overexert yourself by trying to think." Ren chuckled, and ignoring the further protesting Dragon Slayer, they disappeared from sight.

Happy casted a last glance towards the direction the pair went, before turning to his owner, "Natsu, let's get back to the rest of the Guild." The pyro hesitated for a second, before nodding. "Okay buddy," he smiled gently at his blue furred friend, and they walked off towards the Hotel.

It was finally Midnight, and Lucy and Ren were in their hotel room, patiently waiting for the games to begin. The others were waiting in the adjacent room, and Lucy could hear Gajeel muttering just as much as her own brother was. Or, at least Lucy was. "What in the world could be taking them so long." The oldest Heartphilia grumbled as he paced back and forth. Lucy merely giggled. "You have a thing about wearing out floors, don't you brother dearest?" Ren gave her a withering glare and continued pacing. "I want to be able to move out of this room, Lucifer, I know you of all people will understand." Lucy shrugged and turned back to her cards. She had developed a habit of using Tarot cards when she had time, between training and missions. She found they gave her a sense of purpose. She turned a card over a hummed in thought. The card was a picture of two gentle, nurturing hands reaching upwards towards a magical wand, which had fire spewing out the top. The Ace of Wands, representing new beginnings, and energy and action. She shrugged and flipped over the next card and snorted. The Fool. It obviously represented Natsu, saying that the idiot was going to do something stupid again. She sighed and shook her head as she revealed the next to last card, and frowned in puzzlement. The Ten of Swords, meaning that the experience of loss will be overcome by the new beginnings that await. She shrugged and flipped over the last card. And gasped, reeling back as if she was burned. The card fluttered out of her numb fingers and landed on the ground, as a loud gong sound rang through the air. "Contestants, are you ready?" a voice echoed throughout the city as cheers rented the air. Ren gave a feral grin and jumped up as the rest of the group barged in the door, matching determined looks on their faces.

Lucy stood and brushed the pretend dirt off herself. "Let's go show them just how scary Fairy Tail really is." Lucy commanded as a loud bang resounded through the city. Before anyone could answer, the floor began to shake from beneath them and they were teleported, leaving the last card to flutter from the disturbed air, the skull of death grinning maniacally as fire burned in its eyes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fairy Tail team B was bored. You could easily tell by the way they were carrying themselves. Juvia was playing with her water as Gajeel chomped on some extra iron absentmindedly. Ren and Laxus were arguing with each other, and Mira and Lucy were chatting animately about the latest guild gossip and talking about schemes to create new couples in the guild. All of the teams that they had faced were weak, and Ren automatically knew the outline of the sky labyrinth by heart, much to the puzzlement of everyone. Except his sister of course.

"Hey, Lucy." Mira whispered quietly. "What's your brother's magic? No one but the two of you know." The others were obviously trying to listen in without being too noticeable. Lucy giggled, but before she could answer, Ren glanced back. "I'm a dragon slayer," He snorted, "Which means that I can hear you from all the way up here. You could've asked me, it's not like it's a secret or anything." The others stared in shock for a second, before Laxus whistled. "Five dragon slayers in one guild, that has to be some sort of record." Lucy giggled, slipping her arm with her brother's to link them together. "Ren is a third generation Dragon slayer." she boasted proudly. At the confused looks of the others she added, "He has a lacrima and was taught by a dragon as well." The others stared at Ren once again, and Lucy nearly snickered as she watched him inwardly squirm in discomfort at the attention. Then again, why couldn't she? She snickered, causing Ren to glare down at her. But before he could say anything, they reached the finish line. The Pumpkin-like guy smiled down at them, "Congratulations! Cross the finish line and you'll be in first place!" The team started forward eagerly, only to be pushed back by Lucy's extended arm. "Wait," she cautioned, listening closely as the sound of an overconfident voice rang through the stone hallway opposite them. She hastily pushed her team back and waited. Soon, after about half an hour, the place became noisy as a running Sabertooth team, led by Sting, rushed past the finish line, hastily wiping off their perspiration and quickly walked down the tunnel leading back to their rooms. "Congratulations, You're in first place!" Mato quickly called out to their retreating backs as they disappeared from sight. "Just like the rest of the tournament," Sting called over his shoulder before he and his team disappeared from sight.

Laxus shoved at Lucy roughly, causing her to fall into Ren, who quickly caught her. "What was that all about Blondie? We could have been first!" Lucy shrugged, "I knew it was them," She stated as she led the team over to the finish line. " The Sabertooth guild I know is cocky and overconfident, almost like Phantom Lord was, but they're worse. If we had gotten first place, they wouldn't have felt as confident and would've spent their energy solely on taking us down. If we let them get first place this time," She grinned evilly, "They'll be too confident to even think about the fact that they were fooled and will lose easily because they'll think that they are the strongest and the best, and won't expect us to be good." As they crossed the finish line, Laxus grunted, and Mira's eyes glittered mischievously. "That was really smart Lucy," She praised. Juvia nodded, "Lucy is very smart, Juvia is glad that Lucy is no longer Juvia's love-rival, because she would have easily tricked my Grey into falling in love with her." Lucy sighed as Mira giggled, and Ren shook his head in an amused gesture. Mato tilted his head and gazed at Lucy thoughtfully, "We might have to keep a special eye on you and your brother Miss Heartphillia." He commented as the group made their way to the tunnel they had seen the Sabers go through, she flashed him a smile, "Then I expect to fight some powerful opponents, Mr. Mato." She cheerfully replied, earning a good-natured smack from Mira, who playfully chided her for being rude. The Pumpkin chuckled good-naturedly and waved them on, as the next team walked in. As Lucy rounded the corner, she felt a shiver run down her spine at the way one of the figures stared at her. As they were teleported to their room, she turned to Mira, "Who was that team, the one behind us?" Mira shrugged, "I do not know, I didn't see them." She paused, "Why, what's wrong?" Lucy smiled at her, hiding her unease, "Nothings wrong, I was just curious." Mira nodded, and started towards her room. "Well, everyone needs to get their rest, so go to bed everyone." Everyone muttered an agreement and headed off to their respected rooms in their suite. Since Mira trusted Ren alone with Lucy more than the other two boys, Lucy and Ren shared a room, Laxus had paired up with Gajeel, a fact that both of them were a bit disgruntled about. But they were wise enough to not complain, knowing that Mira, who was sleeping in a room with her sister, would kill them. Ren gave a big yawn, and stretching, he strolled towards the bathroom. "I'm taking a bath, Lucifer. Go on to bed and I'll come out and tuck you in later." To tired to give way to his teasing, Lucy nodded and quickly changed into her pajamas, a simple cotton sky blue top with pink letters spelling 'Love' across the front and matching shorts. She crawled between her sheets, before remembering that she left her tarot cards out on the desk. She groaned and heaved herself upwards, grabbing the cards and carefully placing them inside her leather pouch and setting it inside a delicately carved dark wooden box that Ren had bought for her when she first got the cards. While doing so, her mind strayed to the team before. They had seemed extremely odd to her, and she wasn't quite sure why. Something about them just didn't feel right. She spotted the last card she had left on the floor, and felt a real chill. Maybe she wasn't as paranoid as she thought.

Not with death staring at her from her hand.

Once again, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Thank you again for reading my story, and for putting up with my tardiness. Thank you so much to all those that encouraged me, and thank you for never leaving a rude or degrading comment. It makes me feel better to know that people actually enjoy reading the stuff I write. Every comment I read when I had the time made me feel better when I was feeling stressed or down. I plan on making some minor adjustments to the earlier chapters, mainly combining them and spelling checks. I might add a bit more, but nothing major. I also want to start writing longer chapters like this one, which will take a while, so please bear with me. I promise I'll write when I can, and I'm going on a big plane ride soon, so I'll have that chance sooner than we all may think. I will try really hard to update as quickly as my slow and clumsy fingers can handle. Again thank you all sooooooooo much!

Your's Truly,
