Apologies again for the long wait. Here is the long-awaited last chapter of Chronicles of A Noble Soldier, I have to admit that I never thought that the story would be this long. However more ideas sprang up and it arrived at this point, so thank you to all those that have supported and reviewed this story. I hope that the ending is satisfactory and you enjoyed the whole thing.

Louise returned to her squad who was making grounds against the High Priestess' men, without their leader to support them they were like any other soldier even if they were better than your average soldier. "Louise you're back!" Alexander exclaimed, "Are you alright?"

"As good as I can be," Louise said, "what's the situation?"

"We managed to get one of them killed, but the others are still up and fighting," Alexander reported, "where is your rifle?"

"Gone, I fired a spell that was too much for it so I'm left with my sidearms," as Louise drew her pistol, "but it should be enough for these guys."

"Yeah let's finish this…though what about the High Priestess?"

"A…friend is helping and he's currently fighting her," as a loud explosion echoed from underneath them. Louise hoped that Brimir would be able to defeat the High Priestess and end this once and for all, Brimir was powerful but his opponents was his former Gandalfr and with her high magic…Louise shook her head not wanting to think negative thoughts. All of them would get out of this and they will end the war once and for all, "For Belfast!" she shouted rallying her squad as they pushed back against the elite soldiers as they pulled out their machine guns and began to fire on them, forcing the squad to duck behind cover.

"Gramont get some covers," Kirche cried out, "we need some right now."

"On it," Gramont said going into his coat to get his wand as he then began chanting while Tabitha used her wind magic to create sharpened blades of wind that cut through the thick armour to distract the soldiers. Stone pillars rose from the ground creating more cover for the squad to use as they didn't hesitate to move forward intending to box the soldiers into a corner where they can be easily finished off. Suddenly one of the soldiers ran towards the squad with a live grenade in a bid to blow himself and them up, but Laura aimed her pistol at the man and shot him through the head as the grenade went off without killing anyone.

"Good job Laura," Louise said as the former police officer nodded. She then pulled out her own grenade and threw it at the enemy forces as that finished them off with one last bang. The squad sighed in relief when they saw that all the enemy was dead, they had managed to storm into the main base of operation for the Confederacy army and now that meant the battle was nearly coming to a close. However for the Helkeginians they knew that the High Priestess needed to be dealt with and Louise was becoming concerned about Brimir and whether he was going alright, "Alright guys good job let's get down and clear out the rest of the base," she said wanting to get down to see how the fight was going on.

"I'll get to the top and clear that out first," Claudia said, "see you guys down at the bottom," as Louise nodded as Claudia took several soldiers with her and began to check the top while the rest began to make their way down to the bottom where the walls exploded as Brimir was sent flying backwards.

"M-master!" Louise exclaimed as Kirche, Gramont and Tabitha looked at her in surprise.

"Master? Since when did you have a master?" Kirche asked as Louise covered her mouth when she realised what she said.

"We'll talk about it later," Brimir said, "right now everyone leave the tower I'm going to finish this off," as he began chanting.

"We still have men inside the base, they're checking the top area," Louise said.

"Then get them out of there now!" Brimir shouted as Louise got onto the radio and told Claudia to evacuate immediately. Brimir was then blasted out of the base by a large fire spell as the High Priestess calmly walked towards him with a sadistic smile on her face.

"Now you know what true power is," she said, "you never did appreciate what kind of powers that I possessed."

"Power doesn't just mean magical or physical powers, sometimes it also means your moral boundaries and how far you're willing to go for the sake of everyone and what you know is right," Brimir quietly said.

"Oh how cute…preaching about good and evil are you?" as Louise took out her wand as Brimir held up his hand.

"Not now Louise…this is between me and her…I have to fix what I broke centuries ago," he said before his left hand glowed as he then threw a punch at her that sent the High Priestess backwards, "quickly get out of here. I'll end the war myself."

"No I'm fighting with you," Louise said.

"No Louise it's time for you to take a backseat, you've done enough…sacrificed enough," as Brimir looked at her, "it's time for you now to take charge and fix the mistake I made in your world."

"He's one of us?" Kirche asked.

"You can say that," Brimir said, "the elves of your world are not to be blamed for what happened centuries ago. I made the mistake of leaving them to chase after her and didn't stay to fix the misunderstanding. I hope that…that the next generation will be able to go back and renew relationships between the humans and the elves so that no one else will have to suffer. You are all the hope of Helkeginia."

"What about you?" Louise asked.

"My time is up, I've done too much damage for me to repair it, I have hope in you Louise. You're a smart girl, a dedicated girl, I'm sure that you'll be able to fix the problem in Helkeginia as well as finding a way back home. I believe in you," Brimir said.


"Now hurry and go before she-" however the base then began shaking and it felt like the entire thing was going to collapse on them and they had to get out of there now. Luckily Claudia had already reached the bottom just as the stairs began to fall apart, "Now would be a good time," as the squad ran out of the tower along with Brimir. Outside it was total chaos as the last remnants of the Confederacy soldiers were still fighting back against the Belfast military with fireballs and magic spells being flinged back and forth from both side, it looked like though that the Belfast military was progressing quite well and they were prepared to wrap up the entire war. "Looks like we weren't the only one fighting hard," Alexander said pointing to some mages that were leading a group of cavalry soldiers with a dragon following them as they burned anything in their path.

"Good to see," Louise said trying to locate her family praying that they were alright and safe, she was sure that Eleanor and her mother would be alright, but she was more worried about Cattleya and if she had decided to join the fighting.

Perhaps the look on her face was evident as Alexander put his hand on her shoulder, "It's alright they're fine," he reassured her as Louise smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I know they are," she said confidently before the whole tower collapsed revealing Sasha as she stumbled towards them as the Belfast military cheered when they saw that the Confederacy were beginning their retreat. With their main fortress destroyed they knew that they stood little chance of actually fighting back against the Belfast military and the mages. Louise sighed in relief knowing that now the only thing that they needed to deal with is Sasha and with her fight against Brimir she would be weakened now, perhaps weakened enough to for the moment retreat from the battlefield.

Louise went to have the final blow as she walked over to Sasha, "So…you think you've won?" Sasha hissed.

"You know that we have, the Confederacy are on the run and it won't be long before Belfast secures its borders. Whatever plan you had in mind it's all gone now," Louise said confidently, "you lost and you won't be doing whatever you wanted to do in the first place."

"You are such a naïve girl to think that you have won the war, you know so little about my true intentions," Sasha said.

"Whatever it is me, my friends, and my master will be here to stop you," Louise said.

"And what about home? What will you do when you finally be able to return home? Will you abandon your new friends?" Sasha smiled knowingly.

That put Louise in a stump because she had no idea how to answer such a question, she wanted to go home back to Tristain, she wanted to return to her life before she ever came to Belfast, she missed her home and Princess Henrietta. She missed everything that made Helkeginia what it is including that it had magic no matter how poorly she might have done it in the first place; but at the same time she didn't want to leave Belfast, she didn't want to leave all the friends that she made here and most importantly she didn't want to leave Alexander behind…not when the two of them loved each other. She knew that one day she would have to face that question, but she didn't know that one day would be right now as she gulped down the nervousness rising in her, "I knew it…you don't know do you? You're afraid that you'll have to abandon your little friends and that means that you'll have to leave everything you fought for here," Sasha mocked.

"I know that I'll stop you and I'll find a way," Louise said.

"Find a way for what? To forever stay here? I doubt that your mage friends would appreciate that. After all I'm sure that they have family, friends and loved ones waiting back home I bet that they're even already looking for a way back home. Will you deny them that? Will you deny them their freedom and home?" as Louise's breathed quickened knowing that she didn't know the answer and that one day she would have to give her answer. Already she could feel the pressure mounting on her, she didn't know why but it was like they were waiting for her to give the answer and the only answer that she could give would break her heart.

"I…I…" she stammered unable to say it, unable to say that she would have to leave her friends and boyfriend behind in order to make her own people happy. After all they don't belong in this world right? They belong in their own world, in Helekeginia where they are able to be with other mages and be in familiar territory. That she couldn't deny them as she turned and looked at her friends and family before a realisation hit her, "I'll stay," she said.

"What?" Sasha asked.

"I'll stay here…the others can go, but I'm staying right here in Belfast," Louise said confidently.

"You will stay here? In a world that is not your own?"

"It is true that this isn't my real home, that my real home is in another world, but…I've grown to like this world and perhaps in a way it's better than the home that I came from. Even though this world has its fault what world doesn't? That's why I'll stay here…I'll miss Tristain and Helkeginia sure, I'll never forget my home, but I'm sure that my family will understand…they'll understand my determination so you can't fool me High Priestess with your talk. You won't win and that's final!" as the High Priestess looked shocked that she was denied even her smallest victory as her face contorted to that of a snarl.

"You're just like him, trying to be selfless and all that…all humans are selfish and conniving and I will destroy them all," as she roared and sent a wall of flame that encircled her and Louise cutting them off from any other help as Louise looked around in surprise. "I'll kill you right here and now before moving onto your stupid teacher," as she blasted Louise backwards with her powers as she went to the ground knocking the wind out of her.

She got up just in time to dodge the next attack as she rolled to the side and thought about her next set of moves. She didn't have her rifle with her and her handgun wasn't equipped to handle the stress of bullet magic so that was out of the question, she was also not very good at fighting without her weapon considering that she always lost whenever she went against Alexander. So her only option was to use what Brimir had taught her and use Void magic against her and that was what she did as she took out her wand from her uniform and prepared to fight against her one last time.

She began by casting an explosion spell near Sasha as it sent her stumbling backwards, but she was quickly retaliated by a similar spell forcing Louise to dodge to the left and then the right, "I wonder how much he taught you about the Void before you had to go off and play the heroine again?" Sasha mocked.

"Enough to beat you ten times over," Louise replied before casting an illusion spell on herself as more Louises appeared around Sasha.

"Impressive," Sasha laughed, "but not quite enough to beat me," as she began blowing up the Louises one by one, but each one seemed to come out as a failure allowing Louise enough time to gather up her powers and cast a spell that Brimir had taught her, Black Lightning, which is essentially a lightning spell infused with Void magic as the black bolts of electricity slammed into Sasha as she screamed in pain.

"Give up, I don't want to hurt you," Louise said.

"A pacifist? I should have thought so you don't have the will to kill another being, ironic considering you're a soldier," Sasha said sending a storm of ice towards Louise as she braced herself for the impact feeling the icy cold stings on her skin as it ripped through her uniform, "better learn to fight back or else they'll be picking up what's left of you."

"I've heard that line said so many times it's starting to get lost on me now," Louise said as she fired another bolt of Black Lightning followed by an explosion spell. However Sasha blocked it with a magic shield and sent it back to Louise who felt like she was being poked at by hot pokers all over her body as she collapsed on the ground and struggled to get back up hissing in pain with each movement.

"Your magical talent is good, but it lacks quality and refinement," Sasha said, "why don't you just come with me instead? I can teach you much more than what Brimir could. I can teach you all the magical abilities in the world and you'll finally be able to surpass the legend that is Brimir…what do you say? Corporal Valliere?"

"Thank you, but I must decline," Louise retorted before firing another Black Lightning at Sasha as she was pushed back by the intensity of the blast.

"That…actually hurt," Sasha hissed as she began chanting and the ground erupted as spikes made her way towards Louise as she rolled to the side and narrowly missed being skewered by them, "I'll have to end this little façade and actually get on doing what I intend to do in the first place: go back to Helkeginia and conqueror it."

"Not when I'm still here," Louise said as she jumped right up and fired another explosion magic spell as Sasha fired a flame spell. The two of them continued to exchange magic spells for a few more moments before Sasha seemed to fire some sort of powerful spell as a beam shot out of her wand; Louise responded by firing her strongest spell as the two beams clashed against one another.

It was now a battle of willpower as both sides tried to gain an advantage over the other, Louise didn't know how powerful she was against someone who was practically immortal, but she wasn't going to give up now. Not when there are important things at stake as she continued to pump as much power as she could into her wand as she groaned from the physical strain of using too much magic. "You're centuries too early to try and take me on!" Sasha cried out, "You can never hope to match my limitless power!"

Louise gasped in pain as she felt her chest constricting and her knees buckled underneath her though she continued to fight against Sasha, she wasn't sure how long she would be able to hold out against her. "Louise!" as she looked up to see her mother and sisters on top of a griffin as they dive bombed to Sasha who merely swatted them with magic, however they had already landed behind Louise.

"What…are you guys doing here?" she asked.

"Here to help you out silly," Cattleya said, "we heard what happened and we're here to help you out."


"We know…the legendary familiar of Brimir right? Well we might not be able to fight her on equal grounds, but like I always said it's always better to fight together than alone," Karin said as she put her hand on Louise's shoulder. Instantly she felt a burst of magic flowing through her and when Cattleya and Eleanor did the same it tripled until Louise felt that she could do anything. She got up to her feet and blasted the magic into her wand as she slowly began to gain ground against Sasha.

"What! Impossible! How did you do that?" she cried.

"While you fight without allies and shoulder everything alone I do it with my friends and family," Louise said, "this is what I learned while I fought against the Confederacy. As long as you have allies it doesn't matter how desperate things are because they'll support you no matter what! And that's why I'm going to win this fight once and for all!" as the beam burst with energy and overpowered Sasha's beam as the spell blasted not only Sasha, but the Vallieres as well as Louise groaned from the impact. She didn't know that the spell would have this kind of effect as she got up to see if she did something to Sasha.

The High Priestess was badly burned and she looked like she had been through the wringer. However she was still alive as she got up and growled at her, "Damn you," she hissed.

"You are really persistent," Louise said.

"This is not over! Not by a long shot! You may have stopped me this time, but next time I will be victorious," as she then said something before disappearing from the field along with the ring of fire. Louise then collapsed onto the ground as her mother and sisters supported her, she felt completely spent and that she had just fought against several armies all at the one time.

"Let's go," Cattleya said, "you did very well Louise."

"Indeed you've truly proven yourself to be a true Valliere," Karin said as Eleanor smiled in acknowledgement.

"Really? But I couldn't have done it without my family...thank you for helping me," Louise said.

"No need to thank us, it's what family is for," Cattleya said.

"Do you think that she's gone?" Karin asked.

"I don't know...I hope so, but I don't think she'll back down from this so easily. I'm pretty sure that she'll be back again soon and when she does I'll be waiting for her."

"You don't need to shoulder it alone Louise, you have us and your squad to back you up."

"Yeah I know..." though Louise wondered if Brimir actually somehow guided her towards this destiny, he never really talked much about his familiars and when she did ask he had been evasive. Did he know that she would be the one to face Sasha? Or was it all just a big coincidence? Suddenly she remembered where Brimir was as she turned and ran towards the ruins of the tower ignoring the others for the time being, but there was nothing there except rubble. She looked around hoping to see Brimir somewhere among the crowds, but she had no such luck as Alexander walked to her.

"He's not here is he?" he remarked.

"No...he's gone..." Louise said her eyes misting a little bit.

"I'm sorry," Alexander said, "he was a very good ally and I bet a good mentor as well."

"Yes...he was my master and he taught me things that I thought I wouldn't be able to learn back in my world. But I don't think he's dead."

"Why do you say that?"

"Just a feeling...that's all."

"Well I know from experience that it's never good to disregard your feelings so if you think that he's alive then I'll believe that he is alive and that he will help us one day when we need him."

"It's over isn't it?" Louise whispered as she took his hand and held it tightly, "It's finally over."

"Yes it is, the last of the Confederate soldiers are running away and retreating. No doubt this marks the end of the war and that means we no longer have to shoot at people," as Alexander chuckled before Louise followed him. The pair then regrouped with the rest of the squad as the patted each other on the back and celebrated the end of the final battle as Suzie hugged her adoptive sister and exclaimed how glad she was that nothing happened to Louise.

"So now that it's over what are you going to do next?" Laura asked as Louise looked at her and then to the curious faces of the other squad members.

"Geez the battle has just finished and you're all wondering what my next step is?" Louise said with a grin as the others chuckled sheepishly. "But I guess I'll give it a day or two to think about it, but my initial decision probably won't change: I'll join the official military and become an officer."

"Well that's a bummer and here I thought you would be trying to work with the other mages in finding a way back home," Alicia remarked.

"I'll do that as well, I'll try to organize the mages into one single unit so that if we're under attack again we can help each other. Plus I think the President will allow us to sit out on any major battles, but while we're finding a way out of this place I'll be fighting with you guys to protect my new home," Louise said.

"Well you can count on us to help you the next time that we have another war going on," Laura said as the others nodded, "we wouldn't follow anyone else than you Louise."

"I agree," Luna said, "I know I'm not exactly the best leader and I think my brother would agree that he's too lazy to be the field commander despite his natural talent for leadership. If we ever need to fight I'll follow you wherever you go; you've taught me how to be a better person despite our rocky start and I owe you a lot."

"Thanks Luna, thanks guys," before Kirche came up and wrapped her arm around Louise's neck.

"So we won! What are you guys doing now?" Kirche asked.

"Trying to decide Louise's future," Alexander said off-handedly.

"Oh? She still wanting to gun for that military thing?" Kirche asked.

"Pretty much," Alexander replied.

"Then count me in too," Kirche said making Louise look at her in surprise, "well my dad's wanting me to join the military anyways so I don't have much of a choice. Besides there's not much else I can do in this world so the military will have to do."

"I'll also join," Tabitha said softly.

"I guess then I'll just be a grocer or something," Guiche said making Kirche laugh.

"Yeah right like you father will allow you to do that," she said patting him on the back, "you're in for the long haul Gramont."

"Eh! Can't I get a grace period?" he asked as the red haired Germanian dragged him out of the conversation while he continued to wail about his misfortune.

"You know that you'll need to attend a military school before being able to join the military proper right? And you probably will have to go back to being a private again," Laura remarked.

"Not true," Alexander said, "if a militiaman has previously served in a major war like this one then he, or she, can go to the academy and upon graduating be conferred the same rank, or higher, than the one they got when they were in the militia. I'm sure with Louise's intelligence she would be able to make it through the program and be able to lead a platoon after some field experience. At the very least they'll confer a rank of Sergeant on you because of your services and the rest of us will probably just get Corporal at the most."

"Eh I have no plans on fighting again," Daniel said, "the kids need me and I'm sure most would agree here."

"So who is going to be with Louise? Kirche, Tabitha and Guiche are a definite," Alicia remarked.

"I'm going with sis no matter where she goes," Suzie said with a smile.

"As her boyfriend I can hardly leave the military service while my girlfriend is out risking her neck could I? I would be history's worst boyfriend," Alexander said.

"And I promised her that no matter where she go I would follow as well because I owe her a lifetime of debts," Laura added.

"So that's six," Alicia said, "well that's more than most people get so in a way you're lucky. And if we are again under attack I suppose you can reconvene Squad 13 and we'll go through the whole process again."

"I know," Louise said, "I hope that we will no longer go through another war, but I have a feeling that this won't be the end of our trials."

"Well before that happens I hope that we can have a good rest before the next big war starts up," Alexander said.

"Hey you two! Quit looking around and come join the party or you're going to miss all the food!" Laura shouted.

"Yeah on our way," Louise shouted back as she held out her hand to Alexander, "shall we go?"

"Of course my lady," Alexander said mock bowing her, "your wish is my command."

"Stop it you're embarrassing me," Louise said pouting before Alexander held her hand as she smiled at him, "we're going to be alright won't we Alexander?"

"Of course no one will contest against you," Alexander said before the two of them walked towards the main base where a loud party could be heard as they celebrated the end of the war.

The party lasted the entire night and half a day before everyone had the mind to go back to the capital and celebrate it at the heart of the country. The entire ride was festive as they drank, sang and laughed about anything and everything; finally after what seemed to be a long time of fighting they had finally driven back the invaders and defended their lands. Squad 13 celebrated the most and were praised the most too considering their role in the final battle especially with the Heroine of Barton, now the Heroine of Belfast, being the lone person to fight against the High Priestess with her immense magical powers. Even though Louise had tried to explain that her squad and family helped out nobody listened to her and began to exaggerate the story to the point of saying that the two of them were fighting on giant dragons of all things! "Don't worry," Alexander said, "it's always like that. I'm pretty sure that it'll be exaggerated even more to the point that future generations won't even know which is fact and which is fiction."

"That's not a very good thing," Louise dryly said.

"Well what can you do? It's how war stories are often created," Alexander said with a shrug. Upon arriving at the capital the whole place was in a festive mood as balloons were shot out to the sky, there were banners everywhere and loved ones were hugging their loved ones. Indeed it was a happy time for everyone and they had every right to celebrate as Louise was immediately brought to the President of Belfast where she was awarded the Medal of Belfast, the highest award that could be ever given to anyone, and awarded the rank of Sergeant though there were subtle hints that she would immediately rose to the rank of Lieutenant or even Captain once she went through officer school and had a few more field experience.

There was then a large festival to celebrate the end of the war and it lasted for a whole week. Louise was naturally the main show and she was dragged back and forth to various people until at the end of the week she was completely exhausted and slept for most of a day. When she woke up she was surprised to see Suzie next to her, "Good morning sis," she said with a smile.

"How long have I been asleep for?" Louise asked, "And why are you in my bed?"

"You've been sleeping for almost most of the day, it's one in the afternoon now," Suzie said "and as to why I'm sleeping with you...I guess I just felt like it?" she shrugged.

"Alright I guess I can let this slide for once," Louise sighed patting Suzie's head before getting dressed to see her mother and sisters going back and forth.

"Finally awake are we?" Eleanor remarked.

"Did you sleep well?" Catleya asked.

"Yes I did, what's going on?" Louise asked.

"Oh nothing much we're just making our home more homely that's all," Cattleya said, "if we're going to be living here we can't have it be unfurnished can we?"

"No I suppose not," Louise said looking at her mother who was ordering the men here and there, "good afternoon mother I'm sorry I slept for so long."

"Well after what Belfast did to you I'm not too surprised," Karin said, "by the way Alexander drop by inquiring about you. He said that he wanted to talk about the future and to come meet him at the 'usual place'," as her look clearly indicated she wanted to know further about what exactly they'll be talking about.

"Oh well I can't keep him waiting now can I," Louise said evasively before quickly getting dressed and then out the door despite her mother calling for her as she left Suzie behind as well. Going to their meeting place she saw Alexander sitting on the bench as she approached him, "Did I make you wait long?" she asked as Alexander smiled before kissing her on the cheeks.

"Not really," he replied.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"Well...I know by now that you're planning on sticking with the military career and I doubt that you've changed your mind that quickly."

"Of course there's nothing else that I can do other than working on finding a way to get the mages back home plus I'm still worried about the High Priestess scheming and whatnot."

"I suppose so...however I need to know if you really got your heart set on this."

"What's wrong Alexander? You've never been worried about me going onto the battlefield before."

"Well that's because it was a matter of whether or not Belfast will be free by the end of the war, but now...can't you still protect Belfast without being on the frontlines?"

"My skills are of much better use on the frontlines rather than being a tactician..." as she saw the worried look on her boyfriend's face as she put a hand on top of his, "don't worry Alexander I'll be fine. I'm the Heroine of Belfast remember?"

"It still doesn't make me feel at ease," Alexander said, "I worry about you a lot you know?"

"I know and I'm grateful for it, but I have you, Kirche, Tabitha, Guiche, Laura and Suzie to count on. Even though I'm not quite sure if Suzie should join the military any further but I know that she'll be there to support me no matter what...so I have a good group of friends and comrades to count on. Plus Squad 13's always ready to go another round against the Confederate forces if need be, or anyone else for that matter so there's that to consider," Louise explained as Alexander didn't look more convinced, but he seemed to have relented.

"Alright then..." he said before the two of them looked at the bustling town of the capital where everyone was finally beginning to wind down and there was no longer the tension of an inevitable fight or conflict in the horizon, "well I guess this is the calm before the storm..."

"Don't say that you'll jinx it," Louise said before the two of them laugh as she looked out to the horizon and wondered where Brimir was and whether they would really be able to get home one day. No...we'll get home one day, we'll find our way back, I swear it she promised herself but for the time being she would just relax and think about how she was going to survive officer training.

So that's the end of the story! I hope you've enjoyed it from beginning to end. Now I'm sure you'll be wondering if there will be a sequel to this one, to be honest I haven't thought of it yet even though the ending did hint at it. I'm a little swamped at the moment with work and I'm now in a habit of finishing, or near finishing, a story first before even posting the first chapter to prevent long periods without updating or worse abandoning the story so I won't put your hopes up. But I'm always thinking of new stories so I'm quite sure that you'll see more of me soon. For now until next time and again thank you for any reviews that you can give me you've been a great, and very patient, audience.

Sentai-Rider Fan