Emi: What are these? *puts on glasses*

Kori: H-hey... *stumbles into a wall* m-my glasses...

Emi: Woah! You really can't see!

Kori: No shit Sherlock!

Emi: But my names not Sherlock? Or is it? *gasps* MY LIFE IS A LIE!

Rasa: *sigh* Please read and review...

One Choice Character List

Okay, so I am doing a Yu-Gi-Oh version of the Divergent Trilogy. So I think you need to know who's who so instead of a chapter I'm doing a character list. You can read it if you want or just skip to the next chapter, your call.

Tris - Ryou

Caleb - Ayame

Tris' mother(Natalie) - Ryou's mother (Natalie) I don't know Ryou's mothers real name but if you know just tell me, please.

Tris' father - Ryou's father Again, clueless on name's here and if it is Shen that names already taken.

Marcus - Shen

Tobias - Bakura I'm gonna stick with the whole Four thing here. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then either read this or the book.

Christina - Anzu

Will - Yami

Edward - Marik The evil one

Myra - Malik The good one

Al - Joey

Peter - Kieth

Drew - Tristan

Molly - Mai

Eric - Zigfreid

Max - Pegasus

Jeanine - Ishizu

Uraih - Mokuba

Zeke - Seto

Tori - Mana