Me: And a new story is born! First time its not a romance just a friendship...or is it...

Bakura: Its me and better be

Me: Well if it wasn't Ryou would be like a pedophile sooooo

Bakura: What!?

Me: Read and Review!

Just a kid: Chapter 1

Ryou yawned, sitting up. He ran his hand through his white hair and glanced at the alarm clock. 9:52. He yawned again, wondering what could have woken him up. He usually didn't wake up until almost noon. A thump sounded from down the hall. From Bakura's room.

Ryou stood up, stretching. 'What on earth could Bakura be doing this early?' he thought. He trudged sleepily to Bakura's room and opened the door.

"Bakura, what on Earth is going on-" Ryou stopped and stared at the little boy wrapped in blankets on the bed.

The boy was looking very confused. He had tan skin and white hair. He stared back at Ryou and squeaked, falling back off the bed. His head peeked over the side of the bed. "How do you know my name?"

Ryou blinked. "Your name...Bakura!"

"How do you know my name?" the boy (Bakura?) asked again. "Where am I? Where's Mama and Father?"

Ryou bit his lip, unsure of how to answer him. He saw Bakura looking at him expectantly. "Umm..."

"D-did Father take Mama on a trip? To trade with him?" Bakura asked, staring at Ryou with wide eyes.

"Y-yes," Ryou lied," Ummm, I'm a friend of your fathers and h-he left you here with me until they get back." He crossed his fingers, hoping the kid bought it.

Bakura nodded. "Oh, okay... Who are you?"

"My names Ryou, Ryou Bakura."

The kids eyes widened and a huge grin spread across his face. "You have the same name as me!" he giggled.

Ryou laughed. 'I need to talk to the Pharoh about this...and soon.' "Yeah...ummm, are you hungry or something?"

Bakura nodded slightly. "If it's not too much trouble." He said, looking down at his feet.

Ryou smiled at the little boy's shyness. "It's no trouble at all. Come on." He waited as Bakura scampered around the bed, tripping on the overlong black shirt that he wore. He almost fell flat on his face in front of Ryou, but the teen quickly reached down and steadied him. "Maybe it would be easier if I carried you until we get you some better fitting clothes."

Bakura stiffened slightly as Ryou scooped him up. "What's wrong?" Ryou asked, worriedly, wondering if he'd hurt the little boy.

Bakura just buried his face in Ryou's hair," Nothing."

Ryou pulled back slightly, "What's wrong?" he asked again.

Bakura wouldn't meet his eyes. "It's nothing really.." he muttered.

Ryou considered pushing the matter, but decided to let it go. He carried Bakura to the kitchen, noticing how light and thin the boy was.

Ryou set the boy in a chair and looked in the fridge. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Ummm, do you have bread? And maybe some water?"

Ryou raised an eyebrow. "Yes... but I have milk if you want, and some cereal maybe...'

Bakuras eyes widened. "You must be rich..."

"No,no,no not at all... " He got down some cereal he thought Bakura might like.

Bakura looked suspiciously at the bowl in front of him. Ryou chuckled, "Just eat it, its okay."

The child smiled slightly and began to eat. "It's good," he said through a full mouth.

As he ate, Ryou went into Bakura's room and took out some clothes. 'I need to fix these.' He took them to his room ,which yes has sewing machine (who else is going to fix Kura's torn clothes), and started undoing the threads. Once that was done, he set to resize the pieces and put them back together. Just as he was finishing up, Bakura walked in, carrying his empty bowl. "H-hello, where do I put this?"

Ryou smiled at him, "i'll put it away, just get dressed in this." He handed him the clothes. He headed back to the kitchen and put the bowl in the dish washer. He felt something pull on his pants leg. He turned around and smiled at Bakura, now dressed. 'I'm lucky I guessed the size right.'

"We have to go to a friend of mine's house, kay."

Bakura nodded. "Okay."

Ryou took his hand and led him outside. As he turned to lock the door, Bakura looked at the road with confusion. He crept close to it and put a bare foot on the asphalt. A huge metal beast came hurtling at him.

Ryou heard a screech behind him. As he turned around, Bakura slammed into his legs, shaking. An eighteen wheeler passed. Bakura clung to him for dear life until Ryou picked him up. "It's gonna kill me!" The little boy cried.

"No its not, it won't hurt you." The boy looked at the road again.

"You sure..."

"Yes. I am apsolutly positive." He carried the boy to the gameshop. He set him down and knocked on the door.

The door opened and a short boy with violet eyes and tri-colored hair poked his head out. "Oh, hey Ryou. What do you need?"

Ryou reached behind him, where Bakura had decided to hide, and eased the boy beside him. "We have a bit of a problem."

Yugi sighed, "So do I-" He opened the door and was cut off by a smaller version of him walking out, holding a handful of crayons and a coloring book.

"Yugi, the black one broke... who is he?" Atem stared directly at Bakura.

Ryou gulped, 'Crap.'

************************************************** ****************************Me: Mwahahahahahaha

Bakura: What did you do?

Kiddie Bakura: Where am I? *looks at Bakura* Who are you?


Bakura: SHUT UP!
Kiddie Bakura: *scared*

Me: *glares at Bakura* Review...please.