What will happen when a certain blonde haired blue eyed Titan returns? Will another disappear? Will someone die? Will someone get a new apprentice?
(Raven's POV)
Today is the day I'm gonna tell him. Crime has been slow so we should be OK. I, Rachel Raven Roth, will finally tell Beastboy I love him. I marched out of my room and into the common room.
"Beastboy?" I called. Said Titan turned around from his place on the couch.
"Yea Rae?" He responded, I gave him a small glare. "Ven." He added.
"Can we ummm…" I took a deep breath, "Talk?"
"Sure." He nodded, walking over to me. "What is it?"
"Ummm… w-w-well this is s-something I've needed t-to say for a while a-a-and ummm…" I mentally cursed myself for stuttering.
"Is Timid ruling Nevermore or something?" He joked. I heard someone knock and Cyborg go to answer it.
"Ha-ha." I said sarcastically. "I… I j-just wanted to say that–"
"Beastboy!" A shrill female voice cut me off. We turned and saw none other than the memory-loss short-tempered, blonde-haired, blue-eyed traitor herself. Terra.
"Terra!" Beastboy yelled, running over and giving her a huge hug and a peck on the lips. M heart shattered, and Love started crying. I was overwhelmed by emotion, and I could feel new ones being born. Jealousy, Revenge, Hatred, and Bloodlust were all born in that moment. I dashed through the doors and into the hall, but I didn't stop there. I kept running until I was out of the tower and up to my waist in the ocean. Then, I let out a blood-curdling, ear-splitting, scream of pure pain. I hear the door reopen, so I disappeared in a puff of black magic.