Ah, guys it's the last chapter! So happy that it's the end, yet so sad that it's ending! Mixed feelings… sigh. So, I would like to thank everyone who stayed and reviewed through the whole story and all the great words of encouragement! They always made me smile and so happy! For this last chapter, please enjoy~

Chapter 19

It's been, what, a week now? I stopped keeping track. They kept wanting to check me in, but I've refused countless times. I only let them apply new bandages around my arms and a boot for my foot. More scars to come...

I've only left to switch rooms and go to the bathroom. I can't eat or sleeping knowing they're still not out of the hospital yet. It's too scary to walk away for even a second.

Terra and Ctella woke up a few days ago with minimal injury. Takashi never got far with them which I'm extremely happy for, but doctors want them to stay a little longer for testing. So, I switch off visiting them time to time.

Naru, he's been in a coma this whole time. Just today, I haven't moved from my spot in seven hours. It's seven a.m. right now. I've spent about half that time crying, or at least I think I have. The days are just so fuzzy and my eyes feel sore and dry.

Please wake up, Naru.

Now, I'm hugging my knees to my chest while sitting on the most uncomfortable chairs ever, but my butt fell asleep a long time ago. I've just been watching Naru. No, that's not creepy because you know you'd do it too.

I heard a knock at the door and it opened, but I didn't look up. By the sound of heels clacking on the tiled floor, I could tell it was Ayako. She crouched in front of me; I glance at her, and then look back down at my knees.

"Mai, honey, please eat something and take a nap, please." she begged, whispering. All I do is blink and my eyes burned.

"Not hungry, not tired." I croak out.

Was that my voice? I sound terrible.

"Stop lying to yourself." She raises her voice a bit. "If anything happens at all, even if it's a flinch of some sort, I'll tell you. I promise."

When I didn't give a response she sighed and stood up. I heard mumbling, but I couldn't make out the other voice.

Someone different crouched in front of me and when I looked to them, to say I was surprised would be an understatement. I tried not to show it on my face though.

Masako... When did she get here?

She was dressed in a navy blue sun dress, which actually looked really cute on her. Her hair and make-up was done which made me assume she came from an interview or something. She cares about him just as much as I do, huh?

"Mai," she said started, but for the first time, it didn't sound harsh. Her tone was caring and soft. I looked straight into her eyes to let her know I was listening. "Please take a nap or eat something. If Naru knew you we're doing this, he would be very upset, to say the least. If anything happens, I'll call you."

For some reason, when she said that, I truly believed her. Maybe it was because she, too, loves Naru. She knows that I would do the same for her. Naru would have my head for not taking care of myself.

I finally nodded and whispered, "Okay" before slowly standing up and making my way out of the room. I went to the bathroom first; Kami knows how long I've been holding it. I also splashed my face with cool water to help my eyes.

Luckily, my hair wasn't as messy as I thought it was. I had to comb my fingers through a couple knots, but it was as close to decent as I could get it.

After, I made my way to the hospital's food-court to eat, or at least tried to. Man, their food is disgusting. I'll admit I did feel a whole lot better after all of that and I was stupid for letting myself get as bad as I did. It's Naru, he will be okay.

As if on cue, my phone went off on a vibration rampage. I jumped in my seat and scrambled to grab my phone. My hands were shaking so bad I couldn't open my phone until I almost missed the call.

"Hello?" I asked nervously.

"Mai," It was Masako. "He's starting to wake up." Her voice sounded relieved, but the news made my heart race.

"H-he's waking up?!" I gasped.

"Hurry," I could tell there was a smile on her face when she spoke making me smile. I quickly hung up the phone and took off into the halls of the hospital. Well, more like a limp run. I probably looked ridiculous.

My mind was going a million miles a minute I didn't even know what I was going to do . say when I made it back.

I finally reached the room and the door was opened. I stopped right before the door to catch my breath and walked in. I closed the door quietly behind me and looked into the room. Ayako and Masako were gone.

He was there, sitting up in the bed looking in that damn black binder of his. I walked to the front of his bed and stared at him. I saw him glance at me then placed the binder on the table next to him, looking at questioningly.

"Really," I laughed and hung my head down and shook my head. I looked back up with a small smile and tears rolling down my cheeks. He seemed slightly taken back. "You just woke up and you're already in that stupid binder of yours? What's so important in that thing?"

I slowly walked over to the side of the bed and sat on the side in front of him. He looked pale and had bags under his eyes from his week sleep in the coma. I was just happy he was better and alive.

I gently grabbed his hand and held it in mine; it was cold and seemed almost fragile. It made me cry harder thinking about how close I actually came to losing him. I already lost him once after the diner case, but I'll never let him go again.

I felt his hand rest on my left cheek and wiped the tears away with his thumb. I looked up at him with blurry vision and he actually looked sad.

"Why are you crying?" was all he asked. I leaned into his hand and blinked hard to clear my vision.

"I really thought I had lost you this time." I explained while trying to control the hiccups that escaped from my lips.

"Really, Mai, I'm not weak." He mocked, but I ignored it.

I grasped his hand a little tighter and stared down at my lap. "I don't know if I can do this anymore." I said shaking my head.

"Do what?" Naru asked pulling my chin up and making look into his eyes. He suddenly became very serious.

"Ghost hunting; I realize that ghosts won't stop coming to me, but my friends and family are getting hurt. I almost lost Terra and Ctella and I almost lost you. I don't know what I would've done if I'd lost you guys." I felt myself begin to ramble and I couldn't stop.

"I need you, Naru. I already lost you once last year and then again this year. But when you came back, I was hopeful that you would somehow, someway, forgive me. I was relieved when you came in my dream and I knew I would see you again. But then this happened and you almost died! I don't know how many more times I can lose you! It kills me inside every time something happens to you and I can't live without you anymore because I-"

I was instantly interrupted when Naru grabbed my face in both his hands and crushed his lips to mine. My eyes went wide and my breath hitched in my throat. I wasn't expecting him to do something like that; I was expecting an insult of some sort like he always does.

He slowly pulled away and my eyes relaxed. My hand retreated to my lips and I looked to him, now, with just watery eyes. My face was still in his hands and he was looking straight into my eyes with longing and lust. But he also looked pissed.

"Love you," I whispered finishing my sentence.

"Don't say such idiotic things." He offended, but no venom of any sort dripped from his lips.

Ah, and there it was…

It still made my heart drop and I frowned. "I never blamed you from the start. I wanted to apologize the minute you walked through the door the first day I came here, but I didn't know how-"

This time, I interrupted him with a kiss from me. It wasn't forceful like his, it was gentle and sweet. My heart skipped a beat when I felt him me kiss back slowly. My arms wrapped around his neck and I brought myself closer to him. He lightly gabbed my waist, making the million butterflies inside of me flutter. I pulled away, my eyes gradually opening, and rested my forehead against his.

"You don't need to say anything." I smiled. "I understand."

I guess it was the way he looked into my eyes. When he looks into my eyes, it's almost like I can read his mind. Sometimes he doesn't know what to say or, in this case, how to put his feelings into words. But I completely understand because we are more alike than people think.

We both have a deep grief inside our souls that we refuse to show. Our real emotions and feelings that we show no one else. The memories that are saved in our hearts, but are never shared.

But when we look into each other's eyes, it expresses everything we have locked inside, without saying a single word.

I know that he is sorry and he knows that I am, also.

Though the past can't be changed, we can definitely control our future and always be each other's love and life.

He smiles one of his rare smiles and intertwines his hands in mine.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you, too." I beam the brightest I ever have in months.

"Oh, they've made up!" A dramatic cry came from the door. Terra and the whole group made their way into the room and I giggled at Terra's exclamation, a light blush growing on my cheeks.

She looked a lot better than when I last saw her yesterday. The color was back in her face and she had a few cuts on her face that would disappear in a couple of weeks. I'm glad she's safe.

"It just brings tears into my eyes!" Ctella also cried, jumping out from behind Terra. She patted the corner of her eyes, clearing away the fake tears.

She also looked a lot better. There were visible bruises among her arms and legs, but she didn't seem to notice them or was just ignoring them. She just seemed happy to be with friends and out of that hell hole of a place.

I rolled my eyes laughing and leaned my head on Naru's shoulder.

"But be good you two," Ayako added. "You're both young we don't need any 'accidents'."

"Ayako!" I yelled covering my bright red cheeks with my hands. Monk was with me at that one; he start yelling at Ayako about how I was too young to know about "those kind of things." Ayako just laughed and said she was joking and to not be so uptight. Lin just rolled his eyes, but I saw a small smirk on his lips.

"Oh!" Ctella gasped.

"Naughty, Mai!" Terra added and they busted out laughing. I even heard Naru quietly chuckle!

"You guys!" I screamed leaping up from the bed and chased them around the room. I finally caught Terra, leaping at her and wrapping my arms around her waist, taking her down to the ground. She screamed as she fell to the ground and grabbed Ctella, taking her with us.

We all laughed in pain from hitting the tile floor. John offered a hand and helped me up.

"It's great to see you looking so well, Mai." He smiled brightly. I thanked him and gave him a light hug before helping Terra and Ctella up. Everyone suddenly came up to me with hugs and light kisses on my forehead.

I made my way back to Naru and sat next to him. He wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed me again, lightly. I giggled with another blush and sighed, slightly leaning into Naru's side.

I am the happiest I've been in a long time.

And that is all I need.

They are all I need.

He is all I need.

Awww! I LOVED this ending so much! What about you guys?! Please review and let me know!


*Gasp!* I have finalized information! *Leans in closely*


So, please, please, please stay tuned for this epilogue to officially end this ending! It will be up soon!

See you then!