Hi! This story is about (actually read this!): okay. So, Columbus never discovered America. The Europeans still believe the world is flat, and that they are the only continent. Nearly 2000 years later, they send their first satellite into space. This brings back pictures of A WHOLE NEW CONTINENT! So, a secret service named S.H.E.I.L.D. decides to make an operation: go to the new world! This is where our story starts off.
a few things to know: Howard and Anthony stark are brothers,Peggy carter is still alive, so is Betty, (Bruce's girlfriend in Hulk.) they are the ones, along with clint barton, who are chosen for the new world operation. Steve, Thor, Natasha, Bruce, and Pepper are native Americans.
This story belongs to my BFF, D.S. Im just the one with the fancy account. So, all rights go to her and marvel. I own NOTHING, not even this plot. Get it, got it, good.
Ironically, the day her life changed forever started out like any other. Margret "Peggy" Carter woke up to the sound of her screeching alarm clock and dragged herself out of bed and down stairs into the kitchen. She, bleary eyed and half asleep, made coffee and sat down in front of the TV which was blaring out the local news. Suddenly something caught her attention. " The reports from the satellites came in last night and scientists have made a shocking discovery" the reporter paused, then shakily resumed " It seems that there is another continent." Peggy nearly spit out her coffee when she saw the pictures, not only was the Earth round (like they had been hypothesizing for decades now) but there was a whole different continent! She returned her focus to the screen, "We do not yet know if this land is inhabited, but law makers are said to be drafting young, willing people to join the force in a state of emergency, to protect The United Districts of Europe.
Peggy was not the first person at the recruiting office by a long shot. All sorts of people had come to offer their services. Behind her a limousine pulled up and out came two men about her own age and woman who looked slightly younger. The men were obviously brothers but by the way the woman was clinging to one of them (the older one) it was safe to say they were a couple. They got in line behind her and she heard some of their conversation. "Don't worry so much Maria." said the older one "Tiny and I will be just fine." The younger one looked upset at that and said "It's Tony!" he said, then with a smile added "Howie" It would have broken into a full grown fist-fight if Maria hadn't stepped in. Peggy rolled her eyes, signed her name at the booth and walked in.
It was mayhem inside. It was miracle she got passed the door at all. She steeled her jaw and fought her way through the crowd with a will. She walked out triumphantly after an hour of examinations with a letter in her hand and a new purpose. She was going to the New World.