Kagome sighed as she walked down the steps into the well house. She had been dreading going back for the whole week that she was here. Inuyasha had come every day except today demanding that she return with him then. After some yelling and a few sits he left. Only to come back the next day.
'But I can't just abandon Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kirara, and Kaede. They didn't do anything to me.' Then with another heavy sigh she jumped into the well. Traveling back in time again.
As soon as she was enveloped in that warmth she loved and the blue light she smiled. She loved this feeling! She felt free from stress, feelings, and hanyou bastards.
When she landed she sighed out loud. It never lasted long enough, no more than thirty seconds. Climbing up the ladder that was on the feudal side as well she smiled. She brought Shippo some new crayons and coloring books and a whole bunch of lollypops.
She brought something for everyone this time. She brought Sango a few bags of her favorite chips and soda. She also brought her some storybooks that her mother had read to her about fairy tales to read. Miroku, she brought him a homemade lunch and some of the canned tea that he likes.
She brought Kirara some cat treats and cat nip. The two tailed youkai cat was a friend and always pulled her weight in battle when it was called for. She loved her so much!
Kaede has had trouble getting around lately and has resorted to using an old piece of a tree as a cane. Kagome begged her to get something better. Even in the feudal era they could make canes! But Kaede said that she did not need anything but the old stick.
Worried about her, she bought her a cane that would last forever! It was simple, nothing that would stand out too much in the time period. But something that was strong for her. Kagome always worried that the stick would break and she would fall and hurt herself. Kaede was like the grandmother she never knew.
Then there was the jerk. Inuyasha. She brought him one bag of the chips that he likes and that was it. She did love the bastard after all and could not leave him out, but after what happened before she went home, he would know she was still mad.
"Kagome! What the hell are you doing?" Inuyasha was furious when he returned to camp and found that damned wolf there. Kagome was hugging him! He stomped up to them and grabbed her shirt collar and his hair and jerked them apart. He stepped between them and glared at the wolf. "You know she don't want to be with you wolf boy, so get the hell out of here."
Koga growled at him. He had been getting braver and braver as of late and it irritated him greatly. "Look here mutt face, until you know what is going on, don't act. Next time it might get you killed."
"You bastard!" Inuyasha was already reaching for Tetsusaiga but then found himself face down in a crater by a sit command from Kagome.
Kagome glared down at the stupid hanyou. "Baka. I gave Koga a hug and his new MATE Aoiko. If you would have asked questions before you acted like I tell you to do all the time you would have known that. Baka."
She turned to Koga who had a now shaky Aoiko at his side. She smiled and stepped on Inuyasha as she walked over to them and hugged her. "It is alright. These guys would fight all the time. They just did not like each other."
Aoiko smiled as she hugged the female back. Koga already told her everything about Kagome and about how Kagome kept telling him no. Now he knew why, he was not meant to be with Kagome but her. So she really owed Kagome a lot.
Koga hugged her again and said, "Well we got to get going. See ya." Then he speed off.
"Koga do you think it was wise to leave with Inuyasha like that? Do you think Kagome will be okay?"
"Kagome will be just fine. She is the only one in the world who can handle that mutt face."
Inuyasha sat up to seeing Kagome packing her bag as she talked to Sango and a scared looking Miroku and Shippo backing toward him. "She's pissed huh?"
"Understatement." Miroku was not going to get in the middle of this one. He has said it and always will, a woman can hit harder than the strongest man. Especially when they are mad.
Inuyasha glared at the girl. He has had enough of this crap. Always sitting him like he is some little lap dog. Always acting like she knows more about the era he grew up in than he does! They were going to have it out right now!
"Kagome! Where the hell do you think you are going?"
"No you are not! You just got back and we still have jewel shards to find if you haven't noticed."
"Inuyasha, go away." Glaring at him she stopped packing for a moment. 'How dare he act like he owns me! He does not own me at all! If I thought he would, I would mate Sesshomaru just to piss him off right now, but that would end in my death for bringing it up!'
Inuyasha backed up from her for a second. He had never seen her this mad at all! Not even when he accused her and Koga of messing around. When he saw her pick up her bag and put it on and Kirara transform he reached out and grabbed her arm as he said, "I told you that you aren't going anywhere!"
Kagome stopped before she got on Kirara and looked at his hand on her arm. He grabbed her. She opened her hand and spun around smacking him five feet away from her. "Baka Inuyasha! I am leaving because you are a bastard!"
"Why cause I hurt your wolf boy? He has a mate now you know, you should not be jealous. It is ugly on a woman."
Kagome knew she was red with anger. She turned and climbed on Kirara and before the cat took off, she turned eyes, stone cold, toward the hanyou who was already marching up to her. "SIT."
The sternness in her voice and the mood sent him down a few feet into the ground and knocked out cold. Then Kirara took off.
Reaching the top of the well she smiled when she heard that familiar voice of the kitsune child she takes care of. Shippo!
Once she was out of the well she dropped her bag and turned toward the happy voice just in time to catch a flying kit and hug him tight. "Shippo!"
Shippo hates it when Kagome leaves to go to her time and see her family. This time he thought for sure that Inuyasha had made her mad enough that she would never come back! "Why did you stay gone for so long this time Kagome?"
Kagome sat him down on the side of the well and put her bag on her back then picked him back up. "Inuyasha and I need some time apart is all Shippo."
"I thought that Inuyasha had made you mad enough this time that you weren't going to come back." Although he sounded happy and looked happy, he had a death grip on Kagome's shirt. He wanted to make sure that she was really there. If she never came back he would have hated Inuyasha.
Kagome laughed as she looked down at Shippo. "Even if I never wanted to see Inuyasha again, I would still come back and forth to see you, Sango, Miroku, Kirara and Kaede."
Koenma stared at the screen in his office. Along with Yusuke, Hiei, Kurama, and Kuwabara. He had called them all there for a special assignment. The girl in the screen knew all about Spirit World, and somehow came in contact with someone who would send her message to the one in charge.
It would seem that she and her hanyou friend were not the only ones who could pass through time. There was one that also passed through time, a youkai that had become obsessed with her. They were going to protect her in the present time since a white haired inu hanyou with a huge sword would stick out a little too much. Until they could figure out how to get them to go back in time with her. That way they could stay with her no matter what.
Koenma already told the girls mother what was going on and he was giving his detectives the case. He assured her that they were strong and trustworthy. She agreed to let them stay in the guest house of her shrine.
"Her name is Kagome Higurashi. She lives at the Higurashi Shrine in Tokyo. She is able to pass through time from present time to the Feudal Era of Japan along with an inu hanyou named Inuyasha. She is your assignment. You are to say at the shrine with her and her family and protect her while she is in the present time. You are to protect her until a youkai that is following her shows his head and you kill him, or your death."
Kurama was the first to turn his head from the screen. He knew that none of them would question him about her time travel. After all if it was possible to travel between three different worlds, couldn't time travel be done? "Koenma. Do you know anything about the youkai?"
"Only that his name is Sanosuke. He is a water sprite that came across her one day and tried to kidnap her from her bedroom here in the present time. Luckily Inuyasha showed up and saved her. She is wanted by many creatures."
Hiei could not believe how beautiful she was. 'But when they are that beautiful, chances of them having a brain are none. She was going to be just another thoughtless stupid woman to drive him crazy.' "Why would any youkai want a human? It is disgusting."
Koenma smiled at Hiei. Kagome was going to send him for a loop when she met him. "Because she possess half of the Shikon Jewel. While with her the jewel becomes stronger than it does when a youkai has it."
"That does not exist." Hiei had heard about that jewel. But had also heard that it's last protector died taking the jewel with her to the depths of hell.
Koenma sighed. "Hai. It does. The jewels last protector died while in possession of it. To keep it pure and untainted by evil, she took it with her to hell. Her name was Kikyo. She is on the screen now. A witch used her magic to bring her back. Though her body is hollow and made of clay. To stay alive she must steal the souls of women and house them in that clay body. However, Kagome is her reincarnation."
Hiei turned and smiled at the toddler size ruler. "Really? I think I will like this case."
Yusuke still stared at the two women on the screen. The one in the school uniform was beautiful! He was snapped out of it when Kuwabara slapped him in the back of the head sending him to the ground.
"Kuwabara what the hell was that for asshole?!"
Kuwabara smiled down at Yusuke. "I am going to tell Keiko!"
"Tell her what? That I was watching a girl on a screen? By the way Koenma who is she anyway?" Yusuke looked around at all the sighs and glares. "Did I miss something here?"
Kurama spoke this time. He would be able to make Yusuke understand and not take as long as Koenma. "Her name is Kagome Higurashi and she is who we are being assigned to. We have to protect her, until further notice."
Yusuke jumped up and slammed his hands down on the desk in front of Koenma. "You crazy! Me and Keiko just got married and you want me to go live at some shrine where I have to protect another girl! How insane are you Koenma?"
"I have already planned for this Yusuke."
"Well, I am waiting. And you know I hate waiting."
"I talked to the Kagome's mother and she said that you and Keiko can stay there. You stay out in the guest house with the rest of the boys, and she will give Keiko a room in her home."
Yusuke stood and thought for a second. 'That would be good. Because I could still do my job, and she would not have to worry if I was cheating or not.' "Fine. I can do that much. She will be happy to go with me on one of your assignments anyway. She always did like that."
Kuwabara giggled behind them all. Kurama was single, and in no rush to be with anyone, and Yukina had finally said yes to him. "Poor Yusuke. I am glad that my girl knows that she can trust me when I leave to go to work."
Hiei glared over at the big goof. He hated the fact that his twin sister was with that clown. She knew who he was and agreed to be his girlfriend because of him. "She knows that I would kill you if you were unfaithful to her and that is why she trusts you when you go to work. When you work, it is with me."
"Shut up shrimp!" Kuwabara had gotten great at fighting with his Spirit Sword, but still sucked at street fighting. He lunged in to punch Hiei but found himself being hit and plastered on the screen.
Koenma glared at them all. "Enough! Here is the address to the shrine where she lives with her mother, little brother and grandfather. Go now! Oh and Botan is going to be going with you as well."
Everyone nodded and left Koenma's office. Yusuke went home to tell Keiko about what they were going to be doing and that she was going with him. Kurama went to tell his family that he was going to go and stay at a friends house for the summer. They worked together and he lived closer to work. Kuwabara went home and told his sister and girlfriend what he was doing and that they could come and visit whenever they wanted to. Botan went with Yusuke so she could see Keiko again.
Hiei having nothing to do besides go there went on ahead. He knocked on the door and told the woman who answered who he was. She thanked him and said her name was Sora. She showed him where the guest house was and where the well house was.
There was a tree that was right in front of the door to the well house. After he was settled in at the guest house he took his seat there and waited. He scanned the surrounding area for anyone that might be a threat. Sensing nothing, and seeing nothing with the Jagan he closed his eyes for a little nap.
Koenma said that the girl stays in the past sometimes for weeks on end. This would be his home all day long when she was gone. Waiting for her.
Sanosuke sat down wind from the kitsune and the inu hanyou. And he was just out of range for the monk or slayer to sense him. But with the binoculars that he got in Kagome's time, he could see her perfectly. "Soon you will be my mate Kagome Higurashi. Is swear it! Nothing will stand in my way of claiming you as my own."
He had seen Kagome go into the well and the glow of blue light. He was also able to time travel. He had learned how to open a portal and find a time then go through it to get to where he wanted to go. He found Kagome's time and followed her back and forth.
When she went home this time, he would be waiting for her. He will snatch her and then take her to a time before the Bone Eaters Well so that she could not leave him. She would be his mate!