A/N: Hey so if you guys haven't read my other X-Men story, Delphi, it just hit 35,500 views, so I decided to start writing the next chapter for that and post this chapter for Ria! Yay! I would love for you guys to ready Delphi too because once this story is over, then we'll go to a Apocalypse story line that takes place in the world of that other story. But for now, ENJOY!
I fell into a glass case that held a model of the island as Logan tumbled with the shapeshifter. Her blue instantly changed out for black leather, red hair retracted to brown. Suddenly it was two Logans facing off against each other. My hair completely out of the ponytail, I was dazed for a moment. In their minds, I knew immediately who was the real Logan, but I didn't know how to react. The real one looked at me, the deep gaze that I recognized in his eyes, flicking up to the next level, a wrap-around that anyone could attack from. He wanted me to sneak attack.
Not even pausing, I sprinted off to the nearest staircase, as the fight broke out between them. I could see it in my mind through Logan's, the building rage, the short pain as Mystique struck him across the face, spinning him to the ground. I took the steps two at a time, bombarded by the thoughts of Ororo was well, as I got closer to her. She was fighting the tongue-guy from the station, Toad. I couldn't help her now, she was powerful enough to handle herself. I swung a left at the top of the stairs, my boots clanging against the metal floor.
Hold on! I thought back, reaching the railing right over them. What exactly was I supposed to do? I reached out to Mystique, finding her posing as Storm. Logan drove his claws into her ribcage, but, even though I knew she wasn't really Ro, I winced. I let her limp body fall to the floor as it returned to the blue form of Mystique herself, three red marks in her skin. I looked down. "You alright?"
Logan looked up with skeptical eyes, but nodded. Swinging my legs over the railing I caught myself with telekinesis, carefully floating to the ground. When my boots hit the floor, Logan's thoughts were voicing his amazement. I didn't take it to heart. Most people are floored whenever I or Jean levitate.
"C'mon, we need to regroup." I forced, but noticed something. "What?"
He shook his head. "Let's go, Red."
Whatever was in his eyes was gone as we made our way back to the rest of the X-Men. Jean and Scott were together, not that that was a real shocker. Ever since they were teenagers they clung to each other. But, as Jean noticed the two of us coming, she smiled directly at Logan. "You're alright."
"Wait, how do we know they're them?" Scott questioned. Smart.
Logan glared over to him. "You're a dick."
I sighed. "You want me to tell the story of you in junior year where you –"
He put his hand up. "No, you're both good." Then, it seemed we both noticed who our partners were focusing on, and it wasn't us.
"Where's Storm?" I asked to break apart whatever was happening between my sister and Logan. I pretended to not noticed both of their thoughts focusing singularly on one another, or the fact of Scott starting to feel Jean full from him. Whether I was a fan of my sister or not, she had been a good girlfriend to Scott, lasting almost ten years now. I was twelve when they started dating, and I wasn't going to be there if it ended, that was for sure.
Scott understood what I was doing. "She's…"
"Here!" Ororo called from above. "I found it."
With that, the four of us were running up stair after stair, the museum being replaced by patina-ed copper walls, the top of the head of the statue blown open, by Magneto no doubt. My hands began to glow gold, just as Jean's went pink, ready. The air around us crackled from Ororo, a storm in every right. From above, I could see the torch of the statue, but I also felt a familiar mind.
"Rogue's up there, I can sense her."
"There's a problem." Logan said suddenly, stiff in his position.
Scott turned, "What?"
"I- I can't move."
Oh shit. I felt metal wrap around me, sending me, along with the rest of us, into the wall of the statue, Logan right next to me. I was cuffed around my wrists and torso, making it impossible to move. Coming down from the hole in the head were two figures. One landed hard in a crouch, reeking of dirty furs and stale meat, a face of stringy yellow hair and sharp fangs. Sabretooth. Around his neck were dog tags, ones I immediately saw were Logan's, he must have taken them on the train, what felt like forever ago. Then, much more gracefully, was Magneto. He was a few years older than the Professor but it showed more on his face in distinct lines around his icy eyes, his mouth a thin line. He was in a military-styled outfit, but in red and purple, a thick purple cape draped Romanesque from his shoulders. On his head was the thing that stopped all telepaths from looking into his mind, a dark red helmet, adorned only with a winged ornament at the center of the forehead.
"Hello, brothers and sisters." He greeted in an accent that lilted several different places, but was at its base German. When he scanned around, he paused at Logan. "Let's point those claws somewhere a bit safer, shall we?" His arms moved so one was placed over his chest, but the other was right under my chin, a gasp of fear breaking my lips.
"Ah, and you better close your eyes," he continued as the visor Scott wore was pulled off of his face, his head pointed in the direction of Jean. One slip up, one twitch, and my sister was fried. I had to think for a moment if that was a bad thing.
"Storm, fry them." Scott yelled, but even I knew better.
All Magneto did was chuckle. "Yes, please send a bolt of lightning into a copper conductor. Now, I was under the impression you lived in a school. Since intelligence is obviously not a keynote, perhaps a bit of background on the historical significance of this location –"
"I've seen Senator Kelly!" Jean suddenly yelled out, breaking Magneto's tangent. I tried breaking through the metal bars, but nothing budged, especially not Logan's hand. I looked to him, seeing a tinge of fear in his eyes, barely noticeable, of whether his claws would be unleashed or not.
"So," Magneto started, pacing. "The good Senator survived his fall. And the swim to shore to boot. He's becoming even more powerful than I imagined."
"He's dead." I snapped, drawing his attention to my side of the statue. "I felt it and Storm saw it. His cells broke down until he was only a puddle of water on the floor of our infirmary. You killed him, just like you're going to kill all of those people on Ellis Island and beyond! Do you not care about the lives you're going to destroy? All the innocents that will be harmed and killed because you want petty victory over a populace that is only turning toward the opposite of your beliefs because you're making them with your actions?"
He smiled, but it looked like a grimace. "Well, a proper orator in the group. You must be the other telepath, Adrianna. Charles has said quite a lot about you. But tell me, are you sure you saw what you saw?"
"Sure as Hell." I responded, but froze as the claws under me extended just a hint to touched my underjaw.
Magneto looked almost exasperated at our discontent at his plan. "Why do none of you seem to understand what I'm trying to do? When those people down there are turned into mutants, our fate will be theirs and they will have to impose pro-mutant laws. It is a success for our cause, for all of us."
From above, the strangled cry of "Help! Please help me!" rang out. It was Rogue. What was happening to her? She was hurt or worse. How dare he speak of success?
Logan seemed to be in the same boat as I was. "You're so full of shit! If you were so damn righteous, you'd be the one in that machine, not sacrificing an innocent girl!"
"Shame." Magneto murmured to himself as Rogue's pleas continued, breaking my heart every time. He looked to Sabretooth, nodding, before ascending back up to Rogue and the machine hidden in the torch. The monstrous feral made eye contact with Logan, grinning sickeningly.
"I've waited a long time for this, Runt."
Red. I need to get out of this. Logan thought to me. I stared at him out of the corner of my eye. Can you do that?
You trust me with this?
Don't make me say it.
Wasn't going to. Just, know I'm sorry.
For what?
I felt the pressure of Magneto's power, stronger than I would've imagined. I took all I had to break it through Logan, his claws extending fully. I snapped my head to barely miss them, just one cutting off a piece of my hair. I heard Ororo gasp. Luckily, the plan worked, but to the detriment of Logan's shoulder. He collapsed to the floor, Sabretooth instantly on him, throwing him out of the hole in the ceiling, quickly following.
"Logan!" I heard myself yell.
"Henna, can you and Jean get the rest of us out?" Scott called over, back in leader mode, though his eyes were closed tightly.
"I-I don't know, Jean?"
My sister didn't look keen on the idea, but nodded. "Start with Scott." Best idea, I had to admit. My hands lit up as gold as hers were pink, and we tried to meld. It was easier when we were younger, now, it felt like something was blocking, an inner core of us that was at odds. All that could happen was make the metal shake, before both of us fell back.
"Well that was a failure."
"Who's fault is that?" Jean asked lightly.
I glared. "Well it sure isn't me."
We began to turn on each other, Scott and Ro ready to intervene as had happened so many times before. It barely started when Sabretooth returned, in his claws, bits of Logan's uniform. I gasped. No, there was no way he could've beaten Logan. Yet, as he stopped in front of me, my mind too tired to search, my thoughts went to a horrible place. He leaned over, one claw running down my cheek.
"I should've remembered you. The hair, the cheeks. You were always his and you didn't even know it, or want it sometimes. Maybe you won't in this lifetime. Maybe I'll win you for a change." His hand wrapped around my throat, just like in the train station, but instead of attacking back, I could only try to get out his grip.
"Hey, bub!" Sabretooth turned, with the rest of us, to see Logan drop down from the hole, his claws out. "I'm not finished with you yet!"
Sabretooth roared, but Logan ducked under him, throwing Scott's visor to Jean. She began whispering to Scott as I could only watch the circling of two predators, two ferals.
"C'mon, Runt, give me somethin'." Sabretooth taunted, his claws growing. Logan was backing him into a corner, I noticed, right in front of Scott and his hovering visor.
"Now!" Jean yelled, and Scott opened his eyes, so bright the red nearly turned white at its core, straight through the visor and into Sabretooth's back, sending him through the head of the statue and down to the river below.
"Nice shooting, Cy!" I said as Logan came over to me, one claw still out to break through the metal. Falling for a moment, I was caught by the waist by Logan. We were so close to the same height, he only just inches taller. He set me down.
"Thanks, Red." He was referring to getting him out of Magneto's hold.
"Don't mention it."
He did the same cut to Ro, Scott, and Jean, but a scream drew all of us to the opening the ceiling, seeing the torch break apart to reveal rings spinning rapidly, Rogue at the center.
"We gotta get her outta there." Logan said, turning to Scott. "Can you hit that?"
"The rings are spinning too fast, I could hit her."
"What about the top of it?" I countered.
"It's too risky. Storm, could you fly me up there?"
Ro had concerns. "I don't know if I can control it that precisely, you could overshoot as easily as hit it."
"So send me." Logan offered, looking up at Ororo. "At least if you miss, I'll survive, and Glasses here can blast the damn thing."
"You're not going up there alone." I stepped forward. "Storm can lift us, with me steadying from within, Jean from below. And I'll be able to catch us if we miss."
"All right," Scott agreed, learning to trust me after all this time. "We'll do it."
A/N: What did you guys think? What's the history of Ria, do you think? Let me know all of your theories, and I'll put up the new chapter soon!