The pounding headache I had was keeping me from sleeping. Not aware of where I was, I swung my legs over the cot I was on. I needed some asprin. I walked across the room, the floor cold beneath my feet. 'Strange.' I thought. 'Who knew carpet could be cold?' I kept walking,afterall, had given me a pretty large room. I slammed into the door. I cried out in suprise as I stumbled backwards, clutching my head.
I jumped up, feeling around for a light switch. There wasn't one. The door had no handle. I jumped up, beging to panic. Suddenly a thought occured to me. Lokesh had captured me. For the first time I noticed the window. It was cut out of the wall, with thick metal bars keeping me from escaping. I wrapped my hands around them as I peaked out. The sky was still dark, altough the sun was rising in the distance. I could tell by the pale orange color seeping in with the midnight blue.
My headache was worse now. I gently laid back down in my cot on the old, worn down pillow and pulled the thin blanket up to my chin. My eyes filled with tears, and soon I was sobbing. I wanted out. I had no idea what was going to happen to me. Would Lokesh toture me like he had Ren? Kill me? Or worse, marry me? I cried and cried until there was nothing left. I feel asleep.
I woke to the sound of a door creaking open. My eyes flew open, and instantly shut again. The blinding light coming in from the window was terrible on sleepy eyes. I blinked them open, and slowly they ajusted. I saw a gaurd enter the room. He held a tray holding what must be my food. He was staring at me with fear in his eyes. Why did he fear me? I tested it. I stood up and began to walk over to him. He slammed the tray down on a small table and fled the room, locking the door behind him.
I stared after him in confusion. Did he really fear a girl two times smaller than him? I crept over to the tray, and stared at my breakfast. Pale, flimsy scrambled eggs. A few strips of bacon. Some burnt toast. A small carton of milk. I sighed and picked up a fork. The eggs tasted disgusting, so I ate what I could choke down. I then nibbled on the awful toast. It didn't even have butter on it. I managed to eat a full peice before I tried the bacon. It tasted pretty decent, despite the fact it wasn't fully done. I reached for the milk. When I opended it, it looked normal. I took a small sip. It was warm, but it would have to do.
I was just finishing up and thinking of an escape plan when the door flung open. I jumped as two gaurds stormed into the room. One grabbed my wrists and put them in cuffs, and the other grabbed my long brown braid and yanked me up to my feet. I cried out as they pushed my forward, out of the room. I tripped often, trying hard to keep up with their fast pace walking. Finally they pushed me into an open door, shutting it and locking it. The room was dark and freezing cold. I was busy trying to get the cuffs off my wrist when a deep, dark voice rang out like a bell.
"Hello, My Queen."
I jumped up, holding my shackled wrists close to my body. "Who's there?" I demanded. I got no reply. I slowly backed up, my eye's d artin