AN: I've just updated this chapter, since the original version was very poor. Tell me what you think.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my ideas.

Harry stared around in wonder at the dank tunnel full of stalagmites and stalactites. He never would have suspected there would be a secret network of tunnels running under London, not in a million years. They might even be under the Thames, given the moisture. Hagrid moaned quietly from his place in the secret cart.

"I'm sorry you're late 'Arry," he groaned. "I've always had trouble on these carts, but I never would have thought boats would be the same."

"I already said it was fine Hagrid," said Harry, grinning. "You just shouldn't have made the boat go quiet so fast, that's all." Their morning had been eventful. Hagrid had received his morning paper late, since the owl that delivered it had been blown about a bit in the storm. This meant Hagrid had slept in, panicked, rushed breakfast for the two of them and sped the boat to shore. Not the best idea.

"Vault 713 will be around the next bend," said Griphook, the irritable looking goblin driving the cart. He grinned evilly at Hagrid's obvious discomfort as he slammed on the breaks, bringing the cart to a sudden stop. Griphook nimbly stepped out of the cart, lamp in hand while Hagrid struggled to his feet. Suddenly, Griphook's hand shot out, blocking Hagrid's path.

"Wha-" Hagrid's question was cut off as a blast of red light caught him in the chest, bodily lifting him over the cart and slamming him into the wall. Harry ducked down inside the cart, terrified. What was that? Harry quickly found himself joined in the cart by Griphook, who leapt back into cover just in time to avoid another blast of red light.

"Stay down boy," growled the goblin, reaching inside his jacket and producing a heavy looking dagger. "I'll miss a raise if you die." The cart rocked on the tracks as more blasts struck it and Harry flattened himself against the other side, cowering in fear. Why did he agree to go with the big man? Was this a regular occurrence? The goblin however, slid closer to the attacks, listening intently. After a few moments, the cart stilled and the attack appeared to have stopped. Readying himself, the goblin leapt up about to vault over the edge and charge whoever was attacking them.

"Avada Kedavra!" As soon as Griphook stood, a jet of green light hit him in the chest, causing him to crumple like a rag doll. Harry stifled a scream when he saw the goblin's blank eyes. Was he dead? He remember that light. It was the light from his dreams. Shaking, Harry checked the small man's wrist. No pulse. The man's chest was completely still and Harry choked back a sob. Whoever had cast that spell had killed him.

"Ennervate," the man outside the cart said quietly and Harry heard a groan. "Wake up goblin, you have work to do?" Harry heard a thump followed by a fit of hacking coughing.

"Who the hell are you?" came a stubborn if slightly shaky voice.

"That is none of your concern," replied the dangerous man impatiently. "What matters is what I'll do to you if you don't open the vault."

The goblin laughed then, surprising Harry. "Vault 713? Then I'm afraid you're out of luck. I lost access to this vault when I chose to work part time. I guess from you're face you didn't know that, did you?"

"Why didn't you tell me when I caught you!" screamed the man, enraged.

"Isn't it obvious?" said the goblin condescendingly. "My life is worth far less than the Flamel account's safety wizard. Letting you have the stone would have brought shame on my name."

"Crucio!" Harry winced as he heard the goblin scream in pain. It just seemed to go on and on. This man was evil whoever he was. No-one who wasn't would do something like that. That was when Harry came to a conclusion. The man was going to kill the goblin if he didn't stop him. Harry reached over quietly and grabbed the knife.

"Who would have access?" asked the man, just as the screaming stopped and the goblin gasped in relief.

"Well, Griphook would have," said the goblin, taking deep breaths. Harry stood up quietly, seeing the man standing over the goblin his back to him. Harry quietly stepped over the side of the cart, holding his breath.

"Where is he?" growled the man.

"Well Mr Garlic-head," said the goblin, spittle flying from his pointy teeth. "I believe you just killed him." Harry saw the man tense and realised what was about to happen. He had to act now.

"Avada Ke-AAIIIEEEE!" Harry rammed the knife hard into the man's wand arm, twisting the blade as it sunk in, watching the dark figure stagger back whimpering in pain. Acting while the robber was put of the picture, Harry grabbed the goblin on the ground, dragged him to his feet and pulled him along behind him, down the tunnel. The crack of stone shattering came from behind so Harry and the goblin picked up the pace.

Eventually, they left the screaming man far behind and Harry came to a stop, staggering as he finally noticed the pain shooting through his scar. "Boy?" Harry tried to focus on the goblin in front of him, but his body wasn't having any of it. Harry slammed into the ground unconscious and the goblin rushed forwards, swearing.


Afe ran down the tunnel, leading the security team. There had been a breach. He didn't even know that was possible. Somehow, a man had passed through all their wards like they weren't even there. The alarms had only gone off when spells had been fired near Vault 713. This was disastrous. If the vault had been breached, Gringotts' reputation would be ruined.

Afe twitched his crossbow at a sound, only relaxing when a large lizard scampered into a crack in the tunnel wall. He had to focus, ignore the tunnels' usual inhabitants and find the attacker. The team rounded a corner and the scene of chaos surrounding Vault 713 came into view. Rubble surrounded the vault and the cart was tipped over, revealing Griphook lying glassy eyed on the ground. It had to be Griphook, he was the one on the logs. Afe quickly scanned the tunnel with his crossbow spying a bloodied dagger lying discarded on the ground and the half giant, groaning on the ground.

"You two, take care of the half-giant," Afe said, gesturing with his crossbow as he and the other three approached the vault door. Afe quietly scooped up the knife and hid it inside his jacket.

"What happened?" asked the big man groggily. "I can' remember nuthing. Where's 'Arry?" Afe grinned, pleased as his men spun a convincing lie about Hagrid setting off a disused trap. The vault door was secure, thank God. Now Afe turned his attention to the other issue at hand. They had to find Harry Potter.