Anyone that saw Broadchurch- it was just too good and I couldn't get this out of my head so had to write it down.

If you haven't seen it then definitely, definitely watch it!

Enjoy x

Alec was lost. He was still living at the Hotel in Broadchurch and now he was off the force, he was lost with how to spend his time.

The paperwork would have to be completed but he had a week or two still before it would all come through, and he wasn't a man used to having time on his hands. Ellie was still gone and he hadn' exactly made an effort to make friend during the investigation.

It was on an early morning walk along one of the beaches that Alec heard a whistling and a dog bark, turning around to see where the noise was coming from.

She was beautiful and Alec did a double take, turning back towards her. She was small, petite and incredible pretty, with lightly tanned skin, long dark wavy hair, bright eyes and a perfect smile, laughing as her yellow Labrador ran in and out of the water. She was wearing a pair of grey skinny jeans, a black coat, wellington boots and a red scarf, her hair flying around her in the wind and probably around 27 years old.

As the woman got nearer to Alec, she grinned, waving at him 'hi, nice morning isn't it'

He grumbled and she laughed 'I take it your not one for nature then?'. Alec shook his head 'no'

'Or much conversation. I'll assume you're Alec Hardy? It's a small town, new faces are pretty obvious and news travels fast'

'You're from here?' he was surprised because he didn't recognize her from the investigation or from around the town, and her accent was local.

She nodded 'Taylor King, I'm the vet here. Thankfully we weren't here when the whole business with Danny Latimer happened, went on holiday to France and only came back a few days before they announced who it was. First holiday we've managed to get away for since before I came here, and then it happened. Awful business though'

He blinked 'well, you probably chose a good time to go away then didn't you'

She nodded slightly, looking over as the Labrador ran back over, wet from the middle down and panting as it handed her the tennis ball it had fetched and she threw it again

'Well, I've lost Susan Wright haven't I? She loved that bloody dog, it was in and out of my practice as much as I was probably. Ah well, this town has got enough problems at the moment without me bringing in mine'

Alec half nodded and looked closely at the dog as it came back

'You don't like dogs?'

'I'm not really an animal person'

Taylor laughed 'well then I'll try not to talk about them too much when we go for a drink tomorrow night'

Alec looked up in confusion 'what?'

Taylor grinned, scratching her dog behind its ears 'well, if you're staying in Broadchurch you need to stop seeing the worst in everyone. We're good people, it might be a bit boring around here sometimes but we aren't a town of suspects Alec. I'm going to take you to the pub and I can show you how good we can be- you never know, you might just come to like it here'

Alec's expression showed that he wasn't entirely convinced and Taylor shook her head 'I can see it in your eyes, you're assessing me like I'm some type of suspect. You don't have to, but if you want to go for a drink, I'll see you on the top road at about six'?

Alec nodded slightly, looking confused and Taylor laughed 'Well, I have to go, the Jordan's are bringing their cat in soon. So I'll see you tomorrow Alec, unless you change your mind'

She grinned and started to walk away, giving him a brief wave from the cliff steps.

The next day Alec didn't wake up till midday, feeling more relaxed than he had in months, he wouldn't admit it to Jenkinson, but being taken off the force had made him see a massive decline in blackouts and problems with his heart.

He was bored, still living in Broadchurch until he worked out what the fuck to do with his life. Ellie Miller and her boys were still living in relative hiding a few towns over, and he was in contact with her nearly every day.

After getting up, showering and changing, he called her, sitting on the end of his bed.

'Miller? Are you alright?'


'How are the boys?'

'Hmm, well, they're doing better. I think Tom is lonely'

Alec nodded and sighed, Ellie speaking again 'How are you doing? Are you still at the hotel?'

'Yeah… I met the vet, she asked me to go for a drink'

He heard a slight laugh from Ellie, something he hadn't heard for a while 'Taylor King? Oh that's nice, she really is a lovely girl, very, very smart as well. She was away when the case was open… I'm glad to hear it, she's absolutely lovely'

'So you think I should meet with her?'

'Of course, she's very pretty and very nice, in different circumstances I would have probably set you up with her'

Alec sighed 'I don't think it's a date, it's just a drink'

'Don't be so gloomy Alec, it might just be a drink but half the men in Broadchurch and the rest of Dorset have been trying to get one with her and she usually says no, so clearly you've done something right'

Alec sighed, wrapping up the conversation with Ellie and went to a doctor's appointment to check on his heart, which was somewhat better all the whilst he was remembering to take his medication at the correct times.

At quarter to six Alec found himself going to the top road, wearing dark jeans and a grey shirt with the top buttons undone, a thick black jacket keeping him warm as he meandered down the road, seeing Taylor walking towards him, a grin on her face.

'Ah, so you decided to come then!'

She was wearing a short blue dress with dark tights and black boots, a thick grey coat on and her hair in a long side plait. Alec half shrugged 'well, I'm not one to pass up on a drink'

She laughed and they started to walk together down the country road towards the pub and Alec turned towards her 'Just to make it clear, I don't want to talk about the case-'

Taylor cut him off 'and I don't want to hear about it, the murder of an eleven year old boy in the town I live in- hardly the type of conversation I want for a date is it?'

Alec raised an eyebrow in amusement 'ah so this is a date is it?'

Taylor turned back towards him with clear amusement on her face 'Alec Hardy, life is what you make of it, and tonight can be whatever you want it to be. Now, what did you want, they do a really nice pint here'

Alec did a double take and Taylor shrugged 'life is too short, you make it what you want Alec'

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