AN: Ms Terrace (or her first name is Dawn) is an original character of mine who will possibly be appearing in other FanFics I write in the future. This story will be approximately 11 chapters all up. Feedback is welcome! Enjoy x
Chapter 1~ The Inhabitants of Z.Z. Riverhead High School
There was a collective groan throughout all of Z.Z. Riverhead High School as the all-too-familiar monotonous buzz of the school's bell rang through the crammed hallways. The perpetual drone of conversation was replaced instead with an atmosphere of scuffling, locker doors slamming and hurried feet as the students rushed to their first period of the day.
Castiel Novak clutched his books self-consciously closer to his chest as the waves of students pushed and shoved past him, completely oblivious to their surroundings. He kept his head down as he turned a corner sharply to end up in Professor Uriel's beliefs and values class. He did a quick scan of the room to find his friend Meg practically falling asleep in a desk next to the classroom's only window. He rolled his eyes and hurried towards her, purposefully dropping his books on his desk loudly and jolting her awake. She quickly steadied herself and glared as Castiel shuffled his chair closer to the desk.
"That was rude, I almost fell out of my chair!" She proclaimed and Castiel shook his head at her. Her face went deadpan. "What?"
Castiel let out a loud sigh.
"You were obviously talking to Crowley all night, then." He shook his head again. "You never get adequate sleep exchanging flirtations with him."
Meg smirked.
"Jealous, are we?" She grinned. Castiel's brow creased in confusion.
"No…why would I-" He was silenced, along with all the other students, as the dark skinned teacher Professor Uriel entered the classroom. The teacher exuded a particularly authoritative and cynical atmosphere as he strode to the front of the class, placing his things on his desk before facing the class.
"Good morning students," he addressed, "We are starting a new unit today, still pertaining to our topic of Christianity." He turned around to face to whiteboard, writing in big, blue letters "HEAVEN" and then on the other side in red, "HELL". Again, he faced the class. "I would like you to brain storm with a partner what your views on these particular elements of Christianity mean to you. You have five minutes. Begin."
Castiel turned to face Meg who was ripping out a page from a notebook.
"So annoyed we have Professor Uriel first period on the first Monday back…" She muttered, shuffling her desk closer to Castiel's so they could both write on the page.
"I don't understand why I seem to be the only student who enjoys the Professor's classes." Castiel said.
The class had already begun to correspond amongst themselves so Castiel and Meg started working. The rest of the lesson after the brainstorm was spent conferring ideas with themselves and the Professor. The discussing lessons were the student's favourite ones in beliefs and values, though Professor Uriel was rather a hard person to reason with at times.
Castiel winced as he entered the lunch hall; the noise of all the students eating together was deafening. He hurried over to a table tucked away in the corner of the large space. Seated on it were two people – an older, tall girl with long red hair and a shorter boy with short, brown hair, slicked back. They waved as Castiel approached them.
"Hey there, big brother!" Exclaimed the boy. The girl moved over on her seat to give him room. Castiel gave a brief smile as he sat down next to her.
"Thank you Anna." He said simply, before frowning and looking around. "Where is Meg?"
The boy shrugged.
"Maybe she got kept behind." Suggested Anna.
"She does have a habit of back-chatting Mr Michaels." Stated the boy. He chuckled to himself.
"What is it?" Asked Castiel, frowning at him. The boy smiled at him.
"Can't wait to get him next year." He said sarcastically. "I'm sure he'll be happy to have another member of the Novak family after he's had you two."
Castiel nodded.
"Yes, I'm sure he wi-"
"Oh come on, we weren't that bad." Interrupted Anna before the boy had noticed Castiel's weak grasp on the sarcasm. However, he had already noticed and was grinning at Castiel.
"No matter how many times you do that, it kills me each time." He exclaimed at his older brother, barely containing his laughter.
"That's only because you have a crap sense of humour, Gabriel." Said a voice next to the family. Meg forced Gabriel over on his seat as she sat down next to him. "Sorry I'm late folks, his majesty Michaels was a bit unhappy with my performance in class today." She declared, helping herself to a small container of yoghurt she had for lunch.
"Perhaps you should pay better attention in his classes," suggested Castiel, "In fact, all of your classes." He raised his eyebrows at her. She merely grinned.
"No offence buddy, but I'm not taking educational advice from an overachiever. I'd probably wear myself out."
Castiel let out an exasperated sigh.
"I'm not an-" He started, but was cut off from his older sister.
"Anyway," She said, obviously trying to stir the conflict away from the group, "Being a prefect and everything, I'm well informed about new-goings on at the school. Seems there'll be a couple of new students coming in tomorrow."
"What years are they in?" Asked Castiel, biting into a burger.
"They're brothers – Sam & Dean Winchester. Sam is in your year, Gabriel and Dean's in yours, Cassie."
Meg snorted and Castiel rolled his eyes.
"It's bad enough when Balthazar uses that nickname on me," He looked as his sister, annoyed. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't."
Anna smiled and shrugged.
"Sorry, but your reaction each time is priceless." She grinned. Castiel sighed.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm always the butt of the jokes in this family…" He muttered before the bell sounded for the end of recess.
The next day, the Winchesters had not been sighted by any of the friends. It was the end of the day, and though most people in Castiel's year would normally dread the last period on a Tuesday, the members of his next class were as happy as he was. They had Extended English, and that meant Ms Terrace.
Ms Terrace was the epitome of a young child's favourite primary school teacher but she had somehow ended up at Riverhead teaching English and Music to high school students. To those she taught, she was a godsend. With what little homework she set and the rare times she set it, the students were inspired to complete it. She taught well, with much love and care for her subject and students. It was impossible to dislike the subject if she taught you. Most of the boys had crushes on her, as she was quite a beautiful woman and, at times, had a boyish personality which attracted them furthermore.
Castiel sat, as he normally did, in the centre of the class at the front by himself, and awaited her arrival.
Ms Terrace was later than she normally was when she entered the classroom, and she was not alone. Next to her was a tall boy wearing a battered-up leather jacket with a smug look on his face and a general bad-boy atmosphere surrounding him.
"Hi everyone!" The teacher exclaimed in her usual cheery voice, leading the boy to the front of the class with her. "We've got a new student joining us. Dean Winchester, this is Year 11 Extended English. Year 11 Extended English, this is Dean Winchester." She gestured back and forth between the two as she explained. Dean smirked.
"How's it going?" He said casually. A couple of girls in the class giggled.
Castiel stared. His breath caught in his throat as the boy spoke in a sexy, deep voice. He gripped the sides of his seat tightly as he sat in the only available seat – next to him. He continued to stare at him. Dean must have noticed because he turned to look at him. He frowned at Castiel and smirked again.
"What's your name?" He asked casually as Ms Terrace began to write some questions on the board. Castiel gulped, unable to register what Dean had just asked. Dean raised a questioning eyebrow at him. "You alright mate?" He asked in a concerned tone. Castiel blinked.
"C-Cas-Castiel. My name is Castiel." He said haltingly. Dean nodded as one would nod at someone who was suspected of a mental disability. He laughed nervously, shifting awkwardly in his chair looking forward and raising his eyebrows at the air.
"Right." He said simply, turning his attention to his notebook where we began to note down the questions Ms Terrace had finished writing. Castiel shook himself, realising he was still staring. What is wrong with me? He questioned, aggressively zipping his pencil case shut and taking notes.
Meanwhile, the teacher was ready to address the class.
"Well," She began in a bright voice to get the student's attention, "Since it's the first week back from Term 2 holidays, I reckon I'll make those questions due next Wednesday." There was a collective sigh of relief from the students. "Since it's the last period and our first English lesson since the holidays, I think we could swing a quiet reading session today."
There was a murmur of happy agreement throughout the class. Castiel didn't say anything, still intent on writing down the questions in perfect handwriting. He was focusing so much he was indenting the next couple of pages of his notebook with the force he was concentrating in his biro.
"Awesome!" Ms Terrace proclaimed, grinning. "Let's get started then. Everyone take out your copies of Year of Wonders by Miss Brooks. May I say, that you won't have to read the whole thing before the test if you don't want to but, being in Extended English and all, I sort of expect you to." She grinned and shrugged. "No pressure."
Castiel gratefully pulled out his copy and engrossed himself in the storyline, distracting himself from his disturbing thoughts on the Dean Winchester front.