She nervously rings her finger, unsure as to how she should go about making a proposition. This is by far one of the strangest requests she will ever ask any person but if it's anyone, she's glad to know it's Damon Salvatore. Bonnie's unaware of the fact that Damon has stopped studying the books laid out in front of him and is now watching her intently pace back and forth; a small twinkle of amusement lights up his eyes.

"Spit it out Bonnie" he murmurs and she starts. Spinning on her heels, she looks at him, swallows and rings her hands again. He's fully curious now and lifting a brow, he watches her have a metal battle with herself. She shifts about for a little while more and slowly-as if she's made up her mind-she moves towards his desk. He leans back into his seat and watches her slide into a seat from across him. Folding her hands together, she rests it on the table and stares at the engraving he had carved in there when he was six. It was a neat "D.S loves mom" because he knew when she was cleaning the office, she would notice it. Smiling slightly, she summoned courage and looked at him.

"I..I've never done this before." She takes a moment after that, shifting in her seat and clearing her throat. Damon again cocks a brow and holds back his smile, allowing her to say whatever it was that she needed to say out loud.

She doesn't quite look him in the eyes and it's then that he gets the hint and sickening suspicion in his head as to what she's trying to avoid saying blatantly. Alarm rings in his head, because he's not the person. She shouldn't seek anything from him. He was never adequate enough to fulfill wishes. Bonnie had high expectations and if it were anyone, he didn't want to disappoint her the most.

"I know what you're thinking in your head. But, just listen to me...I know I shouldn't ask this of you but I will anyway. You're the only that I'm comfortable enough around to ask this favor. Let's face it Damon, we're not getting any closer to a cure and...there's so many things that I want to do before that time-" The fierceness in his eyes tells her to leave it there and so she continues on, on another plain altogether; again not looking at him. She finds it scary to speak intimately and look into his eyes; it's too much for her and she shivers at the intensity she feels his eyes emit onto her skin.

"This isn't something cheap and I'm not doing it because 'everyone else is doing it.' I will never know what it's like to kiss another person, knowingly and kindly. I will never be able to connect with another individual like I do with you, I don't have enough time. You're the only man And let's face it, we "know" each other. No other man has ever allowed me to ask questions about their wounds and they certainly have never taken the interest in the prospect of entertaining and enlightening me. You're the only person I've grown to like these days. If not you then who?" She meets silence in the room and her heart breaks because it's what she had expected and had hoped wouldn't happen. It was too soon to push him, she was supposed to slowly pursue him and charm him, long enough that when it came time for this proposal, he would be ready. Swallowing back her disappointment, she utters a broken apology and makes a turn for the door only to stop dead in her tracks when his hand grips hers and pulls her back into him, her soft body colliding into the hard planes of his torso. Electricity, one of thick voltage surges between them and it's like a crackling of thunder. His hand slowly travels the slope of her delicate shoulders to the soft of her hands and twining his fingers into the space between hers, he gives them a gentle squeeze and she breathes, relaxing and allowing her body to press into stay like that for a breath of a moment, long enough for something to change in the both of them and then his warm breath is in her ears.

"I'll do this but you have to know that it'll take time Bon. You' this. You should be able to use me not the other way around" he senses that she's about to interject and say she'd never use him but he shushes her, both of them knowing exactly what he means.

"I've done this often to enact revenge and to quench my hate for myself. I don't want you on the receiving end of that part of me. Think of it as a new experience for the both of us...give me...give me sometime...I haven't made love to a woman in a very long time..."He kisses the sensitive spot between her shoulder and neck as if to close their discussion and she jolts unaware of how responsive that part of her is. If anyone had asked her, she would say Damon Salvatore was a Casanova through and through and had he allowed her to speak, she would have told him just how wonderful he made her feel. It had become a physical pain to her, to see him-true and genuine to a fault-and the need to physically touch his had developed into a hunger-like obsession to her but before she could reach out, he was gone.