A/N: I understand this update is long overdue. Let's just jump right to it.

Disclaimer: Still the same. Don't own anything.

7: Out of My League

"Beca, will you relax? You're starting to freak out the other passengers," Jesse said while buckling up his seatbelt.

"Well, maybe that's because I am freaking out!" Beca whispered back, but with more panic in her tone.

"Just take a deep breath, you'll be fine. You've been on a plane before, right?"

"Yeah, when I was like five and I slept through the whole thing." Beca informed him while she fussed with her seatbelt, somehow managing to not get it buckled.

Jesse reached over and started to adjust her seatbelt, "Ok, well it's a 2 hour flight. I'm sure you'll fall asleep soon," As it clicked, Jesse moved his hand to cup her cheek and made her face him. "I'm really glad you're coming home with me," The way he stared into her blue eyes always made Beca uncomfortable. Uncomfortable, but in a good way. No one has ever looked at her like that before and the fact that he does so every often, makes Beca nervous. Since when has he had such control over her emotions? Since the day he childishly sang from the back of his parent's car the beginning of their freshman year. She smiled at him, at his sincerity. How she loved his sincerity.

"Yeah, I'm glad, too!" Kamila piped up from the seat in front of them. She tried to lean over a little bit and whispered, "If you need a little something-something to get through the flight, you know who to ask," Kamila winked at her and sat back down.

Ian stood, leaning against his black Hummer. It's been a while since he's seen his siblings and they weren't informed that he was there to pick them up. His usual M.O was to show up a bit later than the others to avoid the conversations during family time. No one talks much about the car accident, but their parents seem to always bring up Kamila's sickness. Even she didn't like it when their parents would constantly refer back to that night and constantly pester Kamila about her health. Ian understands though. His sister's the baby. She's the precious one in their family. She has always held them together. Their father, the war veteran that he is, did not approve of Ian's choices in life. The two men somehow always found themselves in an argument. Their dad was a veteran and their mom was a stay-at-home mom who did so many activities when she was younger. When their parents, Gary and Helen Swanson got married, Helen had slowly become a little less adventurous. The three Swansons were raised in a house full of rules and strictures. It wasn't until the night of the accident that the family had been shaken. Gary Swanson had not lost his strictness but he does worry about his youngest child. Ian on the other hand, had been treated differently. At first, their father had blamed the eldest child. The moment everything had gotten worse with the constant hospital bills and the stress had gotten to every single family member, Gary expressed his anger at his oldest son, blaming him for taking his younger siblings out in the middle of the night. For some arguments, Jesse steps in before they get too heated up. For the sake of his sister, Jesse reminds them that she's in need of their time and for their family to stick together during this rough patch. This is the first holiday they are all to be together. Ian figured it was time to put a face to the Beca that Jesse calls and texts about. As soon as he saw them through the glass doors, coming down the escalator, he snapped back to reality and prepared to surprise his siblings.

Beca was still a little groggy from her 2 hour nap, leaning her head against Jesse's shoulder. He and Kamila were conversing, talking about how their mom will do everything in her power to embarrass Jesse in front of Beca. Beca was still resting her eyes but she was listening to the siblings' conversation.

"Y'know, the moment we step through the front door, mom will have already set up the dvd player with your elementary graduation, all the way up to high school. Let's not forget your silly little play productions," Kamila teased him.

"May I remind you, Kam, that you are in those play productions," He teased back. Beca smiled at their banter. She was glad everything seemed to be back to normal. All melancholy talk had been put behind them for now.

"To be fair, I was around the age of five and I thought all your plays were nothing but fun. Ian, on the other hand was like 10 and you had to force him into it,"

"Oh, c'mon! We were a trio! I wrote those plays for every time we had a family gathering. Everybody loved them," Jesse leaned down to kiss the top of Beca's head, "wake up, babe" he whispered. Once he raised his head again, they had reached the end of the escalator, and as he looked out, he caught the eye of someone that looked familiar. He grinned at the man and called out to his sister, "Speaking of Ian.."

Kamila turned around and the joy that appeared on her face was the reason why Ian wanted to be at the airport early in the first place. The girl ran through the doors as fast as she could, dropped her bags and jumped into her older brother's arms.

Laughing, he gripped her tight, "Hi Kammy," he greeted her low enough that only she could hear the solemn tone in his voice. As he put her down, he kissed the top of her forehead, "How long's it been? Like 2 years? You still haven't grown," He teased her.

Kamila only answered with a punch to the arm. Jesse approached the two with his arm around Beca's shoulders. "Brother," he greeted Ian. He let go of Beca to give him a hug.

"Who's this extremely attractive and totally out of your league lady that you've got right here?" Ian asked as they broke apart.

Beca and Kamila shared a laugh while Jesse moved to wrap his arm around his girlfriend. "This extremely attractive and totally out of my league lady is my girlfriend, you doofus,"

"Hi, Ian. I've heard very little about you," Beca said sarcastically, extending a hand.

"Nonsense," Ian ignored her hand and engulfed her in a hug, "I'm sure all my brother can say about me is the fact that he worships the ground I walk on," He teased.

While the three were busy teasing each other, Kamila had grabbed a couple of the bags and stowed them in the trunk. After Beca and Ian had gotten past their introduction, he and his brother moved onto another topic that ended up in them teasing each other even more. This time, Jesse was the one having fun and Ian was the victim. Beca, deciding that the two had a lot to catch up on, she went to go help little Swanson with the bags. "Hey,"

"Oh, hi," Kamila said, "My brother can be a bit.. out there," She told Beca.

"Trust me, that's what I expected," Beca answered while she struggled to lift up Jesse's suitcase, "Geez, what the hell does he have in here?" She huffed,

Kamila chuckled and bent down a bit to help her, "Probably like 50 dvd cases,"

"Ladies, ladies-" Jesse interrupted them, "Leave the heavy stuff to the men," He quickly grabbed his suitcase and Beca's and easily tossed them in the trunk,

"Okay, you and I are lifting weights this weekend," Beca said to Kamila.

Kamila had called shotgun and now she and Ian were having an argument as to why Ian got to drive the nice car. Jesse and Beca, sitting in the back seat, were stuck in the car, forced to listen to their silly argument. Jesse turned to Beca when he realized she had been a little too quiet during most of the car ride.

"Hey, everything alright?" He asked. She turned away from the window,

"Yeah, everything's cool," she smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes. She knew that Jesse didn't believe her one bit so she dropped the smile, "I'm just kind of, a little bit nervous," She told him.

"Nervous? To meet my parents? Becs, there's nothing to worry about, they'll love you like I do," He assured her and kissed her temple.

"Jesse, they've never met me. And judging by the fact that your dad's a strict veteran, I'm probably going to pee my pants the moment we walk in," She said, nervously.

Jesse only laughed quietly, "Beca, I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you. They're going to love you," he squeezed her hand in assurance.

As Ian Swanson pulled into their Long Island home, both he and Kamila turned from their seat to face the couple, "It's time," they said at the same time, with a tone that practically yelled 'beware'. At their words, Beca started to freak.

They got out of the car to unload while Jesse and Beca were still sitting in the backseat.

"They're joking, you know," He told her,

She only gave him a nervous smile and nodded.

"Mom!" Kamila practically ran into the house. A house by the way that shouldn't even be called a house. Holy shit, Beca's place was not even half the size of Jesse's home. Fucking New Yorkers, Beca thought to herself. Their fancy cars and fancy houses. Now Beca's even more nervous because she was brought up in a home completely different from this. They weren't exactly poor but they didn't exactly buy things just because they had money for it. After her parents divorced, Beca's mom had to work two jobs in order to keep a roof above their heads. By the time it came around for Beca to go to college, her dad had shown up at her doorstep, practically telling her that college is already organized, that being that she got a free ride to Barden. Yes, even with split parents, Beca had managed to keep her and her mother's spending to a minimum. They weren't exactly privileged, but they got by. In fact, Beca didn't mind it all. Her expensive music junk was all paid for by working throughout high school, and a graduation gift from her dad. Walking through a huge door and being greeted with a high ceiling foyer, Beca had to snap out of it put her best fancy face on. The woman that was practically suffocating Kamila had caught her eye and moved to her,

"Oh you must be Beca!" She greeted her with a warm smile and arms open wide. Is everyone who's a Swanson a creepily obsessed hugger? The only hugs Beca's used to are from Jesse. She's going to have to get used to this, she thought.

"Yes, hi, Mrs. Swanson," She hugged back,

"Darling, call me Helen," Mrs. Swanson said while she was still practically engulfing Beca in a hug,

"Mom, I'd like my girlfriend to get some oxygen, now?" Jesse stepped in with some bags and dropped them on the floor,

"Hi, son" She greeted him and went to hug him, as well. "Your father's still in the city, he'll be back around 4," She told him.

Kamila grabbed Beca's hand and brought her to the kitchen. "The first place you must go to in this house, is the kitchen. One, because it's the biggest I've ever seen and two, Mom always has goodies on the table," She lifted up a cover to reveal a plate filled with muffins and cookies. Without waiting, the two quickly grabbed what they wanted and waited for the boys to finish unloading the car.

"Kamz, mom wants you to go with her and pick up some groceries," Jesse walked into the kitchen and went straight to the plate of baked goods. As soon as Kamila left, Jesse took a look at his girlfriend who was admiring the pictures on the refrigerator door,

"They're good, huh?" Jesse asked while he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Kamila took all of these," He informed her.

"Seriously? These pictures look professional.. like this one looks like it was taken in a studio," She pointed to a picture of Jesse with a white background.

"Yeah, that was in Kamila's room. Her room's practically like a photography studio. Speaking of," he interrupted himself and finished off the last of his cookie, "It's time for a tour," He grabbed her hand and moved past the kitchen to the next room.

"You think you can take me through a tour and finish in one day? This place is massive, Jess," She gaped at the living room that they were now in.

"Yeah, it started off pretty normal sized. And then my dad started adding extensions here and there, and next thing you know, we live in a mansion." He chuckled.

"Okay. Cool," Beca said flatly.

"Why? Does it bother you? That my house is big?" Jesse asked.

"No, of course not. It's just that I'm not used to this. While we were pulling up, you had gardeners mowing your lawn and cutting your bushes. When I walked into the kitchen, there was a maid washing the dishes. And I saw somebody else climb up the stairs with a basket of clothes.. Where I'm from, I mow the lawn, I wash the dishes every other night and I do my own laundry," Beca said while Jesse was moving her along to the next room. "You never told me you were.. rich," She paused, unsure that that was the right word to use.

"Beca, I wouldn't exactly call us rich. My parents saved a lot when they were younger. I guess we're just fortunate. Mom did her time on Broadway and well, my Dad's a veteran and now he's a professor at NYU. I grew up with maids and gardeners, and pool cleaners. I didn't ask for them, they were already there," He explained to her.

"Yeah, it's just.. refreshing. I would have never thought you grew up in this place," Beca told him as they start climbing up the stairs, which by the way, were split into two. Who the hell needs two staircases that lead to the same destination?

"Alright," Jesse and Beca reached the top of the stairs and before they went anywhere, Jesse turned to face her, "let me give you a few pointers so that you won't get lost in this place. Once you get up the stairs, your right is to all our bedrooms. The kids' bedrooms and another room that's sort of our hangout place. To the left, is my parents' room, the library and a guest bathroom. Where shall we start?" He asked her.

Beca contemplated that she didn't need to see his parent's bedroom so she turned to the right and started walking down the hall. Jesse caught up with her and interlaced their fingers. They passed a door that had the letter 'I' on it, another door with the letter 'J', a door that had nothing on it, maybe it was a closet, Beca thought, and a door that had a 'K'. Before Beca could comment on the letters, they stopped at the last room which had no door at all. It didn't even need one. Jesse moved aside for her to go in first. It was an open room and one of the brightest. On every wall was a massive window, letting the light shine through. Huge bean bags were laid throughout the room, a large green table that Beca figured to be a ping-pong table or one of those tables that could be any game you could think of. A few book shelves in the corner with a table that had a massive computer screen that could be easily mistaken for a tv. There were arcade games on the other wall, alongside a huge glass case that seemed to showcase all the trophies each Swanson kid had received.

"Damn," She muttered under her breath.

"This is our hangout place. Our parents don't come in here at all. This is where Kamila would be reading a book on a bean bag, I'd be on the computer, watching a movie and Ian would be playing Pacman for hours," Jesse said. "It's been a while since we've all been in here. This used to be our favorite room. Our place of solace," He said but this time a little softer.

"I love how it's so open. The windows really brighten it up," Beca commented,

"Yeah, that's why Kam likes it, too." He gave her a small smile. "C'mon, I'll show you the rooms," They walked out of the hangout and the closest room was the one with the letter 'K' on it, which reminded Beca of what she was going to say earlier.

"Y'know, when I first met Kamila, I asked her if her name was with a C or a K, and she told me how her parents had a weird thing with the alphabet. I now understand," She pointed to the other rooms, "Ian, Jesse, Kamila? I-J-K? It's in the order of the alphabet," Beca deadpanned. Why didn't see get that before?

Jesse laughed at her expression, "Well, let me make it better- My dad's name is Gary and my mom's-"

"Helen," Beca cut him off, "G-H-I-J-K," Beca glared at him, "That is one of the weirdest things ever," She told him and pushed open Kamila's door.

Jesse was right. It practically looked like a photo studio. One wall had a carrier of different colored backgrounds, and other photography tools. The wall that had a bay window looked exactly right out of a fairytale movie. Kamila's bed was massive and made for a Queen. Knowing who Kamila is, you wouldn't expect that her bedroom would look a little.. girly? The walls were a light purple color, but from different angle would sometimes look white or gray. Every furniture was white and her accents were a teal lamp and teal photo frames. For someone who was spicy and witty like Kamila, this was not the bedroom Beca expected. In the back of the room, there was another door, probably leading to Kamila's closet and bathroom. Thinking that she'd leave that alone, Beca left the room and made her way to the next one. Jesse stopped in front of her before she could open the door.

"I'm just going to warn you right now that.. since I left for college, nothing has changed. And it was too late for me to change anything before this trip was even planned, so-" He nervously told her.

"Oh, hush, nerd," She swapped away his arm and turned the knob. Yup, she was definitely dating a complete nerd. The walls were a midnight blue color, a definite contrast to Kamila's open and light room. They were lined with a few movie posters hung up neatly, side by side. On one wall was a white book shelf with books and CDs. Next to it was a tall white lamp that overlooked his bed that was big enough for two. It looked like Kamila won a bet to get a Queen sized bed. His beddings were the same shade as his walls, the only difference was that it had sayings on them. Beca approached his bed and sat on it, trying to read some of the sayings. Once she realized what they were, Beca looked up with an incredulous expression. "Are these... Star Wars quotes?" She asked while bitting her bottom lip.

Jesse reached behind to scratch the back of his neck. "Not exactly.. They're movie quotes. The more you read, then you'll see that there are Star Wars quotes, Rocky quotes, The Breakfast Club, etc." He went to sit beside his girlfriend on his bed. Still feeling a little embarrassed, Jesse didn't look her in the eye.

Laughing to herself, Beca slipped off her shoes and turned to him, "You know what?" She asked in a low voice,

"What?" He still hadn't taken his eyes off from the floor.

"I find your bed sheets, and the rest of your room, very, very... manly," She paused for dramatic effect and climbed over his lap. At her sudden movement, Jesse gulped.

"Really?" He asked with a hitch in his voice.

"Mhm," She hummed while reaching over to lightly bite his ear. "It's strangely hot, actually," She told him and before she knew it, he had grabbed onto her hips and flipped her so that he was on top of her.

"I'm glad you think so," He whispered between kisses.

A/N: Hi, I don't know how to write anything sexual. I'm 17 for crying out loud. This is weird. I just decided to stop it there. I hope this chapter was okay. I feel like I babbled through the whole thing which is why it has over 3k words. That's funny. I need to get this chapter out so that you guys could see Jesse's upbringing and all that. In the movie, we don't learn much about his family or his life so I thought I'd entertain that. Basically, Jesse grew up in a home where he had people to serve him 24/7. His dad's strict, his mom's more of a free-spirit. Their household dynamic kind of changed because of the night of the accident, and you'll see that in the next chapter. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Okay, bye. Please review. I'm lost.