The Amazing World of Gumball: When Drama Comes (K Fanfiction Rating for Mild Romance)


I do not own The Amazing World of Gumball

Comforting (Leslie's Feelings Short Story)

Main Characters: Leslie and Teri

Supporting Character: Penny, Gumball, and Darwin

Setting: Apparently, after The Surprise (Leslie's Feelings) with events in 'The Pressure' and 'The Third' are mentioned

Summary: This is a short story about Teri comforting Leslie's fears about being bullied like he is a girl

(Note: Of Course, Leslie is Male and Teri is Female, no fan-made offence. I am also currently supporting LesliexTeri (LesRi/TeSlie) pairing/couple, you can help make the pairing popular with care)

-Elmore Juinor High, 1:00PM-

At the school, Penny is closing her locker as Teri is walking to her, trying to talk something. Earlier at the time, Leslie is missing after Tina bullied him, thinking the boys that he is like a girl, despite Leslie is a boy. Right now, Teri is worried about him as she walking in the hallway, right past Gumball and Darwin

"Hello, Teri" Gumball and Darwin greeted to the paper bear as she sadly greeted "Yeah, hi, Gumball and Darwin" they noticed how Teri feels today as Darwin politely spoke

"Teri, are you okay?" Darwin politely asked to her "Did you get sick?"

"No, guys" Teri replied as she explained why she is worried "I'm worried about Leslie"

"Really?" Gumball asked because he thought she is worried about getting sick "Because usually you're worried about germs"

"I know, Gumball" Teri replied "See, he's missing after Tina bullied him, some boys thought he is a girl, but he isn't. You guys know he is a boy, right?"

"Of course, Teri" Gumball answered honestly, they also know that Leslis is a boy "Me and Darwin met Leslie before he make friends with Tobias. Why?"

"Well, the problem started when me and Leslie are at the cafeteria" Teri explained about Leslie's gender crisis as her flashback started

Flashback (Italics are Teri Voice-Over)

Early morning in the cafeteria...

Leslie make a virus joke for me and I was laughed because his joke is against getting sick

"Leslie, you're so cute about making jokes" Teri laughed airy as Leslie did make a joke

"Sure, Teri" Leslie replied and then he slowly stare into Teri's beautiful face "And I was like looking at you the whole because I'm..." as she knew what he is saying, she comforted his nervousness with her hand

"You don't need to be nervous, Leslie" Teri nervously said to Leslie as she draws more blush on her face "I was shy too" what she draw makes their face closer together as they are about to kiss

We were about to kiss each other but someone near us are disgust about it

"Eww" Jamie disgustingly said, cutting their near-kiss moment "Girl-to-girl kissing? Now that's more disgusting than boy-to-girl" and everyone laughed except Gumball, Darwin, Penny, Carrie, and Molly, Leslie starts to sadden as Teri defended him

"What!?" Teri offended to Jamie "Leslie is a boy, why would you say that he's a girl?"

"Oh look" Tina teased to the couple "Your friend is blushing because of you" and they laughed again and, again, Gumball, Penny, Darwin, Carrie, and Molly didn't laughed

"Please, leave him alone" Teri can no longer defend Leslie because they are making fun of her

Teri slowly drew a tear on her eye, Leslie tried to comfort her as she is about to cry

Leslie and I were embarrassed about what Jamie said about 'Girl-to-girl kissing', it was a mature thing, but I kow Leslie IS a boy. Before lunchtime, Leslie ran away after he is bullied by Tina. I begged her not to hurt him but she gets the only choice is to destroy Leslie's pot with pride

End of Flashback

"There, that's what happened" Teri ended her flashback as she just leave Gumball and Darwin "I'll be going to Penny, bye" and she walked away from the Watterson brothers to find Penny

"Hello, Teri" Penny greeted to Teri kindly as she is worried about someone, even she is worried about germs of any kind, she is more worried about her friend, Leslie

"Hi, Penny" Teri worriedly asked, tired of walking because she checked every room of the school to find the flower "Have you seen your cousin, Leslie? I've looked everywhere around the school and I can't find him anywhere"

"Well, not to mention" Penny answered in curiosity "I had"

"You do?" Teri asked

"He said that he has problems about making friends with the boys" Penny explained about her cousin's problem "Because they convinced him that he is a boy. When Tina bullied him, Banana Joe argued me that he is a girl, I was on Leslie's side because he is my cousin" after the peanut explained, Teri started to get more worried as she slightly nod

"Wow..." Teri sadly replied, then asking "I guess he doesn't want to be friends with the boys, other than Gumball and Darwin. Where is he?"

"He told me to meet you at Molly's yard where her treehouse broke" Penny answered kindly as Teri gasps in amazement because she can finally find Leslie to comfort his fears

"Thanks, Penny" Teri thanked her for finding him as she is determined to find her flower boy to comfort his gender crisis

-Molly's Yard, 2:00PM-

At Molly's Yard, formerly where her treehouse is here, Teri is still finding him around the area of Molly's residence

"Leslie, where are you?" Teri called as she walks around Molly's area, when she arrived at the spot from the treehouse "Leslie!" she called in surprise as Leslie is sadly sitting on the tree stump of Molly's Treehouse

"Teri!" Leslie exclaimed as he saw his friend who read his saying to Penny "You do know what I said to my cousin" as she walks near him, Teri noticed that Leslie cried off-screen, hinted by the tears of his eyes

"I know you have a bad day" Teri comforted as she puts her hand to his leaf "That's why I find you to comfort your feelings"

"Thanks, Teri" Leslie thanked her because he has a friend who never bullied him like a girl, cried as he hugged Teri "You're the only one who never make fun of me"

"What happened to you?" Teri sadly asked to him, knowing that his pot has cracks "Your pot is about to be destroyed"

"It's cause Tina throw me to the dumpster" Leslie cried in hurt "She thought that I'm a girl, but I wasn't, I'm a boy"

"Now, now, Les" Teri calmed Leslie down with shushing as she shared her feelings being bullied "I know the boys make fun of you, I also too. Because they thought "I'm so weak that I can't hurt anyone"

"So, do you mean" Leslie said before making words for Teri "You're like me"

"Leslie, when we are weak" Teri sweetly explained as she wipe his tears like a caring mother "We can be strong by facing our fears together that's why I'm a germaphobe because I was disgusted a lot with germs"

"I'm so glad that I have a friend who knows me more, Teri" Leslie replied to her, started to comfort his fear

"When you acted like a girl, you are special to me" Teri briefly explained how she feel "And I first thought you're a boy, I couldn't believe my life that I'm in love with you, saying to you "My boyfriend is so old that he doesn't have a babysitter."

"It's true" Leslie told the truth to Teri "I don't have a babysitter"

"I was lying to Masami" Teri also said the truth to Leslie, revealing her friendship with him "That's why I referred my boyfriend you, Les"

"Teri" Leslie then asked while sniffing softly "Was it okay if you can stay with me for awhile?" his request makes Teri crying, not sadness but ecstatic, as she draws a tear in her eyes with her pencil, also blushing together

"Leslie, I'd love to" Teri cried happily before she leaned to him "Because I love you" after Teri confessed her love to Leslie, she slowly put her lips into Leslie's lips, kissing together with comfort

As they Leslie and Teri shared their kiss together, Molly was going to her yard with her lawnmower as she saw the couple making out. Molly smiled as she watched them stopped kissing, Leslie and Teri smiled because they know love is peaceful. Molly awed as she mow her lawn to remove tall grass on her yard

After three minutes of Leslie and Teri staring and hugging, Teri asked to Leslie, now longer fearing of his gender crisis "Do you want to go to my house?"

"Sure, Teri" Leslie accepted undoubtedly as they go to Teri's house, going for a visit because they become couple, even Leslie argued that he is a boy, acted like a girl or not, what matters to him is Teri because she is like a caring mother in his life.

The End... but the story begins in the Next Chapter

FanBoy752: Leslie and Teri: The Story is in need of your requests. Review with theme to suggest a chapter for Leslie and Teri. Original Characters are welcome in this story for only One Character per Chapter or Mini-Arc.

Rules: OCs should be from the canon series. No Fanmade Relatives of any family. And should not be used from another series. Otherwise so will have to judge if it is decided to have a cameo appearance or not.