AN: Soooo today I pulled one of the funniest suggestions I've gotten. It's a boy/boy pairing, but it's hysterical. And now, I present to you Glgrdsklechhh and Robin.

"Starfire, meet your groom. Glgrdsklechhh." The moment Robin laid eyes on the skletch, he was in love. He couldn't let Starfire go though with this marriage. He wanted Glgrdsklechhh for himself. Robin would do anything-ANYTHING it took to stop the marriage. He convinced the other Titans Starfire couldn't stand Glgrdsklechhh, just to get them to help break the two up. They fell for it, and investigated. Truthfully, Robin wanted to learn more about Glgrdsklechhh, because he had such a big crush.

His initial idea was to talk Starfire out of it. She was naive. If she thought it was the wrong option, she wouldn't go through with it. Then Glgrdsklechhh would be all his. But noooo. She had to do it for her country. Riiight. Like he'd believe that. She wanted him for herself. She was just afraid to show it. This angered Robin. Glgrdsklechhh belonged with him, not Star! He was thrown in some sort of jail so he couldn't stop the wedding. But he HAD to. Otherwise Glgrdsklechhh would be married, and a relationship wouldn't be an option. The other Titans mentioned something about a lie started by Blackfrie, and Robin began to get excited. Starfire would NEVER go through with something planned by Blackfire. It was just that sister rivalry. Combining their powers, the Titans escaped. Robin urged them they had no time to lose. And they didn't. If they wasted any time, Glgrdsklechhh could never be his.

Robin managed to get their in time just as they were saying their vows. No. He couldn't let this happen. "Starfire!" He called out, hoping it would distract her. His plan worked. She turned, and he managed to get to speak with her. He excitedly told her about how it was a lie. And seeing her get angry at Blackfire, he scooted over to Glgrdsklechhh. Placing a hand on the skletch, he asked him,

"So, you looking for a new hubby?" Glrgrdsklechhh made some blobby noises, and Robin just nodded. Around them, Blackfire and Starfire were dueling for the crown, but he could care less. He was finally with Glrgsklechhh. But sadly, his happiness was ended too soon for his liking. Starfire won. And he had to go back to Earth. Robin was heartbroken. He would have happily stayed with Glgrdsklechhh, but he knew Earth did need him. And Glgrdsklechhh seemed to be crushing on Blackfire. He knew his chances were slim, so he headed back into the T sub. Maybe one day their relationship could be a thing. Maybe not. He'd have to wait and see.

AN: OMG. That was really fun to write. Guys, this is the type of couple I enjoy writing. This and the inanimate couples. Like Kid Flash and Sandwich. I like when I can incorporate my story into actual episodes. Please review. It's what keeps me going. The more reviews, the better. I still accept couples. You can submit them at any time.
