Bunnymund was sore. His back side hurt and his fur had splotches of hard dried semen. He growled and scrubbed away at all the stains, Jack was forced out of bed to help Bunny clean areas he couldn't reach.

Jack smiled sleepily. He was having such pleasant dreams about playing in the snow with his boyfriend. Jack stood under the warm water with Bunny, freezing the floor like a frozen lake. He grinned and scrubbed at Bunny's heavy wet fur.

Bunny shivered and started scrubbing Jack's body. He ignored the teenager's sounds of protest and continued to clean. When he was satisfied, he turned off the faucet and shook the water out off his fur before hopping out the shower. Jack laughed and followed, accidently slipping on his ice.

Bunny noticed Jack slip and moved quickly enough to catch him. "How many more times do I have ta catch you, mate?" Bunny asked with smug smirk. He enjoyed watching Jack's face frost with embarrassment. Jack pouted and straighten himself up.

The pouty teen made his way back to the bedroom and dried himself off with a towel. He quickly slipped on his pants. "You know, it could just mean that you're the catcher and I'm the pitcher," said Jack with a smirk. Bunny gaped at his young lover before closing his mouth and glaring with a confused expression.

"Hold on a minute," Bunny said catching Jack's attention, "You mean ta tell me ya get your own type of sexual innuendo, but ya don't get mine or Jamie's innuendos!?"

"When did Jamie or you ever bring up any sex-"

"… You a'right, Jack,"

"Oh... Oh gawd... It all makes sense now..."

Bunny watched Jack's face become disturbed with images of his B.F.F. and Cupcake having sexual intercourse. Jack shook his head vigorously before looking at Bunny. He narrowed his eyes and pouted again.

"I can't believe it!" Jack said exasperated, "I'm so stupid sometimes! I couldn't even figure out simple innuendos, have I known you were being sexual, I would have said 'Ride me all you want!" Jack huffed a sigh through his nose and finished dressing.

Bunnymund grinned with amusement. He slipped on his straps and smiled at Jack.

"You're not stupid, Frostbite, ya jus' don't have a dirty mind. That's all." The Pooka held Jack's shoulder in his paw and gave a tender squeeze. Jack smiled and looked at his feet.

"That's not entirely true. I'm mean, sure I don't usually have my head in the gutters, but now and then..."

"Yeah?" Bunny asked, sounding a bit too anxious than he would have liked.

"I read erotic fiction," Jack whispered like he was worried of someone overhearing.

Bunny smiled smugly, he was enjoying Jack's strange behavior. He smacked his boyfriend's ass in a buddy fashion and placed his other hand on his hip. He looked at the young man with a devious expression.

"Is that how you learned ta be such an animal in bed?"

"Ugh! I don't know what got into me!" Jack exclaimed and looked for his staff. He was going to get it off the wall, but Bunny did it for him. "Thanks." Jack smiled and took his staff back in his hand.

Bunny nodded and grabbed Jack's free hand, leading him out the guest room. Jack blushed and wiggled his hand loose from Bunny's grip. The rabbit frowned until the teenager laced their fingers back together.

"Sex really brings the animal out of ya," Bunny said and squeezed at Jack's hand.

"I guess it does bring out a whole new side of me, I didn't know even existed!"

"Next time we have sex, I'm on top and I'll show ya the wild animal in me,"

Jack smirked and eyed Bunny with an amused expression. He couldn't stop a small laugh from escaping his cold blue lips. Bunny narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"You are not a wild animal," Jack began, "You are a sweet, loyal, and cute pet bunny. More specifically, my pet bunny,"

"How am I your pet?"

"Well let's see," the teen made a considerate expression, "you've stayed by my side since the night I took you home, I fed you carrots, and I rescued you from a cage," Jack stated smugly, "I even named you,"

"I came with the name and ya fed me one time!"

"Just admit it, Cottontail. The reason you were so accepting to summit to me is because you're my pet and I'm the master," Jack teased, "Maybe next time we can play with bondage," Jack finished with a wink.

Bunnymund was beyond flustered. He wanted to deny what Jack was saying, but he knew the kid was probably right. He growled at his young lover and threatened to reach for his boomerang. Jack yelped and ran away in a fit of giggles, his feet leaving frosty foot prints in a bee line.

The Pooka sighed. He couldn't predict Jack, and figured he never would completely figure him out, but Jack had said Bunny belonged to him. Bunny was confident that meant Jack was trying to establish a long term relationship, and that made him very happy.

Christmas day...

Jack Frost made it snow in Burgess. He loved making blizzards, and he encouraged lot's of kids to play snowball fights. He was enjoying Christmas day, and couldn't wait for Bunny to arrive at his apartment that night like he had promised.

Jack was sad to leave the North Pole, and he was miserable the first couple of days that Bunny had left him, after taking him back home. Jack made Bunny swear on Easter Sunday to return on Christmas to which the rabbit had agreed.

Jack walked home, brushing off snow from playing with Jamie and Sophie Bennett at the park. He was happy to see Jamie, and exchange presents. He couldn't wait to get chummy with him in class as soon as Christmas break was over.

The winter boy removed his shoes as he entered his apartment and grinned at his surprise gift near his Christmas tree. It was a large box with red wrapping paper and finished off with a big golden bow.

North had delivered Jack's present late on purpose. He didn't want the young man to see him set up the surprise. Bunny had sneakily taken the shoe box from Jack's apartment and gave it to North who was happy to see a shoe box full of Jack's letters to Santa. The big man smiled as he read through the letters and his bright blue eyes twinkled with inspiration.

Jack read the tag that fell to the side of the tall gift. It read to Jack Frost, from Santa finished with a heart. Jack smiled and shook his head at the big man's antics. He eagerly ripped off the wrapping paper and opened the large box to see two big fluffy ears.

Jack laughed and tore the box in half allowing Bunnymund to walk out. Bunny wore a cute white collar with blue snowflakes stitched in for decoration.

"Merry Christmas, Jack," Bunny said as he stepped away from the box and embraced his young love.

"Merry Christmas, Bunny," Jack said into his bunny's fluffy chest. He hugged back tightly, his heart fluttering with happiness.

"Here," Bunny said slightly pulling away to give Jack a second gift. Jack removed the silver wrapping paper, and looked up at Bunny with excited eyes. "It's the tabloid you wanted. All of us put it together, and by us I mean North, Sandy, Tooth, and the yetis," Bunny smiled.

"Our picture," Jack gasped, looking at the cover pictures, "It's right next to Nessie! We're sharing the cover page with the Loch Ness monster!" Jack grinned with excitement and flipped through the pages. He was grateful for all the hard work his new friends put in.

"Oh!" Jack gasped and reached into his pocket, "Look at what Jamie got me,"

"Better not be better than my gift," Bunny grumbled to himself full of jealousy. Jack grinned and showed off his new pen. Bunny eyed the object and had to admit, it was nice looking fountain pen. "A'right, it's nice."

Jack pocketed the gift before kissing Bunny's wet nose. The rabbit's nose twitched and he leaned in to sniff Jack's face, moving his head down to the teen's neck and twitching his whiskers. Jack giggled.

"That tickles! Ha ha, stop it!" Jack squealed and noticed he made a girly sound. Bunny smirked at the teenager's embarrassment.

"So, wanna play with your new friend?" Bunny asked as he wiggled his brows. Jack grinned and bit his bottom lip as he nodded a 'yes.'

They laced their fingers together and walked to Jack's bedroom. Jack's room was cold, making Bunny shiver slightly. He sat on the bed and waited for Jack to finish putting away his gifts. Jack opened a drawer and pulled out a small box from his desk. He handed the small gift to his bunny and waited for the rabbit to opened it.

Bunny took the present in his paws and opened the lid. He looked inside and found a name tag in the shape of an Easter egg. Bunny's full name was engraved in the tag on one side and on the other was Jack's full name followed by an address.

"I thought it would be funny," Jack said with a bright grin.

"I love it," Bunny smiled and pulled Jack onto his lap. Jack attached the tag onto the collar.

Bunnymund kissed Jack deeply, he placed his hand on the back of the youth's head to pull him in closer. The winter boy moaned and sucked on the Pooka's bottom lip. They kissed each other until they couldn't breathe. Bunny butted Jack with his head and purred when his boyfriend petted him.

this is the final chapter. phew. I'm ready to end this stroy.

Thanks to all who enjoyed the read. You've given me the muse to write. love Transit~