Dresses, Messes, and More

It was the last day of term and Hermione felt exhausted after her last potion class. Lavender and Parvati had been by her side since that night. Fleur had tried a few times to talk to her but Hermione had quickly made an escape. Hermione had yet to even look at Fleur, she was still very much hurt and wasn't sure whether she could ever get over it.

Lavender was quiet and supportive, explaining she just needed some time to heal. Parvati just continued to show her support by helping her pick out a dress.

It wasn't until later that evening that Hermione bumped into Dumbledore on her way to Gryffindor Tower. She had fled the Great Hall as soon as Lavender and Parvati allowed the escape.

"Hello Headmaster," Hermione said calmly. She hadn't spoken to her Headmaster since the night he had helped stun Fleur. As she stood looking at him now she wasn't sure if she had truly forgiven her Headmaster.

"I wondered if I might have a word with you Miss Granger." Hermione saw his blue eyes dancing.

"Of course Headmaster."
She watched her Headmaster with mixed emotions and a bit of dread.

"I've spoken with Professor McGonagall, she informed me that you were intent on bringing someone of the same sex as your partner to this Yule Ball."

Hermione stiffened, tension filling her whole body. She wasn't ready for this conversation.

"And?" Hermione replied evenly.

"I just believe that it would appear better to all those present if you chose a young man for an escort. So as not to stir up any kind of tension or uncomfortable feelings among your fellow classmates."

Hermione felt anger welling up inside of her. Even if Fleur was going with someone else he had no right to ask her not to go through with a date of her choice. Why was he acting like this?

"No," Hermione said evenly. "And I would very much appreciate not being told how to live my life. I am the Hogwarts Champion and I refuse to play puppet before my classmates. I was told to pick a date and I will."

She didn't wait for a reply as she stormed off down the halls. The nerve of the man! How could he even bother to treat her as if she were a child. So encased in her thoughts she wasn't expecting to run right into Fleur as she rounded the corner. Hermione fell to the ground, bumping her arm as she did. Looking up with a grumble she stopped as she saw Fleur.

"I'm sorry," Fleur said as she knelt before Hermione.

Hermione looked at her, wide eyed and unable to speak.

"'Ermione, I've been meaning to speak wiz you," Fleur replied softly.

"I have to go," Hermione told her as she tried to get to her feet but Fleur's hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"Non, you 'ave been ignoring me for days now," Fleur explained. "I 'ave been doing my best to speak wiz you. Please, do not run away."

Hermione waited doing her level best to ignore looking at Fleur. She knew her resolve would weaken if she did and she had to be strong.

"You are running away from me."

Hermione still said nothing.

"Look at me."

Fleur gently lifted Hermione's chin until the girl was making eye contact with her. Hermione could literally almost feel her heart shattering as she looked into those beautiful blue pools.

"I am sorry," she said softly. "I never meant to 'urt you."

"Will...will you please let me go?" Hermione asked not being able to help the pain and sorrow in her voice.

Fleur looked visibly upset. "Please, don't leave."

Hermione shook her head, easily making Fleur's hold fall away from her. She scrambled to her feet and away from Fleur.

"There is nothing you can say. I must be going."

"'Ermione, I don't want you to zink zat I do not care."

"Fleur," Hermione said with pain, causing Fleur to stop talking. "Please, it's already hard enough being turned down I don't need you to continue to apologize."

She started to walk away, tears stinging her eyes again. Hermione stopped short as Fleur grabbed her arm, whirling the younger girl to face her. She was startled as she looked up at those angry blue eyes. They held so much pain and frustration that it stole her breath away.

"I 'ave apologized for 'urting you and I do not appreciate you walking away from me. I care about you and I am not going to go away."
Fleur's breath brushed along her neck, making Hermione trembling. She knew that she only had to lean up to kiss Fleur full on the mouth and being so close to her she could not think of a single reason why she shouldn't. They were pressed close to each other and Hermione wasn't sure she could stand being so close to her.

Hermione could only nod her ascent. The world was beginning to be fuzzy, her eyes focused solely on Fleur.

Fleur's hand reached up to caress her cheek.

"Hermione," Lavender's voice rang out in the hall. Hermione turned to see her blonde haired friend coming towards her. As she gazed at her friend it helped her clear her foggy mind. She stepped away from Fleur and took the hand Lavender offered. She did not miss the look on Fleur's face as she took Lavender's hand. "If you'll excuse us Fleur, we have things to do."
Fleur opened her mouth to say something and thought better of it. She nodded her head in acceptance.

"Please, do not ignore me," Fleur's voice was soft and pleading.

"I will see you in the morning," Hermione replied evenly as she let Lavender drag her off to their common room.

The two girls were silent the whole time, hands clasped as Hermione used Lavender to guide her back. Her world was spinning and she had no idea what to think. No one bothered the two girls as they made their way to their room. Parvati had yet to make her way to their room.

"You alright?" Lavender asked as she settled down on Hermione's bed next to her. Hermione gazed at her, feeling a bit out of sorts.

"Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" Hermione asked with all seriousness.

Lavender gazed at her trying to determine why her best friend had just asked her to go to the ball.

"Why?" Lavender asked.

"I...I think that I am falling for her," Hermione whispered softly.

Lavender couldn't help but laugh. "You are just now figuring this out."

Hermione leveled a glare at her friend. "Please don't patronize me."

She only smiled in response. "So, why are you asking me?"

Hermione quickly explained what had occurred between her and Dumbledore just before her run in with Fleur.

"He really said that to you?" Lavender asked completely appalled by what she heard.

"Yes he did," Hermione said with a touch of anger in her voice.

"So why are you asking me?" Lavender questioned once more.

"I don't want to go with any of the males, no matter who they are. I obviously can't go with the one person I do and I don't want to give Dumbledore the satisfaction. Besides if we are going to shock the school why not do it in fashion? This way I can go with someone I will have fun with."

Lavender smiled at her friend. "You can take Padma, I know she would like that."

"I won't lead her on but if you'd rather find someone else I understand," Hermione put in quickly. "It was wrong of me to ask you to give up your chance for a date."

"I don't mind," Lavender told her. "I'll be your date."

"Whose date?" Parvati asked as she came into the room.

"I'm going with Hermione to the Yule Ball," Lavender told their friend as she sat next to Lavender.

"Oh really? We're going to be the talk of the town," Parvati said with a laugh. "I mean first you, Lavender then me, I must be insane with jealousy to allow this."

The three girls laughed.

"You mean to tell me she wrote that nonsense?" Hermione questioned making a face.

"Rita Skeeter is a bitch," Lavender replied with a shrug. "Besides we are going to shake this school up. If they can't handle this, then what can they handle?"

"So, should we shock everyone or let them know now?" Parvati questioned as she began to play with Lavender's hair.

"Shock everyone," Hermione and Lavender said together.

The three girls fell into a fit of laughter.

"Thank you though," Hermione told her friend sincerely.

Lavender only smiled.

Hermione gazed into the mirror, turning this way and that as she examined Parvati's handiwork. She wore a spaghetti strap dress that was worn loosely across her chest and clung to her hips before flaring out down her legs. The dress was a dark blue with sequence across the chest. The lower portion was a dark blue color in the center like the top and a light blue color on either side of the dark blue. Sequence went down the center of the lower portion through the dark blue color.

Lavender had pulled her hair back letting curls fall on either side of her face and a fountain of curls in the back. She wore a touch of red on her lips, light blush on her cheeks, and some color on her eyes. All together she was very pleased by the whole thing.

Smiling to herself she turned to see Lavender coming back into the room. She wore a striking red and gold dress. There were some silver that was woven into the gown making beautiful designs across the bodice and skirt. Her own dress hung from only one shoulder, her blonde hair was falling in waves around her shoulders, her blue eyes striking against her pale skin.

"Well, what do you think?" Lavender asked as she spun in a circle, a pleased smile on her face.

"You look wonderful," Hermione said earnestly. "I am very grateful for you being my date tonight."
Lavender smiled as she hugged her best friend. "We shall be the envy of all the girls tonight."

"I think so too."

Parvati swept into the room twirling to show off her dress. She wore a beautiful dark pink dress that was very complimentary to her skin tone. It was strapless and fit much like the other two girl's dresses did.

"We ready to go?" Parvati questioned.

"As ready as ever," Hermione replied as she took a deep breath.

Lavender looped her arm with Hermione's, then grabbed Parvati's arm and the three girls began to make their way down to the Great Hall. The closer they got to the Great Hall the more fidgety Hermione became.

"Relax," Lavender told her. "Nothing bad is going to happen."

Hermione gave her friend a shaky smile. She really never could thank her friend enough for allowing this to happen.

Taking a deep breath she squared her shoulders and held her head high. She was after all a Gryffindor.

They walked down the steps into the Entrance Hall, where Cedric and Viktor were already waiting. Both men looked up as the three girls descended the stairs. The three girls didn't take notice of their wide eyes. Professor McGonagall smiled up at her three Gryffindors.

"This is where I leave you," Parvati said with a grin as she wandered off to claim her date.

"Miss Granger," McGonagall replied with a gentle smile. "Miss Brown, you two look very lovely this evening. Miss Granger, you will stay behind to go in with the rest of the Champions."

Hermione smiled. "Of course and Lavender will be walking in with me."

McGonagall nodded her head.

"Professor, might I have a word with you?"

"Of course."

Lavender moved towards Cedric to speak with him and his date, Cho Chang.

"What can I do for you Miss Granger?"

Hermione took a deep breath before she told her Professor about her encounter with Dumbledore.

"I just feel it is unfair of him to judge me as he has, as my Headmaster," Hermione told her softly. "I just wanted you to know because it makes me feel uncomfortable."

"With every right," McGonagall said with understanding. "I am sorry that it was like this. I shall speak to the Headmaster directly and I do apologize Miss Granger."

Hermione gave her a weak smile. "I wasn't going to say anything but Lavender and Parvati convinced me to say something."

"They are right, no student should ever feel uncomfortable. Do enjoy your evening, I believe Miss Delacour has arrived so you should all be heading in shortly."

Her stomach dropped at the idea of seeing Fleur. Their relationship was still shaky at best and despite seeing each other Hermione was still too hurt for full conversation.

Slowly she turned to face Fleur, who was gazing at her with a look in her eyes that she could hardly describe but stole the breath from her lips. Fleur was wearing a silver dress. It fell from one shoulder, hugging tightly to her midsection before gently flaring out and falling down to her ankles where she wore simple black heels. Fleur's silvery blonde hair was pulled up, a few stray wisps curled to fall in front of her face.

Hermione was having a very hard time remembering how to breath. Fleur was approaching her and Hermione found herself wishing the beautiful older girl would walk faster. Fleur stopped just shy of her, Hermione had to tilt her head back slightly to keep her gaze locked. Everything she thought she might say completely left her when faced with Fleur standing inches from her. Her body was humming with a need she had never felt before, one so deep that it ached and burned, she needed to touch Fleur, hold her, kiss her.

Hermione took a shaky breath and licked lips that were suddenly dry. Fleur's gaze flickered momentarily down before meeting her now blushing face. She found she couldn't look away, even if she had wanted to. There was something deeper pulling her to Fleur and she was unsure what she should even do about it.

"Hermione," Lavender called gently as she hesitantly approached the two, eyes flickering between the two.

This broke Hermione from her locked gaze and she turned to smile at her best friend. It was then that she realized her heart was racing and her hands were shaking.

Fleur was definitely hazardous to her health but she wasn't sure she could stay away.

"McGonagall says it is time for us to go in," Lavender explained as she ignored the look that Fleur gave her. She knew Fleur liked her for the most part, she just didn't like her taking Hermione's attention.

Hermione nodded still not able to talk and took the hand Lavender offered her. She didn't turn to look at Fleur and did her utmost not to feel Fleur's eyes burning into the back of her head.

They took their places and she was grateful that Fleur was standing in front of her with her date, Roger Davis. Hermione did her best not to scowl at the older boy but she was having a hard time. Lavender squeezed her arm tightly gaining her attention.

"Don't worry," Lavender told her with a smile.

Hermione smiled back at her. "This would be so much easier if it didn't hurt so much," Hermione whispered.

"Then it wouldn't be something worth going after."
Nodding her head they both turned to face the doors to the Great Hall. Professor McGonagall was smiling encouragingly towards the two Gryffindors then the rest of the Champions. Squaring her shoulders in much the same way she had seen Fleur do, she followed the other Champions inside.

The Great Hall was brightly lit with candles and white decorations. Hermione was attempting to look but she kept her focus on the back of Cedric's head in case she stumbled over her own two feet. Her nerves were through the roof and she could easily hear the sounds of the other students talking when she entered alongside Lavender. Lavender, for her part, kept her eyes focused away from the students, a soft smile on her face.

"Don't think about them," Lavender whispered gently.

"If only it were that easy," Hermione told her equally as soft.

Lavender chuckled as they reached the center of the dance floor. She pulled Hermione close making Hermione shake her head.

"Now, follow my lead," Lavender reminded her. She stood up a bit straighter, raising an eyebrow in challenge to the fellow Gryffindor. Hermione accepted the challenge and as the music began followed her friends lead.

As the music continued Hermione found herself enjoying the dance. Lavender had worked hard to make sure Hermione was decent when dancing but Hermione still found it hard to concentrate. Instead Lavender took to making faces at Hermione, which made her laugh, easing her nerves.

Soon the first song ended and Parvati showed up.

"My turn," she said as she pulled Hermione into the next dance.

"So how bad is it?" Hermione asked as she let her friend lead her along the dance floor.

"Not that bad, they all assume that Lavender went with you because you didn't want to go with anyone who was left."

"Like I had no choices?" Hermione questioned.

Hermione couldn't help but laugh. "That's fine, let them think what they will."

Parvati chuckled as she spun Hermione quickly.

"Don't look now but there is a half-Veela throwing daggers at me right now."

Hermione smiled a bit at her friend. "Is she really?"

Parvati nodded. "Don't be surprised that she is upset."
Hermione only shrugged. "Tonight is a night for fun."

Parvati danced two dances with her before Lavender snatched her up again. Once the dance ended Cedric took his chance with a dance with her, then Viktor. Hermione soon found herself enjoying the night. The decorations were beautiful, the music was lively and Hermione couldn't stop smiling.

As she spun away from Viktor she found herself pressed quite firmly against one Fleur Delacour. Hermione found herself not able to breath, her heart was suddenly hammering, and her hands were clinging tightly to her shoulders. There was that look again in Fleur's eyes that made her feel the world fall away around them.

She said nothing as she wrapped her arms around Fleur's neck, keeping as close to the older girl as possible. Neither of them said anything, if anything Hermione had no idea what she could even say to Fleur. Their relationship was still wavering, whatever kind of relationship they had.

Fleur kept her deep blue eyes locked on Hermione's dark brown eyes.

"You're upset," Hermione whispered softly.

"Yes," Fleur replied curtly.

Hermione realized that was probably the best answer she would get from Fleur at the moment. Instead she let go of her questions, her tumultuous feelings, and enjoyed the dance. One dance lead into another, then into another, and by the time she realized it was four songs later.

"Uh, mind if I cut in?" Roger Davis questioned looking a little flushed as he attempted to get his dates attention again.

Hermione felt a sudden dislike for the boy until she remembered that Fleur had come with Roger and not her. Before Fleur could reply she pulled her arms away suddenly feeling like an idiot. How could she have forgotten that Fleur had come with someone else?
Without saying anything she walked towards the table where Parvati, Lavender, and Parvati's date, some boy from Durmstrang, were sitting.

Lavender and Parvati smiled when Hermione sat down between them, offering her some butterbeer.

"Thanks," she said softly as she slowly sipped at the drink.

"Are you alright?" Parvati questioned as she rubbed the other girl's arm. Hermione gave her a half smile.

"I kind of forgot," Hermione replied her voice sad and distant. She had completely forgotten that the world had existed outside of the two of them and the reality of the situation was hard to come back to.

"I think you should try talking to her," Lavender suggested.

Hermione nodded her head as she looked over her shoulder to where Fleur was dancing with Roger. Fleur was as tall as the older boy and she stood as far away from him as her arms could reach. She found herself not liking the boy all over again. Fleur's head turned towards where Hermione was sitting and their eyes met across the room. Fleur's icy blue eyes were furious as they gazed at Hermione making her shudder.

Why was every step with this girl even more confusing then the last one? Hermione wondered to herself as she broke eye contact and turned back to her friends.

"Want to dance?" Padma asked as she suddenly appeared next to Hermione.

Hermione jumped a bit startled by her sudden appearance but smiled up at her.

Why not?

"Sure," Hermione replied as she took the hand offered to her.

She followed Padma onto the dance floor.

"Enjoying yourself?" Hermione asked doing her best to keep her attention on her dance partner.

"I am, how about you?" Padma replied her eyes darker then Hermione remembered.

"It's been fun."
They lapsed into silence for a moment when Padma spotted Fleur attempting to make her way towards Hermione.

"How come you came with Lavender?" Padma asked, keeping an eye on Fleur out of the corner of her eye.

"Oh...well...the person I asked was going with someone else and Lavender and I got to talking so I asked her to go with me because I didn't want to go with any of the boys," Hermione said flushing slightly. She was sure that Padma was upset that she hadn't asked her to go instead.

"You mean Fleur," Padma replied and Hermione could hear the cold edge in the other girl's voice.

"Don't say her name like that," Hermione responded in a cool, even voice. It was no secret that Padma had no love for Fleur or vice versa but she had no expected her to be so cold about the whole thing. The thought of Padma being rude to Fleur made Hermione tense and defensive.

Padma looked away clearly annoyed by all of this.

"I like you," Padma said softly, catching Hermione off guard.

Hermione bit her lip, not really sure what she should say in response.

"I...I thought...thought you liked me too, but clearly you're into someone else."

"I, I thought I did once too," Hermione admitted quietly making Padma's head whip towards her. "But things changed."

"She showed up."

Hermione leveled a glare at her friend, then sighed heavily.

"I don't want to fight with you about Fleur," Hermione told her gently. "I have no idea what to say, Padma."
"Do you want to be with her?" Padma asked seriously pinning Hermione with her stare.

Hermione felt her stomach drop knowing that Padma wasn't going to like the answer.

"Yes, yes I do."
Padma nodded her head.

"Why? What makes her so special?" Padma asked.

Hermione looked away this time. "I don't know Padma. I...I just know that I can't stay away from her and to be really honest I don't want to."

"May I?" Fleur's sudden voice made both girls jump.

"No," Padma snapped surprising all three of them with the venom in her voice. Her response made Fleur's eyes flash and Hermione knew this wasn't going to end well.

"Padma," Hermione warned, her eyes bouncing back and forth between the two girls.

"Excuse me?" Fleur replied in a voice that was as cold as ice.

Padma, however didn't flinch away from the half-Veela.

"You've already danced with her, she isn't your date."

Fleur stepped back as if she'd been slapped and Hermione stepped between the two girls.

"Enough," she hissed at both of them, hoping they weren't gaining the attention of the Professors. "This is not the time or place to get into a fight."

"Non, I believe she 'as somezing to say to me," Fleur responded, her eyes locked on the shorter girl.

Padma stood up a little taller as she faced down the other girl.

"Don't act like you're better than me," Padma snapped. "You come over here like just anyone will do whatever you ask. If you'd wanted to dance with her you should have asked her yourself."
Fleur glared at her.

"Zee same could be said for you."
Padma clenched her fists. "I would have if she wasn't so hung up on you."

Hermione felt her face flush at Padma's declaration.

"Enough!" Hermione all but yelled. The two girls looked at the brunette, who was red faced and obviously angry. "I am standing right here and I don't want to be talked about. Enough is enough. So stop."
Neither girl said anything and Fleur turned on her heel heading for the door. Hermione looked at Padma once, who looked a bit hopeful before she turned and followed after Fleur. She didn't miss the look of rejection on Padma's face.

"Fleur!" Hermione called as she stepped outside into the cold night air. Grumbling she reached for her wand as she quickly performed the warming charm Fleur had taught her. "Fleur!" She yelled again.

Hermione spotted Fleur's retreating figure as she made her way towards her carriage. She hurried as quick as she could in her heels to attempt to catch up to the older girl, calling her name the entire way.

When she reached Fleur, she grabbed the other girls arm. She let out a gasp as Fleur suddenly spun around and pressing her back against the side of the carriage. Hermione was now face-to-face with Fleur's deep red eyes for the second time since she'd met the other girl.

Fear fluttered in her stomach before she savagely shoved it away. Fleur was pressed flush against her, her hands on either side of her head as her face hovered near hers. She could feel Fleur's warm, ragged breaths blowing across her neck.

"Fleur," Hermione said softly. "You need to calm down."
Fleur let out a growl, her red eyes unfocused as they looked at her.

"Come on Fleur, it's me, Hermione," she all but whispered. Hermione let her hands drift up, wrapping them around Fleur's waist. Fleur growled again but didn't push the girl away.

Hermione had no idea what to do, the only reason Fleur had been stopped was the Professors stunning her and Hermione knew that she could never stun Fleur.

Fleur's eyes swirled, hypnotizing Hermione. She whimpered as she felt talons dig into her shoulder. As much as she wanted to see what was going on she couldn't bear to look either. She sucked in a deep breath as talons dug into her other shoulder, bringing her even closer to Fleur.

"Mine," Fleur hissed deep in her throat.

Hermione froze, stunned and surprised by the older girl's declaration.

"Fleur," Hermione whimpered as the pain flared in her shoulder again.

Then, without warning, Fleur's lips were on Hermione's.

The whole world just fell away. Her whole body was on fire, burning, pulling, yielding, to an all encompassing power that rocketed straight to her core. Her hands fisted into Fleur's sides, bringing whatever distance had been left to an end. She yielded to the demand of Fleur's lips and allowed herself to be pressed back completely against the carriage. Her body was humming, throbbing, aching in the most pleasurable way.

She had always been told that kissing was amazing but no one had ever said it would leave her stunned and wanting more. It was as if something much deeper was shifting inside of her, aligning itself with the Veela in front of her. Her tongue demanded entrance into Fleur's mouth and moaned when she was able to fully taste the older girl.

Hermione was lost with no hope of finding her way back. Fleur's fingers pressed into the small of her back. It was as if they couldn't get close enough and Hermione doubted they ever would. The kisses became deeper, longer, needier and Hermione didn't care about anything else.

This moment, these feelings were so much more than Hermione was. Her body begged to never be let go and it seemed as if Fleur's was echoing the same thing. Then something inside of her clicked and she let out a gasp. The world fully shifted around her until she found it completely realigned. Opening her eyes she realized that her world was Fleur.

With a strangled cry Fleur tore herself away from Hermione stumbling back with a look of utter despair on her face. Tears streamed down her face as Fleur fell to the ground, her whole body trembling.

"No," Fleur whimpered.

Hermione was stunned as she used the side of the carriage to keep herself upright. Her lungs ached as she sucked in some much needed air. After a moment she could feel the painful sting on her shoulders. Turning to look she saw that her dress was now ruined. Blood had slipped down her shoulders from the multiple marks that were there.

"No," Fleur said in abject horror as she saw Hermione's shoulders. "Zis...zis wasn't supposed to 'appen," Fleur cried, her whole body trembling again.

"Fleur," Hermione whimpered, her body needing, craving Fleur's touch.

"I'm sorry," Fleur told her as she stumbled to her feet and ran for the Forbidden Forest.

"Fleur!" Hermione yelled as she stumbled after her but her legs gave out and she fell. She banged her shoulders, scrapped her knees, and hit her head. Stunned she lay on the ground, not sure what was going on at the moment.

"Hermione!" Lavender's voice reached her ears but the voice sounded so far away.

Suddenly Lavender's face was hovering over her, concern etched on her face.

"Please," Hermione whispered, her voice cracking.

"What's wrong? Hermione?"
"Fleur...I...I need her," Hermione said.

"Professor, what's wrong with her?" Lavender questioned Professor Moody who stood behind her.

"It seems it has finally begun," Moody told the young girl in his usual gruff voice.

"What's begun?" Lavender demanded.

"You'll see," he replied as he stepped around the other girl. He handed his walking stick to Lavender, who took it surprised as she watched the older man lean down and lift Hermione up. "Come on, we better get her to the Hospital Wing."
"Are you sure you can carry her?" Lavender asked a bit surprised.

Moody just gazed at her a moment before slowly making his way towards the castle, Lavender hot on his heels.

"Fleur," Hermione whispered as the world faded around her.

A/N: Oh I bet you're all very surprised by whats going on but I promise you its all part of the plan. Nothing is ever as it seems.