Disclaimer: I don't own ANY of these characters. They all belong to J.K.
Rowling. Except Claudia Chase, that's my creation! If you want to sue I
warn you. All you will get is a Harry Potter pen that I thought was a broom
and a Draco Malfoy postcard that I will have to pry from my friends cold
dead fingers to get. She would rather die than give it up.
A/N: Well, this is my first shot at a HG/DM fic. I think I read too many HG/DM stories...(when my beta reader reads them she thinks off different ways to kill Hermione with popsicle stick) so it got to me and I decided to begin a fic about them. I really don't have a plot yet. But we'll see what happens. ^_^
Chappie 1- Peeping through Shelves
Hermione Granger sat in the library, her head bent down reading a book. It was her 7th and last year at Hogwarts and unsurprisingly she was Head Girl. She had also grown over the years. She became taller, slender, and her body matured very nicely but she kept it hidden under her school robes. Her hair wasn't as thick as it was before, and she found new ways to put it up so it would look nice. And once and a while, she would straighten it and let her hair down. Harry and Ron were still her friends, but they were boys, and you can't tell boys everything.
Whenever she was feeling lonesome, she headed to the library and stuffed herself in some book. She would talk to Ginny about "girl stuff", but Ginny would get bored easily with whatever Hermione would talk about. Ginny had changed and was always chasing after some guy. There was another girl named Claudia Chase who was from Ravenclaw. She was also a 7th year and Hermione got along with her just fine. She met her through Harry, and Harry seemed to be really fond of Claudia.
Ron on the other hand had a crush on her. Hermione told him to give it up, and so Ron stopped sending her love letters and flowers, but he still liked her and he showed it. She didn't really like being alone with him and was afraid that he would pounce on her or and do naughty things to her. Hermione sighed and moved a strand of her caramel brown hair aside. She slowly closed the book and put it back on its shelf. This was getting her no where.
As she turned to get her bag she felt someone watching her. She looked up and around the library, but no body was looking her way. She sighed again and looked towards the bookshelves. She saw a pair of gray eyes looking straight at her through the stacks of books. The mystery person quickly moved away. Hermione got curious and walked towards the shelves and looked behind one.
Sitting there at a table was the annoying Pansy Parkinson, Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco Malfoy. Pansy gave Hermione a dirty look, which clearly said 'Mudblood' and got up to tell her exactly that. Hermione hated going through this with Pansy. It was just a waste of her time. Surely Pansy could think of better things to do, like throwing herself at Malfoy for the hundredth time. She turned to go before Pansy could say something with that amazing annoying squeaky voice of hers.
"Hey Mudblood! Where do you think your going?!" said Pansy with her hands on her hips. Pansy snickered as Hermione turned around with an innocent look on her face. Hermione looked at Draco, expecting him to say something, but he was just staring at her. Hermione blushed for an unknown reason and turned to face Pansy again.
"None of your bloody business." she said quickly and walked away. She re- adjusted her bag on her back and walked to her dorm room.
Once she got there, she remembered the gray eyes that were looking at her through the bookshelves. 'Who was that?' she thought while changing into more comfortable clothes. As she sat on her bed she realized something. Draco had gray eyes. 'No, it couldn't be him. Why would he look at me? Unless he just wanted to find some flaw in me to bother me about. But you got to admit he does look good. What the hell am I thinking?!' she said as she walked out to find Harry and Ron.
Draco stood behind a bookshelf, moving books aside to look at a particular one. He ignored Pansy while she was going on and on about her life in that damn squeaky voice of hers. Crabbe and Goyle had snuck in food to feed an entire army. They considered that a snack.
Draco had grown over the years and had become, well to put it frankly, sexy, hot, irresistible, the most snoggable guy in Hogwarts. He was tall, lean, and muscular. He moved a strand of his soft, silver blonde hair aside and pushed more books aside.
Girls paraded after him everywhere he went and swooned and sighed at his every move. Naturally, he did have competition, Potter. Practically everyone knew that Potter's sidekick; Weasley was gaa-gaa over the Mudblood, Granger. He grinned as he imagined Weasley getting not only rejected by Granger, but also pushed out of the way, stomped on, and shot as well.
Then, through the gap in between the books, he saw Miss. Straight-A-Student reading a book. He watched her as she moved her hair aside and closed the thick book she was reading. He didn't know why he was looking at her; he just couldn't tear his eyes away. Then it hit him like a bag of bricks, he found her attractive, very attractive. He gulped as she looked right into his eyes with a look of confusion on her face. He quickly sat down and stared down at the table as Hermione came towards their table.
He looked at her as Pansy spitted out a rude remark and saw that her face went a faint tint of red. She looked at him and he tried to do his all- famous smirk, but it wouldn't come. She looked away and muttered something and quickly left. Pansy sat down and put her hand upon Draco's, "The nerve of her." Draco quickly moved his hand away and smirked. 'God! Was I just ogling off of Hermione's assets? Since when did she become Hermione?'
A/N: Well, what do yaw think? Shall I continue? If I do continue, my next chapter may not be posted till next week becuz I'll be out camping. Please review! That little purple button is there for a reason. :: cough cough thanks Sinsly, my beta reader cough::
A/N: Well, this is my first shot at a HG/DM fic. I think I read too many HG/DM stories...(when my beta reader reads them she thinks off different ways to kill Hermione with popsicle stick) so it got to me and I decided to begin a fic about them. I really don't have a plot yet. But we'll see what happens. ^_^
Chappie 1- Peeping through Shelves
Hermione Granger sat in the library, her head bent down reading a book. It was her 7th and last year at Hogwarts and unsurprisingly she was Head Girl. She had also grown over the years. She became taller, slender, and her body matured very nicely but she kept it hidden under her school robes. Her hair wasn't as thick as it was before, and she found new ways to put it up so it would look nice. And once and a while, she would straighten it and let her hair down. Harry and Ron were still her friends, but they were boys, and you can't tell boys everything.
Whenever she was feeling lonesome, she headed to the library and stuffed herself in some book. She would talk to Ginny about "girl stuff", but Ginny would get bored easily with whatever Hermione would talk about. Ginny had changed and was always chasing after some guy. There was another girl named Claudia Chase who was from Ravenclaw. She was also a 7th year and Hermione got along with her just fine. She met her through Harry, and Harry seemed to be really fond of Claudia.
Ron on the other hand had a crush on her. Hermione told him to give it up, and so Ron stopped sending her love letters and flowers, but he still liked her and he showed it. She didn't really like being alone with him and was afraid that he would pounce on her or and do naughty things to her. Hermione sighed and moved a strand of her caramel brown hair aside. She slowly closed the book and put it back on its shelf. This was getting her no where.
As she turned to get her bag she felt someone watching her. She looked up and around the library, but no body was looking her way. She sighed again and looked towards the bookshelves. She saw a pair of gray eyes looking straight at her through the stacks of books. The mystery person quickly moved away. Hermione got curious and walked towards the shelves and looked behind one.
Sitting there at a table was the annoying Pansy Parkinson, Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco Malfoy. Pansy gave Hermione a dirty look, which clearly said 'Mudblood' and got up to tell her exactly that. Hermione hated going through this with Pansy. It was just a waste of her time. Surely Pansy could think of better things to do, like throwing herself at Malfoy for the hundredth time. She turned to go before Pansy could say something with that amazing annoying squeaky voice of hers.
"Hey Mudblood! Where do you think your going?!" said Pansy with her hands on her hips. Pansy snickered as Hermione turned around with an innocent look on her face. Hermione looked at Draco, expecting him to say something, but he was just staring at her. Hermione blushed for an unknown reason and turned to face Pansy again.
"None of your bloody business." she said quickly and walked away. She re- adjusted her bag on her back and walked to her dorm room.
Once she got there, she remembered the gray eyes that were looking at her through the bookshelves. 'Who was that?' she thought while changing into more comfortable clothes. As she sat on her bed she realized something. Draco had gray eyes. 'No, it couldn't be him. Why would he look at me? Unless he just wanted to find some flaw in me to bother me about. But you got to admit he does look good. What the hell am I thinking?!' she said as she walked out to find Harry and Ron.
Draco stood behind a bookshelf, moving books aside to look at a particular one. He ignored Pansy while she was going on and on about her life in that damn squeaky voice of hers. Crabbe and Goyle had snuck in food to feed an entire army. They considered that a snack.
Draco had grown over the years and had become, well to put it frankly, sexy, hot, irresistible, the most snoggable guy in Hogwarts. He was tall, lean, and muscular. He moved a strand of his soft, silver blonde hair aside and pushed more books aside.
Girls paraded after him everywhere he went and swooned and sighed at his every move. Naturally, he did have competition, Potter. Practically everyone knew that Potter's sidekick; Weasley was gaa-gaa over the Mudblood, Granger. He grinned as he imagined Weasley getting not only rejected by Granger, but also pushed out of the way, stomped on, and shot as well.
Then, through the gap in between the books, he saw Miss. Straight-A-Student reading a book. He watched her as she moved her hair aside and closed the thick book she was reading. He didn't know why he was looking at her; he just couldn't tear his eyes away. Then it hit him like a bag of bricks, he found her attractive, very attractive. He gulped as she looked right into his eyes with a look of confusion on her face. He quickly sat down and stared down at the table as Hermione came towards their table.
He looked at her as Pansy spitted out a rude remark and saw that her face went a faint tint of red. She looked at him and he tried to do his all- famous smirk, but it wouldn't come. She looked away and muttered something and quickly left. Pansy sat down and put her hand upon Draco's, "The nerve of her." Draco quickly moved his hand away and smirked. 'God! Was I just ogling off of Hermione's assets? Since when did she become Hermione?'
A/N: Well, what do yaw think? Shall I continue? If I do continue, my next chapter may not be posted till next week becuz I'll be out camping. Please review! That little purple button is there for a reason. :: cough cough thanks Sinsly, my beta reader cough::