CHAPTER 12: Discussing the Past
Now she was very glad she had decided to talk to Chance and Jake tonight. She couldn't believe she had failed to remember something so important, she chided herself once she appeared in her apartment.
Looking around for a moment, she thought about taking a shower and changing clothes but decided against it with a groan of distaste. "No I'll be at headquarters even if no one knows that and I need to present a formal appearance to Lord Firelain. However, I should put my coat and weapon back on."
So saying she went to the closet and grabbed her great coat, swinging it on quickly then retrieving her weapon from the safe and tucking it into the holster beneath her coat. Leaving a light on, she quickly teleported herself out arriving in her office.
Opting for her office allowed her to return with no one seeing her. She let herself out of her office, relocking it behind her then heading for the stairs rather than the elevator. Again she didn't want to be seen by her officers.
Reaching the bachelor and visitor quarters on the twelfth floor she was only lightly winded. Standing before one of the two room, she knocked lightly. It took about five minutes before it was opened a crack. Lord Jogar eyed her questioningly.
"Yes, your highness? Is something amiss?"
"No, nothing dangerous and I am sorry for disturbing you this late. However, I find I must speak with Lord Firelain tonight. Is he with you?"
"No, your highness. He is across the way with Lord Drunow."
"Ah, ... thank you. A pleasant night to you."
"And to you, your highness." Lord Jogar closed his door but not before he watcher her a bit in some concern before he did so.
She turned and stepped before the opposite door and knocked again. This time the door opened almost immediately. Lord Drunow opened wearing nothing but his long woolen pants and a naked sword in his paw. He quickly lowered the sword and gave a quick head bow.
"Your highness, excuse my appearance but we did not expect you back tonight," he said, mildly embarrassed to be mostly naked before his royal highness.
"Don't be concerned, my lord. I had not intended to disturb you this late in the first place but unfortunately something has come up and I must speak with Lord Firelain."
"Do you need us?" He asked in concern.
"No, just some questions I need to ask before tomorrow. Is he indisposed?"
"Oh, he be in the uh ... bathroom, did you call it?" She nodded. "He'll be out in but a moment. Would like to come in, your highness?"
"No, that's alright. I will wait out here. We will be taking our discussion to my office anyway."
"Very well. A moment then ..." He said beginning to close the door.
She nodded. Sighing she paced a bit while she waited but he didn't keep her long. Only ten minutes passed before Lord Firelain, completely dressed, stepped from his room, eyeing her in concern.
"Something is amiss, your highness?"
"Somewhat. I find I'm lacking vital information in making my plans for this mission to our kingdom. Please follow me to my office and we'll discuss it there."
Puzzled, Lord Firelain nodded and followed her down the hall and to the elevator. She needed to get up to her office quickly and was willing to take a chance at being seen but since she was with one of the strangers no one would dare question her even if they wondered when she had returned. It was lucky this was halfway through the swing shift so no one should be up these floors at all.
She had been right. They had encountered no on the trip up and on into her office. She closed the door then took off her coat and hung it. She gestured to the seating arrangement at the back of her office.
Once they were seated facing each other she wasted no time in asking the questions she needed answered.
"I was reminded during the discussion of the mission with the SWAT Kats that I had grown up not knowing or understanding my father's mindset about certain things as he ensured I was never much in his company. No father/daughter talks ever occurred between us. And that detriment is a serious one when it comes to how my father will truly react when the Turbokat appears above our castle. My last recollection of my father's behavior toward visitors from outside our mountains was one of unease and a desire to keep such visitors out of our kingdom at all costs. What I don't know is was it fear or something else that made him act that way? It's very important I know which it is so I can gauge if my plans will work or backfire spectacularly."
Lord Firelain's eyebrows rose in concern the longer she talked. When she stopped he let out a sigh of concern.
"Your highness, you are right to be concerned. I too failed to take into account how our king will react. But remember I told you it has been five years since I last spoke with his majesty."
"I know but you were in his confidence when all those strangers came through. It is those times I am most interested in. I can't be certain but I thought you were there some of those times."
"Hmm, mayhap I was. Allow me some minutes to think about it your highness."
"Of course." She nodded and rose to walk to her coffee machine. Though she wasn't in the habit drinking caffeine so late she had a feeling tonight she was going to need it to remain alert.
After sitting for some thirty minutes in contemplation, Lord Firelain sighed and nodded. "I believe I can answer some of your questions now, your highness."
"Good." She hurried to take her seat once more, setting her coffee cup down and preparing to listen.
"I do remember at least two occasions where our kingdom did receive some odd visitors. They weren't from here, I am certain, but they were from somewhere just as modern as this place. At the time I was mildly fascinated and confused by some of the things they talked about but now that I have experienced a little of this modern world, I believe I better understand some of what they said. Their most obvious reason was desiring trade with us, though they surprised me at the time by not wanting weaponry except for some of our swords. Of course, I now know they were too advanced to desire any of our very outdated methods of fighting and weaponry. So that also meant they weren't interested in a treaty or mutual protection."
"So what did they want?"
"Clothing, food, herbs, a variety of handmade items like furniture, baskets, metal work, simple swords, things like that."
Feral snorted. "They were looking for the unusual to sell to the wealthy as authentic medieval artifacts. The fact they were currently being made and not ancient didn't matter. It was what they were that would make them a hot commodity for the selling market. But what did they intend to trade to you for these things?"
"Really odd but dangerous things which at the time seemed at least as magical as our spells except they were simply advanced technology. They offered guns, pellet style, flashlights, devices that played music, things that could heat our food quicker, and similar such things."
"Since I saw none of these things around the castle I surmise my father refused their offer and sent them packing. But was he afraid of them?"
"No. However, he realized as did I such things could be a detriment to maintaining control. If our people learned of such marvels they might want to try and go seek them and that the king refused to have happen. Also, he did not want the other kingdoms to know of such things either so they would not gain an advantage over our kingdom which is why he had them forcibly escorted all the way back over the mountains with the warning not to do business with anyone within the nine kingdoms. Of course, I have no idea if any of these visitor decided it was in their best interest to ignore the order and try to go to the other kingdoms or not. None of the modern things seemed in evidence unless they were deliberately hiding them."
That made Feral's heart freeze. What if they had? If King Bertol had some modern technology it would make his effort to take over the nine kingdoms a slam dunk. Even the Turbokat wouldn't phase him unless he hadn't access to that level of tech. But even so, the chance that he might have taken up the offers could make him an even worse threat than any of us thought.
"Something has upset you, your highness. What did I say that brought that look to your face and unnerved you so?" Lord Firelain interrupted her thoughts, concern on his face.
"What if King Bertol did get some of these visitors? And what if he accepted their offer of trade but insisted on something more dangerous than simple household items and low level weapons? Gold is always a wanted from of payment and if these visitors had learned they could acquire gold in its most purest form, they might be willing to supply Bertol with things that they knew shouldn't be in the paws of people as behind on the times as our world is. That is what the black market is all about ... doing the forbidden for treasure that is our from of money. Gods! I am a fool! I never even thought about our form of monetary exchange as being the real carrot to black marketeers! After all I'm always chasing criminals trying to make a fast buck without earning it. If such criminals learned of hidden world in the mountains then the danger is even greater than I ever dreamed."
"But there's been no sign of King Bertol having anything more dangerous than new spells and the same weapons we do except for some new designs in siege machines and such!" He objected.
"And what if he's been shaming us all along and has upgraded his army with more modern weapons besides new spells? He certainly would ensure no one outside his high level knights would ever know "
Lord Firelain felt icy fingers down his spine. "That would be catastrophic, your highness."
"Oh yes it would and make my attempt at 'scaring' him and my father a rather lame effort."
They both sat silent as the implications of what they both now suspected them like a hammer.
Lord Firelain was the first to break the uncomfortable silence. "I recall you saying you had some intelligence from your spies, your highness. How recent is the information?"
"No more than two weeks and I see where you're going with this. Yes, we best pick apart the report for anything unusual and if we don't find it then send my spies again to look for that info only. I also need to have an internal investigation begun on what our black market weapons sellers might be up to as well. If someone here or in some of the other advanced cities are trafficking in advanced weaponry to backward countries then we are all in serious trouble."
"I have another suggestion to add to your growing list, your highness. Perhaps, it would be prudent if you re-interrogate your spies about their last visit with emphasis on what their impressions were of the King, counsel, and King Bertol."
"An excellent idea, my lord, and perhaps I should get started on that ..." she began to stand with the intention of making some calls."
Lord Firelain put out a restraining paw to her arm. She paused to eye him in surprise.
"Though I agree you should notify said spies that you require more information on their last mission, I would strongly recommend that you not meet with them tonight. We are all tired especially after the attack on your city. I for one could use a sound night's sleep. We all need to be fresh and alert for the discussions to come and I do mean we, your highness. I refuse to be left out of this intrigue now."
"You wont be. I need your input and insight still. And, yes, I agree that rest is a must though I will still need to make some calls first before seeking my rest. Do you require an escort back to your room?"
"No, your highness. I can find my way easily. I and my knights will meet you here in your office in the morning. You have a specific time in mind?"
"There is a time piece in your quarters that will aid you in using the same time sense as we do. Seven o'clock and don't worry about food. I will have breakfast supplied so we can get down to work more quickly."
"Excellent, then I will wish you a good rest until the morrow, your highness," he said, rising to his feet and giving her a small bow before seeing himself out.
Sighing, she headed for her desk. She had quite a few calls to make and several people to either waken or catch if they were out and about. Bed and sleep were going to be a lot later than she had wanted. Picking up her phone, she began to dial.
More than an hour and half went by before she felt reasonable certain she had contacted everyone she wished to speak to in the morning. She put on her coat and shut the lights, then stood in the center of her office and teleported away to her apartment.
It took her some time to find sleep even after a nice long shower. Her mind was in a whirl with possibilities, each one more nasty and horrific than the last. A magical/technological war chased her through her dreams that night leaving her more groggy than rested when she finally rose for the day.
When Lord Firelain returned to his room, he was not surprised to find all three knights waiting for him. They were dressed only in their light sleep garments which consisted of back linen short sleeved pull over tunic and loose drawstring black pants. Their faces were grim and questioning.
He was glad they were paranoid enough to want to talk with him after being taken away so suddenly by the Princess. He nodded at each before walking past them for the bathroom where he doffed his clothing again for his nightwear. Once attired, he returned to the waiting group.
Lords Jogar and Tangen sat on one bed while Drunow paced in front of the room's door, halting when he appeared. He sat at the other bed and indicated that Drunow sit as well.
"Princess Rainstar required additional information from me before finalizing her plans but the discussion ended up uncovering some glaring oversight on both our parts."
"Really? Such as?" Lord Drunow asked.
"First I need to ask if any of you were ever present in the castle and/or throne room when odd visitors from out kingdom had come around to see the king?"
Surprise lighted the faces of his fellow knights before being replaced with thoughtful frowns.
"I can safely say I have not, sir," Lord Jogar said.
"Nor I," Lord Tangen added.
"But I have," Lord Drunow said ponderously. "What be you seeking in asking such a question?"
"The Princess and I suspect those visitors mayhap traded King Bertol something far more dangerous than simple trade goods. Those strangers were ones from places as modern as this city though we weren't aware of that when they came through. King Bodian did suspect they might be dealing in things best not used in the nine kingdoms least it change the balance of power. But what if King Bertol wanted those modern weapons for that very thing?"
Horror caused widened eyes and gaping mouths except for Lord Drunow who rubbed his chin in a thoughtful manner.
"Whist you say? I fear mayhap you are right, Firelain. Though I did not see anything like we have witnessed here in Megakat City on those visitors, they did speak of strange and dangerous things in their descriptions of what they were willing to trade for the handmade fripparies our people are skilled at making. I thought it passing strange that they did not want to trade in weaponry. But since being here, tis obvious they had no need for our much out dated equipment."
"Yes, that is what I have concluded as well. But Princess Rainstar also thinks black marketeers may have learned how easy it is to sell simple things from their lands for the chance to get their greedy paws on unrefined gold that we use for money. It is much sought after out kingdom. Once these scoundrels learned of what we have within our mountains it seems quite probable, nay quite certain that King Bertol may have availed himself of their offers of friendship and weaponry way beyond our people's ability to understand."
"Oh surely not!" Lord Jorgen exclaimed. "Such perfidy in a king is ..."
"Madness? You would be right and that is exactly what King Bertol be like!" Lord Drunow said firmly. "Power mad he be. Wanting more than is his right. Greedy to own all he can despite the pain and suffering he will rain down on his people. He would have it all."
"Aye that is what the Princess is fearing and now that I have had my eyes and ears open by her suspicions, I too fear that we have stumbled into the certainty of war," Lord Firelain said grimly.
All the knights shuddered at the thought of their people and all the nine kingdoms embroiled in a bloody take over that would swiftly boil outside the mountains that hid them and into the outer kingdoms who would not hesitate to wipe them all from existence or enslave them. Neither a good outcome.
"What does the Princess propose to do about this impending doom, Lord Firelain," Lord Drunow asked once the bad news had settled into their very bones with fear and despair. How were they, simple knights, to turn the tide in this deadly game?
"Because we do not truly know if all our suspicions are correct. We need to seek out every bit of information we can get to learn the full extent of what King Bertol might be up to. To that end, Princess Rainstar is going to speak with her insertion team again with us present so we might glean more information from their impressions. She also intends to do a more intense investigation of the black market here and in other modern cities to see if any of them have been doing business with King Bertol. And if he is trading with such people, what kinds of weaponry and assistance might he have traded for."
"An excellent idea," Lord Drunow said then added. "The Princess has impressed me with her abilities in the area of intrigue and intelligence gathering."
"Yes, she has proven she is a very capable leader, despite how strange that is to say about a female," Lord Tangen said, shaking his head.
"Aye very true that. Now I suggest we get some sleep. We are to meet her in her office at seven o'clock. Off with you," Lord Firelain said, shooing the other two knights off to their room.
Once alone again with only Lord Drunow, Firelain sighed and climbed into a most comfortable bed.
"These be incredibly soft and comfortable pallets. Miss them I will when I finally return home. Mayhap this be something worth trading for when all is peaceful again in our world," Drunow mused as he snuggled beneath the covers.
"It appears there be many things that could make our lives a little better but I would not want to turn our home into one like this," Firelain said.
"Oh no, definitely not. I like the quiet of our homeland. This place be nothing but constant noise. Even now as we attempt sleep, I hear the constant thrum of those great machines outside."
"Aye, I agree. I do miss birdsong and quiet. Let us attempt to ignore the oddness outside and gets some sleep."
Drunow agreed by simply turning out the light next to the bed. It had taken all three of them to figure out how that was done, he remembered with a rueful smile as he let darkness and the comfortable bed drag him down into slumber.
Next morning, bright and early, the knights dressed and left their pleasant quarters and walked to the elevator. Jogar was the one who remembered what button to press to summon the car and what one to use when it arrived to send them up to Feral's offices.
They ignored the stares of the office staff as they walked quickly but silently to Feral's office pausing only to nod their head at the secretary who nodded back and gestured for them to go on in. The scent of something delicious assaulted their noses as they entered. Over where the sitting area was a long table had been set up and many food items were set out waiting for them. Feral was already availing herself of the repast using a plate waiting at the end of the table.
She turned to them and gestured with her plate to the table. "Please help yourself then follow me into the next room where the others are already seated and waiting for us." With that instruction, she paused to fill a cup with something dark and aromatic before heading through an open doorway where a long table with many chairs awaited. Several kats were within eating and talking in low voices.
"This food smells as wonderful as the stuff we ate last night," Lord Tangen said, piling his plate high with many of the offerings.
"Aye that it is. I feel if I am not careful I could like this too much and gain much girth to my middle," Lord Drunow observed though that didn't stop him from getting a selection of nearly everything on the table.
Firelain could only smile a bit at that observation as he filled his plate but not as high as his fellows. His appetite wasn't that good this morning. The evening disclosures were too frightening even more so in the light of day.
Loaded with food, the four headed for the other room and quickly took seats at the end that had apparently been left for them. It didn't slip their notice to see the pair known as the SWAT Kats were also in attendance. The pair sat somewhat apart from the officers who gave them unhappy to baleful looks.
Obviously, not truly accepted by the Princess' army being outside the law as they are, Lord Firelain mused, eating his food and studying the many faces seated around the big table.
Many had the hard look one gained as a trained spy. He best watch what he said around them. It wouldn't do for them to know all their secrets.
"There's no point in wasting time so please listen while you eat your meal," Feral began, basically ignoring her own meal. On the wall, she began a slide show of the salient points she needed covered today.
The knights gaped at this bit of wizardry. What an excellent way to show everything needed without having to draw on the floor with charcoal or some big scroll held by slaves, Firelain thought, impressed. Although there is but one problem, no many can read such things. Something that should be changed as keeping people ignorant only makes them suspicious and prone to revolt. I bet there isn't an uneducated person in this city. Attention back on the meeting, foolish knight. Time for these interesting methods of doing things, he chided himself refocusing his attention.
"Before we get to the heart of what needs discussing, I need to share with my black ops people why I had them investigate this area of the world and why it is now so much more important to us here in Megakat City. I will state for the record that my situation that opened this investigation in the first place is not why we are suddenly needing more information on this area. That being said, Lord Firelain will you please introduce me in the proper manner?" He looked at her in confusion. "I will reveal myself as you do so," she clarified.
"Ah, I see." He stood and walked to her side then turned to face the others around the table. "I present to you her royal highness Princess Ulena Rainstar, heir to the throne of Glanascol and only daughter of King Bodien," he announced in proper fashion. As he completed his introduction Feral allowed her glamour to disappear.
Gasps of shock and gaping mouths were displayed by everyone of her black ops personal. Magic altered her attire to more accentuate the curves of her female body while still showing the muscular power of that body despite its change of gender. She opted for wearing slacks
T-Bone admired again the beauty now revealed. Damn, she is just so hot and again that feels so crazy when I try to forget what she has looked like all these years I thought I knew her.
"Holy shit, sir, er mamm," Major Leclaw blurted. "How the heck did you do that and why did you do it?"
"Without going into a very lengthy history lesson, where I'm from there area nine kingdoms hidden within a ring of ancient mountains we call the Ring of Heronow. These kingdoms have not moved from medieval times so you can imagine how much of a culture shock this is to my fellow countryman. These gentlekats are known as knights. Please stand as I introduce you. The one beside me is the leader of this group and is Lord Firelain, that stout fellow is Lord Drunow, the lean redhead is Lord Tangen and the last is Lord Jogar." Each tom stood then sat quickly.
"Our system of governance, way of life, and level of development is very much like your former medieval beginnings as Megalith City under Queen Callista. Except for one very fundamental difference. From what I have learned, despite Megalith City having a Queen rather than a King, the way females were treated is exactly the same as they are in the nine kingdoms. We have no rights! None! We can't own land, work for a living, choose our own mates, nor travel without a male. We are not allowed any opinions nor rights of any kind. Born under those restraints I was a rebel. I refused to be treated as chattel and traded off to some male to help form treaties for my father. However, I never made my rebellion visible ..." Lord Firelain made a small noise. Feral stopped and eyed him impatiently.
"Forgive me your highness. While it is true you were a good actress around most everyone in the castle pretending to be the biddable and dutiful daughter, those that knew you best were aware you weren't as you seemed though I will admit you did fool me as to just how much training and education you did manage to get that allowed you to escape as you had."
"As long as my father didn't know, I could do as I pleased and did as you so noted," she acknowledged his point. "I knew as young as ten that I was destined for a different life and did what I needed to do to ensure I would escape to find it. One day, I made my escape and wandered the world for a few years before finding my way to Megakat City. I had not visited too many modern cities along my way because I did need to make a living and the only thing I was truly good at was fighting so I became a soldier of fortune."
"Uh, as a male or female sir," Lt. Forland asked, fascinated by this tale of adventure and a runaway princess. It would make an incredible movie, he thought.
Feral smirked. "As female. I revelled in being who and what I was. I wasn't always treated well but it was always on my terms. However, when I got to Megakat City I realized though females could and did get jobs and were mostly treated with respect and had basic freedoms granted to them that males did, they did not however, manage to get into very many military or police positions except for desk jobs or secretaries." She grimaced at that grating issue.
"I could have moved on but I was thoroughly enamored of this incredible city and its unbelievable technology. Though I was born to do magic, I wanted the feel of doing things without it which the Enforcers offered. So I decided to take a male glamour and work my tail off being the best I could be without the stigma of being denied because of some ridiculous idea that females weren't strong enough to do the job or too delicate," she snorted.
The males in the room shrank a bit in their seats. All of them knew they could all be equally chauvinistic in that regard but they thought of it as protecting their she kats not inhibiting them. To hear the Commander put it in a different light based on the fact she was truly female made them feel ashamed.
She clearly had proven she could and did know how to lead and was strong enough and powerful enough to do the job as she amply demonstrated every time she went after one of the omegas ... leading the charge never from an armchair. Which was why all of them respected him ... er ... her. Boy was that going to be hard to get used to, Major Leclaw thought.
"Now as to why who and what I am is of such import," Feral continued. "My father has been searching for me this whole time. In our part of the world, aggression against ones neighbor is more or less like a sporting event. Each side wants a little more land or more resources, or more riches. Daughters and sons are used as chess pieces to form alliances that either stop an aggressor or make them back off like kidnapping an heir. It's been a bit calmer the past couple of decades but recently one of the Kings, Bertol by name, has been carefully grabbing more and more land and resources as well as absorbing minor lords lands and even one kingdom when it's King died without issue. I've been monitoring him from here only because I feared he might want to push outside the nine kingdoms and start trouble with the more modern societies outside the mountain ranges." She turned to the board.
"For the past five years I have adopted a watch and see posture, mostly because the appearance of the omegas took too much of my attention. However, with the arrival of Lord Firelain on his hunt for me I realized things back home have reached a dangerous boiling point."
"Which brings us back to why I had you watch King Bertol and the nine kingdoms more closely. I have a suspicion that King Bertol has been trading with black market weapons dealers to raise his army from mere bow and arrows, siege engines, and swords besides our abilities with magic to actually buying and using modern weaponry. This changes the balance of power significantly among the nine kingdoms. With such an advantage he could take over every kingdom then move outward expanding his power."
She turned to her chart shining upon the wall behind her. Using a pointer, she began her true briefing. "Due to this threat that could spill into our world and possibility start a war, I need all of us to do the following:
First, I need every shred of information we can attain on what is going on in the nine kingdoms starting with everything you, Major Leclaw, and your team can recall during your last mission there. And I mean everything even if you think it isn't pertinent. I want you to sit here and write every thing you can recall.
Secondly, I need everything we can find out about the current weapons dealers out there and if any of them has dealt with King Bertol. Not just within Megakat City but all the surrounding countries that ring our mountain range. We need to know what they have sold the king so we can counteract it.
Third, I have to find a way to convince my father and then all the other kings of Bertol's perfidy. So far he's done very well at hiding what he's up to by making everyone think he's only interested in a treaty with Glanascol by way of marrying his son to me. I know it's a cover so he can enter our kingdom with no one being the wiser as to his true intent. I need proof of that intent.
"I am sorry to say, I need all of this as quickly as it is possible to attain. And I know I have already said this but the other factor that makes attaining this information is the nine kingdoms ability to do magic."
"That's more than a little thing, sir. It was the one reason we could not enter any of the kingdoms as apparently they could detect that we were without magic. So our information was, by necessity, heresy and second and third hand from travellers," Major Leclaw reminded her.
"Yes, Major, I am aware of that and the same problem still exists but we have to try and do what we can. I unfortunately cannot return as I will be capture and forced into marriage none of my warnings heeded at all. One of our options I hoped to accomplish was to get my father to come here to retrieve me but with King Bertol at the door, my father would be a fool to leave his kingdom leaderless. I had hoped to scare King Bertol with a show of technology but that is when I found out the bastard may not be surprised by tech at all. And that is what we must find out."
"Then I will find it out for you, your highness," Lord Jogar spoke suddenly.
Feral blinked at him in surprise. All the Megakat personal eyed him with interest while the knights, especially Lord Firelain were taken aback with shock and dismay.
"No, absolutely not, you would be capture," Firelain barked.
"Forgive me, my lord, but I think not. You have forgotten that I was a volunteer for your team not ordered by the king. As a matter of fact I have never met the king in person as my knighting was done in another kingdom because I was a transfer per my own choice. I am an unknown and should be able to walk right into the kingdom and ask around carefully with none the wiser. Of course I would have to avoid anyone from the high court since their might be a slight chance someone remembers I was with your team," he explained.
Feral eyed the knight with interest. "If what you say is true ..."
"No I forbid it!" Lord Firelain interjected even more forcefully, standing now.
"Because he is still very green and under my tutelage."
"I have learned much during our travels, my lord and have the right to volunteer. You cannot prevent me from ..."
"Yes, I can. I am still your master here ..." Firelain shouted.
"ENOUGH!" Feral barked. "Sit down." Both knights did so reluctantly. None dared to disobey when she used that tone. Frowning Feral stared at both of them with some annoyance. She could simply order Lord Firelain to stand down and allow Lord Jogar to go on this mission but she wasn't willing to simply stomp all over the tom's pride and overrule a master over his squire.
"Have you earned your spurs, young knight?" She asked Jogar
"Yes, your highness and earned the designation as a Lord due to the death of my uncle The King of Fartoseth so declared it just a year before I left on this quest with Lord Firelain."
Feral nodded and turned to Lord Firelain. "I understand your objections, my lord but it appears to me Jogar has indeed earned the right to speak for himself in this matter. We are not asking him to take on a fighting position only one of collecting information which we desperately need. He is the perfect one to do this. If it helps I have no intention of him going alone."
"Damn right he isn't," Razor suddenly spoke up. "Though we aren't magic users we have just as invested a reason to see if your suspicions are true as you do. With my tech skills it's possible I can eavesdrop on conversations in and around the area without T-Bone and I ever being seen. You had already wanted us to deliver a message to your father but I think this might be a better use of our talents. While we are there, we can provide cover for Lord Jogar and your black ops team as our jet is capable of hyper speed and going into space if need be to escape your people's magic."
Feral gaped at him in surprise but she wasn't the only one shocked.
"Razor, are you sure? We have no defense against magic," T-Bone reminded him.
"I know buddy, but Feral already said she and Lord Firelain would provide us with a shield. That was when we were going to deliver a message but I think it would be better for keeping us from magical exposure while digging for information which we must have if we are to prevent a world war.
"Well, when you put it that way, who am I to argue," T-Bone snorted.
Feral was very surprised. "I'm pleased that you wish to volunteer and I won't say no to it but I need you to understand the shield does not make you invisible to those with magical abilities to see danger before it strikes."
"That is only partly correct, your highness. Advances in magic have been made since you left and it is quite possible to shield auras from being detected by the sensitive and even hide from the senses for a very short time. I believe what Sir Razor suggests is quite possible and should be tried."
"Really? Well I bow to your greater experience and would like to participate in such an endeavor."
"Oh you will your highness. As a royal your magical abilities are very strong just untrained. You would be surprised at just what you are capable of."
"Ah, then I look forward to you teaching," she said smiling. "Well everyone it seems we have a plan of action after all. Let's get down to the fine details shall we?"