OoO CCTI: Prologue OoO
"Kagome, get your ass back here, now!" Inuyasha raged as he jumped from tree to tree, never taking his eyes off the object of his anger.
Completely ignoring the vulgar voice behind her, Kagome continued stomping on through Inuyasha's Forest to the Bone Eater's Well, her eyes trained and focused. She was rushing to hurry on to her home before Inuyasha stopped her. Before she changed her mind. Before she forgave him for everything he had done earlier.
"Kagome, did you hear me? Damnit, I'm talking to you!" Inuyasha shouted as he jumped in front of the raven-haired girl. He crossed his arms in a dominating way, blocking her way of escape, scowling down at her with an almost unreadable expression.
She stopped, stared at the ground and gripped her yellow backpack tighter.
On this day, the sun was shining through the trees, casting ever-moving shadows. It was a battle of dark and light, almost as though to aid in the mini war that was currently waging between the two causing the ruckus in the recently quiet forest.
"You know, Inuyasha, I can hear you just fine without you shouting your head off," Kagome said with an unusual calm. Her voice wavered slightly, but the venom with which she talked to him was tangible, hot and acrid, ready to unleash a fury from which he may never return. It was a promise that unless Inuyasha backed off, he was about to be blasted. Stupidly, he ignored her warning and scoffed.
"I'll shout as much as I damn well please! You need to turn around and go back to camp before I-!" He stopped as he pointed one, since Kagome had walked right on passed him while he was talking.
"Before you what, Inuyasha? Almost hit me again?" Kagome interjected quietly as she glanced behind her, narrowing her stormy blue eyes, knowing that her words would hit him hard.
Inuyasha stared at her. She ignored him and turned around, almost to the clearing that held the mystical time-transcending well. If she could just get there before he pushed her too far…
"Grr… Kagome, STOP!" Inuyasha yelled as he moved behind Kagome and went to grab her arm, not in anger but in exasperation, ready to throw in the towel and just be done with it all. Though he'd never admit it out loud, he wasn't in the mood to be without her tonight, especially with all that had happened earlier today. Besides, he truly had done wrong by her, and his heart actually lurched as he thought about the words and actions of the previous hour.
However, before he had touched her, she turned around, completely fed up and downright livid.
"Don't you dare touch me, Inuyasha!" Kagome screamed, poking his shoulder and forcing the surprised half-demon back. "I'm so sick of this! All you do is shout at me, telling me how worthless I am, how you loath my presence and company when I try to be compassionate towards you when you're down, and I'd be better off home, where you seem to think I belong! Well, Mr. I'm-Too-Good-For-Friends-Because-I-Can't-Get-Over- My-Big-Fat-Stupid-Head-And-Ego, whether you like it or not, I'm a part of this world too, and the way my grandfather talks, am part of Japanese history as well! I'm so tired of trying to be your friend, when obviously you couldn't care less if I'd go off and get eaten by a demon! As a matter of fact, I'm sure you'd be the happiest mutt in the world if that happened! Ohhh, you're such a jerk, Inuyasha! Just leave me alone! I mean, seriously, how can you expect me to be submissive after everything you just said and did to me, huh?!"
She pushed him again, this time actually making him stumble back in shock. Then, feeling herself crack, she sobbed, "You don't know what it's like, to be unloved, unwanted and unneeded by people you love, who you care about, and who you don't have a choice to be with, and the last thing I needed right now is for the one person that I thought would understand telling me that! Do you know how much you hurt my today, or even care?! Unless you need me to do something for you, you're a complete and total asshole to not only me, but to everyone else who've tried and failed to befriend you!
Inuyasha," Kagome gasped out, dramatically spreading her arms wide, "if you can honestly and completely tell me you're sorry, that you do need and want me here, then please, please, tell me now, for if you don't, I'm going home, and I don't know if I'll come back! At least there I know I'm loved, wanted, and needed!" And with that, exhausted for draining her emotions into one big outburst, Kaogme sank to the Forest's floor. She began quivering with her sobs, embracing herself with her eyes squeezed shut tight.
A hurt Inuyasha looked down at her and felt his heart lurch painfully in his chest, making him realize just how important Kagome was to him, to everyone. He couldn't breathe, for everything, everything Kagome had said was the truth, and he knew it, though only about the way he acted, not how he truly felt.
Kagome, Kagome, I do care about you! I do want you to be my friend, and so much more! I do know what it's like to be unloved, unwanted and unneeded! I do care how much I hurt you Kagome, and I'm sorry, so damned ashamed and sorry! I'm sorry, and I don't loath your company, I embrace it, love it, need it! I don't think you belong at home, because I want you here with me, always and forever, by my side and no one else's! I definitely don't want you to die, because if you ever did, I would too, for I love you Kagome, completely and hopelessly, am totally in love with you!
Inuyasha suddenly felt the unfamiliar prick of tears as he once again glanced down at her, watching as she quieted her sobs and tried to control her trembling. Kagome was silent now, and still waiting for an answer from him, and he gasped, realizing he was, in fact, in love. Inuyasha opened his mouth, to say everything he had just thought, to say what needed to be said, but no sound came out, only another gasping noise, followed by another pregnant pause.
Why can't I say it? It has to be said, especially if there's any chance at all I'm going to have a chance with her! Talk damn it, talk!
But he couldn't, for he was too ashamed at everything that had transpired between the two earlier that day. He hadn't meant to do and say that, but he had, and there was nothing to do but to say he was sorry, but that was proving to be the most difficult thing for him to do at the moment.
Taking his prolonged silence as his answer, Kagome shakily rose to her feet from her position on the floor, never taking her striking blue eyes from the floor. Not even bothering to wipe away the fugitive tears that fell, she uttered three inaudible words that only someone with excellent hearing could hear.
He froze, stock still and unbreathing.
Before Inuyasha could even try to respond to her words, she turned and ran, ran as hard and as fast as was humanly possible. She did not look behind her to see his reaction, nor did she care at the moment if he followed.
Can't breathe… can't see… Inuyasha, it hurts! Kagome thought as she stumbled a few times, one hand clutching her chest as though to rip her dying heart out. She never lost her balance, and kept going, running, running. She closed her eyes. The flow of her tears was making it impossible for her to see, and put her head down. She was breathing heavily now from both exertion and heartache.
Her heart had been shattered and spat on when Inuyasha had said nothing. Her whole being was suffering, when all he had to do was say two very simple, very easy words that her ears and heart had needed, but now, it was too late, too late. She felt as though she was a lifeless doll, made of dirt and clay, graveyard soil and bones.
I now know how you feel, Kikyo. Please, don't resent me, Kagome prayed, for loving him so. I'm suffering the same betrayal and hurt you have! These were Kagome's last thoughts in the Feudal Era as she finally, after what seems like years, reached the Well, and without a second thought jumped in.
Please review and let me know what you think; more to come soon!