"Well here we are. I know it's not much compared to what you're used to.." Roxie sighed. She nervously scratched the middle of her forehead with the very tip of one of her fingernails after parking her car in her driveway. She didn't really want to show him her house since it was hardly anything compared to his.

They were both silent on the way there, with Turbo resting his head on his arm against the passenger side window. "It's fine.." Turbo breathed. He was still fuming about his game being at risk of being unplugged. Again.. But he tried his best not to take it out on her. He would save it for the one who deserved it.

They got out of Roxie's car and went inside.

"Feel free to look around," Roxie said. She didn't really know what else to say. Turbo was understandably having a hard time. She was somewhat worried that he would break down any moment. It wasn't her game that was at stake, at least not this time, but she would be lying if she said she didn't feel an almost unhealthy amount of rage building within herself as well. I was about to live there and somebody does this to us? How dare they?! She took a few deep breaths as quietly as she could as she made her way to the living room and sat down in the middle of a greyish-blue couch. I can't let him see me pissed off like this. He's trying his damnedest to keep his cool as it is, and I don't need to screw this up for the both of us.

What the hell am I gonna do about this? Turbo firmly pressed the base of his palm on his forehead as he sat in a reclining chair that matched the couch. He tried taking deep breaths and counting in his head, but it didn't seem to do much good this time around. I ought to be out for blood. I ought to go find out who's really behind this attack.. Maybe not kill them, but definitely leave them in a sorry state long enough to teach them who's king around there, so to speak... But I'm better than that. Or at least I should be. Those destructive tendencies of mine are what caused this damn mess in the first place, probably. Who did I piss off this time? I thought I was doing alright lately.

"Don't wanna sit with me?" Roxie asked knowingly after a moment.

"It's not that I don't wanna.." Turbo admitted in a dry, almost raspy voice, "I'm just so.. tired. I don't wanna drag you down with me."

Roxie breathed. She felt the lowest then than she ever had. What the hell is wrong with me that I can't figure out how to make him feel better? Some girlfriend I am. "If you want, you can go to bed.." Damn it. I didn't mean to say it like that.

"You gonna come too?" Turbo teased, though he was still very much not in a playing mood.

"Wouldn't be the end of the world.."

"Well, I'd like that.."

"I hope you don't think I meant something else though.."

"I get get ya," Turbo chuffed, "I'm not in the mood for 'that' anyway. Please, lead the way.. Maybe when we wake up my game will be fixed and we can go home." To our home.

"You doing okay?" Sorceress asked Set softly as they wandered into the study in her castle. Of course he isn't. What a stupid question. Idiot.

"As okay as can be expected, I guess," Set shrugged despondently. "I've been trying to accept that my game will be unplugged eventually for a few weeks now.. Just in case our popularity didn't persist.." He didn't like thinking that way, but it was a real possibility. A very real possibility, all circumstances considered.

"We-" Sorceress breathed. She scrunched her face to the side a moment and slightly shook her head. Better to say it this way. I don't want to sound flippant about it. "Don't give up hope, okay?" she eased as she hugged his back, still floating behind him just a few steps beyond the doorway, "The surge protector might be able to fix it.."

"I know," Set answered as he put one of his hands over hers, "But suppose he can't.. Suppose we've got some kind of super hacker, even better than Sonny, secretly taking over games and getting them unplugged. Suppose when Litwak opens up the arcade and sees it glitching out or something and-"

"I know," Sorceress hugged him tighter, "I know.. I used to worry about my game all the time when we were first plugged in here. But it's going to be okay.." I'm sure if it's Mr. Litwak..

"Was there something wrong with your game? Or is there now?" Set asked curiously. He didn't really need another thing to worry about.

"Our console was bought secondhand from a much smaller arcade a couple of years ago," Sorceress shrugged while keeping him in her arms, "It was an okay place though.. Anyways, there was something wrong where sometimes everything would go black for minutes at a time. Rather than try to fix it, Mr. Feeny decided to sell us off.."

"That's horrible.."

"Yeah, it was.. It was like he didn't even care," Sorceress pouted, "That's why I like Mr. Litwak though. We thought the problem, whatever it was, got fixed somehow once we got here, but then it started happening again after a couple of days. Instead of selling us or throwing us out though, Mr. Litwak had the screen replaced and the problem hasn't come up since."

"That must've been stressful," Set said as he placed his other hand up on her arm. At least her game is safe now though..

"It was," Sorceress said as she rested her chin on the top of his head, "..I know it probably doesn't mean much, but even if your game does get unplugged.. You could come live here, with me.."

"That means a lot.."

"I'm glad you think so," Sorceress smiled.

"So um.. Where will I be staying, exactly?" Set asked sheepishly, "We've been up all day, and I'm kinda tired." He yawned.

"I hadn't really thought about it.. You can sleep next to me if you want. The other rooms probably have a ton of dust layered over everything." I actually said it.. Calm down. She would really rather not admit it, but she did occasionally fantasize about the two living together, sharing the same bed and everything.

"Sounds good," Set answered with a smile. His heart raced at the thought of finally being with her in the same bed, though he was still too preoccupied by the issue of his game's possible imminent unplugging to get very far ahead of himself.

Jet sat in the surge protector's chair in his office for the next few hours, silently watching the man and boy who had put their game out of order. His fingers were laced together in front of his mouth, with his arms propped up on the surge protector's desk. He was leaned forward, lost in thought. He was unsure if the pair was ever going to wake up given the way they fell unconscious before, but they eventually did.

"Do you have anything to say for yourselves?" Jet asked as he leaned back in the chair. He wished he could have gotten at least a little sleep, but he didn't think he'd have been able to get to sleep in the first place even if there wasn't the risk of them waking up before him. He wanted to appear vigilant.. hardened. He didn't want these two criminals to think they were somehow better than him. Granted in the past he effectively did the same thing to seven games, even if three of them did make it out okay. But he was different now, and that's what mattered.

Cox blinked hard as he awoke. The low, almost unnoticeable hum of the barrier that made up his cell door was the first thing he noticed.. And then there was this short, grey man talking down to him. He had never been talked down to by anyone before other than Tommy T. Gunderson, leader of Turbo Force, until then and it was quite insulting. What is this thing? He scowled before looking around at his predicament.

Torta was in an adjacent cell, also just waking up, though he was remaining quiet for the time being.

"Well?" Jet asked tiredly.

"Where's my lawyer?" Cox insisted, "I ain't saying nothing until he gets here." What the hell is going on around here? Was I abducted by aliens?

"There are no lawyers," Jet scoffed, "It would be better if you just cooperate." I dunno, actually. Are there any lawyers here? Maybe one of the Nicelanders is a lawyer?

"Why are we in here, Mr. Cox?"

"Quiet, boy. I'll get us out of this."

"You're in here because you two put my game, Turbo Time, out of order, obviously," Jet said as he got out of his seat and walked over to Torta's cell. Torta was seemingly much more willing to cooperate.

"What?! No I didn't! Honest!" Torta insisted as he shook his head, "I-I don't even know where I am."

"You're in the surge protector's office, in a holding cell." This is getting me nowhere. If we were in a game I could poke through their memories to see exactly what happened, but I'll have to wait for William on that.

"We did nothing of the sort," Cox spat.

"You were caught in the act by the surge protector himself," Jet huffed as he walked a few steps back to Cox's cell, "So don't you try to tell me you didn't do it. You were in my game's code room. No one besides the surge protector was even able to get inside our game after what you did. So stop playing dumb and just come clean."

"We ain't done nothing," Cox huffed, "What's all this 'game' and 'code room' nonsense anyhow? I wanna talk to this 'surge protector' you keep going on about."

"Oh yeah? Well he's busy trying to undo the damage you two caused right now, so it could be a while."

"Then I got nothing else to say," Cox said as he sat on the hard, metal bench in his cell. The hell is even going on?