I do not own Naruto this is a disclaimer

Characters might be OOC


Chapter Start


"What do you mean you can give me chakra?" Lee said wide eyes with his team. Naruto went to the first box and opened it up as they all came to look at what was in it. Inside the box was a forearm guard that had holes inside of the box that held metal pipes that were closed off along with a glove that had a metal square where the back of the palm would be. There was a set for front and left arms.

"This is a special armor I created. If a person used a ninjutsu such as a fireball on you, you could place this armor in front of the Jutsu and it would be absorbed into the armor and then converted into chakra that will pour itself into your chakra system." Lee's eyes widened at that. "That chakra will also convert itself to becoming your own personal chakra meaning if you used a chakra control exercise or Jutsu you would still have that amount of chakra. But it will only work on Ninjutsu. Genjutsu and so on it won't work on."

Lee nodded as he looked at the gauntlets. "Also Gai told me how you were weights so I took the liberty of adding several weights into the gauntlet. Naruto said opening the pouches showing him the metal weights. "It is currently on one hundred pounds for both arms while you wore weights on your legs your sensei told me he planned to give your arm weights and was going to set them to this weight." Naruto said as Lee was still gaping.

"How much are they?" Lee asked as Naruto spoke.

"Your sensei has already paid for them however there is one final thing I must do." Lee blinked, "In order for you to be recognized as the weapons master I will need some of your blood this is so no one can steal them if they do spikes will inject themselves out of the gauntlet piecing the user and absorbing his chakra constantly." Lee nodded to Naruto. "Now then let's get you set up.

Later Lee stood wearing both gauntlets as Naruto spoke. "These are just prototypes alright they can't absorb anything more than a B rank Jutsu. Now then if they brake or need a repair you can come to me but it won't be cheap." Naruto said as Lee nodded overjoyed at the prospect of him finally being able to use chakra. His arm bandages were now worn under the gauntlets.

"Now then why did I need to come?" Neji said as Naruto pulled out the second box.

"Please follow me," They all followed Naruto into the archery range. Naruto then opened the box as Neji blinked at what was inside. A metal ring that looked like a bracelet, "I only had time to make one of them, your sensei told me the Hyuuga rely on up close battle and don't have much distance to battle I though created this to give you an advantage. You sensei as already paid for it." Naruto said sliding the metal bracelet on Neji's wrist.

"Now then channel chakra into it and thrust your palm forward." Naruto said as Neji held out his hand channeling chakra as the bracelet seemed to start glowing red. Neji thrust his palm forward as he did a fireball came out of his hand hitting a target in the shoulder. Neji blinked at the weapon.

"The more chakra you channel the farther and bigger the fireball however once the fireball is launched it will not stop until it hits something also the fireball will always go straight." Neji nodded at Naruto he didn't think he could put any type of weapon into the Hyuuga's Taijutsu put since it worked with a palm thrust it could easily be incorporated. "I originally intended to create two for you one for each hand however I didn't have the time to." Neji nodded no doubt a weapon like this took time. He would have to talk to Haishi about this.

"Naruto-San, would you consider making more of these if the Hyuuga became interested?" Neji asked as Naruto nodded.

"It would take a while but if they paid for each of them than yes I would." Neji nodded as Gai came inside.

"Yes I see you have found the new youthful weapons!" Gai said as Naruto went to another room.

"One moment I will be back in a second." They all blinked as Naruto came out with a long box as Tenten's eyes widened. "Thank Gai he managed to pay off the rest of it for you." Gai looked at Tenten and her eyes widened.

"Yes it was the youthful thing to do for you Tenten!" Tenten grinned as Lee and Neji both looked at the box. "Though he didn't tell me what the weapon was he said you was trying to pay it off. Tenten nodded as Naruto handed her the box. She opened the box up and grinned as she opened the box. "I give you, Bururozudoragon." Neji, Lee, and Gai saw the beauty in the blade as Tenten got it and hugged it to herself she finally got it!

"Hey Gai can have the morning off to train in this weapon?" Tenten said as Gai nodded to her.

"I must show this weapon to Haishi-Sama," Neji said as Gai nodded.

"Very well then Lee me and you shall go and learn on your new weapon!" Gai said as Naruto spoke.

"Oh remember them or only the prototype the actual gauntlets should be ready in a few weeks." Naruto said the Gai and Lee nodded before vanishing. Tenten then looked at Naruto.

"Hey Naruto you want to spar after all we are supposed to try and spend the day together." Naruto blushed remembering this morning and nodded. "Ok let's go to the Dojo."


"Haishi-Sama," Neji said appearing before him as Haishi blinked then say the new bracelet but didn't think much of it.

"Yes Neji what is it I was about to go to a council meeting." Haishi said as Neji bowed.

"Forgive me for disturbing however I know that the Hyuuga style lacks range attacks however after visiting a blacksmith with my team the blacksmith created a special weapon one that can be utilized for range in the Hyuuga style Taijutsu." Haishi's eyes widened he knew that there was only one black smith the new clan the one with the Uzumaki to think he created a range weapon and for the Hyuuga's also.

"I see let us go into the training area and see this weapon at work." Neji nodded as him and Haishi walked out as Haishi stopped by a guard. "Tell the council to meet us in the training grounds." The guard nodded and left.

Haishi and Neji arrived as there was a target in the training ground asked for by Haishi. As the elders appeared, "Haishi-Sama what is the meaning of this?" One of the elders said.

"Neji Hyuuga has found a weapon crafted by the Uzumaki Blacksmith he claims it can help with range attacks for the Hyuuga clan." The elders instantly paid attention to Neji this would greatly help the Hyuuga if it proved true.

"Neji the demonstration if you please," Haishi said as Neji bowed.

"This bracelet I am wearing is the new weapon before judging please allows me to demonstrate." Neji then began to channel chakra into the bracelet as he did so the Bracelet began to glow red as Neji thrusted his palm forward, a Fireball shot out and hit the target in the leg. "I have yet to work on my aim however this weapon can easily be put into the Hyuuga Taijutsu." Neji looked around noticing the elders talking amongst each other.

"I see this is good news Neji we must discuss this alone you are free to go." Neji nodded though he felt unnerved as if something was about to happen. "Wait!" One elder said with an evil gleam.


Naruto now stood with Tenten as she held a wooden Ninjato while he held a Bokken. The now circled each other. "So then are you ready?" Naruto said as Tenten nodded. Naruto charged and slashed down as Tenten blocked the vertical slash. She then lowered the blade end making Naruto slide forward as she went to hit him with the butt end.

Naruto ducked and slashed at her feet as she flipped back. Naruto charged forward as he then slashed horizantally in a charge while Tenten slammed her wooden Ninjato down stopping the impact as Naruto then thrusted forward aiming for her stomach. Tenten spun to the left as she then swept his legs out from under him as she then got onto the Ninjato blade part resting on his neck. "I win."

Tenten smiled that was the most fun she had in a while Neji and lee never fought her with up close weapon it was mainly dodge practice. Naruto was glad he had someone to practice with as he didn't know any Kenjutsu users besides his sensei. He wasn't surprised he had lost however right now his mind was elsewhere as Tenten as straddled on top of him. He couldn't think right at the moment as Tenten blinked and then dropped the Ninjato as she noticed their position.

Naruto though went up and kissed her on the lips. Tenten's eyes widened in shock however as they kissed she felt something come over as she kissed him back. The two then couldn't help themselves any longer as Naruto pulled her closer into the kiss.


Neji was now with Gai and Lee. "Neji what happened to your youthful bracelet?" Gai said as Neji closed his eyes. "The main family decided the power does not belong in the branch family they now wish to talk to Naruto and order him to make more for the main family." Neji stated trying not to grit his teeth. Gai's demeanor suddenly darkened shocking Neji.

"Neji where is the bracelet now?"

"With Hanabi-Sama." The elders decided to give it to her claiming Hinata would be too weak for such power. Gai had understood the elders at first however now they crossed the line. They had pretty much stolen from him as he had bought the bracelet for Neji no one else. Along with that they planned to force Naruto who had given Lee the ability of Chakra where no one thought it possible. Gai would have none of it. Gai spoke in a calm manner surprising his students.

"You two stay and spare I need to do something." Gai said as he left.


"HOKAGE-SAMA!" Gai shouted out as Sarutobi was currently talking with Danzo and the other two elders Koharu and Homaru.

"Gai what is it?" Sarutobi said instantly noticing how Gai seemed mad.

"We need to talk about the Hyuuga clan." Sarutobi raised a brow at him. "I know you all forbid me from trying to learn the Juken I understand. I was forbidden from teaching Neji any Taijutsu while the clan over took his training." They all nodded this had been a hard discussion with Gai however he had eventually given up on it. "Now though there was nothing saying I could not train him in a Kenjutsu."

They all nodded to him at that one hell they never expected it while he couldn't train him in Taijutsu that didn't include Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu, or Kenjutsu. It just wouldn't be expected of him. "I spent my own money at the new blacksmith shop and me and Uzumaki-san agreed upon a weapon one that would have added him greatly." Gai said as now they were all interested.

"Not only did they take this weapon from him they gave it to Hanabi-Hyuuga someone they believed to fit it better. I have tolerated ignoring Neji's training in Taijutsu the best I could however this is over the line not only was it his weapon I paid for it myself as well as a weapon for Lee and part of weapon for Tenten while she paid the rest. This act is as if stealing from me something I never have tolerated." The Hokage nodded Gai was correct as well as Danzo did.

"We cannot act the Hyuuga clan might." Koharu tried however Sarutobi spoke.

"No this act will not go unpunished." Sarutobi said, "The Hyuuga clan may be one of our only Dojutsu however I will not tolerate this as passable when they ordered around my own shinobi they cross the line." Sarutobi said knowing he couldn't let this go.

"Hokage-Sama that is not all, they stated to Neji my student that they planned to make Naruto make more but only for the Main branch and wouldn't allow him to sell to any other." Sarutobi's expression suddenly darkened. Naruto finally had an outlet something other than pranks something he loved and they would change that. Sarutobi couldn't do much but this he could stop now.

"This must stop while the Hyuuga are a loyal and strong clan that does not mean they can do what they wish this might tear apart Naruto's creation for weapons." Sarutobi said as Danzo nodded, he was now glad he hadn't taken Naruto in after all one needs emotions for creativity most of the time.

"Let us guy first we need to make sure Naruto is alright."

"I agree however I also know we shouldn't do anything rash instead let's think this through we can always go in the morning it is late out for now we should think this through." Homaru said as Sarutobi nodded only Koharu seemed against it however she always fought for the clans though she didn't see the potential Naruto had as a clan she thought of him as a demon brat.

"Very well let us think this over you our free for now Gai, and rest assured the Hyuuga will not get away with this." Sarutobi stated as Gai nodded to the Hokage as he left.


"Haishi glad to see you here," One elder stated as Haishi raised a brow he had hated their plan with the bracelet as he didn't think of a way out of it. They had requested for him and Hanabi to come here. However when he looked around his eyes widened. Hinata was passed out on the ground with a caged bird seal across her forehead.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Haishi demanded form them. While he may not have acted like it he loved his daughters. Each of them was special to him Hinata he believed needed a firm hand as such he gave her a tutor of Kurenai the Genjutsu mistress when she was a child. Hanabi though had proceeded fine. "You gave my daughter that seal what right do you have!" Haishi demanded.

"You see we no longer see you as clan head. You did a great job however you will likely get in the way of our new plan you two will now be placed with the caged bird seal." The elders smirked however Haishi's chakra flared up. "No if you fight then we activate the seal your daughter has on her forehead." The elder said as Haishi's eyes narrowed there was truly nothing he could do.


"THEY DID WHAT!" Tenten yelled as Neji came to apologize to Naruto for what happened with the bracelet.

"Lee come with me, Tenten start up the forge, Neji go home they can't find you out here." They all blinked at him. "There is no way that I cannot act on this." Naruto said as Neji blinked. "It is going to take a while but I have a plan." Naruto said with a grin.


"Hokage-Sama!" Haishi said entering the office as Sarutobi blinked at him. "I need to talk to you, the elders, their planning a coup de tat."


Chapter End
