Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon, so don't sue me!

Rika Nonaka stared down at the entertained audience. Bottles of every imaginable alcohol were smashed onto the floor. As she felt the sweat pouring down her body she pushed herself against the glass as another piece of clothing fell to the bottom. "Shit," Rika said to herself as she swung her auburn hair in a circular motion. "What is the purpose of this anyway?" Yet she couldn't stop herself from going to see the men entertained, and knowing she would probably wake up with one of them the next day.


It had been four years exactly since the tamers had defeated the D-Reaper and came apart from their digimon partners. That day, however, had been the anniversary of the day of their success and for that, Takato, Jeri, Henry, Ryo, Kazu and Kenta joined each other to celebrate. As they all squeezed themselves in Takato's old chevy they sped off into the street, searching for a location to have fun.

"Hey dude," Kazu said as he nudged Takato in the ribs. "Where did you get that cool shirt?" It was indeed a hella cool shirt, bearing Takato's digimon parter Guilmon on the front of it. "The photocopy shop, where I work, dummie!" he replied as he hit him on the head. "Oh, yeah," Kazu said as they all laughed histerically. All except Jeri.

"Hey, Jeri," Takato said as he put a friendly arm around her. "What's the matter?"
Jeri shook her head. "Well," she began. "I mean, this is a good idea and all, but wouldn't it be so much better if we had Rika around?"
"Whatever happened to Rika, anyway?" Henry asked from the back seat. Takato shook his head. "We lost contact with her about a year after the event, you know?" he said. Kenta swallowed a deep breath. "I heard that she ran away from home!" he cried. "Somethin' like her mom found this guy, and then they never saw Rika again? Isn't that crazy?" he said with a loud laugh. He nudged Ryo in the side. "Isn't it?"

Ryo gritted his teeth. "Listen, could we all just quit talking about Rika already?" he said furiously. "It's not funny and she's gone, there's nothing we can do!"
Henry leaned over. "Well god, you don't have to bite his head off, Ryo!" he scolded. Kazu laughed from the front seat. "Oh, you're just angry because you liked Rika," he teased. Ryo could feel the sweat on his forehead. "I did not like her!" he cried. "Come on," Jeri said calmly. "Please let's not fight, this is a night for happiness."
"Jeri's right," Takato agreed. "HEY!" Kenta cried. "Takato, stop the car!"

Takato obeyed as the vehicle made a loud squealing noise. A puff of smoke polluted the air. "This place looks like fun!" Kenta exclaimed with a point to a noisy building. But Henry shook his head. "Gosh Kenta, the place looks like a dump, I'm not going," he said. He crossed his arms. "Oh, come on!" the rest of the gang protested. "The one thing I hate is when people hate something before they even know what it is!" Kazu said. Henry exhaled a sigh. "All right," he agreed. They all jumped out of the car and pushed open the doors.

"WOO HOO!" shouted a young dude as he leaped atop one of the tables. "It is getting hot in herre!" He took a sip of his bottle and then tossed it onto the floor. He was visibly drunk and at that he jumped off with a bad start and landed on his knees. "Ow, shit!" he yelled. "That fucking killed!" The crowd of other guys laughed drunkenly.

"Oh, Takato I don't like it here at all," Jeri said. She stared up at the large glassed wall. "Oh, god, Kenta you dragged us into a strip bar!" She whacked him over the head as his glasses fell to the floor. He laughed dumbly, bent over and picked them up.

Ryo glanced up at the girl at the top. True, she looked only about seventeen, but her look pierced his mind, his head began to spin, she looked horribly familar. Slowly he drew closer. And closer. And closer.
"Hey, Ryo!" Kazu called out. "Don't get too close!" With that him and Kenta burst out laughing until Henry's eyes grew stern. They shut up.

Ryo felt his eyes growing tired, he seemed mesmerized by her looks, he knew her from somewhere, he just knew it. Though he would have much preferred to see her with clothes on, he kept moving in until he would have surely smashed into the glass had he gone any further. At last it hit him. "Rika...." he whispered. "It's you....it's really you." He looked up to see her once again, but mysteriously she had disappeared. "RIKA!" he cried as he tried to run to the back. Strong hands grasped his arms. "Buddy, what the fuck you think you doin'?" the guy asked. Ryo looked up at a fat guard, he knew he didn't have a good chance against him yet his body still became uptight in fury. "Get out of my way!" he cried, and his foot landed in the spot where all guys are weakened. "OHHHHHHHH!" he cried as he pushed his legs together. "Yes," Ryo thought. He pushed him to the side and raced past him.

"Rika!" Ryo yelled. There was no presence of anybody else, still Ryo remained desperate. He pushed the door in front of him. "RIKA!!!" he cried.
"You," the auburn haired girl said as she turned around, wrapped in a towel. "As soon as I saw you, I knew I had to get tha fuck outta there."
"Rika?" Ryo said somewhat lost. "Why are you here? We all gathered tonight to celebrate the day we defeated the D-Reaper but you couldn't be there, instead this is what you do with your life?"
"Fuck my life," Rika replied. "My life is nothing, it has no purpose, I don't have much to care about now."
"Rika, how can you say that," Ryo said pitifully. "Your life isn't something to waste, and you especially I shouldn't be hearing that from, you've almost lost your's!"
"Listen, Ryo," Rika said with a tone of attitude. "If I could do you I'd ask you to stay, but you......I just can't get it on witchu, so get out of my face! Go dwell on your fucking digimon. I am no longer a tamer, nor your teammate."

"What about Renamon?" Ryo finally pushed up the courage to ask. "Do you even care about her, does she even matter?"
"No," Rika replied. "Renamon's a digimon, she lives in the digital world and I live in this one."
"Rika, what happened to make you act like this? Please, tell me, I can help you!" Ryo shouted.
Rika stepped forward. "I forgot the part where that had anything to do with your fucking business!" she screamed.
At that she'd had enough, she clenched her fist and it collided with Ryo's head. He fell to the floor.

"You're lost....." Ryo muttered painfully. "You're only seventeen and you've ruined your life."
"Yeah, and trying to change my life around will make your's shitty too. Now quit messin' with me," she said. She kicked him out of the room and slammed the door shut.

Whoa! What's happened to Rika? Why is she stripping and sexing guys for cash, what came across her to do so? Will Ryo be able to help her. Find out in chapter 2. He he....I know this really really sucks but plz reply anyway.