I Fall
Into You
Chapter 24
A Sacrifice
Of the Heart
AN: Yeah the last chapter! Whoot! Alright, please don't kill me! If you don't and there's enough review's I may just post a default chapter, an epilogue. Lol. Thank you all for all your support and wonderful reviews! You guys rock! I want to give huge shout outs to ComingAndGoingByBubble, RavenCurls, TBLewis, Fae the Queen, elphiesglinda, LifeinWatercolor, L8lzytwner and Melanie for your wonderful reviews for the last chapter. Everyone here on fanfiction, please check out these awesome authors stories! There stories are awesome and are what inspired me to join fanfiction.
Thank you again and God bless! New updates for Bro'mance and The Pearl of Oz coming soon!
The smoke slowly cleared, allowing the occupants of the small room first hand, to the chaos ignited by the hammer of the gun. A loud gasp and all fell silent. The smell of blood was pungent, filling the air and making the petite blonde's stomach to twist. Her body trembled. Slowly, her fingers loosened around the handle of the gun.
The gun slipped away, falling to the ground, a thundering crack resounds, before silence once again fills the room. Trembling, Galinda slowly backed away from the bodies, lying crumpled before her feet.
She backs away, until her body hits something hard, yet soft. Slowly, her head turns, and looking over her shoulder, stares into the enraged eyes of her husband, Fiyero, standing behind her.
"FiFi" squeaks Galinda.
Growling, Fiyero reached out, and grabbed hard onto Galinda's shoulders. Spinning her around, he shook her.
Rage filled his heart, rage for the injustice dealt upon the emerald beauty that was but an innocent bystander in this war for power and greed. Rage at his wife, his fool-hearted, wife who allowed jealousy to cloud her mind, and act in a brief flicker of madness.
"What have you done!" roars Fiyero.
"FiFi…I" starts Galinda.
"Why Galinda why! How could you! You killed an innocent! And for what! To quell the jealousy raging through your blackened heart!" roars Fiyero.
"Fiyero" starts Kythargian.
Inwardly, the Lioness couldn't fault Fiyero for being so enraged at his wife. And yet a part of her, a small part of her, understood why. For she was desperate, seeking any kind of condolence that she could get her hands on. She was lost, and frightened, at the prospect of losing the man she had fought tooth and nail, to make hers.
"You black hearted bitch!" roars Fiyero. Reaching back, Fiyero slapped Galinda hard across the face.
Instantly, Fiyero let his grip loosen around Galinda's shoulders. Coldly he watched as Galinda's body crumples to the ground in a mass of golden curls and frills of pink.
A small gasp, slipped past Galinda's quivering lips, feeling the pain pulse against her cheek. It was bruised, that much she could tell. Weakly, she forced her body on its side. Her head weakly rose, and her eyes drifted up to stare teary-eyed, at her husband, glowering down at her.
"FiFi please" pleads Galinda. Weakly, she reaches a delicate hand up towards Fiyero's fingers, resting placid by his side.
Feeling the tips of her fingers brush against his, Fiyero sneers and pulls his hand away.
"Don't you dare touch me you harlot of Darkness! You killed the woman I loved!" roars Fiyero.
In a blink of an eye, Fiyero raises his hand up across his chest, the gleam of madness sparkling within his eyes. He bent his knee, and his hand quavered, ready to swing down and slap the blonde once again.
Seeing this, Kythargian rushed to Fiyero's side. Stepping in front of him, she spread her arms out, blocking Galinda from another hit to the face; though truthfully, the Lioness had felt some piece of gratification, seeing the Prince slap the spoiled princess in the face.
"Enough!" snarls the Lioness.
"Get out of my way Kythargian" growls Fiyero.
He was so blinded by his grief, by his rage, that he could not see what was happening behind him, for as Kythargian stood between Fiyero and Galinda, Elphaba, had slowly started to stir.
"There has been enough violence and bloodshed for one night…can't we let what be come to peace and leave it at that?" asks Kythargian gently.
"She killed Fae!" roars Fiyero. Angry, he stomps his foot as he points a menacing finger down towards Galinda's quivering form.
"And beating her will not bring your precious Fae back" snaps Kythargian.
"She killed her, she took my Fae away from me" growls Fiyero darkly.
"To save us all…look" speaks Kythargian, her voice was even, though inwardly, she was fighting back her own demons.
Stepping aside, Fiyero's eyes lower to the ground. Frex lays limp on top of Elphaba's body, blood saturating his back, where the bullet had gone through, piercing his heart, and severing his lungs.
Fiyero's eyes soften, gazing at the limp, pale form of Elphaba, lying curled on the ground. Her long raven hair tumbled over her shoulders, and face, veiling her away from the others sights. One arm laid in a sickening position over Frex's back, the other laid straight out in front of her, and bent at the wrist, allowing her emerald fingers to curl slightly within the puddle of blood surrounding them.
"Fae" whispers Fiyero.
"If Galinda had not taken that shot…then Frex would have killed you all in cold blood, and taken Miss Elphaba to the ends of Oz…where no one would be able to find her…don't you see…she saved us…and her from a fate worse than death" consoles Kythargian.
Though he knew the Goat was right, he still did not want to believe it. He didn't want to think of living a life without Fae by his side, holding her tight within his arms, kissing her soft lips, making love to her in the moonlight, and birthing children born from their love.
His legs wobble, threatening to give at any moment. Stumbling back, he crashes into a nearby table. His hand reaches out and grasping onto a chair, pulls it beneath him, just before his legs buckle.
Sliding down into the chair, Fiyero rests the knobs of his elbows against his legs. Lowering his head, he allows his fingers to tangle within his blood soaked hair as the tear fall from his eyes.
Alone, he grieved for Elphaba, for Fae, for the emerald enchantress who magically appeared in his life, and was too quickly, taken out. Alone, he cried out his heartache, for the injustice wrought upon her innocent soul, for the abuse, the slavery, and the violence she endured during her short life-time.
Sniffling, Kythargian gently wiped away a stray tear from her eye. She hated that things had turned out this way, for she had hoped more than ever, that Fiyero would be able to reach Elphaba in time and save her. But alas, that was but a dream created by the fool-hearted, the weak-minded.
A gun shot knocked Kythargian from her thoughts. Timidly, she made her way over to the only window in this god-forsaken room. Leaning against the wall, she reached up and gently pulled the curtains away.
"What is it?" asks Avaric.
"The war has started…between the Wizard and the Shadows" replies Kythargian.
"The Wizard is here?" asks Avaric, shocked, his own heartache forgotten, for now. There would be plenty of time for him to grieve…later.
"Yes…it seems the Wizard has called upon the entire contingent of Gale Soldiers…the Animals…the Rebels…and of the Resistance to his aid" continues Kythargian.
"Is he winning?" asks Avaric.
"It is hard to say…casualties are heavy on either side" sighs Kythargian. Turning, she once again faces Avaric and the others. "I must go and tend to the wounded…you all stay here…a war is no place for grieving hearts"
Avaric watches, as Kythargian steps past him. Turning, he reaches a hand out towards the Lioness. Grabbing her shoulder, he forces the Lioness to stop and turn and face him once more.
"If the Wizard is close to losing the battle, then he will need every able body to rise to his cause"
"True…but you are wrought with grief over a love you could not attain" replies Kythargian, her tone was even, no emotion could be heard.
Startled Avaric steps back from the Lioness, her dark, golden eyes boring into his.
"How…how" stammers Avaric.
"I could see it in your eyes…your love for her was shimmering bright within your eyes…the heartache you hold, screams throughout the plains…I can feel your pain…and it is strong…earthshattering…you loved this girl…and she too for you" continues Kythargian.
Ashamed, Avaric lowers his gaze from the Lioness's, unable to take her scorching gaze any longer.
"I let her down…I knew my brother…my parents played an integral role in her disappearance and yet I did nothing to stop them….nor to rescue her from the horrors of life…I loved her…and yet I stood by and did nothing…what kind of a beast does that?" asks Avaric.
"One who was lost…but now found" replies Kythargian softly.
Avaric's head snaps up, his eyes stare wide into the Lioness's. He couldn't believe the words coming from the Sage's mouth, for they were wise beyond her years, and yet echoed truth that almost shattered his soul.
Bowing his head, he slowly stepped aside, allowing Kythargian to step past him. The ends of her robe billowed behind her, sweeping across the dust filled room.
Her eyes stared intensely back at Fiyero as she stepped past Frex's bleeding body. Suddenly, a hand reached out, and grasped hard onto the Lioness's ankle.
With a hard yank, Kythargian is pulled down to the floor. Crying out, Kythargian spun around, her golden eyes widen at the sight of Frex, lying on his stomach, both arms stretched above his head, the look of murder glistening within his darkened orbs.
"Were not finished here wench!" snarls Frex.
Grinding his teeth, he pulled the Lioness towards him.
"Fiyero!" cries Kythargian.
Jumping, Fiyero ran towards Kythargian's side. Reaching towards her outstretched paws, Fiyero hooks his fingers and pulls.
"Help me!" cries out Fiyero. The wounds and beatings he had received had weakened him. He simply did not have the strength he once held when he first came upon the scene.
Avaric, jerking upright, runs towards Fiyero. Falling to his knees, he reaches out and grabs hard onto Kythargian's paws.
Galinda watches, frightened as Avaric and Fiyero manage to pull Kythargian out of Frex's grip. Stumbling back the three crashes into the wall.
"Oh no" cries Galinda.
Movement catches her attention. Spinning around, Galinda watches as Frex rises weakly to his feet, Elphaba clutched tight in his arms. She hung limp in his arms, dead.
"Elphie!" screams Galinda. Reaching a hand out, Galinda's fingers barely brush against Elphaba's legs, before she is roughly pulled away by Frex.
Growling, Frex kicks Galinda in the head, before stumbling back, gun pressed against Elphaba's temple.
By this time, Fiyero, Avaric and Kythargian had jumped back on their feet, and were quickly advancing on Frex. Seeing the gun, the three stilled. Each one's muscles were tense, twitching, and itching to put this man six feet beneath the ground.
"Move out of my way!" roars Frex.
"No! Put her down!" yells Fiyero.
Laughing, Frex pulls Elphaba hard against his chest. The jolt makes her head jerk up and rest against his cheek. Smiling, he lowers his lips down and kisses her blood stained mouth.
"The little whore is coming with me!" snarls Frex. Viciously, he pushes the barrel of the gun against Elphaba's temple.
"Frex" starts Kythargian. Timidly, she takes a step towards the man, and arms raised fights to keep her voice even. "You know as well as I…that the injuries Miss Elphaba has endured will either kill her or has already…she is of no use to you either way…so why not leave her here…where her friends can bury her properly"
"You obviously don't know her as well as I" chuckles Frex. Sadistically, he racks his tongue over Elphaba's cheek, making her wince.
"She's a powerful sorceress…more powerful than Morrible could ever be. She can heal her injuries within an half hour…and live" sneers Frex.
Fiyero and Avaric hang back, unsure to what method of madness the old Lioness was pulling. They didn't want to attack Frex, not when he had Elphaba in his arms. Nor with him holding the gun to her temple. The situation was pre-carious at best, and the only solution the Prince and Margreaves had, was wait for an opportunity to present itself. He only hoped it would sooner rather than later.
Outside, the Wizard's men were falling like flies, blood covered the ground, the bodies twisted and mangled beyond recognition. Morrible's forces, along with the Shadows were quickly overpowering his defenses. If a miracle didn't happen soon, then he feared the Shadows would win, and all of Oz would plummet further into the darkness.
He needed his daughter and he needed her bad. Only her magick was strong enough to shatter the Darkness, and rid Oz of the Shadows.
"Elphaba" whispers the Wizard
The pain slowly started to fade from her mind and body, a voice echoed within the realm of her conscious. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open, dark chocolate stared absently at the world spinning around her.
Grinding her teeth, she clenched her eyes closed, forcing the pain, the nausea from her mind. Gasping, she forced her eyes open. Only then, did her mind register the feel of something cold, press against her temple.
"Well…look who decided to join out little party"
Stiffening Elphaba's eyes trailed from the gun, to stare frightened into stone cold eyes. Frex had her, the shot had failed.
Galinda stood before Frex and Elphaba, her eyes never leaving the emerald witches eyes. They were haunted, defeated almost, yet a strange sparkle, shimmered within the oceans of chocolate and gold dust.
'Fire the gun' echoed a voice in her mind.
Gasping, Galinda stumbled back, her fingers trembling against the trigger of the gun.
'Glin…please…fire the gun and end this…'
'Elphie?' echoed Galinda's voice in the vastness of space and darkness.
'Please Galinda…this will never end, until one of us is dead…fire the bullet and end this' pleads Elphaba's voice in her mind.
'I can't…I can't…I won't…kill you Elphie…not now…not when your salvation is so close!' cries Galinda.
'Galinda…trust me…fire the gun…I shall do the rest'
'Do it now!'
"Glin…no" whispers Elphaba weakly.
Her head snapped toward Elphaba. Her eyes darken, seeing Elphaba stare at her, silent pleadings, sparkled within her empty eyes.
For a second, her heart skipped a beat. Elphaba's skin was turning a sickening pale color. Her body almost seized against Frex's body, the blood from her wound, was slowing. She was dying.
Growling, Galinda stepped towards Elphaba. Raising the gun up, she fired it at Elphaba.
The gunshot rang out throughout the Manor, echoing within the Valley. Immediately, the Wizard's head snapped to attention. His eyes widened, as horror gripped his heart.
A gunshot, a gun was fired.
Frex stumbled back, his eyes wide as saucers. Galinda stood before him, an evil smirk etched on her lips.
"But…how?" stammers Frex.
"Elphie" replies Galinda.
Frex's body stiffens, as his mind wraps around the words the petite blonde had spoken. Of course, how in Oz could he have missed it? For when the gun was fired, he felt Elphaba shift beneath his grasp.
She had purposely shifted her body, so the bullet would pierce through her shoulder, and enter into his chest, killing him instantly. But what neither Elphaba, nor Galinda had counted on was Frex feeling that movement, and trying to adjust, hence allowing the bullet to rip past his chest and into his arm.
"Clever little witch aren't we" sneers Frex.
"Thank you" bows Galinda gracefully.
"It doesn't matter!" roars Frex. Angrily, he slams the gun hard against Elphaba's head, making her go limp within his arms. "She's mine and I'll be damned if I let her go now!"
"You've lost Frex…Elphaba remembers, and has learned how to control her magick" smirks Galinda.
"Even if you manage to escape…Elphaba will fight you and kill you" adds Fiyero darkly.
The Wizard fought bravely on the battlefield, swinging his massive sword, and parrying attacks made by the Orks, the demons of Darkness, and the Shadows.
He had just dodged an attack, and swinging his massive sword, ran his emerald blade through the heart of a Shadow. Glaring, he watched as the Shadow burst into plumes of black myst.
"Morrible!" roars the Wizard, as he whirls around.
His eyes fall upon the Wicked Witch, tormenting a Lion, and making its body twist and covert into gruesome positions. Hearing the Wizard's bellow, Morrible's head snaps up, a wicked sneer, slides across her face.
Flicking her wrist, the Lion is magickally hurled through the air; landing face first, into the blood soaked ground, dead; having landed on its neck, severing it.
"Why grand Wizard…come to tango?" asks Morrible, bowing before Oscar.
"You shall pay for what you've done to my daughter!" roars the Wizard.
"Oh pish posh I'd do it again…and with an evil bigger smile on my face" chortles Morrible.
"Die you miserable hag!" roars The Wizard.
Raising his sword high above his head, he brings it down, intent on severing Morrible's head from her body.
Morrible, sensing his attack, leaps to the ground, and rolls away, just as the blade slices through the air, missing her by a hair's length. Jumping to her feet, she mutters an incantation beneath her breath.
Rolling her hands in front of her, she throws her hands out as a beam of black magick shoots out towards the Wizard.
Caught off guard, the Wizard quickly raises his blood stained shield up, deflecting the blast of magick.
"Archers!" roars Oscar.
Behind him, a small contingent of archers appears, each with a bow made of quoxwood in their hands, an arrow clenched between their fingers, all aiming that the dark witches heart.
"Fire!" roars Oscar.
The arrows are released, piercing the air. Morrible makes no attempt to dodge them. Standing tall, she allows each arrow to plunge deep into her chest.
"Fire again!" roars Oscar.
Another round of arrows pierces the sky, plunging deep into the witch's body. Blood black as coal pours from the arrows, staining the shaft and the ground beneath her feet a sickening ebony color.
"Halt!" roars Oscar.
The Wizard, the Animals, and the Gale Forcers watch, as Morrible's body trembles and quakes. She stumbles, as a sickening gurgling sound escapes her lips.
This was it…this was the end of Morrible.
Pleased, Oscar starts to turn, but an icy cackle, freezes him in place. Slowly he turns. His eyes widen at the sight of Morrible standing tall, insanity flickers within her eyes.
"You think your pathetic arrows can defeat me!" roars Morrible.
Oscar watches, as Morrible clenches her claw like hands into tight fists. Her mouth closes, and her eyes narrow. A rumbling skips across the quiet battlefield.
Grinding her teeth, Morrible slowly raises her hands high above her head, and throwing her head back, screams. A sonic boom, and the arrows planted deep within her body expel outwards.
"Get down!" roars Oscar.
Throwing himself to the ground, the Wizard watches as the Animals, the Gale soldiers and even some of the minions on Morrible's side, fall to the ground dead, an arrow plunged deep within their hearts.
"Your pitiful weapons cannot destroy Us…We are all Powerful…for We are Death…We are Darkness….We are the Shadows who shall swallow this world!" roars Morrible.
"The Lord of the Shadows" whispers Oscar. Grinding his teeth, the Wizard weakly rises back on his feet. "It was you! You're the Lord of the Shadows!"
"Guilty as charged" smirks Morrible.
"My Oz" whispers Oscar.
"Say goodbye to your precious existence! For only the Light of Oz is powerful enough to eradicate me and my beautiful Shadows! Say goodbye to your beloved in the afterlife! For that is exactly where I shall be sending you!" roars Morrible.
The Wizard, and the few survivors to the carnage stand frozen, watching as Morrible's hands reach out in front of her, an energy ball slowly appears between her fingers, slowly growing bigger and bigger, and lighting up the darkness surrounding them.
"Sweet Oz" whispers Oscar.
"Move or I kill her now!" roars Frex.
Fiyero, Galinda, Avaric and Kythargian watched helplessly, as Frex pushed the end of the barrel against Elphaba's temple. His arm around her neck tightens, choking the air from her lungs.
"Let her go! Roars Fiyero.
For a moment, Fiyero and Elphaba stared into each other's eyes. A silent pleading, whispered within Fiyero's ear, pleadings to just let her go, and save themselves from the Darkness falling over Oz.
No Fae…I won't leave you in the hands of this monster!
Please Yero…it's the only way…
Unseen by Frex, Fiyero's hand slowly drops to his side. His dark sapphire eyes glare back into Frex's, as his hand swiftly moves to his back pocket.
I'm not losing you again
Slowly, his fingers delve deep into his pocket, until the meats of his thumb and pointer hit something hard, and cold. A wicked smile, slides across Fiyero's face, as he slowly pulls the object hidden within his pocket out.
Yero please run!
"I won't lose you…not now or ever" growls Fiyero.
"FiFi?" whispers Galinda.
In a blink of an eye, Fiyero raises the blade. Twisting it in his hands, he lowers it, until the tip pointed at Frex's black heart, and the serrated edge, pressed against his cheek, cutting it slightly as he held it tight within his fingers.
"Die miserable bastard!" roars Fiyero.
Elphaba and Galinda watched the scene in slow motion. Fiyero, kneeling, bent down and pushed off the ground. His eyes blazing with rage as he lurched towards Frex, intent on plunging the end of his knife, deep within Frex's heart.
A flicker of movement and Elphaba's eyes move to see Frex cock the gun, the hammer quivering as he pulls the gun away from her temple and aims it at Fiyero.
"No!" screams Elphaba.
Freeing her hands, she reaches up and grabs the gun. Grinding her teeth, she pulls at the gun. A bang and a plume of smoke blind both Elphaba and Frex's eyes.
The smoke clears, hearing what sounds like a body hitting the ground. Galinda's turns, her eyes widen. Her hands fit, and rise up to press hard against her heaving chest. Tears shimmer within her eyes; tears of heartache, of agony.
"Fi-" screams Galinda.
"Yero!" roars Elphaba.
Galinda, Avaric and Kythargian's head snap up, their eyes widen, watching as Elphaba stands rigid against Frex. Her head was tilted towards the sky, and tears of anguish sparkled within her long black lashes.
Slowly, Avaric and Kythargian slowly start to back away, seeing a strange light, start to pulse around the emerald witches trembling body. The pulsing light grows stronger with each hard beat of her heart, of her rage.
"Duck!' yells Kythargian.
Avaric and Kythargian hit the deck. Galinda throws her body over Fiyero's limp form, as the light bursts out of Elphaba's body. A sonic wave of power slices through the air, eviscerating the mansion, and leaving it mere rubble.
The Wizard, noticing the flash, watches a large discus of white power, soaring towards him. Small gossamer shimmers of emerald danced within the light.
"Elphaba" whispers the Wizard.
At this time, the Wizard had been flung back onto his back. Morrible towered over him a sword of ebony raised high, the tip aimed at his heart. Her thick foot pressed hard against his chest, preventing him from moving.
"Die you miserable bastard!" roars Morrible.
Closing his eyes the Wizard turns, just as the sonic wave of magick slams into Morrible, heart wrenching screams of agony fill the night sky. The Wizard, weakly turns on his back, and cracking an eye open, watches as Morrible's body slowly starts to disintegrate into dust. The Shadows around her crumble to ash, blown away by the torrents of the breeze.
"Game over Morrible!" snarls the Wizard.
"No! Your cursed bastard look what you've done! I'm melting melting!" shrieks Morrible. One by one a piece of Morrible turns to ash, before being torn away by the Nordic breeze. "Oh what a world what a world…who would have thought a simple-minded idiot like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness!"
The Wizard watches as piece by piece, Morrible's body is ripped away, until all that remains, is a charred skeleton.
"Oh look out! Look out!" screams Morrible's skeleton. The charred bones creak, as she points a finger towards the Wizard, "I'm going! Ohhhhahhhh!"
A hard gush of wind, and Morrible's skeleton breaks away, the remains floating on the Gale wind, before disintegrating into ebony dust, flickering, before fading beneath the silver moon.
Silence follows, the survivors of the carnage stare, frozen to the spot as the last of the Shadows disintegrates. Finally, a young man with blond hair and blue eyes rises. His eyes stare at the smoldering spot where Morrible once stood.
"Yeah!" screams the man as he raises his sword up high.
The others, following his lead, rise and raise their swords high in the air, cheering for their victory over the Shadows. Only the Wizard remains on the ground, his gaze fixated elsewhere.
Noticing, the Captain of the Guard steps up to the Wizard. Kneeling, he reaches out and grasps gently onto the Wizard's uninjured shoulder.
"Your Ozness?" asks the Captain.
"Look" is all Oscar can bring himself to say.
The Captain follows his gaze towards the burning cinders of the Governor's Mansion. There, standing in the center was Frex, with Elphaba pressed hard against his body, a gun cocked against her temple and the hammer quivering.
Galinda, Kythargian and Avaric standing a footway, pleading for him to release her.
"Should we advance?" asks the Captain.
"No. If we move now Frex could panic" replies the Wizard.
"But…your Ozness…the Princess"
I know Jackel…but what choice do we have?" asks the Wizard.
"Hope for a miracle" replies Jackel softly.
"Oz I hope" whispers Oscar.
After the blast, Frex had quickly recovered. Grabbing a hold of Elphaba, he slams her hard against his chest and cocking the hammer, presses the barrel against Elphaba's temple.
"Move or she dies!" roars Frex.
"Your defeated Frex…your minions are dead…Morrible is dead…the Shadows are gone…you've lost…just release the green girl, and you can go…I promise we will not follow" replies Avaric.
"You think me thick? The instant I turn and run you'll shoot me with your gun" snarls Frex. Angrily, he jabs the gun hard against Elphaba's skull, breaking the skin and drawing blood. "Get out of my way now!"
"Please don't! Just let her go! It's over!" pleads Galinda.
"It's not over until I say it's over…now move!" roars Frex.
Slowly, Fiyero starts to stir his long lashes flutter open, revealing dazed sapphire. Wincing, his hands reach up and press against his chest. A gasp, as his hands finger the spot where the bullet would have penetrated his body, severing his heart and sending him on a one-way ticket to Heaven.
"Fae" whispers Fiyero.
Somehow, when the hammer was cocked, and Frex's fingers pulled the trigger, Elphaba had magicked the bullet to fly off into a different direction. So instead of piercing his heart, it went through his arm.
Groaning, Fiyero rose back on his feet, much to Galinda's and Frex's shock.
"FiFi!" squeals Galinda.
"Elphaba" smiles Frex.
"This isn't over! Not by a long shot! Now move or I kill your lover!" roars Frex.
"You won't kill her…she's too important to you" seethes Fiyero.
Elphaba's eyes flicker towards Fiyero's. A tense moment of silence follows, before Elphaba pulls her gaze away. As she does, a strange tingling feeling starts to prick at Fiyero's hands.
Cringing, Fiyero starts to turn away, as he does a roar of pain fills the air. Snapping back, Fiyero watches as Elphaba runs towards him, as Frex bends over, cradling his bleeding hand in the other.
"You bitch!" snarls Frex.
Recovering, Frex rises back on his feet. Swinging his hand around, his free hand cups the handle as the other reaches up and cocks the hammer back.
The soft click of the hammer rings in Fiyero's ears. Seeing the gun pointed towards Elphaba, Fiyero raises his hand up, a gun clutched tight within his fingers. Not thinking, he cocks the hammer back, and fires.
Duel gun shots ring out through the night, Fiyero stares horrified, as Elphaba crashes into him, and her long raven hair dancing around him. Wrapping his arms around her, he steadies her. His eyes watch, as Frex slowly drops the gun in his hands, and soon after, his body crumples to the ground, dead.
"Fae" whispers Fiyero.
"Y…Yero" whispers Elphaba weakly.
Something wasn't right. He could sense it. Pulling Elphaba back, his eyes widen in horror, seeing blood drip from the corner of her lips.
"Fae!" screams Fiyero.
"It's alright Yero…I'll…be-" but she cannot finish her sentence. Her legs give beneath her. If it weren't for Fiyero holding her, she would have crashed into the ground.
Gently, Fiyero lays her down on the ground.
"Fae…Fae what-" but his words fade, once his eyes fall upon the large smear of blood, staining her skin, and pouring down her body. She had been shot, and right in her heart.
"No…no Fae!" cries Fiyero.
"Thank you…Yero" whispers Elphaba weakly.
She could feel it her life was slowly slipping through her fingers. She didn't have much longer, before Death came to claim her wretched soul.
Weakly, she laced her fingers with Fiyero's, stilling his ministrations to stunt the blood flow. Startled, Fiyero's eyes flicker up to stare anguished into Elphaba's.
Smiling, she presses a tender kiss to Fiyero's bloodstained knuckles.
"For what?" cries Fiyero. He knew what she was doing, and he hated her all the more for it.
"For…for giving me…one moment…of happiness" smiles Elphaba weakly.
At this time, the Wizard and the rest of the Gale Force, the Animals and Rebels, had made their way to the burning wreckage. All hung back, save the Wizard who timidly stepped closer to see, to touch the daughter he thought he lost years ago to the Darkness.
"Elphaba" whispers the Wizard.
Slowly, Elphaba's head sloppily turned to the right her eyes widened, and sparkled, beholding the father she thought she would never see again.
"D…daddy" whispers Elphaba softly.
"Elphaba…my precious daughter…just hold on…my physician is coming…he'll tend to your wounds…just hang on a little bit longer" pleads the Wizard. He knew it was hopeless, a wound such as this, was fatal. She was dying, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
"Daddy…I'm sorry…that…I couldn't…reach…you…in time" whispers Elphaba weakly.
"No…you have nothing to apologize for" cries the Wizard.
"Glin" whispers Elphaba.
Slowly, Galinda steps up next to Elphaba's fallen body. Falling to her knees, she stares teary-eyed down at Elphaba, the emerald witch who had turned her life upside down, who showed her the wonders the atrocities of the world, and opened her eyes to the splendid woman, she was meant to be.
Smiling, Elphaba weakly reached out and grabbed weakly onto Galinda's fingers.
"Glin" whispers Elphaba weakly.
Slowly, she turns her gaze to stare into Fiyero's. Reaching out, she gently grasps onto Fiyero's.
"Yero" whispers Elphaba.
Using the last of her strength, Elphaba pulled the two hands towards her chest. Gently, she holds out Galinda's hand to hover just above her heart, and gasping in pain, Elphaba weakly places Fiyero's hand on top of Galinda's.
"Stay" whispers Elphaba.
Both Galinda and Fiyero's eyes snap up to stare into each other's eyes. The horrors surrounding them faded away, and for a moment, a flicker of emerald sparkled within Fiyero and Galinda's eyes.
Smiling, Elphaba's eyes fluttered closed. The tips of her lashes lithely brushed against her bruised cheeks. The life within her, slipped away, and as it did, her fingers slowly fell from Galinda and Fiyero's.
Noticing, both casted their eyes down to Elphaba's lifeless form.
"No…no Fae!" cries Fiyero.
"Please Elphie…come back to me!" cries Galinda.
Gently, Fiyero scoops Elphaba's body in his arms. Cradling her against his chest, he buries his head in her raven tresses. He could almost feel the warmth of life, still resonate within her skin. But as it was, that warmth slowly started to fade away.
She was gone, Elphaba Thropp, the Wizard's daughter, the Princess of Oz, the Jewel of Oz and the Keeper of the Light, died, casting the Darkness, the Shadows from Oz, and bringing freedom to the land once more…