Title: Dating is Hell
Rating: T for mild language
Prompt: #4 - Family
Pairing: Nami/Trafalgar Law


"Oh, I knew there'd be hell to pay
But that crossed my mind a little too late,"
- What Was I Thinking/Dierks Bentley


Dating when you were a member of the Straw Hat crew was almost impossible. For the boys: one was too stupid to recognize the advances of a beautiful woman, one spouted a nosebleed whenever presented with cleavage, one slept all day, one was more interested in machinery than sex, one ran away at the first signs of danger, one was a perverted skeleton, and one was a reindeer.

For the girls, it was worse. Both were intelligent, attractive, and could hold their own in a fight, so there was no shortage of admirers flocking to the Sunny.

Only, instead of the buxom beauties they were expecting, they would be met with a towering mass of angry fur and sharp horns. Or a sudden bite from an exotic, highly poisonous plant. Or notes from a violin that grated on the nerves and made the ears bleed. Or a flying wrench.

If the man was persistent enough, then the big guns came out.

If the enraged, burning boot to the head didn't deter the suitor, than a steely, one-eyed glare and a hand resting menacingly on a sword hilt usually did the trick.

If, however, the admirer made it past the combined forces of the Pirate Hunter and Black Leg, then they were faced with the last line of defense.

One glance at the huge "x" shaped scar adorning the man's chest and the hard look in his eye made most turn tail and flee. His non-stop chattering usually did in the rest.

This was why, when a certain surgeon expressed interest in taking the Straw Hat's navigator out for a romantic night on the town, Nami had been horrified.

Law was looking at her strangely over the hand she had clamped over his mouth.

"Shhh." she hissed, glancing around the deck for any signs of movement. Even the whisper of the word "date" usually brought down fire and brimstone, so she was inwardly cringing at the possibilities that where running through her mind of what could (and possibly would) happen to the dark doctor.

Law tried to speak, couldn't, and promptly removed her hand from his face.

"Nami-ya, calm down, it's only..."

"Don't say it." she hissed. He raised an eyebrow at her.


"Do you have any idea what happens when someone says the word 'date' on this ship?" she asked.

She loved her crew, really she did. They were her family, through and through, but they were overly protective.

"There's nothing to worry about, Nami-ya." said Law, a knowing smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. The navigator blinked at him, not understanding, when the sound of a door opening behind them made her turn.

Robin appeared, saw them, and waved. Next came Usopp, Chopper, Brook and Franky, who called greetings to the Heart Pirate's captain and dispersed below decks. Zoro came after them, yawned, and trudged off to the crows nest for a nap. Luffy appeared next, hopping up to crouch on the railing. Sanji stood behind him in the doorway to the galley, glaring at Law.

"You'd better have her back by a reasonable time, shitty captain!" he called, before turning and slamming the door to the kitchen behind him. Luffy snickered, before waving at them.

"Have fun Nami, Torao!" he called, before slingshotting himself to sit on the lion's head at the front of the ship.

Nami could only gape after them, shocked at the fact that Law was still standing next to her, un-maimed.

Said man was now grinning from ear to ear, watching her expectantly. Finally, she let a slow smile of her own cross her face, before turning to the dark doctor.

"You sneaky bastard." she said. He chuckled, offering his arm. She took it, letting him lead her towards the gangplank.

"Good rule of thumb, always ask the family first." he said.



And we start out with some Law/Nami fluff.