[Talking in Norse]

[Talking regular]

Author's Note: Thank you all for the love!

Solemnly, Naruto sat on the edge of his bed staring out of his bedroom window at the vastly rising sun.

The midwife had put him on bed rest until he was suitable for the postpone wedding day, they believed him to be sick not drugged. These few weeks would be his last time as a free man sort-to-speak. Sighing Naruto rose to his feet dusting himself off and readying himself to at least get some form of breakfast.

Jiraiya said he would need plenty of it for all the exercising he would be receiving soon enough. Whatever the hell that meant.

So, he would go and get his breakfast, and put all his inhibitions aside, as he exited his room he wasn't expecting to come across the girl with rose colored hair. She was a fresh face, and yet as they made eye contact even though it was brief she appeared to be eager to leave. She brushed past him in such a hurry. Naruto wondered if there was a fire that was when he saw him Sasuke stepped into the hallway looking aloof, but something had changed.

As soon as the Viking laid eyes on him he was by Naruto's side, but his indifference seemed to ebb away entirely. He almost looked pleased to the see the golden-haired Saxon. "Will you accompany me to breakfast." Naruto was floored.

"Well, um-"

"Don't worry there's no double meaning just an honest inquiry."

"Okay." It felt strange and he wondered if he had dreamed it all.

"I was wondering if I could ask a favor of you." Once again it felt like there was buzzing in the background as he tried to wrap his head around what he had just heard. They both paused a few feet from the entrance to the dining hall. They were facing one another now.

"You and I are to be married there's no doubting that I need you to tell the midwife that you are well."

His blonde brows drawled together creating a deep crease, as he mulled over those words. He just had to ask the question that had been plaguing his mind.

"Why would you want that? And does it have something to do with that woman who passed me." Sasuke sighed but decided to explain himself it was only a day ago Iruka had approached him. Even though Newfoundland was taken with the youth. There were still other Nordic tribes that were against it. Especially one particular Nordic tribe which just so happened to belong to Sakura Hurano. She was the daughter of the leader to another part of Iceland near Newfoundland. After all, his wife, the queen, was never meant to be his queen. Sakura was intended to be his betrothed even before the pair could walk, but somewhere along the line that all changed. And now with Sakura back, Sasuke knew she was up to something though he did not really know exactly it also did not help put his mind at ease with her sneaking about.

"The sooner we have our union. The sooner she can leave this place and never return."

Why did he want her to leave so badly? "Who is she?"

Sasuke's jaw visibly clenched at that question.

"A mistake." He held a hand out to the blonde. At first, Naruto stared at the offered hand. He wondered if this was some sort of test.

"Humor me."

Cautiously, Naruto placed his hand on top of the raven-haired Viking's. He watched as pale digit curled around his own. Sasuke caught his gaze as he led him hand in hand to the dining area. Sasuke was much too hard to read but Naruto would humor him for now. They crossed the threshold together. At first, the place was lively with the sound of eating and plate chatter, which all too quickly came to an abrupt halt as Iruka and the others witness a sight no one ever saw coming. The place was quiet to the point to where Naruto could have sworn he heard a cup drop it was Jiraiya who spoke up.

"Did we miss something?" Sasuke shook his head as a response before turning to his nervous partner. "They are all staring at us." Naruto found it damn near impossible to breathe, seeing each bewildered expression watching them. "Just wait until the wedding day. You think you are uncomfortable now." Was that a jest? Naruto did not know what was worst. Sasuke's jest or everybody staring, and yet he found himself visibly relaxing. "Come now."

"I know you're hungry, it's the only time you are quiet."

"Oy, says the man who never speaks or shows any kind of emotion. I was starting to think you were mute or incapable of thought."

Gradually, the pair proceeded further into the mess hall. Sasuke thought it was best to convey his contemplation. "I think you're confusing me with a table. I'm sure with your lack of schooling and low intelligence makes it hard for you to distinguish from the two."

"Oh, it speaks? I was beginning to believe they propped a corpse on the throne. After all, it's hard for me to distinguish from the two."

Sasuke had paused between playful banter.

"So you think I'm a corpse?" Sasuke felt his pride take a harsh blow from the insult.

It did not take long for the youth to give his answer. He cocked a brow realizing he won and gave Sasuke a sharp nod. Sasuke had taken a seat at the head of the table. The blonde was already prepared to sit by his favorite group of Vikings but paused.

He made eye contact with Sasuke who glanced at the seat next to his, by the head of the table. Nevertheless, he decided to indulge the monarch after all their playful banter was growing on him. Though, he failed to notice the subtle exchange between Sasuke and Iruka. The brunette held a glass up to him before taking a drink as the raven gave him an understanding nod.

It was a few days prior when the brunette approached him in his throne room.

"I was hoping we could have a moment alone." Iruka seemed eager to get his point across.

His approach came with the delivery of the bad news. The Hurano tribe was coming to Newfoundland a family he rather not worried himself with that family. They were all pigheaded, especially Sakura. Iruka had cleared his throat pulling Sasuke from his musing.

"I wanted to address your union to Naruto-"

"Not this again 'ruka I don't have time." The Viking king had taken a seat all this good news after another was taking a toll on him mentally and physically. He was tired.

"With all due respect, hear me out for once this might help benefit you in the end." He nodded for him to continue.

"Just give him a chance he's a really bright lad. He's a lot like her you know, in more ways than one. Take it from the man who practically raised her, but you and your ego going to push him away just like you did to her. Any man would give their left arm just to have a taste of what you have. Everybody wants a second chance though it may not have come in the way you might have expected it. Take it as that and be done with it, because if you keep going the route you are. It won't be long before the kid starts to resent you. Now, that I've spoken my peace, at least try to think it over."

"Oy, your food is getting cold." That seemed to pull Sasuke from his reverie. He stared at his untouched plate of food.

"You see! How am I supposed to take that corpse comment back if you don't even try to eat?"

"Maybe, you're right." Sometimes it was hard for him to say whether he was alive or not.

"Pft. Nonsenses here how about this." The teen had leaned over his spot, reaching his hands on the Viking kings plate and started tearing and moving pieces of food to the side. "There! At least eat that small portion and I promise I'll tell the midwife I'm fine."

Obsidian colored pools gazed suspiciously at the ominous plate of food. Naruto had shredded his turkey and broke his biscuit in half. It had been a long time since he let another human being touched his food. Normally, his wife the queen would do shit like this. She would've spoon fed him if she could, and now even in death the one thing he hated the most was happening. She must have been making fun of him.

Damn it.

Alas, he grabbed a piece of shredded turkey taking a small bite. He already felt full, but he would finish his portion just to prove a point with each bite.

Naruto had stayed true to his promise, and now as the countless hours came and went so did Naruto's ever changing mood. He was fervent, nervous, and piss the hell off, which did not help Iruka at all with their preparations. Naruto had only a small amount of time to practice before the ceremony, which was at night. Unfortunately, Naruto had to remember his vows for his wedding, and he had to recite it in Norse for all to witness. Of course, he was not going to remember, no matter how much Iruka insisted on him reciting it.

"After the exchange of vows the both of you will then give one another your family swords to finalize your union-" that had been the time Naruto stopped listening. He just took to nodding automatically.


He nodded.


He nodded again.



Defeated the olive-skinned brunet exhaled, although Naruto was far from moronic. His attention span was short; this was a quirk that reminded Iruka of their late Queen. Forlornly, he shook his head, but could not contain his mirth. The youth had snorted as he glanced at the bed where his wedding attire rested.

"I can't believe Newfoundland agreed to this. I can't believe you and the others agreed to this," and just to add insult to his already injured ego he would be wearing a replica of the late Queen's wedding attire, it had lace, furs, and frills three things that horrified the youth.

"You may not understand it now, but you will. I think it's time you start getting ready."

"Sounds to me like you're avoiding the question to me," he raised a blonde brow at the man.

Iruka laughed, "You'll see." Iruka had placed a hand on the blonde's wispy hair giving it a light rub that was a mistake.

"Pfft, c'mon 'Ruka I'm not five."

Wide cobalt-colored blues gazed at the image of himself in a well-polished Scandinavian shield his wedding robes were way too loose in the chest area; Also, it did not help that he had a plunging neckline either! So, any wrong move could be a possible nip slip. The blonde watched as his face began to burn like that of a raging fire, once he realized that he was going through that awkward androgynous stage of puberty, which did not help his dire mood either.

"I look like a flat-chest girl!" He moaned, burying his face, in his open palms.

There was a soft knock followed shortly after that, on his door just before obsidian locks and a heart-shaped face peered through. It was his favorite Viking Hinata.

"Are you ready?"

Subconsciously, he rubbed the back of his neck avoiding eye contact with her, "I suppose."

She smiled at him before pulling a veil from behind her back, and gently placed it on top of Naruto's blonde crown. The veil was of a lightweight material it felt like it would blow always with the slightest of breeze.

"There, now you are ready," the attractive raven had then looped her arm through his successfully dragging him out of his room.

She leaned in closely and began to speak softly, "When you exit the lodge you're going to follow the lit path towards a clearing that's where Sasuke will be waiting for you. Don't worry you'll do fine." And just as her words of motivation ended, so did their brief walk. They made it to the front of the lodge where the doors were already pried wide open to the world outside. That's when he saw it, an endless stretch of lights leading him towards his betroth. As soon as his foot landed on the first step his body was assaulted by a gush of ice-cold air, it did not help that his wedding attire exposed part of his chest, sucking in a breath he braved the path towards the clearing. He dared not look at the many faces, of the villagers that held candles to light his way. The long stretch of road felt never ending, as he dragged his feet hoping that by the time he made it they would go away, but as soon as the clearing came into view he saw three large rocks that look like decaying pillars.

Feet don't fail me now. That's when he saw him clad in form-fitting robes, standing there, calm and cold like a jaded statue and just as their eyes met. Naruto found it hard to catch his breath. So, this was happening? And he had no place else to go. The villagers had closed around them anxiously waiting for the ceremony to commence, forcing the blonde to move in closer, Naruto jumped once as a hand was gently placed on his shoulder. It was Iruka he had handed him his family sword letting the blonde know that he was part of Iruka's household.

At first, his azure orbs stared upon the weapon placed into his open palms as tears began to well up in the pit of his eyes. So Iruka had seen him as a member of his family, this being the first time anybody had ever shown him such kindness, in a long time.

Gradually, his head dropped as each digit squeezed the blade of the sword. He did not care if it wasn't part of the ceremony the youth had lunged at the brunet startling him with a hefty hug.

Sasuke wasn't too thrilled to be standing out in the cold. Waiting for what felt a decade. He pinned the village elders with a glare that could melt steel. It was when he saw them all straightening up that he decided to turn towards the pathway. His lips parting ever-so-slightly as a pain that he hadn't felt in a long time came to the surface, and with bated breath, he silently debated with himself if this could possibly be another hallucination?

There was only so much he could take. Deliberately, he clamped his eyes shut as he dragged a hand down his face. Why were they doing this to him? Why! When he opened his eyes, Naruto was within arm's reach they made eye contact. However, this time there was no lighthearted banter between them, just awkward silence. Sasuke vaguely wondered if the blonde had the chance would he have cut him down. Vicar Gai cleared his throat before speaking, attracting their gaze.

The couple did not hear much of Vicar Gai words both were facing one another holding their family swords. The King decided to push his annoyance deep down now that they had reached some sort of accord. Plus, he did not want his temper to ruin things not now when everybody watching them like hungry vultures. It was Naruto's turn to recite his vows. He had clammed up looking just like a spooked mare. His cobalt pools gradually widening, as he tried to recall what it was he was supposed to say. He glanced up at Sasuke shaking his head.

"I can't remember-"

Now was a good was time than any to improvise, Sasuke had slid his right arm across the dip in the blonde's back drawing him nearer. He curled a slender index underneath the blonde's chin tilting his head upwards. At first, they both stood there in the cold almost like time itself was at a standstill. Their eyes connected.

The blonde's mouth opening slightly as his head remained inclined. The tip of his nose was red from the arctic breeze which brushed golden strands. Sasuke noticed no words were spoken between them. Their breaths were mixing with the frigid night air as their lips brushing against each other almost teasingly. They were at that point of no return once that threshold was crossed. He watched as blonde brows drew together as the blonde clamped his eyes shut. Sasuke took one glance at the crowd his gaze instantly meeting bloodshot emerald ones.

Swiftly, he broke the exchange leaning in until his lips joined the youth's in a soft embrace it started out chaste but slowly deepened as their lips began to move and dance across the other all the while bronze digits slowly constricted over the sharp blade of his sword he was holding, until it sliced deeply into his palm drawing blood, which made him wince into the kiss. Ultimately, he dropped the sword which clattered between their feet.

He was unsure of what to do with his bloody hands if he should touch Sasuke or not. Naruto face was set ablaze, by now his heart was pumping at an alarming rate and Naruto wasn't anticipating the kiss but as their mouths linked he felt like he couldn't breathe, and everything was spinning. The only thing keeping him standing was Sasuke's arm against his lower back.

His body was warming up to the point to where it felt like molten lava was heating his innermost core. His body was just so hot. Gingerly, the tip of their tongues skimmed across one another, compelling a shiver to go down his spine. He could not control what he was feeling he wanted more of whatever this was. He felt a pain coil deep from within, as tears streamed down his cheek. Abruptly, Naruto used his injured palms to give Sasuke a fierce shove breaking the kiss. He stumbled a few feet back.


"I'm sorry..." Without warning, the blonde had turned from Sasuke shoving his way through the crowd before running off.